Defending The Harvard Protestors

The Papal Flag

The flag for the Roman Catholic Church’s Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, flying outside the Custody’s US headquarters, the Franciscan Monastery in Washington, DC. It is white with a red Jerusalem cross (a cross potent with a crusil in each angle). This design is attributed as the arms of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (but in yellow on white), and is used for the Papal Order of the Holy Sepulchre. The Franciscan friars working for the Custody wear the Jerusalem cross embroidered in red on the left breast of their brown robes. The symbolism is variously attributed to the five crosses representing the five wounds of Christ or to the message of the Gospel (the large cross) being carried to the four corners of the earth.
Joe McMillan, 27 April 2000

marchers, with close ups of three men, one carrying a Vietnam Veterans Against the War flag

Washington's Cruisers Flag

President Harry Truman said this abut the Zionist Jews….

Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire.”

This is exactly the question MANY PEOPLE are asking about Netanyahu and is Holy Zionist Gang.


You can ask this about Trump and his cult, that is saying

“Biden administration “AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE” in its 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago for classified documents. “

I just had lunch and I decided to APPEAL TO PAPAL HEAVEN in regards to me being the Embodiment of Saint Francis who I believe was filled with the Holy Spirit, at birth, So was I. This spirit came forth from my blue eyes and has caused me much trouble most of my life.

I believe Trump and Netanyahu are candidates for King of Israel and Jerusalem. But I say….

I and Francis landed on the shore of the Promised Land this very second – IN SPIRIT!

There are sixty million Catholics in America, and three million Jews. I appeal to all Catholics to make my case for me. Read this blog! I watched the movie Oppenheimer and then a show about him. He says he had blood on his hand. A Jew talked about using an atomic bomb on Hamas in Gaza, that is all but destroyed, as if hit with an atomic bomb. Hamas never had a navy, tank core, or an air force like Japan that has been forgiven by Israel for supporting Hitler. The Jews forgave Italy that backed Hitler, and would have ruled Israel if the British had not beaten them in North Africa. The Palestinians did not support the Axis. They were cursed by being a neighbor of the Jews – who wanted their land – that the Crusader Kings owned, with the help of the Knight Tmplars.

John Giovani ‘Keeper of The Holy Spirit in Jerusalem’

 It has been a literary festival of Founders these last few years, and a good thing, too. But there is one figure, I believe, who has yet to get his due, and that is John Witherspoon (1723–1794). This Scotch Presbyterian divine came to America to preside over a distressed college in Princeton, New Jersey, and wound up transmitting to the colonies critical principles of the Scottish Enlightenment and helped to preside over the birth and consolidation of American independence.

Washington's Cruisers Flag

Four US vessels run aground near Gaza pier

Agencies Published May 26, 2024  Updated about 14 hours ago

Ashdod (Israel): Paragliders pass above US troops working around vessels used for delivering aid to Palestinians via a new US-built pier in Gaza. The two vessels ran aground along the Mediterranean shore in Ashdod, on Saturday after one came to help the other.
Ashdod (Israel): Paragliders pass above US troops working around vessels used for delivering aid to Palestinians via a new US-built pier in Gaza. The two vessels ran aground along the Mediterranean shore in Ashdod, on Saturday after one came to help the other.

TAMPA: Heavy seas battered the US maritime humanitarian mission to Gaza on Saturday, US Central Command (Centcom) said, with four vessels serving a floating aid delivery pier breaking free from their moorings.

No injuries were reported and the aid pier remained fully functional, Centcom said in a statement, adding that no US personnel would enter Gaza.

Two of the affected vessels were now anchored on the beach near the pier and the other two were beached on the coast of Israel near Ashkelon, Centcom said, adding that efforts to recover the vessels were under way with assistance from the Israeli navy.

Israel has imposed a siege on Gaza that has deprived the territory’s 2.4 million people of clean water, food, medicines and fuel.

The request to U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, who is overseeing the case, comes after the former president this week falsely claimed in a Truth Social post that the Biden administration “AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE” in its 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago for classified documents. The Trump campaign also claimed in a fundraising email that President Joe Biden was “locked & loaded ready to take me out” during a search of his Mar-a-Lago property for classified documents.,came%20to%20help%20the%20other.

Defying the Boston Mafia

Posted on February 12, 2014 by Royal Rosamond Press


“The Jews, I find are very, very selfish,” Truman wrote on July 21. “They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire.”


Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire.”

Benjamin NetanyahuHoly SitesPope FrancisThe Vatican

The Vatican in Jerusalem!

News Flash! “Israeli Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says police have ‘stepped up’ patrols and surveillance across the country, and that thousands of police officers will be deployed during the pope’s visit to ensure it goes smoothly.” (Source: Israel Hayom, May 14, 2014). Rosenfeld’s statement was in direct response to the Roman Catholic official in charge of the Vatican’s properties in the Holy Land, who urged Israel to protect Christian holy sites including churches and monasteries in Jerusalem that had recently been vandalized. And to please do so before Pope Francis’ visit to Israel, Jordan, and the West Bank (Judea/Samaria) May 24-26.

The Marin Shipmates

Posted on August 29, 2020 by Royal Rosamond Press

Yesterday I am sitting on the bus bench looking at these two good ol boys come out of a black Japanese-built beater – with a Confederate flag on top. They had big guts and grey hair. They were letting it all hang out after Franklin Graham gave our President ABSOLUTION in the White House Rose Garden. They then went inside a phone store. I debated about crossing the street and yanking that flag from atop the car. These seniors were about my age. Were they looking to go down in a blaze of glory? I then thought about going over and talking to them, inform them I am about to form a branch of the Black Panther Party called…


Black Franciscan Turners

Posted on August 29, 2020 by Royal Rosamond Press

Yesterday I suggested on the Black Panther group I am a member of that Huey Newton resembles Saint Francis. I then google the Secular Order of Saint Francis and discovered they came from the Alsace into Germany and dealt with a Cholera Pandemic. My kin are close to this order.

Because this group bid me to get in touch with my feelings in regards to the ragged boy wearing women’s shoes with the toe cut back, yesterday I decided to make David Hunt my Heir. He is the son of a Black Panther who died in a fire in Chicago. He is my daughter’s half-brother who I rescued in 1983. There were so many signs that said David was Heir to all our family history. Today the March on Washington was remembered. I got on my computer fifteen minutes ago and read the star of the Black Panther movie died.

I suggest the new Black Panthers be called the Black Knight Panthers. They will be in charge of the Post Office. I am turning the Rougemont Knight Templars over to David. I am going to contact the Sister of Saint Francis and see if they want to create a branch of Briarcliff college in Marin, preferably at the Buck Center.  This city was built by the Federal Government on land they must have owned, in order to build Liberty Ships to defeat our enemies. I would like to see President Biden and Vice President Harris honor the survivors and their descendants with a Metal of Patriotic Order. I believe the Buck Foundation owes much to the these workers and their poor kindred. More details will be added to this post.

Also, I would life to see the founding of The Marin Shipmates and a Naval College associated with the City of Marin that should be declared a Black Reservation. This land would be owned by descendants of African Natives into perpetuity.  I would like to see the Patriotic Brothers and Sisters become a special branch of the Navy and patrol the San Francisco Bay. David and Malcom are kin to my great, great grandfather, Commodore Hull, who was sent to fight the Barbary Coast Pirates that took many American Merchantmen as slaves, and sold them in a market. Isaac sailed the Enterprise to the Lydia and then fired cannon on the Caliph from the U.S.S. Constitution.

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

David Hunt and his son Malcom.

The MacDowell-Stewart Knox-Witherspoon Line

Posted on July 6, 2015 by Royal Rosamond Press


Everything has changed and is now making sense. Above is a photograph of Dorothea Witherspoon and myself taken in 1971. We have just flown from Columbia South Carolina to Los Angeles. I wanted Dottie to meet my mother. We talked about getting married. I had just met about twenty members of the Witherspoon family, down South, a place I swore I would never go. However, Meher Baba’s first home in America is in South Carolina, and I wanted to see where the Avatar walked the earth. I praise the vote in this state to remove the Confederate flag. For years I have called for this, followed by “Repent!”

