Shame-Makers Of World

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Maria Starfish – Nazarite Judge

A Serial For Royal Rosamond Press


John Presco

Copyright 2024

Chapter One: Woman Nazarite Judge Against SMOW

Maria Starfish sat in the Greenroom ready to go on The Authentic Human Being Show. Two producers grilled her for an hour, trying to find out exactly – who she is! They warned her that Berkeley Bill Bolagard had a knack for going deep, and revealing the authentic core being of his guests.

As the minute hand headed for high noon, she knew this was it. No more hiding. Starfish bit her lower lip. How could anyone buy it, that she was the Time Embodiment of Queen Helena of Adiabene, and she was a Nazarite Judge in the future leading a fierce battle for the temple grounds where a new temple was being built.

“Who will believe me!” Starfish whispered softly.

“I will believe you!” said a voice in the room. Maria looked up a the monitor and saw Bill’s beaming rosy face.

“I will believe you. Just tell the truth and you’ll be fine….Just fine!”

Fifty-two seconds into the show, Bill is asking where Maria got the scars on her face.

“I was in a dog-fight with the infamous Mary-Jane Alzito, the Queen of the SMOW, and…..”

Bill’s face turned red. He stood up, and fell face down. He had a heart attack. Maria was out ofher chair, giving Mr. Bolargard artificial respiration.

“I knew this would happen…..if I told someone the truth! Who can handle it”

To be continued.

I quit working on this blog at 10:30 A.M. and got back to it a 7:00 P.M. I watched and read the breaking news about the Supreme Court rulings, and Putin putting warships ninety miles away. Then the House is honoring Trump, who SOLD his fiction to Republicans, that the election was stolen. Why do Christian believe he is a very authentic human being. This goes with Alito’s wives making threats employing Biblical fiction, and Biblical Virgins! Clarence Thomas is in the back pocket of a Bohemian Grove Nut who collects Nazi stuff. We have entered….


I can not keep up. I can not straddle this New Un-Reality. I can not finish my books, and blog at the same time. I have – UNITED MY REALITY and created…..A SUPER BIBLCAL HERO like Samson, the. NAZARITE! There were female Judges in the Bible, that governed before kings that waged a civil war with each other – that is still going on! This Civil War may be 5,689 years old and span several Time Zones. Was Eternal Life created to conduct…..ETERNAL STRIFE?

It is still hard to tell whose side Samson was on. Ditto for Starfish. Is this the case of all Nazarites?

John ‘The Nazarite’

Martha-Ann Alito Flag

via DALL-E and the deepest recesses of Martha-Ann Alito’s id

“It’s OK! It’s OK! If they come back to me, I’ll get them. I’m gonna be liberated, and I’m gonna get them.”

Alito’s wife went on about getting revenge, sounding even Trumpier than her husband. “Look at me. I’m German, from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m going to give it back to you. And there will be a way—it doesn’t have to be now—but there will be a way they will know. Don’t worry about it.”

However, Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel’s national security minister, who oversees the police, said in an interview with Army Radio that spitting at Christians was “not a criminal case” and that not everything “justifies an arrest”.

He said the incidents were “deserving of every condemnation” but urged people to “stop slandering Israel”. 

Even more disturbingly, Alito then tells Windsor: “I made a flag in my head. This is how I satisfy myself. I made a flag. It’s white and it has yellow and orange flames around it. And in the middle is the word 
Vergogna in Italian means ‘shame.’ Vergogna. V-E-R-G-O-G-N-A. Vergogna. Shame, shame, shame on you.”

Ivan – The Zulu Nazarite Prophet

Posted on February 23, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

I emailed several Oregonian newspapers and television stations informing them I am a Republican candidate for President. I have gotten no response. Why? Are they afraid of being embarrassed, or, ridiculed for responding to THE PROPHET? Perhaps – they are afraid of me? It’s safe to put Ken Babbs on the news, because he will take you to his wood pile on His Land and show you the cut wood he threw in the back of his old pick-up truck…….And all is well in The Oregonian World.

The list of gold objects donated to the Temple communicates the wealth and piety of this family. Munbaz’s donations focus on preexisting Temple objects; since Temple utensils could not themselves be made of gold, he decided to beautify them by giving them golden handles. Helena’s donations, in contrast, are of new and unusual items.

Her first gift is a golden נברשת, a term that appears nowhere else in rabbinic literature and is generally translated as candelabrum or lamp. A candelabrum outside the sanctuary could be used for decoration, or for light in the night time. The Tosefta (Yoma 2:3) suggests that it was meant to shine at sunrise, perhaps as a picante decorative feature.[17]

Particularly intriguing is her donation of the sotah tablet, i.e., a tablet upon which a copy of the curse that the priest must write out for the woman accused of adultery who is to drink the bitter waters (see Num 5:23). First, it is striking that Helena is connected to both the nazirite and the sotah, two biblical institutions that appear back to back in the book of Numbers. Second, the sotah is a uniquely female ritual, but one that is quite negative, since it is designed to test suspected adulteresses.

Although the purpose of the golden sotah tablet was to make matters simpler for the priest, who could copy the required text onto parchment without bringing out a Torah scroll, having the text of the curse carved in gold seems discordant. It is possible that the rabbis are offering a slight jab to a woman who married her own brother, but more probably, it merely reflects their attempt to paint Helena as a pious, well-meaning woman yet naively lacking a sense of what is appropriate in the Jewish Temple.

Although Josephus says nothing about donating gold to the Temple, he does emphasize how fond she is of the Temple, and it is certainly possible that the royal family did donate money. This would fit with what we learn from Josephus elsewhere, that Helena and Izates donated money to save Judeans from famine.

Josephus: Funds During the Famine

The story is set in the time Helena decides to move to Jerusalem, an act which was enthusiastically supported by her son, Izates II, king of Adiabene, who even supplies her with funds that ultimately benefited the poor:

Her arrival was very advantageous to the people of Jerusalem, for at that time the city was hard pressed by famine and many were perishing from want of money to purchase what they needed. Queen Helena sent some of her attendants to Alexandria to buy grain for large sums and others to Cyprus to bring back a cargo of dried figs. Her attendants speedily returned with these provisions which she thereupon distributed among the needy. She has thus left a very great name that will be famous forever among our whole people for her benefaction. (

Ant. 20:51-52)[18]

As Josephus himself lived through this famine (he would have been around 11), and directly benefited from Helena’s largesse, his appreciation here is likely real and personal.[19]

Josephus further claims that her son followed her lead:

When her son Izates [II] learned of the famine, he likewise sent a great sum of money to leaders of the Jerusalemites. The distribution of this fund to the needy delivered many from the extremely severe pressure of the famine. (

Ant. 20:53)

Josephus’ account has a direct parallel in rabbinic literature. Ironically, the one member of the royal family that does not appear in Josephus’ version, Monobazus II, is the hero of the rabbinic account.

Tosefta: Munbaz Saves Judea from Famine

Tosefta Peah (4:18) describes how Munbaz expended his country’s treasury to save the Judeans from famine:

מעשה במונבז המלך שעמד וביזבז אוצרותיו בשני בצרות שלחו לו(אבותיו)אחיו אבותיך גנזו אוצרות והוסיפו על של אבותם ואתה עמדת ובזבזת את כל אוצרותיך שלך ושל אבותיך אמ’ להם אבותי גנזו אוצרו’ למטה ואני גנזתי למעלה שנ’ אמת מארץ תצמח…

It is related that King Munbaz got up and spent his entire treasury to assist [the Judeans] during years of famine. His kinsmen sent him a message: “Your fathers stored treasure and added to those of their ancestors, but you have got up and spent all of your treasury and that of your ancestors!” He said to them: “My fathers stored their treasure below, but I stored my treasure above, as it says (Ps 85:12), “truth springs up from the ground”…

The text continues in this vein, with Munbaz offering five more derashot about how his spending money on feeding the starving Jews is a better investment than stockpiling treasure.[20] Here again, Munbaz is painted in the light of truly pious man, and one whose loyalty is more with Judah than with his own nation. Moreover, Munbaz is the consummate rabbi, able to support his act with multiple midrashim on biblical verses.

Although the Rabbis bring up the same claim we find in Josephus, they not only conflate Izates II with Monobazus II, but forget entirely that the impetus for this amazing relief work was their mother, Helena.

Part Three

The Circumcision of Izates and Munbaz

Midrash Genesis Rabbah, which was compiled in the mid first millennium C.E., tells a story about Izates and Munbaz, whom it knows to be brothers, but who are described not as Adiabenites but as Egyptian Greeks from the Ptolemaic dynasty (46:10):

וּנְמַלְתֶּם אֵת בְּשַׂר עָרְלַתְכֶם – כְּנוֹמִי הִיא תְּלוּיָה בַּגּוּף,וּמַעֲשֶׂה בְּמֻנְבַּז הַמֶּלֶךְ וּבְזָוָטוּס בָּנָיושֶׁלתַּלְמַי הַמֶּלֶךְ שֶׁהָיוּ יוֹשְׁבִין וְקוֹרִין בְּסֵפֶר בְּרֵאשִׁית,כֵּיוָן שֶׁהִגִּיעוּ לַפָּסוּק הַזֶּה וּנְמַלְתֶּם אֶת בְּשַׂר עָרְלַתְכֶם,הָפַךְ זֶה פָּנָיו לַכֹּתֶל וְהִתְחִיל בּוֹכֶה וְזֶה הָפַךְ פָּנָיו לַכֹּתֶל וְהִתְחִיל בּוֹכֶה,הָלְכוּ שְׁנֵיהֶם וְנִמּוֹלוּ,

“And circumcise the flesh of your foreskin” (Gen 17:1): [The foreskin] hangs on the body like a sore (

nomi). It happened that king Munbaz and Zawatus (=Izates), 

the sons of King Ptolemy, were sitting and reading the book of Genesis. When they came to this verse, “and circumcise the flesh of your foreskin,” one turned his face to the wall and began to cry, and the other turned his face to the wall and [also] began to cry.[21] Then each of them went and had himself circumcised [without the other knowing].

לְאַחַר יָמִים הָיוּ יוֹשְׁבִין וְקוֹרִין בְּסֵפֶר בְּרֵאשִׁית כֵּיוָן שֶׁהִגִּיעוּ לַפָּסוּק הַזֶּה וּנְמַלְתֶּם אֶת בְּשַׂר עָרְלַתְכֶם,אָמַר אֶחָד לַחֲבֵרוֹ אִי לְךָ אָחִי,אֲמַר לֵיהּ אַתְּ אִי לְךָ,לִי לֹא אוֹי,גִּלּוּ אֶת הַדָּבָר זֶה לָזֶּה,כֵּיוָן שֶׁהִרְגִּישָׁה בָּהֶן אִמָּן הָלְכָה וְאָמְרָה לַאֲבִיהֶן בָּנֶיךָ עָלְתָה נוּמָא בִּבְשָׂרָן,וְגָזַר הָרוֹפֵא שֶׁיִּמּוֹלוּ,אָמַר לָהּ יִמּוֹלוּ.

Days later, they were sitting and reading the Book of Genesis; and when they came to the verse, “and circumcise the flesh of your foreskin,” one said to the other, “woe to you, brother,” and the other said, “woe to you, my brother, but not to me.” They then told one another [that they were circumcised.] When their mother found out, she went and told their father, “A sore has broken out on [our sons’] flesh and the doctor has ordered circumcision.” [The father] said, “they can be circumcised.”

Perhaps, being unfamiliar with the backstory of the Adiabene Jewish Kings other than that they were brothers and foreigners who converted to Judaism, the midrash picks the foreign king who commissioned the translation of the Torah into Greek as their father—the rabbis seem to know of only one Ptolemy—thereby explaining why the sons of a foreign king were reading the Torah.[22]

Putting aside the confusion about their origin, this midrash reflects a reception of the controversy about Izates II’s conversion and circumcision, which Josephus narrates at length, beginning with Izates II’s travels at a young age.[23]

The Youth of Prince Izates

Izates II was the second son of King Monobazus I (ca. 20s – ca, 33/34, C.E.) and his sister-wife Helena. Izates II was his father’s favorite and heir to the throne. To ensure no harm came to him from his many older half-brothers, Monobazus I sent his son to live in Characene, a province of Parthia south of Adiabene inhabited by an Arabic people called the Messenians, and which sat upon the lower Tigris and the Shatt al-Arab rivers.

As the son of the king of Adiabene, Izates lived as a guest of King Abinergaos (ca. 10-23 C.E.), in Charecene’s capital, Charax-Spasini[24] (perhaps modern day Tell Naysan), an important port city on the Shatt al-Arab River, near the Persian Gulf. He was soon married to the king’s daughter, a woman named Symachos.

Izates Meets Ananias

It was through the women of King Abinergaos’ family that Izates II first came in contact with Judaism:

Now during the time when Izates resided at Charax Spasini, a certain Jewish merchant named Ananias (Hebrewחנניה) visited the king’s wives and taught them to worship God after the manner of the Jewish tradition. It was through their agency that he was brought to the notice of Izates [II], whom he similarly won over with the co-operation of the women. (

Ant. 20:34)

At this point, Izates II had not yet formally converted, but was certainly in the Jewish orbit. But just as Izates II had turned to the Jewish faith after meeting Ananias, so had his mother, who, as Josephus writes, “had likewise been instructed by another Jew and had been brought over to their laws….” Thus, when Izates II arrived back in Adiabene in ca. 34 C.E. to assume the throne,[25] and he “learned that his mother was very much pleased with the Jewish religion, he was zealous to convert to it himself.”

According to this, Helena had formally converted whereas Izates II had not. The reason for this was likely because Izates II, being a man, would need to be circumcised.[26] But this, in Izates II’s view, was not really an obstacle, “since he considered that he would not be genuinely a Jew unless he was circumcised, he was ready to act accordingly” (Ant. 20:38).

Helena Objects

Despite having converted to Judaism, and despite her support of Izates II’s commitment to Jewish faith, Helena did not want her son to go through with the circumcision:

When his mother learned of his intention, however, she tried to stop him by telling him that it was a dangerous move. For, she said, he was a king; and if his subjects should discover that he was devoted to rites that were strange and foreign to themselves, it would produce much disaffection and they would not tolerate the rule of a Jew over them. Besides this advice she tried by every other means to hold him back. He, in turn, reported her arguments to Ananias. (

Ant. 20:39-40)

Apparently, Izates II was either hiding his interest in Judaism, or, more likely, worship of the Jewish god would not per se be considered a betrayal by his polytheistic subjects, since they worship multiple gods. Circumcision, however, would mean that Izates II was following the Jewish religion exclusively and abandoning the local gods, which would be considered insulting by his subjects. Helena’s attitude therefore seems more practical and less zealous than that of Izates, who turned to his Jewish mentor for support.

Ananias Objects

Surprisingly Ananias, the man who brought Izates to Judaism and who had returned with him to Adiabene, supported Helena:

The latter expressed agreement with the king’s mother and actually threatened that if he should be unable to persuade Izates, he would abandon him and leave the land. For he said that he was afraid that if the matter became universally known, he (Ananias) would be punished, in all likelihood, as personally responsible because he had instructed the king in unseemly practices. The king could, he said, worship God even without being circumcised if indeed he had fully decided to be a devoted adherent of Judaism, for it was this that counted more than circumcision. He told him, furthermore, that God Himself would pardon him if, constrained thus by necessity and by fear of his subjects, he failed to perform this rite. (

Ant. 20:40-42)

Louis Feldman (Loeb Classics, ad loc.) suggests that Ananias is not making a legal argument that circumcision is unnecessary, but that Izates can exempt himself from it because doing it would endanger his life, invoking what later became the rabbinic principle of וחי בהם (“live by them”), according to which it is permitted to violate almost any law to save one’s life.

§ The mishna continues: Queen Helene, his mother, fashioned a decorative gold chandelier above the entrance of the Sanctuary. It was taught in a mishna: When the sun rose, sparks of light would emanate from the chandelier, which was polished, and everyone knew that the time to recite Shema had arrived. The ideal time to recite Shema is at the moment of sunrise.