As it turns out Dottie and I are kin to the Stewarts and thus the Windsors. When Christine Rosamond Benton married Garth Benton, and begat Drew Benton, we became kin to the MacDowell family. Uchtred MacDowall of Garthland married Margaret Stewart, Lady Ochiltree.

Oregon Governorship vs. U.S. Supreme Court

Posted on August 4, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Sound and fury, signifying nothing: A glance at the Oregon governor's race

At 8:21 A.M. on August 4, 2023, I sent the following message to the Governor of Oregon.

Dear Governor Kotek.

Due to my theological discoveries, that Jesus and Paul were against the Laws of Moses, I suggest you convene a Blue Ribbon Panel that would rule on the claim made by Christian Leaders, and Christian Lawmakers, that Jesus, God, and Paul bid them to be more involved in making and passing laws that pertains to both books of the Bible.

The truth is, for Christians to be involved in Law Making, and Law Abiding, is to go against the tenets of Christianity, where Jesus offers no legal defense to the High Priest and Pontius Pilate. This fact is key in the trial of ex-president, Donald Trump, who signed many Bills making them Law, and his appointment of three Christians to the Supreme Court – that repealed Roe vs. Wade, and thus should be rendered null and void, because the repeal was Christian-Lawmaking. This goes against the Constitution that does not allow attacks on the tenets of any religion. Was Paul’s ruling on circumcision aimed at being inclusive of Gentiles? Or, did Paul deliberately create a schism in order to hijack the core religion of the Jews?? Schism is Christianity’s middle name, nd thus Christian Schisms are being introduced into our Secular Government.

The claim by Trump after his first arraignment, that Christians are being discriminated against “as a religion” is false. No other President has dared utter such a decree that I am sure is extended to Trump’s latest indictment. Donald Trump has weaponized our Democracy, and the predominate religion in America, and he does not have Paul’s or Jesu’s’ permission to do so. For this reason I am seeking to bring a lawsuit against the members of the Supreme Court, who believe they are doing the work of Jesus and Paul. I also want to sue the Oregon Republican Lawmakers who walked out – in the name of religion, because the Democratic Lawmakers were not religious enough.

I ran in the Oregon Primary for Governor and received 172 votes – that I hold sacred. I feel it is my duty to give my voters the best Government and Religion – possible. Paul clams “love” replaces The Law. It is my hope the Blue Ribbon Panel looks at this Christian Love, to see if it is offered to Democrats. I became a Republican after Obama was elected, because my kin, John Fremont, co-founded this party, and I wanted to carry on family traditions in hope of preventing a Hateful National Divide, like the schism over circumcision created between the Jews and Gentiles. Alas, there is a Democracy in the world that can consider these matters, because We the People are The Nation of Democratic Laws. Jesus and Paul – are dead. We need no one to speak for us. Show me….The Laws of Jesus!


John Presco

Presidential Candidate

“We’re being discriminated against as a religion. We’re being discriminated against as a faith. And we can’t let that continue,” the twice-impeached leader said. “The main thing that our country needs again is religion… I want you to pray really hard, because we have to have a victory in 2024.”

If you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace…. 

[I]n Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything

but faith working through love….

“Answerest thou nothing?”

You have said it”

“In the Gospel accounts, Jesus speaks very little and gives very infrequent and indirect answers to the priests’ questions, according to John 18:22, prompting an officer to slap him”

Paul Did Not Preach Circumcision

Yes, Paul followed the Torah, “walking orderly, keeping the Law” among the Jews (Acts 21:17–26), when among the Jews.* We know this was not a matter of obedience for all followers of Christ at all times because he also says in 1 Corinthians 9 that he became “as without law” “to those who are without law”; and even when he says he became “to those who are under the Law, as under the Law,” he adds, “though not being myself under the Law.” In fact, he chastises the Galatians who were insisting that Christians needed to be circumcised (something required by the Law), saying,

If you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace…. 

[I]n Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything

but faith working through love….

[T]he one who is disturbing you [by saying you need to be circumcised] will bear his judgment, whoever he is. But I, brethren, 

if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? Then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished. I wish that those who are troubling you would even mutilate themselves. (

Gal. 5:2–12)

In other words, Paul says he is being persecuted because he’s not requiring obedience to the Torah. This was the source of his persecution. He calls the idea that we are under the cross rather than the Torah “the stumbling block of the cross.” Then he says that those who say we need to be circumcised should go all the way and cut it all off! Serious words, indeed.

When Donald spoke to the faith leaders, he framed his criminal case as an attack on Christianity itself. “We’re being discriminated against as a religion. We’re being discriminated against as a faith. And we can’t let that continue,” the twice-impeached leader said. “The main thing that our country needs again is religion… I want you to pray really hard, because we have to have a victory in 2024.”

In addition to pastors and other religious leaders joining the call to give their prayers for Donald, some political leaders gathered also prayed for the ex-president. Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker insisted, “We’re going to have to keep calling on God to deliver justice. I pray that He can because He is the only one that can make sure that we have justice.”

In the United States, a blue-ribbon committee (or panel or commission) is a group of exceptional people appointed to investigate, study or analyze a given question. Blue-ribbon committees generally have a degree of independence from political influence or other authority, and such committees usually have no direct authority of their own. Their value comes from their ability to use their expertise to issue findings or recommendations which can then be used by those with decision-making power to act.

A blue-ribbon committee is often appointed by a government body or executive to report on a matter of controversy. It might be composed of independent scientific experts or academics with no direct government ties to study a particular issue or question, or it might be composed of citizens well known for their general intelligence, experience and non-partisan interests to study a matter of political reform. The “blue-ribbon” aspect comes from the presentation of the committee as the “best and brightest” for the task; the appointment of such a committee, ad hoc, is meant to signal its perspective as outsiders of the usual process for study and decisions.

In 1980 (Stone v. Graham), a United States Supreme Court decision struck down a Kentucky law requiring that a copy of the Ten Commandments be posted in every public school classroom, the Court saying:

“The pre-eminent purpose for posting the Ten Commandments on schoolroom walls is plainly religious in nature. The Ten Commandments are undeniably a sacred text in the Jewish and Christian faiths, and no legislative recitation of a supposed secular purpose can blind us to that fact. The Commandments do not confine themselves to arguably secular matters, such as honoring one’s parents, killing or murder, adultery, stealing, false witness, and covetousness. Rather, the first part of the Commandments concerns the religious duties of believers: worshipping the Lord God alone, avoiding idolatry, not using the Lord’s name in vain, and observing the Sabbath Day.”

The reasoning shown above was based on the constitutional requirement for separation of church and state. Presumably the Ten Commandments would have been acceptable if texts from the Koran and various other scriptures had been given equal prominence.

May 15, 2023, 4:24 PM PDT / Source: The Associated Press

By The Associated Press

SALEM, Ore. — Two Republicans and an independent taking part in a boycott that has stalled hundreds of bills in the Oregon Senate, including measures on abortion and gender-affirming care, were disqualified Monday from re-election under a new constitutional amendment aimed at stopping such walkouts.

The GOP-led walkout of the Democrat-dominated Senate has stretched to 10 days, though some participating lawmakers have rotated in and out since the boycott began May 3. Each of the three affected senators accumulated 10 unexcused absences, making them ineligible to serve in the Legislature for the period after their terms expire under a ballot measure voters passed overwhelmingly last year.

“The majority of Senate Republicans continue to walk off the job that the voters elected them to do, in which our Constitution compels them to attend,” Senate President Rob Wagner said from the Senate podium. He added in an email: “Three senators have now unnecessarily disqualified themselves from a subsequent term in the Legislature.”

Sen. Tim Knopp, the Senate Republican Leader, said Monday that during weekend negotiations to end the boycott, he had told Democratic leaders that the Republicans would end their boycott “to pass substantially bipartisan budgets and bills that are lawful and constitutional.”

Wagner earlier said the sweeping abortion rights-gender affirming care measure was not negotiable. Republicans want it off the table.

Knopp said all 12 Republican senators took part in the boycott on Monday “in solidarity” with the three senators facing disqualification. He blasted Democrats for pursuing an “extreme” agenda.

“Let it be abundantly clear: this is just the beginning of the fight,” Knopp said in a statement.

The three boycotting senators who reached the 10-day limits for automatic disqualification are Republicans Dennis Linthicum and Daniel Bonham and Independent Brian Boquist, a former Republican.

Ballot Measure 113 was passed by almost 70% of voters last November as a method to end walkouts that have plagued the Legislature for several years. It is now written into the state Constitution.

The Constitution now says missing 10 or more floor sessions “shall be deemed disorderly behavior and shall disqualify the member from holding office as a senator or representative for the term following the election after the member’s current term is completed.”

But left unclear is whether they can run for office as candidates.

The test will perhaps come when the window for filing as candidates in the 2024 election opens in September.

Truman Was Messiah – Not Jesus!

Posted on October 27, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Christianity – is dead! Jesus and Paul were extremely Anti-Semitic. They argued with Legalists and the Judaizers, declaring the Laws of Moses is not applicable to the mission of their new religion. You can not blame Nazi Germany for the ongoing trouble with Zionists. You can blame Evangelical Republicans for making the Zionist Crisis – America’s Political Crisis! Israel has exploited the latest schism to hit the West in regards to the fairytales of Tim LaHaye that Ginni Thomas promotes. How about the new Speaker of the House?

Millions of people all over the world are demanding leniency for the innocent people of Gaza. It is not going to happen. Our media tools will be filled with the horrific images of Israel exacting revenge. The internet was destroyed in Gaza. Billions of World Citizens – are plunged into The Past – to the very day I was born. On that day – thousands of comets appeared in the sk!. There is talk of America being dragged into the Zionist Angst in Syria!

Millions of Evangelicals Voters for Trump -are thrilled to death with the growing Chaos and Gore, because they believe this is a sign Jesus is coming back – as soon as the Secular Government is destroyed, will His Kingdom come. On Facebook there are posts filed with “Amen”. I AM THE LAST candidate! Anybody – but me! Who else – cares as much? Who else has compiled such relative history?

It’s a story that ends with the Jews being subsumed into non-existence, and that’s after it’s demonstrated that their entire purpose was to bring about the return of another religion’s messiah in the first place. But horror is an insufficient response to LaHaye’s work, which was an apparent source of inspiration to millions of productive, law-abiding, utterly normal, and outwardly tolerant Americans.”

Below is a painting I did in 1962 of our appartment on Midvale in WLA. I was sixteen when I id this End of World prediction. I am calling on a White Paper to find out what Orthodoxic Jews – really think of Jesus! Do they believe – he has a right to exist? Do they believe LBBTQ People have a right to exist? How about Hippies and the Peace Movement? What about North Vietnam? Did Israel send any troops to fight alongside Americans Soldiers in the Vietnam War? We know Hamas attacked and murdered participants in the Peaceful Supernova Music Festival. Israel has yet to condemn Russia for going after LGBTQ people of Ukraine in a religious crusade. Putin is bombing and murdering little children. Is he against Abortion Rights? Theses are all good Moral Questions – and not demonstrations of Anti-Semitism.. They say Hamas used civilians as a shield. Israel uses Anti-Semitism to ward off good questions – from good people!.

John ‘The Nazarite Seer’

“The Jews, I find are very, very selfish,” Truman wrote on July 21. “They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire.”

The Doomed Ghost Fleet

Posted on March 11, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

My post I made a year ago. I do not need my daughter and her coven playing dark and stupid women’s empowerment games with me. Phoenix LaFae needs a new profession.

Seer Jon

A Smell of War

Posted on November 29, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

An Act of Passionate Madness – One

Posted on July 6, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press


. “Kirill, who is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, has seemingly justified the invasion by describing it as part of a struggle against sin and pressure from liberal foreigners to hold “gay parades.”

The Catholic Church has titled Pontius Pilate a Saint, and he takes part on Passion Plays. I have long wondered why. I was asked to play Judas at the McKenzie River Christian Church. I refused.

On MSNBC Lou McDonnell reminded me that Mitch McConnel REFUSED to allow the Senate to hear and question President Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court. This allowed Donald Trump to fill that vacancy. Can sane Americans put The Mitch Act as the beginning of the Republican Insurrection, for that is what it is. That three dozen elected Republicans are saying President Biden stole the election, causes many Loyal Americans to wonder if the Republican take the Senate and White House – will they cancel further elections, and declare a Christian Rule by Council, who demonstrate loyalty to King Jesus, whose history and teaching – is very questionable!

With the my discovery of the Samaritan Moses four days ago, many of my questions have been answered. The input of Saul-Paul has long been questioned, and, the reason why Emperor Constantine chose Paul’s teaching and account over others. Paul is an apologist for Pilate and Rome, who authors a cover-up for THE SLAGHTER OF DOSITHEOS’ FOLLOWEERS, and very possibly the crucifixion of the Samaritan Moses – when he was caught. Did Roman forces arrest him in Damascus, where Saul-Paul led armed men – TO SLAUGHTER THE FOLLOWERS OF THE WAY? I am convince Dositheos, known as Nathaniel “gift of God” is the person the fake Jesus replaced. This historical person knew John the Baptist, a real person/

I watched the news this morning. American officials met with Russian officials in order to find a Path to Peace. The Invasion of Ukraine was instigated by Patriarch Kirill, who had it out for LGBTQ people, just like Trump and DeSantis…..AND MEMBERS OF THE SUPREME COURT.

President Zelensky is upset he was not invited to the Peace Talks. Why wasn’t he invited? This Jew wants Russian Leaders arrested and tried for WAR CRIMES! He want Justice an Restitution. He wants wealthy Russian to pay for the damage they have done. There is a threat to a nuclear plant. Putin is the embodiment of Pontius Pilate and began a Holy Crusade against Gay People, who are unarmed. Pope Franise needs to thorough condemns Putin and Kirilll, along with the Supreme Court of U.S.A.

Was Mitch and his Red State Anarchist upset that Black People are talking about RESTITUTION? If I m elected President I will seek restitution from the Italian Government for Jewish Citizens of America, who consider themselves member of Reformed Judaism. As Presdient I will beseach NATO to seize all works of art owned by the Vatican and other Churches! This unholy art will be sold at auction, the proceeds going for the homeless, the hungry, the widows, and the disnefrahcised.

So be it!

John Presco ‘Nazarite Judge’ and Democratic Candidate.

Dositheos (occasionally also known as Nathanael,[1] both meaning “gift of God”) was a Samaritan religious leader of Arab origins.[2][3] He was the founder of a Samaritan sect often assumed to be Gnostic in nature, and is reputed to have known John the Baptist, and been either a teacher or a rival of Simon Magus.[4]

Jews Titled Harry Truman ‘Messiah’

Posted on October 27, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

President Harry Truman with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and Israel’s first Ambassador to the US Eliahu Elath at the White House on May 8, 1951. Free domain.

I was born October 8, 1946 – four days after President Harry Truman signed papers that allowed 100,000 Jews into Palestine. My mother told me an entity gave her divine information about my birth – that she forgot. I always thought she was lying. She had to have known about Truman’s betrayal of everyone – but the Jews, on Yom Kippur. Rosemary said I was named after John the Baptist because I was born on Yom Kippur. I was born four days later.

On October 6, 2023, as I stood in a library isle full of books about Jews, I considered I was the Messiah of the Jews, because I could acquit all Jews, past, present, and future, of the Christian accusation the Jews murdered Jesus. Three days before I read this;

Jesus had just revealed to His disciples for the first time the plan: He was to go to Jerusalem to suffer, die, and be raised to life (Matthew 16:21Mark 8:31). Contrary to their expectations of Him, Jesus explained that He had not come to establish an earthly Messianic kingdom at that time. The disciples were not prepared for this new revelation of the Messiah’s purpose.”

What does this mean? He had not come to establish an earthly Messianic kingdom at that time. Does it mean he was not the expected Messiah of the Jews -and he knew it?

Below are some of my posts I made before the 6th. Again I saw a Ghost Fleet and reposted on Ian Easton.

Harry Truman frequently turned over the name of ‘Cyrus the Great’ as he rehearsed the names of the ‘Great Men of History’- a mental exercise which he performed regularly, as a concert pianist performs scales. No one had a clue the Yom Kippur Ruling was going to plunge Israel, and all the nations who were outraged – into a war – if not a world war1 I may be….the only one!