Since the mishna mentions an item designed to enhance the Temple service, it also lists other such items: The High Priest ben Katin made twelve spigots for the basin so that several priests could sanctify their hands and feet at once, as previously the basin had only two. He also made a machine [mukheni] for sinking the basin into flowing water during the night so that its water would not be disqualified by remaining overnight. Had the water remained in the basin overnight, it would have been necessary to pour it out the following morning. By immersing the basin in flowing water, the water inside remained fit for use the next morning.

King Munbaz would contribute the funds required to make the handles of all the Yom Kippur vessels of gold. Queen Helene, his mother, fashioned a decorative gold chandelier above the entrance of the Sanctuary. She also fashioned a golden tablet [tavla] on which the Torah portion relating to sota was written. The tablet could be utilized to copy this Torah portion, so that a Torah scroll need not be taken out for that purpose.

Nazarite Lamp of Helena

Posted on March 28, 2016 by Royal Rosamond Press

Martha-Ann Alito Flag

via DALL-E and the deepest recesses of Martha-Ann Alito’s id



Dawn of The Russian Blue Drone

Posted on March 15, 2024 by Royal Rosamond Press

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is sta2-1.jpg

The Royal Janitor


John Presco

Copyright 2024

“Nothing lasts forever, but a Great Betrayal.” said starfish on the other side of the safe door made of one inch stainless steer. “Take the betrayal of Netanyahu and the President of the United States. He and his Rabid War Zionists are counting on Donald Trump being reelected, and Israel can change U.S. Presidents like a pair of shoes – tennis shoes! They think they got the Christian Nationalists in their back pocket. Of course they want to see Donald installed as King of America. But they didn’t count on a million drones, and other war robots, that are being built inside Russia by the descendants of Kiev Royalty.”

Reproductive rights organizations respond to Supreme Court ruling

From CNN’s John Fritze, Dan Berman and Antoinette Radford

Reproductive rights groups across the US are responding to the Supreme Court’s decision to throw out a challenge to how mifepristone is accessed.

Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights said she felt “both relief and anger about this decision.” She said she was glad the decision had been rejected, but did not believe it should have made it to the Supreme Court in the first place.

Jennifer Dalvendirector of the American Civil Liberties Union Reproductive Freedom Project warned that while today seemed like a victory for reproductive rights, “we know that this is far from the end of the line.” Dalven said other politicians were prepared to pose challenges to abortion rights in the US.

Meanwhile, Danco, the manufacturer of mifepristone, said it was pleased with the outcome of today’s ruling, which “safeguards access to a drug that has decades of safe and effective use.” The manufacturer said it remained committed to providing safe access to abortion across the US.

This post will continue to be updated as more reactions are released.

6 min ago

Meanwhile, Trump is meeting with House Republicans and cautioning them not to go too far on abortion

From CNN’s Melanie Zanona, Kit Maher and Manu Raju

While the Supreme Court maintained access to the abortion pill mifepristone in an unanimous decision Thursday morning, former President Donald Trump is holding a meeting with the House Republican Conference.

Trump cautioned House Republicans to not go too far on abortion, advocating for exceptions, according to a member.

In a low voice, Trump advised Republicans to not be afraid of the issue, per sources in room, and that Democrats are the extreme ones on the abortion debate.

According to members in the room, he also talked about how Roe v. Wade finally put the decision to the states as they always wanted. According to a second source in the meeting, Trump told Republicans to follow their convictions but to be smart on how they talk about abortion in the campaign. He added that he believes it’s an issue that should be left to the states, per the source.

Join The Church of the Eastern Star

Posted on December 25, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Destruction Temple

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir attends a National Security Committee meeting at the Knesset, November 20, 2023. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Tuesday threatened to break apart the government if Israel does not restart its war with Hamas, currently on a negotiated pause.

“Stopping the war = breaking apart the government,” he said in a statement.

Israel: Spitting on Christians in Jerusalem ‘not criminal’, says Ben Gvir

Pope Francis is reportedly ‘furious’ amid a spike in anti-Christian attacks by Israelis this week

Orthodox Christians gather with lit candles during the Holy Fire ceremony at the Holy Sepulchre church in Jerusalem's Old City on 15 April 2023 (AFP)

Orthodox Christians at the Holy Fire ceremony at the Holy Sepulchre church in Jerusalem’s Old City on 15 April 2023 (AFP)

By MEE staff

Published date: 4 October 2023 12:58 BST | Last update: 2 months 2 weeks ago

Israelis were spotted spitting in the direction of Christians in occupied East Jerusalem again on Wednesday, days after similar attacks, defended by the national security minister as “not criminal”, led to widespread condemnation. 

According to Al Araby TV, the latest incidents targeted Christian clergy in the Old City, where thousands of Israelis are participating in marches marking the week-long Sukkot holiday.

Israeli police said it has detained at least four people involved in the spitting incidents. A fifth person was detained for suspected spitting at Christians on Monday.

However, Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel’s national security minister, who oversees the police, said in an interview with Army Radio that spitting at Christians was “not a criminal case” and that not everything “justifies an arrest”.

He said the incidents were “deserving of every condemnation” but urged people to “stop slandering Israel”. 

I Am The Head of German World Art

Posted on December 8, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Prelude to The World Holy Word War

Posted on October 7, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Nazarite Queen

Posted on December 22, 2011 by Royal Rosamond Press

Helena, Queen of Adiabene, took the Nazarite Vow, was a Nazarite for fourteen years. When her remains were found and taken to France, devout Jews objected and asked Moses Montefiore to intervene. The sarcophagus of this devout Nazarite was in the Louvre for many years, and was returned to Israel for a show.

Joaquin Miller made a pyramid to Moses Montefiore on his property overlooking Oakland and San Francisco Bay. In his book ‘Building City Beautiful’ he honors Moses’ attempt to build tows near Jerusalem for a Return of the Jews to Zion.

Helena’s son were also converts to Judaism and started the war with Rome in 68 B.C. The Parthians that had ruled, may have taken the side of the Jews in this battle. Helena’s tomb had three pyramids over it, and a stone that rolled away with hydraulics.

“These were my thoughts upon visiting the park located off Joaquin Miller Drive, a park which bears Miller’s name, which includes his “Frémont Ranch,” and which contains seven monuments left by the Poet of the Sierras.”

Jon the Nazarite

She was queen of Adiabene and wife of Monobaz I. With her husband she was the mother of Izates II and Monobaz II. She died about 56 CE. Her name and the fact that she was her husband’s sister [1] indicate a Hellenistic origin. Helena became a convert to Judaism about the year 30 CE.

by Avi Abrams

May 12, 2024

10 min read


How Queen Helena saved the people of Jerusalem and beautified the Temple. Long live the queen who converted to Judaism.

You might have heard of Queen Helena, the mother of Constantine, who had a significant influence on introducing Christianity to the Roman Empire in the 4th century. But around 300 years earlier, there was another Queen Helena who had a significant influence on introducing Judaism to a long lost kingdom by the name of Adiabene.

Adiabene was a semi-independent country located in what is now the Kurdish regions of northern Iraq. It ruled the area during the Greco-Roman period and was often a vassal state caught between the competing powers of Persia in the east and Rome in the west. It ruled over Nineveh (the city visited by the prophet Jonah centuries earlier) and its capital was called Arbela (modern day Erbil, the most populous city in today’s Iraqi Kurdistan).AishNBA’s Top 3 Fatherhood MomentsRead More


During the early first century, Monbaz I ruled Adiabene along with several wives, one of whom was Queen Helena. Although Monbaz had older children from his other wives, the preferred heir to the throne was one of Helena’s sons, namely Izates II. When the half-brothers of Izates learned that he was in fact the designated crown price, Helena feared for his safety and sent him southwards to the Arab kingdom of Characene (today located in southern Iraq near the Persian Gulf), which was allied with Adiabene at the time. It was there, in the capital of Charax-Spasinu that he was taken in by King Abinergaos and married his daughter, a woman named Symachos.

Jewish communities had flourished in the neighboring lands of Babylonia and Persia for centuries by this point (their ancestors having been deported there from ancient Israel by Nebuchadnezzar in the aftermath of the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE). Situated at the intersection of international trade routes, the people of Characene would have been frequently exposed to Jewish merchants and pilgrims travelling through their territory on their way to or returning from Jerusalem. One of these merchants was a Jewish sage by the name of Hananiah (also known by his Greek name Ananias). While visiting the royal palace in Charax-Spasinu, he came into contact with Izates. Inspired by the faith and wisdom of the Jewish religion, Hananiah became his new mentor.