John Presco

October 4, 1946 (Friday)[edit]

  • On the eve of the Jewish Yom Kippur holiday, and a month before midterm elections, U.S. President Harry S. Truman announced that he had cabled British Prime Minister Clement Attlee to say that he endorsed immediate immigration of over 100,000 Jewish refugees into Palestine. Truman’s rationale was that the British-mediated conference between Arabs and Jews had been adjourned until December, and that “In view of the fact that winter will come before the conference can be resumed, I believe and urge that substantial immigration into Palestine cannot await a solution.”[9] Attlee was furious at Truman’s sudden public statement, and forecast that it would only increase violence in the region, while leaders of Arab nations felt that they had been betrayed, and Truman’s opponents criticized the decision as a clumsy bid for Jewish voters.[10] “It may well have been Truman’s desperate political straits that led him to such a blatantly political gambit,” observed one later historian.[11]

The Messiah in Judaism (Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ, romanizedmāšīaḥ) is a savior and liberator figure in Jewish eschatology, who is believed to be the future redeemer of the Jewish people. The concept of messianism originated in Judaism,[1][2] and in the Hebrew Bible a messiah is a king or High Priest of Israel traditionally anointed with holy anointing oil.[3] However, messiahs were not exclusively Jewish, as the Hebrew Bible refers to Cyrus the Great, king of the first Persian empire, as a messiah[4] for his decree to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple.

In Jewish eschatology, the Messiah is a future Jewish king from the Davidic line, who is expected to be anointed with holy anointing oil and rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age and world to come.[1][2][5] The Messiah is often referred to as “King Messiah” (Hebrew: מלך משיח, romanizedmelekh mashiach) or malka meshiḥa in Aramaic.[6]

Jewish messianism gave birth to Christianity, which started as a Second Temple period messianic Jewish sect or religious movement.[7][8]

The Flag of Saint Francis

Posted on April 25, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

When I awoke from my Old Man Nap….God bid me to restore The Oriflamme and take it Jerusalem with the Franciscan Fleet. Today is Orthodox Easter.

A relic of the cross may have been on the Moskva which may have been slated to sail to Jerusalem.


Sunken Russian warship may have carried Christian ‘True Cross’ relic – The Jerusalem Post (

Custody of the Holy Land – Wikipedia

Sunken Russian warship may have carried Christian relic ‘True Cross’ piece

The Moskva — Infamous for its role in the Snake Island incident — Was sunk last week, and may have been carrying a Christian relic, a fragment of the True Cross.


Published: APRIL 18, 2022 14:50

A view shows Russian warships on sunset ahead of the Navy Day parade in the Black Sea port of Sevastopol, Crimea July 27, 2019 (photo credit: REUTERS/ALEXEY PAVLISHAK)

A view shows Russian warships on sunset ahead of the Navy Day parade in the Black Sea port of Sevastopol, Crimea July 27, 2019



The Russian warship that sunk during the military operations against Ukraine last week may have been carrying what is claimed by some Christians to be a fragment of the cross that Jesus Christ was crucified on. 

The Russian Black Sea Fleet flagship Moskva — which helped seize Snake Island in an infamous incident at the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine War — sank on Thursday after being seriously damaged following an explosion that a Ukrainian official said was the result of a missile strike.

In 2020, it was decided that a Christian relic, a piece of the “True Cross,” would be carried on the Moskva, archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Sevastopol District Sergiy Khalyuta told Russian state media outlet TASS.

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The True Cross that Jesus Christ was crucified on was supposedly found by Roman Emperor Constantine’s mother, Empress Helena, and the alleged fragments of the cross have over the centuries been dispersed among different sects and churches. Khalyuta emphasized to TASS that fragments of the true cross are very rare and of great religious importance for all Christian denominations.

“This relic used to belong to a Catholic church, but was acquired by anonymous patrons of arts, and it was their will to send the relic to the [Black Sea] fleet,” Khalyuta told TASS. “The Moskva cruiser has an onboard chapel, where services take place.” 

 Russian Navy vessels are anchored in a bay of the Black Sea port of Sevastopol in Crimea May 8, 2014 (credit: REUTERS/STRINGER/FILE PHOTO)Russian Navy vessels are anchored in a bay of the Black Sea port of Sevastopol in Crimea May 8, 2014 (credit: REUTERS/STRINGER/FILE PHOTO)

Russia claimed that a fire had started on board, detonating ammunition stores. It did not say what caused the fire, and that it was “under investigation.” Maksym Marchenko, the Ukrainian governor of the region around the Black Sea port of Odesa, claimed the Moskva had been hit by two Ukrainian-made Neptune anti-ship cruise missiles.

Russia later reported that the fire was contained, but the damaged Moskva later sank when the Black Sea Fleet attempted to tow it to safety during a storm.

The ship’s crew was evacuated, but there has been no word about if the Moskva‘s holy relic was saved as well, or sank to the bottom of the Black Sea with the vessel — now a lost relic.

‘Our Starfish’ Will Leave The World Behind

Posted on July 31, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

The Royal Janitor

Chapter New Cold War Heros


John Presco

Putin’ s men took Starfish and Victoria to a special prison, where a hologram of the Russian leader introduced our BAD agents to foreign prisoners. One was a giant of a woman that played basketball. Miriam told this forlorn woman that she was an athlete, an amazing hurdler – who has never competed!

“We ran in a grove of trees felled in a windstorm. Ivan competed at Hayward field in Eugene Oregon.”

One of the men behind the mirror got on Google and brought up Victoria Thachuk, a Ukrainian hurdler that will compete at Hayward field, while Russia is banned. Putin’s hologram was fed this information, and his image pointed to a screen. When a video of Viktoriya in a race was played, both our spies gasped.

“They are like sisters – twins! “

“I want a pair of sunglasses – just like that! I must have! I can beat her! She is so beautiful! I must have her! She is my double!”

“The Men Behind The Mirror – and Putin’s Hologram-Double – were shocked. All eyes fell on ‘Her Original Victoria’. to see her reaction. Having concluded a week earlier that Starfish was a Toxic Narcissist, she took it on the chin, with much aplomb. Smiling. our agent said;

“I must have her too. She reminds me of someone!”

Starfish gave her wife the most heart melting smile, and she came and put her arm around her waist. Putin’s hologram already confronted the happy couple with the videos taken in their hotel room.

“It is true. We are Lesbians!”

“But, we are married!”

“Don’t worry. Most of our spies are LGBTQ people. It comes with the territory. We can not be good family folks for the reason we travel allot, and, we have to keep many secrets from our Loved One. We have watched you two closely to see how you lie to one another. So far, one of you told a little white lie, while the other -TOLD A GIANT LIE!

Victoria had to do allot of quick assessing. She was grateful for the Wizard’s Crazy Test, that asks if she and Miriam peed on the stuffed Unicorn, and, wiped their ass on Babe Ruth’s baseball? She understood life was full of Guilt and Shame hurdles. She was not going to take her husband’s inventory – just because she was prompted to. Coming down on the right side of, things, was the international game. Everything else – was pretty obvious. The rules were very pedestrian. Analyzing The Guilt Trip people were on – was the real Job. The Bible has proven this is how – we really are!

“I can take her!”

Team Putin worked the deal where Starfish was the only entry from an Island off Siberia in the Pacific. On the plane for Oregon, Starfish blurted out.

“I’m going to smoke allot of pot at the Country Fair. Will you buy me a new set of drums?”

Victoria was studying the Russian community in Eugene. Her wife wondered if this was the community her parents established on Mount Shasta.

“I want to take some shrooms. I want to try Psilocybin!”

Starfishes wish list took up the whole flight. Viktoriya Tkachuk had activated her mates parallel universe, jag. The movie PI came up mid-Atlantic. Bored with the recitation of her wish-list for the other life, Victoria called her bluff. She was bored.

‘Enough! Let’s hear it. Recite the movie PI backwards!

The plane was full of spies and mikes that listened, in, to what sounded like a Christian talking in tongues.

“I have no way of telling if you are….doing a great and fantastic job! Stop, I want to nap!”

When they went to Hayward Field, our heroes looked down on the practice field. Looking up, our twins beheld each other for the first time.

to be continued

The New Catholic Church of St. Francis

Posted on September 11, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

I was born with the Holy Spirit as was Christine Rosamond Benton, as was my daughter, Heather Hanson. We have been viciously attacked by Darklings who are jealous of our Light and want to own it. They are – finished!

In 1956, my two sisters, and the old woman up the street, were visited by a blue angel that filled our whole neighborhood in a Holy Spirit – that is still there!

This should have been our focus. Outsiders should never have been allowed near Christine’s legacy, nor Garth Benton.

I am going to do a series of religious paintings.


Mary Magdalene Rosamond of Saint Francis

Posted on December 1, 2016by Royal Rosamond Press


Briar Cliff University is a private, FranciscanRoman Catholicliberal arts university located in Sioux City, IowaUnited States.

In March 1929, Mother Mary Dominica Wieneke, Major Superior of the Sisters of Saint Francis of Dubuque, along with the Most Rev. Edmond Heelan, Bishop of the Sioux City Diocese, co-founded Briar Cliff College after meeting with members of the Sioux City community, who committed to raising $25,000 to support the establishment of a Catholic women’s college in Sioux City. The twelve foundresses of the College were carefully chosen by Mother Dominica. They were led by Sister Mary Servatius Greenen, who was named the first president.[2]

Little Briar Rose“, a folk tale originally recorded by the Brothers Grimm and used as a basis for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent

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Saint Francis and The Perfect Master

Posted on December 24, 2014by Royal Rosamond Press

     In 1987 Marilyn bid me to get a reading at the Berkeley Psychic Institute when I was in the Bay Area. I agreed, but was highly skeptical. A young woman began the reading by saying this;

“You own your own creation – You Died!”

Last night CNN did a program on people who cheat death. Ten years ago I went to a Catholic priest and asked him to hear my confession so I can complete my first communion that was interrupted when a father called me a liar. I had been reading about Meher Baba’s contact with Saint Francis. My angel bid me to return to the church and help transform it. Yesterday Pope Francis made that major change by walking in the footsteps of Saint Francis, and scolding the hiearchy.

When I was eleven, Christine ten, and Vicki, six, my sisters told me they saw a blue angel in their room. Later, the old woman up the street asked me to come fix her radio atenae that she had attached to her mattress springs. She told me she was falling asleep while listneding to the radio when there was much static. The room filled with a blue light. Se said she thought it was the boys across the canyon shining a spotlight in her room.

“It left burn holes in my curtain. Go see!”

I went to her window, and saw a circle of about twelve tiny burns in her lace curtain.

“Kay! You can’t see the other side of the canyon from here.”

In 1993 I began my autobiography ‘Bonds With Angel’ in hope I could heal my family. I had six years of sobriety. My family stole my story and gave it to ghost writers. They took my daughter and my grandson from me. They claim they have a spiritual program, but as the woman Seer went on to say;

“People keep coming into your being, and take, take, take! You are powerless to stop them. I don’t know why.”

The Holy Land of Francis

Posted on September 11, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

I claim King David’s Tomb where Helena the Nazarite was buried. Property owned by the Order of Saint Francis will be a neutral sanctuary for all peoples. But, this holy land will be in the care of a New Coalition of American Jews who descend from Jewish Immigrants who found Sanctuary in this Democracy. To take this linage of Democratic Jews to Israel, and place a fake citizenship upon these Americans, is fraudulent!

There are way more Jews in America than in Israel. Many of them members of Reform Judaism that was established by Frances Salvador that fought in the War of Independence. He was elected to office. This is the only image of Frances being killed by Native Americans. We need a better one. I am so busy.

Many Sephardic Jews owned slaves. Benjamin Judah was one of them. He managed the Confederacy. Slave helped build this Democracy. For this reason the property of Saint Francis should be open to pilgrimage where descendants of slaves may come and be closer to God. This can be in concordance with the IfNotNow Movement.

God has bid me to anoint the Duke and Duchess of Essex, and their descendants, Regal Caretakers of all property in Israel owned by the Order of Saint Francis.

John ‘The Nazarite’

There have been pleas from moderate Israelis to moderate Jews in America, who may consider themselves members of Reform Judaism, to help SAVE ISRAEL from the Orthodox Extremists who want the boundaries of King David’s kingdom, restored. The evangelicals want the Jews to restore David’s Kingdom – and Temple – so they can inherit God’s legacy. The OWNERSHIP OF KEY LAND is vital in fulfilling the religious prophecy of several religious groups when you throw in the Mormons who got into a dispute about whether they are a real religion.

They have prominent allies. Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of the left-leaning Israel-lobbying group J Street, tells me he finds IfNotNow “really exciting”; Rebecca Vilkomerson, executive director of Palestinian solidarity movement Jewish Voice for Peace, sees IfNotNow’s goals and her organization’s as “very complementary”; and the prominent Israel critic Peter Beinart says IfNotNow is able to “say things and take moral stances that other people are too inhibited to take.” Husam Zomlot, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s general delegation to the U.S. has said, “Hope is the young American Jews like the brave souls in IfNotNow.” But the group’s critics are numerous, as well. Conservatives loathe them (a recent op-ed in the Jerusalem Post accused them of being “anti-Jewish”), and even liberal Jewish publications like The Forward and Haaretz run opinion headlines like “IfNotNow Doesn’t Deserve the Support of Left-leaning American Jews” or “I Teach At Birthright. IfNotNow Is Wrong.

Prince William of the British royal family visited the Holy Sepulcher this morning. He did so at the end of his trip to the Holy Land, which ended on June 28, after he spent five days in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. The representatives of the three Christian churches that own the Holy Sepulcher welcomed him before the shrine. Along with the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilus, and the Armenian Archbishop, Sevan Gharibian, Br. John Luke Gregory, a Franciscan of the Custody of the Holy Land from England, who now is the delegate of the Custos in Rhodes, was also present.

In front of photographers and a small group of curious onlookers, Prince William entered the Holy Sepulcher, for what was the first official visit of a British royal to the Church of the Resurrection. The Anglican bishop of Jerusalem, Suheil Salman Ibrahim Dawani, escorted the prince into the shrine.

During the visit, which lasted about an hour, the representatives of the Churches first led him in front of the Stone of Anointing, which the prince kissed at the invitation of his three escorts. Then the prince entered the shrine containing the tomb of Christ, where the Patriarch Theophilus had prepared three candles ready to be lit for the prince, the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate, and Queen Elizabeth. Br. John Luke suggested lighting two others for Prince Harry’s recent marriage to his wife, Megan Markle, and for his mother, Princess Diana. From there, everyone moved to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, where the Armenian archbishop gave some background [on the shrine].

After passing through the Greek Katholikon, the Prince’s delegation climbed to the top of the stairs leading to Calvary. “I explained to him that we process here every day and that we believe that behind the rock of Calvary, Adam was buried ,” said Br. John Luke Gregory. “The cross of Jesus placed on that rock makes this union between the New and Old testament visible, because Jesus is the new Adam.”

The Greek Orthodox had then prepared a light refreshment in their office, which is adjacent to the chapel of Adam, where a photo op took place. There Prince William also met the Secretary of the Custody, Br. David Grenier, and the other friars of the Holy Sepulcher.
“I have lived in this place for six years and I know him very well ,” said Fr. John Luke, “and for this reason, I explained to the Prince that we too have a monastery inside the Church of the Tomb, where we live in fraternal community.”

Benjamin was born to Sephardic Jewish parents from London, who had moved to St. Croix in the Danish West Indies when it was occupied by Britain during the Napoleonic Wars. Seeking greater opportunities, his family immigrated to the United States, eventually settling in Charleston, South Carolina. Judah Benjamin attended Yale College but left without graduating. He moved to New Orleans, where he read law and passed the bar.

Benjamin rose rapidly both at the bar and in politics. He became a wealthy planter and slaveowner and was elected to and served in both houses of the Louisiana legislature prior to his election by the legislature to the US Senate in 1852. There, he was an eloquent supporter of slavery. After Louisiana seceded in 1861, Benjamin resigned as senator and returned to New Orleans.