Meanwhile, back in Adiabene, Queen Helena came into contact with a Jewish sage of her own, Rabbi Eleazar from the Galilee. She too developed a strong affinity for Judaism and learned Jewish teachings from the great rabbi on a regular basis. Following the death of King Monbaz, Izates was called back from Characene to rule over his people in Adiabene.

After accepting the throne and exiling his jealous half brothers from the country, Izates, his mother Queen Helena, and her other son Monbaz II embarked on a full Jewish conversion under the guidance of Rabbi Hananiah and Rabbi Eleazar of Galilee. The royal family of Adiabene converted to Judaism around 30 CE, but for the most part, kept it a private matter.

By 39 CE, rumors circulated in neighboring kingdoms about the conversion to Judaism of King Izates. This was greatly resented by Abias, king of the Arabs in the south, as well as the Parthians in the east, who declared war on Adiabene. While Izates led his army out of Adiabene to confront the various military threats, Queen Helena made a vow that if her son would return safe from the battlefront, she would become a Nazarite for 7 years.

Upon his return, she did just that, which meant abstaining from wine, not cutting her hair, and having no physical contact with a grave or corpse. The Nazarite law, as stipulated in the Bible, requires the person who took the vow to bring a sacrifice to the Temple in Jerusalem at the conclusion of the oath period. In 46 CE, at the end of the seven-year commitment, Helena embarked on her first trip to Israel (known at the time as Judea).

Arriving to the Temple and explaining her story to the Jewish scholars of Jerusalem (the House of Hillel), her sacrifice could not be accepted. It was explained to her that any Nazarite vow could only be fulfilled while in the Land of Israel. Being a pious convert, Queen Helena took upon herself to fulfill the conditions of the oath and become a Nazarite again for an additional seven-year period, but this time in the Jewish homeland. What started out as a short visit to Israel turned into a nine-year adventure (she stayed on for an additional two years after her vow expired). They were the most intellectually stimulating years of Helena’s life.

After settling into Jerusalem, it became apparent that something wasn’t right. The city had been hit hard by famine and the people of Jerusalem lacked funds to import food from afar. Every day, people were perishing in the streets from malnutrition. This was no joke. For years, Helena was benefitting from the wisdom and inspiration of Judaism. Now was Helena’s opportunity to give back to the Jewish people. She took the initiative and sent a team of her servants to Alexandria, Egypt to purchase grain and another team to Cyprus to purchase dried figs and personally imported the cargo on her own expense. She had the supplies distributed to all the poor families of Jerusalem and saved the city from starvation. Her reputation rapidly grew and she became a beloved celebrity in the holy city.

Digging outside the Old City of Jerusalem, Queen Helena’s Palace

Now that she took care of the people, it was time to take care of herself as well. Being a queen of course, renting a flat just wouldn’t do. Josephus Flavius (aka Yosef ben Matityahu), the famous Jewish historian who also lived in Jerusalem during this time period, described the magnificent palace that Helena built for herself just south of the Temple Mount in a neighborhood of Jerusalem known as “the Lower City”. It had that name because it was on a lower elevation of the city (bottom of the hill), but also because it was where the lower classes lived, the poor of the city, lower income people, and the homeless.

Of course Queen Helena could have built her palace in the Upper City, amongst the elites and near the grand palace of King Herod. But she chose to create an open house, using her wealth to provide the poor of Jerusalem with free meals, especially on the Sabbath and festivals.

In 2007, during excavations of the Givati parking lot outside the City of David (not far from the Western Wall), archaeologists uncovered the palace of Queen Helena. Two floors could be identified along a wall 46-feet long and 16-feet tall. It also included ritual baths, pottery, frescoes, storage rooms, hallways, living quarters, and coins dated to the mid-1st century.

A large structure dated to the end of the Second Temple period (first century C.E.) may well be the palace of Queen Helena of Adiabene.

Helena’s contributions were not limited to the poor. Her donations included unique gifts to the Temple in Jerusalem. The most famous example was a gigantic shiny golden candelabra that was hung from the ceiling at the entrance to the sanctuary. Since the entrance to the Temple faced the east, when the sun would rise over the Mount of Olives, it would reflect off the golden candelabra and people would immediately know it was time to say the Shema prayer without having to turn backwards. Without the candelabra, people would need to turn their backs to the Temple in order to gaze at the sun, which to an outside observer may be misconstrued as an idolatrous practice since sunworshippers were common at that time.

It’s for this reason that even today, many synagogues around the world have a hanging candelabra, in honor of Helena. Other donations included a gold tablet inscribed with the Biblical law for suspected adulterers as well as gold handles that were attached to various vessels used in the Temple’s Yom Kippur rituals.

In 55 C.E. after spending 9 years in Jerusalem, Helena was called back to Adiabene to attend the funeral of her son Izates II, who unexpectedly passed away at the age of 55 after ruling his kingdom for 24 years. Helena, who was in her 70s by this point, was grief stricken and she passed away shortly after her arrival in Adiabene. Monbaz II, the other son who converted to Judaism now took the throne. He ordered the remains of his mother and brother to be buried outside Jerusalem in a tomb that Helena had earlier constructed for the royal family prior to her death. In those days, it was customary for kings and queens to build their own tombs during their lifetimes that would usually house both their remains and that of their offspring.

Tombs of the Kings

The classical rock cut tomb included a triple pyramid rooftop, which was probably meant for Helena and her two sons, Izates II and Monbaz II. Tombs with pyramid rooftops were common among Jewish kings and high priests towards the end of the Second Temple period and are still visible today in the surroundings of Jerusalem’s old city. Josephus, who lived in Jerusalem at the same time as Helena, described the location of her tomb as being “three furlong from the city”, which in today’s terminology means around half a mile.

In 1863, French archaeologist Louis Félicien de Saulcy conducted an excavation at a monument known as “Tomb of the Kings” located about half a mile north of Jerusalem’s old city walls. It was traditionally believed to be an ancient tomb for the Biblical kings of Judah, but research at the site in fact dated it to the first century, the time period of Helena, hundreds of years after the Biblical kings. Five sarcophagi were discovered there including one, which reads in Aramaic “Tzara Malchata – צרה מלכתא”, meaning “our mistress the queen”.

Sarcophagus of Helene, Queen of Adiabene, from a collection at the Louvre Museum. Image via WIkimedia Commons.

Inside was found a body covered in a gold embroidered shroud. De Saulcy managed to smuggle the sarcophagus out of the country and shipped it to Paris where it remains today on display in the Louvre Museum. The tomb was acquired by the French government in 1886. Through negotiations with the State of Israel, the tomb site has been open to tourism on a limited basis since 2019.

Queen Helena saw the Temple and ancient Jerusalem at the height of its glory just 15 years before its destruction by the Romans. Her acts of piety are mentioned in the Talmud and the discovery of her tomb serves as an eternal edifice for her memory. Long live the queen who converted to Judaism!

Disney, Griner, Starfish

Posted on December 8, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Brittney Griner Instagram 2 Brittney Griner and Cherelle Griner Relationship Timeline

I have written to Governor Kotek about bringing Disney to Oregon – as well as Ian Fleming and James Bond! Here is a exert from ‘The Royal Janitor’

“Putin’ s men took Starfish and Victoria to a special prison, where a hologram of the Russian leader introduced our BAD agents to foreign prisoners. One was a giant of a woman that played basketball. Miriam told this forlorn woman that she was an athlete, an amazing hurdler – who has never competed!

Last night I discovered a old friend has become a transvestite, and changed his name.

John Presco

“We ran in a grove of trees felled in a windstorm. Ivan competed at Hayward field in Eugene Oregon.”

Brittney Griner Inks Deal With Disney, ESPN Over Scripted Series

Matt Young

Thu, December 7, 2023 at 10:47 PM PST·1 min read

Lucas Peltier-USA Today Sports via Reuters
Lucas Peltier-USA Today Sports via Reuter

WNBA All-Star Brittney Griner will team up with Disney, handing them the exclusive rights to her story after she was held in a Russian prison in 2022 on drug smuggling charges. According to Variety, Disney has acquired the rights to a documentary feature that will air via ESPN Films, along with a scripted series through ABC Signature and an exclusive interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts. Griner’s wife, Cherelle, will lead the projects as executive director. 


“We are honored that Brittney has entrusted us to share her story of hope, faith and determination across our platforms,” said Debra OConnell, president, Networks and Television Business Operations, Disney Entertainment. “Her unwavering perseverance that helped shape her as an athlete has now influenced her leadership as a human rights advocate.”

Right-wing author Dinesh D’Souza used the conviction to defend Jan. 6 insurrectionists who tried to overthrow the U.S. government. “It seems like the Russians are doing to Griner what the Biden administration is doing to non-violent January 6 protesters,” D’Souza wrote. “Hard for us to feign indignation when the same thing is going on here!”

Brittney GrinerEvan Millstein

A year after WNBA star Brittney Griner was released from a Russian prison, she has signed a sweeping deal with Disney.

The basketball star has signed up to tell her story in a documentary feature from ESPN Films and a scripted series in development with ABC Signature as well as her first exclusive interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts.

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The projects will be exec produced by Brittney’s wife Cherelle Griner as well as her longtime manager Lindsay Kagawa, who is EVP Talent, Wasserman and The Collective, and Brillstein’s Co-CEO Jon Liebman.

It marks a partnership between Brillstein and Wasserman, which serves as the production company, that started nearly a year before the latter acquired the former in a massive deal in the representation space. That deal gave Wasserman access to Brillstein’s expertise in the entertainment space and gave Brillstein access to Wasserman clients. This Griner deal, which started with plans for the documentary, is the first major partnership between these two companies and there are plans for further deals down the line.

 “The last two years have been the most harrowing, transformative and illuminating period of my life, and I am grateful to be in a place now to share my story with the world,” said Brittney Griner. “I’m proud to partner with ESPN and Disney to share this very personal story because of its incredible potential to inspire hope around the world and their proven ability to do just that.”

The documentary will chronicle Griner’s story of how, in February 2022, while returning to her Russian team, UMMC Ekaterinburg, during the WNBA off-season, she was arrested at a Moscow airport for cannabis possession and later sentenced to nine years in prison. Despite outcries from the international sporting community and designation by the U.S. government as wrongfully detained, Griner was held under harsh conditions and prevented from speaking with her family for nearly a year. From the circumstances that led to her playing outside the U.S. despite being one of the best players in the sport to her detainment and the determination to secure her freedom, as well as her subsequent advocacy for the release of other wrongful detainees, the documentary will feature exclusive footage, recordings and letters to and from Griner during her time in prison.

Griner is also a two-time Olympic gold medalist with the U.S. women’s national team, leading the team to victory at the Rio Olympics in 2016 and the team also won in 2021 in Tokyo. She is a six-time WNBA All-Star and was selected as the first overall pick in the 2013 draft by the Phoenix Mercury, with whom she won the 2014 Championship.

Griner’s life will also be developed for a limited series from ABC Signature. 

“Throughout BG’s detainment and in the time since, ESPN, ABC and Disney were supportive and caring in regards to the human side of this saga,” said Cherelle Griner. “Love and family were at the center of the fight to get BG home, and with that in mind, there is no better, more trusted partner to tell that story with us.”


 “BG is a hero – across sport, culture and humanity. We are privileged to serve as a part of her life’s storytelling journey, and to partner with her and Cherelle to bring Brittney’s legacy to audiences worldwide. Through Disney, ABC and ESPN’s, global wide-ranging TV and film platform, Brittney’s story can be realized and experienced both creatively and realistically,” added Colas and Liebman. 

“Brittney is an exceptional athlete whose hardship and resilience are nothing short of extraordinary,” said Burke Magnus, president, Content, ESPN. “We are thrilled to be working with her to tell the nuances of her story and feel confident that this documentary will captivate audiences everywhere.”

“We are honored that Brittney has entrusted us to share her story of hope, faith and determination across our platforms,” said Debra OConnell, president, Networks and Television Business Operations, Disney Entertainment. “Her unwavering perseverance that helped shape her as an athlete has now influenced her leadership as a human rights advocate.”

Conservatives Side With Killer Kirill Against Griner

Posted on August 5, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

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Brittney Griner has won three gold medals and compiled a 34-2 record in a USA Basketball jersey.

I told you so! Do a million evangelicals back Putin and Kirill? British Intelligence – wants to know!

It’s time to put Paul and Jesus on trail!

Seer John

Right-wing author Dinesh D’Souza used the conviction to defend Jan. 6 insurrectionists who tried to overthrow the U.S. government. “It seems like the Russians are doing to Griner what the Biden administration is doing to non-violent January 6 protesters,” D’Souza wrote. “Hard for us to feign indignation when the same thing is going on here!”

Liz Cheney pushes the DOJ to charge Trump, says passing on prosecution risks the US no longer being ‘a nation of laws’ (

Putting Paul And Jesus On Trial | Rosamond Press

Conservatives Join Trump in Siding With Russia After Brittney Griner Guilty Verdict

Althea Legaspi – Yesterday 1:15 PM

Brittney Griner was found guilty of smuggling illegal narcotics into Russia and sentenced to nine years in prison on Thursday. Griner had told the court she used marijuana for medicinal purposes, as is legal in the United States and other countries. She was caught with less than a gram of cannabis oil.

Former President Trump bashed Griner recently, calling her “a potentially spoiled person” who went to Russia “loaded up with drugs,” and right-wingers are now celebrating the verdict on social media in step with the Russian state, which found no sympathy for WNBA star and two-time U.S. Olympic gold champ.

More from Rolling Stone

Right-wing author Dinesh D’Souza used the conviction to defend Jan. 6 insurrectionists who tried to overthrow the U.S. government. “It seems like the Russians are doing to Griner what the Biden administration is doing to non-violent January 6 protesters,” D’Souza wrote. “Hard for us to feign indignation when the same thing is going on here!”

Conservative pundit Tomi Lahren showed her trademark lack of empathy, taking aim at Griner’s activism for racial justice and implying she hates America. “Brittney Griner is a cautionary tale. Hate America? Think it’s oppressive? Go to another country, play stupid games and find out what oppression and ‘No justice’ looks like. Too bad too sad.”

Commentator Tim Young whose Twitter handle is apropos for his comment, wrote “Brittney Griner is not a political prisoner… she carried drugs that were illegal with her in Russia and was arrested – there’s nothing ‘political’ about that.”

Trump-approved conservative commentator/author Nick Adams blamed Griner’s support of President Biden for the sentence and falsely claimed there would not have been an invasion of Ukraine had his Dear Leader been president. “While discussing Brittney Griner’s prison sentence, I think it’s important to note that Russia would have NEVER invaded Ukraine with Trump still in the White House,” Adams wrote. “In a way, Brittney Griner’s jail time is a result of her own activism and support of Joe Biden.”

As Media Matters pointed out in the lead-up to the sentencing, conservatives have been using Griner as a pawn alongside Russia, with each side furthering their agenda. The right wing wanted Trump as president over Biden and claim Trump would’ve saved Griner from jail. Meanwhile Russia likely wanted to exchange Griner for convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, who is currently imprisoned in America.

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However, when the State Department made the offer to include U.S. Marine Corps veteran and former security executive Paul Whelan, Russia countered that offer with what the White House called a “bad faith” counter offer. President Biden addressed Griner’s detention following the guilty verdict on Thursday. “Russia is wrongfully detaining Brittney,” he wrote in a statement. “It’s unacceptable, and I call on Russia to release her immediately so she can be with her wife, loved ones, friends, and teammates. My administration will continue to work tirelessly and pursue every possible avenue to bring Brittney and Paul Whelan home safely as soon as possible.”

Best of Rolling Stone

  • Rep. Liz Cheney said the evidence is there for the DOJ to charge Donald Trump over the Capitol riot.  
  • Cheney said Trump is guilty of “the most serious dereliction of duty of any president.”
  • She said that prosecutors avoiding a case could threaten the US reputation for integrity.

Rep. Liz Cheney on Thursday said that DOJ prosecutors risk harming the US reputation as “a nation of laws” if they do not charge former President Donald Trump.

Tina Sworn in as ‘First Lesbian Governor of Oregon’

Posted on January 10, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Oregon's new governor sworn in, declares homeless emergency - Los ...