The Fate of Franciscan Property In Jerusalem

Posted on December 16, 2017by Royal Rosamond Press

I am considering making a claim.

Giovanni ‘The Nazarite’

King David’s Tomb

17SaturdayMay 2014

Posted by gary bowersin Current Events

≈ 1 Comment


Benjamin NetanyahuHoly SitesPope FrancisThe Vatican

The Vatican in Jerusalem!

News Flash! “Israeli Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says police have ‘stepped up’ patrols and surveillance across the country, and that thousands of police officers will be deployed during the pope’s visit to ensure it goes smoothly.” (Source: Israel Hayom, May 14, 2014). Rosenfeld’s statement was in direct response to the Roman Catholic official in charge of the Vatican’s properties in the Holy Land, who urged Israel to protect Christian holy sites including churches and monasteries in Jerusalem that had recently been vandalized. And to please do so before Pope Francis’ visit to Israel, Jordan, and the West Bank (Judea/Samaria) May 24-26.

The very fact that Pope Francis will travel to Israel is remarkable. I make that observation in the historical light of estranged relations between the Roman Catholic Church and Israel as represented by both its (secular) government and religious observant Jews that has existed off and on for decades … indeed, for hundreds of years. However, both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Francis I have reached out to one another in an effort to reconcile differences. Whereas a papal visit to Israel is definitely newsworthy, it is also something to be expected in today’s ecumenical and politically correct world of strange bedfellows.

Totally unexpected and even more amazing than the Pope’s brief tour of Israel (including a visit to the Western Wall) is a recent report from reliable sources that Prime Minister Netanyahu is interested in transferring Jewish administrative control of the Tomb of King David to the Roman Catholic Church! Aren’t there enough Christian holy sites in Israel under the jurisdiction of either the Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox clergy? The answer to that is a resounding yes, dozens of them … such as the (most well-known) Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Why then give a revered Jewish site to the Roman Catholic Church in general and specifically to the entity known as “Custody of the Holy Land.” What is this Holy Land Custodianship all about?

Custody of the Holy Land?

Straight from Wikipedia, we read: “The Custodian of the Holy Land … is an officer of the Franciscan order, appointed by the General Definitorium of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor, with the approval of the Pope and the Holy See. The Custodian … is the head of all Franciscans in the Holy Land. On 15 May 2004 Pierbattista Pizzaballa was appointed Custodian of the Holy Land, succeeding Giovanni Battistelli, who held the office for six years. On Friday, June 28, 2013, Pope Francis confirmed that he (Pizzaballa) would continue as Custodian for at least a further three years.”

Wikipedia’s article continues: “Today, the jurisdiction of the Custodian covers Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt…. The Custody has about 300 friars and about 100 sisters in these countries. The Franciscans serve the principal Christian shrines, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, and the Basilica of the Annunciation at Nazareth.”

JERUSALEM — For nearly 20 years, the Birthright program has been a rite of passage for hundreds of thousands of young American Jews, who get a free trip to Israel along with a tour that shows the country in a very positive light.

But in recent weeks, the same discomfort that many Americans Jews feel about the current Israeli government, and in particular its continued occupation of the West Bank, has been reflected in some of the tours. An American anti-occupation group, called IfNotNow, has organized walkouts by a few Birthright participants, hoping the resultant publicity will inspire other young tourists to make the same gesture, and pressure American Jews to reassess its support for Israeli policies.

In June, that led to a chaotic scene on one of the tour buses. Bethany Zaiman of Washington stood up and announced that she and four others would leave the bus to “learn about the occupation from the perspective of Palestinians,” and would visit the West Bank.

The Israeli tour guide interrupted her several times, and — as seen on a video that was shown on Facebook on June 28 — erupted as the group was leaving.

“No Palestinian is going to send me away from here!” the guide said.

Moments later, a male Birthright participant wearing a white T-shirt and holding what appears to be an American flag, pointed at Zaiman and said: “Guess what’s going to happen. You’re going to get killed, you’re going to get raped.”

The Ghost Fleet Is Here!

Posted on August 29, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is lara41.jpg

The Royal Janitor

When Miriam beheld the people climbing the stairs to the Jordon Schnitzer Museum, she let go of Victoria’s hand, skipped across the grass, and bounded up the steps – four at a time! Her entrance was like Nureyev flying across the stage. She was an escapee from Botticelli’s Primavera. People gasped! They thought she was part of a show. She was the star ballerina and the Constantine Christian Nudist Camp where she was homeschooled. This was her first encounter with an institution of higher learning.

As I – FORSAW! The Ghost Fleet – is here! What I did not see, was this fleet is made up of Un-manned Naval Drone Ships. Brillant! No need of bunks and food for the crew. No limes to keep them from getting scurvy. Sink one, and there is no loss of life, or rescue of the crew. An officer with a remote control can sink – many enemy ships! Even – a woman can sink a battleship! It will be – more than a game! A very tuned in team – can wreck havoc!

Above are two models that I used for my James Bond book…The Royal Janitor. At the top is Victoria Rosemond Bond. Below her is…Miriam Starfish Christling…who is a very lethal and very crazed Christian Neo-Hippie, who teaches her boss how to Remote View, a gift she claims God gave to Jonah. As a mathematical genius, and Crazed Christian, she claims she was born to spot incoming comets. She is an expert in the martial art of Icelandic Bone Breaking. She titles herself..

“a First Class Bone Crusher!”

“It says here your parents were Hippies – and, you are a Hippie, who I believe are against violence?”

“Yeah – right! Don’t make me laugh! My parents escaped allllllll of their inhibitions – through math! I was brought up on The Math of Pi. I killed many people – who committed Math Sins. Jesus was a Math Wizard who could raise the dead – using math. He didn’t die for our sins, but, our Math Mistakes. It’s just fine to help people die for their poor match.”

“Have I made…..math mistakes….in your opinion?”

“No comment! I am your bodyguard. I am programmed to die protecting your mathematical equation, such as it is.”

For over five years I get newsfeed on James Bond. I belong to two Bond Facebook groups. Occasionally I will post, this….

“I already got my Bond, and she’s a woman. I already got a plot, and my female spies – are on the job!”

I founded Marin Shipmates and am wondering about the new ship named ‘Mariner’. Consider China’s and Russia’s presence in Africa.

John Presco

The Marin Shipmates | Rosamond Press

The Mariner is one of four Overlord USVs the Navy ordered, although only the third fielded as the last one is still under construction. The Mariner’s two sister ships, the Nomad and Ranger

“The plan calls for expanding the overall force from approximately 300 combat ships to 523. Of that fleet, 150 ships are intended to be uncrewed. The “ghost fleet” portion would work hand-in-hand with the rest of the combat ships, just without a large crew needed, which might help the Navy given the ongoing recruitment and morale issues.” 

Next James Bond: Who Will Be the Next 007 Actor? (

With the sun finally set on Daniel Craig’s franchise-altering tenure as James Bond, fans of the storied spy franchise are clamoring to know who will be the next performer to step into 007’s stylish shoes. But the answer is far from obvious, and it’s an awfully crowded field of candidates. (After all, if you’re a British heartthrob with a certain degree of notoriety, chances are you’re in the running for the role.) But where you fall in the taxonomy of Bond wannabes is bigger than just fan chatter—in fact, it’s the subject of an entire cottage industry of gamblers and betting houses, who have been gaming the odds on who will succeed Craig ever since he announced his departure.

FBI Investigating Woman Who Allegedly Faked Wealthy Heiress Persona, Mingled with Trump at Mar-a-Lago (

U.S. officials are reportedly investigating a woman who allegedly claimed to be a member of the famed Rothschild family during visits to Mar-a-Lago, where she met former President Donald Trump and mingled with members of his inner circle.

Trump Demands Either New Election ‘Immediately’ or Make Him ‘Rightful’ President Now (

Former President Donald Trump on Monday took time off from melting down over the FBI executing a search warrant at his home to seize classified documents to demand that he be installed as commander-in-chief of the United States—22 months after he decisively lost the 2020 race.

The Navy’s “ghost fleet” is growing

Nicholas Slayton – Yesterday 10:43 AM

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This past week the Navy christened a new ship in the fleet: the unmanned surface vessel the Mariner. The ceremony at the U.S. Naval Academy marked another milestone in the Navy’s attempt to test and expand its autonomous capacity.

The Ranger, one of the Overlord USVs used by the U.S. Navy. The Mariner is the latest to be christened. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Demitrius J. Williams)

It is the latest so-called “ghost ship” to join the Navy at sea. The Mariner is one of four Overlord USVs the Navy ordered, although only the third fielded as the last one is still under construction. The Mariner’s two sister ships, the Nomad and Ranger, participated this summer in the Rim of the Pacific international training exercise. It was one of the biggest deployments of an uncrewed ship yet.

The Navy recently released the 2022 edition of the Chief of Naval Operations Navigation Plan, its roadmap and vision for how the Navy will look in 2035. The plan calls for expanding the overall force from approximately 300 combat ships to 523. Of that fleet, 150 ships are intended to be uncrewed. The “ghost fleet” portion would work hand-in-hand with the rest of the combat ships, just without a large crew needed, which might help the Navy given the ongoing recruitment and morale issues. 

That’s where ships like the Mariner factor in. They’re early research and development ships. They’ll serve at sea, but the idea for now is to test how the software functions and how these vessels can be improved on to meet that 2035 goal. As for how these kinds of ships will be used, the Navy has said they’ll serve multiple purposes, but the autonomous nature of the vessels means they can also allow the Navy to carry out operations without diverting sailors from bigger tasks.

“We can take two of our USVs and go out and do multi-vessel ops … and not necessarily have to take [a destroyer] off of actual fleet operations to go do that,” Rear Adm. Casey Moton, who works on unmanned programs, said during a tour of the ship this week, Breaking Defense reported

Although the Mariner and other Overlord USVs are technically uncrewed and run on software, it’s not exactly designed to exclude sailors. The Overlord USVs have crews of six, with most features though being automated. Breaking Defense reported that the ship even has a big red button that can turn off the software control and let the ship’s captain take over operations, should a need arise. Think of it as where many “self-driving” cars are currently at, where there is a manual control option. 

The USV Mariner is currently set to wrap up testing and then join other ships in California in the next fiscal year. 

International inspectors were heading Monday to the Ukrainian nuclear plant at the center of growing alarm about a potential radiation disaster.

The United Nations nuclear watchdog mission is set to arrive at the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia power plant later this week, offering hope for progress even as the two warring sides exchanged new accusations of shelling around the complex in southern Ukraine.

“The day has come,” Rafael Grossi, the head of the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency, said in a tweet early Monday, announcing that a team was “on its way” after weeks of negotiations about getting nuclear inspectors access to the site near the conflict’s front lines. 

“We must protect the safety and security of Ukraine’s and Europe’s biggest nuclear facility,” he said.

The mission, which will be led by Grossi, will assess physical damage to the plant, determine how well its safety systems are functioning, evaluate working conditions for its staff and perform any urgent safeguard activities, the IAEA said in a separate tweet.

The Marin Shipmates

Posted on May 6, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, called the land of glaciers and volcanoes, is home to two erupting volcanoes: Klyuchevskaya and Shiveluch. Both are on the central eastern side of the peninsula, with Shiveluch to the north, and Klyuchevskaya to the south.
Why China’s response to US warships in Taiwan Strait surprised analysts (

On Sunday, the US Navy sent 
two guided-missile cruisers through the strait, which China now claims as its “internal waters.” The US and others maintain the strait is international waters under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
It was the first time in at least four years the US Navy had sent two cruisers through the strait, said Collin Koh, research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, who has been keeping a database on the transits.
The Marin Shipmates | Rosamond Press

Admiral McCraven and the Ghost Fleet

Posted on October 18, 2019 by Royal Rosamond Press

After I posted my last post, I turned on CNN and heard about Admiral McRaven say Trumped is destroying our nation from within. Alas, Victoria Bond’s dream of the Ghost Fleet – has come true!

There is no doubt I am a prophet. How I do it needs to be studied. I am a untapped assets to my Country.

John Presco

President Donald Trump needs to step up and provide America with the leadership it needs — or else someone better suited should take over as commander in chief, according to retired Adm. William McRaven.

McRaven, who oversaw the Navy SEAL raid that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in 2011, said the rhetoric and acts he witnessed at a change of command ceremony at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, and an annual gala for the Office of Strategic Services Society reminded him “why our future may be in peril.”

“What struck me was the stark contrast between the words and deeds heralded at those events — and the words and deeds emanating from the White House,” McRaven wrote in an op-ed Thursday published in the New York Times.

The change of command ceremony, between two generals McRaven said he served with for 20 years, portray solid character and understand the gravity of their responsibility leading their soldiers and had confidence in American values they have defended during their careers.

“They had faith that these values were worth sacrificing everything for — including, if necessary, their lives,” said McRaven, a SEAL who led Joint Special Operations Command before becoming the commander of U.S. Special Operations Command in 2011. He retired in 2014.


Flaming Hot – Hope Hicks →

Victoria’s Dream of the Ghost Fleet

Posted on July 20, 2019by Royal Rosamond Press

Irene Victoria Easton-Christensen……The Face that launched a thousand ships.


The Rose Atom

Posted on August 5, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

These meteors may be manmade, or, man-driven? Has a secret meteor war broke out? Our President talked about creating a Star Strike Force. My fictional characters may have been created on a dual planet via Symmetry. I am their conduit-messenger. Note the spelling of Kristensen that I morph into Christling. I had forgotten about the double mobis circle in ROSATOM that is key in solving the mystery of Adam’s Rib that I turned into a new religion, forgetting it is apocalyptic. Does God want to do away with the false teaching of John Darby and the Rapture, in order to give humanity Real Wings to escape our doom?

God has chosen a obscure author in Springfield Oregon to save the world, because he revived the ancient cosmology of Augerism, then combined it with the teaching of Amile Noether. Pontius Pilate put Jesus to the augur’s test and found no fault in him. His symmetry – was perfect!

I now get it why others want to censor me. A intuitive part of them sees that I am being focused on a coming Doomsday. They believe if my predictions are erased, or, do not reach the public, the End Time will not arrive. However, people rioting in the streets all over the world, suggests the human subconscious is picking up the peril we are in.

I suspect Putin showed Trump this peril and told him the only way Doomsday can be prevented, is the establishment of a One Rose Atomic Order. ORAO.


John Presco

Copyright 2018

The US Air Force failed to report a major meteor explosion near a military base in Greenland earlier this summer, leading to concern and confusion. 

The explosion contained 2.1 kilotons of force and occurred just above an early-warning radar at the Thule Air Force base in June, according to Hans Kristensen, the director of the Nuclear Information Project for the Federation of American Scientists. Mr Kristensen confirmed the explosion in a tweet on Wednesday, suggesting the meteor could have been mistaken by some as a “Russian first strike”. 

However, the US Air Force did not release a statement regarding the meteor, or even tweet about the phenomena. 

When contacted for comment, a representative for the secretary of the Air Force public affairs told The Independent: “We’re not providing any comment on that, except that it didn’t impact operations at Thule.”

The Lee Line Battleship

Posted on June 8, 2020 by Royal Rosamond Press

The Royal Janitor


John Presco

Copyright 2020

John von John heaved a sigh of relief when Starfish reluctantly obeyed orders to go sit in the car.

“I never saw anyone get so drunk on one beer!” John said.

“There is no history of alcoholism!” Victoria said rubbing her chin with her sleeve, a tell that said she was truly puzzled.

“I think she is faking it. I suspect she has gone off to meet a lover. You know how women are….a lover in every port!”

Victoria was about to take John’s remark under serious consideration. If he had not added “You know how women are” suggesting Miram was a slut. This bit of misogyny would change the course of human history. For indeed Miriam made a beeline for the microfish room at the library of the University of Oregon where a male hand locked the door after she entered.

Now able to carry on a adult conversation, John was able to get at the core of his theory.

“I have uncovered evidence there was a special group of people rescued somewhere on the Russian Swedish border at the beginning of the war.  This group may be a cadet branch of the Romanov family, and noble Germans who were invited to settle in Russian by Catherine the great. There is a ancient Viking bloodline in the mix. It looks like another attempt to create a master race. As you know Putin wants to restore Russian nobility and the true orthodoxy. Hitler was hunting for these people in order to install them in the Nazi government in Moscow once Operation Barbarossa was a success.”