Congratulations Governor Kotek!

Will Tinabell Merge Disney and Nike?

Posted on December 1, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

See the source image
See the source image

Two days ago, I noticed Governor Tina Kotek looks like Tinkerbell – grown up! For a couple of months I have been looking for a way to bring Disney to Oregon, and GET Tink away from DeSantis, who doesn’t like women who are – different! Tinkerbelle has pointed ears – and wings! She also owns – a magic wand! How Christian – is that? Is there only one – brand of Magic in the world?. Hey! Wait a minute! The goddess Nike has wings! – and a wand! She carries a little being in her left hand! What the?

Then, I read this article. Note the date....11-21-2022

I could design a Revelations Game, the proceeds going to help the homeless. All these companies that have merged with Disney, can perform a Magic Trick – and remove the homeless from all the streets of America – and house them! This is what – WE ALL WANT! The whole State of Oregon will be…


I’m going to find time to learn computer graphics so I can put a pair of glasses on Tink.

John Presco

‘Our Starfish’ Will Leave The World Behind

Posted on July 31, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

The Royal Janitor

Chapter New Cold War Heroes


John Presco

Putin’ s men took Starfish and Victoria to a special prison, where a hologram of the Russian leader introduced our BAD agents to foreign prisoners. One was a giant of a woman that played basketball. Miriam told this forlorn woman that she was an athlete, an amazing hurdler – who has never competed!

“We ran in a grove of trees felled in a windstorm. Ivan competed at Hayward field in Eugene Oregon.”

One of the men behind the mirror got on Google and brought up Victoria Thachuk, a Ukrainian hurdler that will compete at Hayward field, while Russia is banned. Putin’s hologram was fed this information, and his image pointed to a screen. When a video of Viktoriya in a race was played, both our spies gasped.

“They are like sisters – twins! “

“I want a pair of sunglasses – just like that! I must have! I can beat her! She is so beautiful! I must have her! She is my double!”

Three Percenters Assault Gays

Posted on July 13, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is protect22.jpg

I am still working on my letter to Senator Wyden and Adam Shiff. I am going to inform them of what I witnessed at a Gay Pride Rally at Wayne Morse Square. Did the Three Percenters deliberately book themselves in order to clash with LGBT folks? The 3 advertised there would be Bible lessons, and I dressed like The Anti-Christ, a title applied to Merlin, who I also dressed like.

I found a video made in Portland where the same chant I heard is made.

“No Trump! No KKK – no Fascist State!”

There appears to be a group that shadows these Jesus Freaks For Trump, they dressed in black. Is this Afta, who is being blamed for the Jan 6th Insurrection-Riot? Donald Trump is fully aware of these folks who need to be spotlighted at the hearings to show they…..DID NOTHING WRONG! Ed Meese has probably kept a dozier on Afta, because this is HIS FAVORITE SPORT….Oddball Hunting!

Putin and Kirill Hate Hippies

Posted on April 8, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

Putin and Kirill know it was the Beatles and Hippies who brought down the Soviet Union. Once again the Imperialists with a Fake Morality, title Hippies – Nazis! Ronald Reagan made the analogy.

The CIA helped Regan make a case that members of The Anti-War Movement were parasites looking for a free hand-out. A study needs to be make of the Republican Party pro-longing the War in Vietnam and voting billions to do so. How much did the last Cold War cost?


U.S. Military Founds ‘Unhappy Land’

Posted on June 7, 2016 by Royal Rosamond Press


I Saw – Love Coming!

Posted on July 6, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

Brittney Griner Instagram 2 Brittney Griner and Cherelle Griner Relationship Timeline

Credit: Courtesy of Brittney Griner/Instagram

“Cherelle said Brittney responded: ‘I was very weak at that moment. But I promise I’m not insane, not yet’ she said. ‘But I was startled because I turned the corner, and it was like hundreds of media just sitting there with cameras and things waiting.’” 

You can not take away the truth I saw the new dark age coming – and two women would fight against it.


“Initially I was told, you know, we are going to try to reserve, we’re going to try to handle this behind scenes and let’s not raise her value and you know stay quiet. You know, I did that and respectfully, we’re over 140 days at this point. That does not work,” Cherelle said. “So I will not be quiet anymore. I will find that balance of, you know, harm versus help in pushing our government to do everything that’s possible because being quiet, they’re not moving, they’re not doing anything. So my wife is struggling, and we have to help her.” 


Brittney Griner’s wife says it is “very disheartening” that WNBA star has not heard from President Biden yet


UPDATED ON: JULY 6, 2022 / 7:56 AM / CBS NEWS

In a handwritten letter from Brittney Griner that was delivered to the White House on Monday, the WNBA player wrote how terrified she is that she may be imprisoned in Russia “forever.” 

Griner’s wife Cherelle told “CBS Mornings” that when she read the letter, she could feel the fear that Griner was experiencing. 

“She is probably the strongest person that I know, so she doesn’t say words like that lightly. That means she truly is terrified that she may never see us again. You know, I share those same sentiments,” Cherelle said. 

Cherelle, who has only spoken recently to her wife through letters, said she feels that Griner decided to write to President Joe Biden directly because the family has had no luck in contacting him.

Even after yesterday’s letter was delivered, Cherelle said she has not heard from Biden directly and she said that is “very disheartening.” 

Griner was arrested at a Moscow airport in February after officials in Russia claimed she had cannabis oil in her luggage. A Russian judge ordered Griner, the Phoenix Mercury center who played in Russia during the WNBA off-season, to remain in custody. If convicted on drug smuggling charges, Griner could face 10 years in a Russian prison. Her trial will resume on July 7. 

Cherelle said when she first heard about Griner being charged by the Russian government for a “large-scale transportation of drugs,” she couldn’t believe it. 

“It blew my mind because I’m like large-scale? I live with B.G. every day, and so there’s no way possible. So I knew it wasn’t true the minute that I heard the charge because I know my wife. I’m like, no,” she said “It’s very unfortunate, you know, that she’s in this position because B.G. does not large-scale do anything in traffic of drugs. It was very very hard to hear that charge.”  

Griner’s trial started last week after several delays. Photos of Griner entering the courtroom are some of the only visuals that Cherelle has seen of Griner. One of those photos caused her to worry and made her ask Griner if she was ok and if she was “insane at this point.” 

“I honestly wrote her and was like, “Hey honey, you know, I saw a picture of you, and I know there’s such thing as propaganda, but I have to ask, I’m inclined to ask… are you okay? Are you insane at this point? Understand that if you are, I still love you and when you come back, we will love you back whole, show yourself grace. If you are not insane, please help my conscience and kind of tell me, you know, some more context about the picture,’” Cherelle recalled asking. 

Cherelle said Brittney responded: ‘I was very weak at that moment. But I promise I’m not insane, not yet’ she said. ‘But I was startled because I turned the corner, and it was like hundreds of media just sitting there with cameras and things waiting.’” 

The U.S. Department of State, which has been working with Cherelle, said that it determined that Brittney is being wrongfully detained. 

Cherelle said that she is working carefully to ensure that her wife is released from prison and is returned to the United States. 

“Initially I was told, you know, we are going to try to reserve, we’re going to try to handle this behind scenes and let’s not raise her value and you know stay quiet. You know, I did that and respectfully, we’re over 140 days at this point. That does not work,” Cherelle said. “So I will not be quiet anymore. I will find that balance of, you know, harm versus help in pushing our government to do everything that’s possible because being quiet, they’re not moving, they’re not doing anything. So my wife is struggling, and we have to help her.” 

Smoking Blunts With Kotek

Posted on May 23, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Smoky La Mota

Posted on May 2, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ald28.jpg

For two months I fretted on how to connect Victoria and Starfish with Griner and Kotek, in a NEW fictional manner. With the speculation as to who our new Governor would smoke pot with, in the new fictional way, the answer is……Miriam Starfish Christling.

“I’m going to smoke allot of pot at the Country Fair. Will you buy me a new set of drums?”

Victoria was studying the Russian community in Eugene. Her wife wondered if this was the community her parents established on Mount Shasta.

“I want to take some shrooms. I want to try Psilocybin!”

Broccoli will never make a movie out of The Royal Janitor after seeing what happened to Budweiser and Disney. I have never been in it for the money, thus I have elevated the writing of Ian flaming to High Literature, on a level of Victor Hugo – which was my ambition. However, I sent a message to Amy and mentioned a academic partnership that will make money for us. If she is smart, she would be studying my claim I am a psychic-prophet, a being the Russian Spy Complex has been trying to produce for a long time. It would behoove the powers that be to spread MISINFORMATION about me, slam the ball in their court, and PROVE I AM FAKE! I am batting a thousand percent.

Good luck! If Brittney had not been released, and Tina had not won, my novel, and this blog, would be dead in the water. I did what real good spies do – for real!

Smoky was my female detective based on La Mota.

John Presco

Tina Kotek Is in Everybody’s Political Blunt Rotation

It is possible that’s because she’s the only Oregon politician anybody could name.

Weird vibes. (Tim Saputo)

By Aaron Mesh and Zave Payne

May 20, 2023 at 8:22 pm PDT

Lately, Oregon politicians have been getting a little too close to the stash. Secretary of State Shemia Fagan resigned this month after WW revealed she was moonlighting for a cannabis outfit.

The Son of The Star

Posted on December 10, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

See the source image
Brittney Griner seen making her bed at Russian Women's Penal Colony No. 2.
Brittney Griner seen making her bed at Russian Women’s Penal Colony No. 2.
A bed with Griner's name on is placed on her bed at the Russian Penal Colony.
A bed with Griner’s name on is placed on her bed at the Russian Penal Colony.

Give Us The Black Barabbas


Jobn Presco

Chapter: The Son of The Star

In 1986, I heard of a a group of Radical Berkeley Gays, who went to Russia in order to meet a wife or husband, get married as heterosexuals, then return to America. They were liberating LGBTQ people who were being severely oppressed. To see our President embrace the wife of Brittney Griner in the Oval Office, while giving her the good news her husband was set free, was very liberating.

Welcome home Brittney!

I turned on CNN this morning and saw a white woman from the Family Foundation, trying to make a case she and her Christian group were subjected to discrimination in a restaurant whose staff refused to serve them. They said they did not “feel safe” around them.

Starfish Drinks Zig Zag Beer

Posted on August 20, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

I debated about Miriam Starfish using force to put down Maximorphius, the cook and owner of ‘The Bum’s Rush’ bistro in Eugene. My subconscious altered the name of Max’s Tavern, which is around the corner from The Bum’s Rush. Miriam Starfish almost skewers Professor John Bond, a name that is a conjunction of John Dee and James Bond, I just discovered. She has a love-hate relationship with John (played by me) who give a lecture on the Habsburg painting and – the Division of the Roses! What!!!!!!! I have yet to write that lecture – that is now the key to my book!

The Bum’s Rush is now going to have a house band ‘The Scunnered’. They are Scottish Wanna-bes who dress like Scottish Pirates. Their chief is McHook. In truth they are Russian Army officers trying to kidnap Phil Knight and replace his tennis shoes on the world market with a Russian brand. Bad Boys will be Bad Boys, but, their mission is changed after coming in contact with Victoria Bond.

Myriam Starfish goes berserk after drinking one bottle of Zig-Zag Beer. After the lecture she got her hair done on 13th. John Bond had altered her life, but, did not want him to know it. She never had a mentor before. She wanted to get rid of her old fashioned look. She felt she had graduated. She wanted to put her savage ways behind her.

My first message and lesson to Yulia Rose got me banned from her Instagram.

“You are much more beautiful with your mouth, shut. Don’t overdo that cutesy bee-stung lip thing. It looks like your catching flies! You’re a woman, not a toddler.”

I knew I was on target when I read about Alec Baldwin and telling his daughter “No”. Scary shit. More tension then the wreck of a speeding locomotive. the best way to describe my Bond book, is, it is a Apocalyptic Comedy. I’m sure it feels like The End when you go on line and see your daughter’s big ass staring you in the face. Alec would make a great Bond character!

Dr. Just…..No

Just No will be Victoria’s suave stalker. His daughter is leaking info to No so he can be there when she goes out to dinner. He brings a new date each time to make her jealous. No is sure Bond is eyeing him, checking out his moves. You will see him lurking in the background. When Victoria goes to the small room, the camera pans in. His dates are always a disaster!

“What is your name again?” she asked, the hair atop her head bristling more than usual.

“No……..Just…….No!” Alex Worthington Dodge the third replied with an eager stare.

“Are you refusing to tell me your name? Come again?”

“No! ………Doctor……Just No!”

“Are you an old fuck doing your best to be rude?”

“You’re a freaken freak, a friggen piggish witch! Are you an imbecile – too?”

“Now you’re talking! I have a thing for abusive men. Let’s go to your room!”

“Now – your’re talking!”

John Presco 007

Copyright 2018

Ireland Baldwin/Instagram; Getty Images

Maria Pasquini

August 19, 2018 11:25 AM

Even the most supportive dad can experience some discomfort when his daughter strikes a pose for the camera.

After his daughter Ireland Baldwin posted a sexy snap of herself on Saturday, it didn’t take long before Alec Baldwin hopped into the comments section to share his take on the picture.

In the image, the 22-year-old model — who posed nude for PETA earlier this year — leans forward on top of a motorcycle while wearing a black bra with a matching pair of bottoms.

“No. Just… No,” the 60-year-old actor bluntly wrote in response to the shot.

Commenting on the over-the-top nature of the photo herself, Ireland captioned the image, “Stay extra.”

Professor John von Bond

Posted on July 28, 2018by Royal Rosamond Press

The Royal Janitor

When Miriam beheld the people climbing the stairs to the Jordon Schnitzer Museum, she let go of Victoria’s hand, skipped across the grass, and bounded up the steps – four at a time! Her entrance was like Nureyev flying across the stage. She was an escapee from Botticelli’s Primavera. People gasped! They thought she was part of a show. She was the star ballerina and the Constantine Christian Nudist Camp where she was homeschooled. This was her first encounter with an institution of higher learning.

Espying a group of people before a painting down the hall, she was upon them in seven giant steps. Her long arms reached in, and pushed them aside. There was some complaints. But, when they turned to see a goddess with roses in her hair, and with eyes the color of the sea, they parted as she zeroed in.

Everyone’s mouths were now open, like hers was open. They were seeing this painting for the first time through Myriam’s eyes. She came closer. Her long neck was craned, as she made a figure eight with her head. Now she turned sideways, and starting in the lower left corner she moved her eye across the image, slowly, till she reached the up left corner. Bending down again, she moved even closer, and ran her right eye along the work. People were astonished with her. It was a magnificent ballet. Her long arms moved her hands just above the surface as if she was taking the painting in through some kind of osmosis.

“Oh my God! There is a Möbius circle in here – and PI! How did he do this? First he is the self, then he is the audience. He goes into a total intuitive state, does a loop over, then dips down into the subconscious. Now he is walking on the dark side of the moon. There is no hope for his return. His work is surrendered to a higher power who ingnites a spark of divine inspiration! Alas, he bursts forth in The finishing!………It is Finns!

Myriam turns to face her audience. Her blue-green eyes fill with a look of astonishment.

“He is……Co-Creator!”

Around twelve people – burst out in applause!

“How wonderful!”

“I never realized this before!”

“What beauty!”

“She is – so right!”

Like a panther, she left this work and stalked off looking for another. The people moved in a fill the void. They soaked up the energy Myriam left behind. Their eyes had been opened.

Victoria watched her amazing friend, her head was above the rest, as she gazed around from the top of the mountain she had just climbed.

“Come Starfish. We are late!”

Moving into a large room, they got their first look at Mr. von Bond. There was a long leather seat with six people sitting before their Master. Myraim crept up on the seat, pushed two people aside, then sat smack dab in the middle, up front, not but fifteen feet of the old wizard that reminded Myriam of the Russian Saint Nicholas. John was going to give her something valuable – for free! She dared not move lest she be disqualified, deprived of this blessing.

John, was completely unnerved. He had to blink several times, because it was like looking at a photograph, a still life, a breathing portrait, that did not move an inch! This beautiful creature had roses in her hair. She was so completely, so utterly, receptive. And, she was more than wide awake. There was an awaking going on inside her. John von Bond, felt like a work of art. He was, her masterpiece. She, had found him.

The Bum’s Rush

Posted on July 28, 2018by Royal Rosamond Press

The Royal Janitor


John Presco

Everyone who entered the ‘Bum’s Rush’ cafe were bemused by the name. What to name your new restaurant is so very important. Victoria was amused. Myriam was still disgusted with von Bond because he told her a lie.

At the salad bar, John works deftly with that fake silver pincer device, and is grabbing olives that are trying to roll off his plate. He let’s out a moan, when he sees his guests scoop cruisants in a small bowl, and, nothing more.

“I thought I was going to treat you two to a fine dining experience. Chef Maximorphius picks many of his herbs himself, out of his herb garden. The dandelions grow on his front lawn!”

“Nope! We don’t want any of this shit. After we watch you eat, we’re gong to the ballpark to eat junk food. I hope Maxi washed the dog-pee off his dandelions! Why Americans turn their yards into dog bathrooms, is very weird to me.”

John got the message. She was not ready to let it go, his responce to her question as to him being a real Professor, or, a fake Professor. He told her a famous homeless schizophrenic, named, Hatoon, kept calling him that, and the name stuck when others followed suit. In Mryiam’s mind, he was a mansifisation of the false notion that Men are ‘Givers’. In John’s case, the giver of knowledge,

“What do you really do for a living – Professor John?” Myriam asked in the best smart alec manner she could muster, that erased that beautiful receptive face he beheld in rapturous wonder, and replaced it with the face of his – Supreme Accuser! Such is life!

“Well. I was saving the best for last. I name restaurants for a living. Indeed, I named this one! I employed the idea of a Bohemian rebel getting a high from eating authentic food that gives him and her a rush of good nourishment.”

The sound of Myriam snorting the water she just drank, out of her nose, back into her glass, turned heads.”

“What bullshit! Do they sell drugs here?” Turning to her best friend; “Are you just going to sit there and dine on his bullshit!”

Victoria did a quick head dip, and held it – with raised brows! She knew how devastating it was for a male to have a woman be so much on his side, then, on a dime, she is against everything he holds dear. She was going to say she was sorry, but, then Victoria added a slight kick to her best friends ankle. It dug in deep. She felt hurt and betrayed. This, was not going to end well. Indeed, the threesome were on the brink of ‘Dining Hell’.

John cleared his throat.

“Yes. There is a market for this. I am called the Joseph Campbell of the Name Industry. Like Tolkien, I am a name freak.”

“You mean you are a…….?” Victoria started to say, but, Myrian cut in.

“An Etymologist. I am an expert etymologist. I know twice as much as you can possibly know, because I am an expert in Russian dialects. Do you speak Russian. That said, she tilted her head back, showed John her nostrils from which blew a cold Siberian wind. Then, she gave him a Cold, Dead, Fish Eye!”

John shuddered. During the lecture he had caught something, someone, lurking behind that fresh inquisitive face. Now, that voice was louder.

“I can kill you – just like that! I can grab your head, so, and snap your vertebrae. Why did you use the word –  schizophrenic?”

It was Victoria’s turn to clear her throat in a completely phony way, and Myriam shot her head her way – and gave her The Fish Eye!

‘Oh! You are on his side, now? Why did you kick me so hard. That really hurt!”

That remark was utterly ignored, but, it sucked the good vibes out of the air, that strangers were enjoying. Peace – is practiced here! Some wizened ears tuned in.

“So, tell me more about how the Viking Panzer Division came upon the empress Zita’s bedroom.” Victoria piped in with an Ol Topic Changer.

“The Waffen SS recruited Nordic fighters from the Viking countries they had conquered. Good Patriots, who had fought the invasion of the Nazi, were now eager to invade their old enemy………Mother Russia. Many progressive Bohemian types, were transformed into stone cold killers. Even devout Christians forsake their upbringing in order to go on what a amounted to a Nazi Crusade against Bolshevism!

“You are a fucking liar!” Myriam snarled. Christians would never forsake Christ like that. Why are you telling lie after lie? After being caught in one lie, you then told another, as if the game of truth-telling has been called – due to lying!”

“And – YOU! You encourage it. I watch you two. You play this easy game of Liar’s Tennis. He lobs you a soft lie, and you lob it back! ”


Mryiam is on her feet, glaring down at John – with two forks in her hand!

Where did she get two forks. I didn’t see her get a fork. I didn’t get a fork. Victoria said to herself. Then, comes a serenade of old fucks clearing their throats. Looking around, several old dudes are wearing tie-dye. Two got a psychedelic Peace sign on their t-shirt. Is that a hologram of Jerry Garcia?


“Ah! How much did you say you got for naming this place?”

“Five grand! I have made as much as ten grand!” John offered, his eyes glued to the forks, that were released from Myriam’s powerful grip. Sitting down, she leaned foreword and looked at John – dead in the eyes!

“Are you shitting me?”

“No! No I’m not. Hitler paid the guy who came up with NAZI ten grand, which is about $200,000 thousand in today’s money. It is the most recognized brand name in the world, after………”


“The Peace sign, is No.3”

“This might not be correct. I read……………..”

Victoria excused herself and went into the bathroom to call BAD.

“What do you have on John Bond?”

“Not much, but for his desrire tto shoot Billy Graham when he emerged from that tunnel in the L.A. Coliseum with his two bodyguards. He was sixteen.”

“Really! Was he an Oswald copycat wanna-be?”

“No, this was eight months before the Kennedy assassination. In his first girlfriends biography, John accused Billy of using teenage erections to extort money out of their parents, in what he titled Holy Blackmail. He saw the whole con after his girlfriend’s mother forced him to go to four Crusades. He says it was a case of Penis and Vagina Shaming aimed at the parents of virginal teens, who conceived many children out of wedlock. Graham was telling 50,000 people in that stadium God sees all and knows all. Then he talked about Bobby wanting to put his teen boner, in Sally’s teen vagina. It comes natural, Billy said. We are all born sinners. Best get the kids down on the fields while the 5,000 person choir sings ‘Jesus I Come’. Of course the parents are putting a lot of pressure to go down. John refused, and his girlfriend’s mother refused to let him see her daughter.”

“So, this is why he wanted to shoot Mr. Graham?”

“No! He wanted too shoot him – before the mother threatened to call the cops!”

“He must have told his girlfriend.”

“Yep! She says, he wanted to save the world from Graham and his Mass Shaming Racket!”

“Interesting. Put that in my JFK file, and google Billy and Jack.”

“On August 18, 1960, with Kennedy showing unexpected strength, Graham convened a meeting in Montreux Switzerland, far from the media and prying eyes. Among the invited guests was Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, whose 1952 book The Power of Positive Thinking is still a bestseller today. Peale was also a notorious Catholic hater.

Read More: Why hasn’t there been a Catholic president since JFK? 

In all, about 25 Protestant leaders took part, with Graham leading the discussion.”

When Victoria emerged from the bathroom, Mryiam held up a bottle, and shouted;

“Look what I’m drinking………ZIG-ZAG BEER!”


“Check out this label. This is John’s idea. This is the Zig-Zag Man. He got $20,000 grand for this, because the label is going world-wide. Zig-Zag is in the brewery business. They started right here. In Eugene!”

“And!” piped John. “We both came to the conclusion, the No.1 symbol in the world, is THE DOLLAR $IGN! Can you dig it?”

Victoria offered her infamous cheap fake smile, that concealed a real concern about Myriam even touching a bottle of booze. Being such a powerful empath. this never failed to summon the spirit of a very nasty Russian merchant ship captain, who tells anyone who will listen, he ass-raped a hundred sailors who his motley crew had shanghaied.

“Taking a seat, she refrains from kicking John in the nuts, under the table.

“Gee! I leave you alone for ten minutes, and you cop-out on me!”

“What does cop-out mean? Are you going to tell me, or, am I going to have to tie you to a barrel and let my crew butt-fuck you all the way to China!”


bum’s rush. Forcible ejection, abrupt dismissal. For example, When Henry started shouting, the bouncer gave him the bum’s rush, or Within hours of being fired, Alice was given the bum’s rush. This idiom uses bum in the sense of “a vagrant or tramp.” [ Slang; early 1900s]

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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