“Is that it? Sounds like something you got off the internet. You and your President. Any real leads?”

“Yes. The actor Douglas Fairbanks Junior took part in Operation PQ 17.  He and fellow actor, Christopher Lee, appear to have been working the van Rosen family together. Lee was going to marry Henrietta van Rosen.  The King of  Sweden gave his approval – after offering Fairbanks as a reference. There were investigations going on. ”

“It looks like a double sub-rosa to feel out what the other knows. Did Henrietta spill the beans in a love-making session? You know how women are!”

“Touché!” von John exclaimed. “There is a lead at the Naval station in the old Del Monte Hotel in Monterey. It has been suggested Salvador Dali was secretly smuggling people out of Nazi Germany.

“You’re kidding Dali is one of my heroes. I am a surrealist sculptress.”

“Check out the founders of the WAVES. They say have been processing these people into a relocation program. Don’t take that crazy women with you! You’ll get more done!”

With “done”, Miriam got off the old oak table and looked for her panties.


When Victoria and Miriam approached the Del Monte Hotel, they both exclaimed at the same exact time….”Osborne House!”

Victoria was like a school girl off to boarding school. She was thrilled they would be staying in the Dali Room that was reserved for special guest of the Navy. On the way to see Dali’s strange creations, Miriam came up short, and stood in front of a glass case.

“Oh look! Here’s my and my parents hero!”

Victoria glanced back, and felt faint as the name LEE flashed at her like a neon sign. Creeping towards the display honoring Real Admiral Willis Augustus Lee, she almost fainted – again!

“My parents learned to target shoot from Willey. He holds the record for Olympic gold medals. I’ going to shoot at the 2020 Olympics. I got a silver medal four years ago. I want the gold.”

Victoria wandered in a circle around Starfish, in a daze. She had experienced this when she went to Le Rosey, this getting of second hand information from her best friend who was always in the know long before she was.

“It’s a shame he does not get more attention. It’s the Robert E. Lee curse. My father was a wanna-be Redneck and Civil War buff. He told me all about the pans Britain had to invade the U.S. and win the war for the Confederacy.”

“He’s my kin. I descend from the Lees.” Peeped Victoria.

“Are you shitting me! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just found out. I was going to tell you tonight.”

“Damn! We got to go to the range now. You are a natural. I know it!”

“No! I told you – no! I will never pick up a gun. For the record, once again, here……”

“I did it.” Starfish told her best friend.

“Did what?”


To be continued

John Dee – Sea Lord of The Ghost Fleet

Posted on September 11, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

My psychic visions are coming true. Russia’s navy is back. Is America and NATO ready?
by Task and Purpose
The Navy says tackling this threat requires a shift in mentality across the force.
The Russian and Chinese navies have become increasingly active in the North Atlantic over the last five years, necessitating a return to a “competitive mindset” among U.S. Navy commanders, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson said Monday.

“We’re talking about more [activity] than we’ve seen in 25 years,” Richardson said of Russian naval movements in the North Atlantic in an interview with Voice of America, adding that the Chinese Navy “is certainly a pacing competition for us in terms of the naval threat.”

Vice Adm. Charles A. Richard, the new head of U.S. Submarine Forces and Allied Submarine Command, put it more bluntly when he assumed command on August 3: “Prepare for battle!”

Rosamond Press

Victoria Bond had many dreams of a Ghost Fleet. I mentioned John Dee in July. Now it is clear…….Here comes the Royal Navy John Dee founded!

I have been working on a transition from my Bond book, to my Tolkien book. Now I see a movie about John Dee. I was born to write the screenplay and be the Art Director. I will title this move ‘Sea Lord’. My kindred, William and Peter Rosenberg, will be in this movie, and so will be Krumlov castle. My Bohemian Royalty is coming to California! Will, Dee and the Rosebergs sail on Drake’s the Golden Hind? Here we have Merlin in Oregon where a film maker claims the British Empire began! Everything is coming up roses for me – and my tales! I am in the catbird seat! I fought wiccans for a another magicians memorial – and won!

This will be the…

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Britannia and The Ghost Ships

Posted on June 24, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

Amazing aerial view of the HMS Queen Elizabeth entering HMNB Portsmouth, UK, this morning on return from her latest period of Helicopter Sea Trials. June 23, 2018. The ship is the lead ship of the Queen Elizabeth class of aircraft carriers, the largest warships ever built for the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom and capable of carrying up to 60 aircraft. See NATIONAL story NNSHIP.

Amazing aerial view of the HMS Queen Elizabeth entering HMNB Portsmouth, UK, this morning on return from her latest period of Helicopter Sea Trials. June 23, 2018. The ship is the lead ship of the Queen Elizabeth class of aircraft carriers, the largest warships ever built for the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom and capable of carrying up to 60 aircraft. See NATIONAL story NNSHIP.

I believe Admiral Ian Easton, and Sea Lord, Caspar John, have been sending Lara and I messages.

“Raise the Royal Ghost Fleet!”

Just before Victoria Bond awoke from her naval dream, she heard a woman’s voice come to her like the wind from over the horizon.

“Save Albion from her enemies, Britannia!”

Jon Presco

Copyright 2018

Britain’s six Type 45 destroyers, described as the backbone of the Royal Navy, spent 80 per cent of last year in dock.

The ships, costing £1billion each, need a multi-million pound refit after repeatedly breaking down in the Persian Gulf. But the work is not due to start until 2020.

Two of the cutting-edge warships, HMS Dauntless and HMS Defender, did not go to sea at all during 2017 – which had been hailed by officials and ministers as ‘the year of the Navy’.

All six warships, which entered service from 2008, were made with an engine system which cuts out in warm seas, leaving sailors stranded for hours in total darkness.

Albion (Ancient Greek: Ἀλβιών) is the oldest known name of the island of Great Britain. Today, it is still sometimes used poetically to refer to the island. The name for Scotland in the Celtic languages is related to Albion: Alba in Scottish GaelicAlbain (genitive Alban) in IrishNalbin in Manx and Alban in WelshCornish, and Breton. These names were later Latinised as Albania and Anglicised as Albany, which were once alternative names for Scotland.

New Albion and Albionoria (“Albion of the North”) were briefly suggested as names of Canada during the period of the Canadian Confederation.[1][2] Arthur Phillip, first leader of the colonisation of Australia, originally named Sydney Cove “New Albion”, but later the colony acquired the name “Sydney“.[3][4][5]

It was during the reign of Elizabeth I that “Britannia” came to be viewed as a personification of Britain. In his 1576 General and rare memorials pertayning to the Perfect Arte of NavigationJohn Dee used a frontispiece figure of Britannia kneeling by the shore beseeching Elizabeth I, to protect her empire by strengthening her navy.[10]

With the death of Elizabeth in 1603 came the succession of her Scottish cousin, James VI, King of Scots, to the English throne. He became James I of England, and so brought under his personal rule the Kingdoms of England (and the dominion of Wales), Ireland and Scotland. On 20 October 1604, James VI and I proclaimed himself as “King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland”, a title that continued to be used by many of his successors.[11] When James came to the English throne, some elaborate pageants were staged. One pageant performed on the streets of London in 1605 was described in Anthony Munday‘s Triumphs of Reunited Britannia:

Britannia has been used in several different senses. The name is a Latinisation of the native Brittonic word for the island, Pretanī, which also produced the Greek form Prettanike or Brettaniai, which originally, in the fourth to the first centuries BC, designated a collection of islands with individual names, including Albion or Britain.

The Creative Royal Fleet Sets Sail

Posted on April 16, 2018by Royal Rosamond Press

Here are the vessels that Sir Caspar John served upon. He was born into a artistic family. I would like see the College of Defence Studies founded by the Artist, Sir Winston Churchill, expanded to include Creative People in Britain and the U.S. As a rule artists, writers, and musicians do not take slaves, gas people, and loot other people’s art. Hitler did all three. He was a bad artist who cost the world many lives, and a trillion dollars to put him down. We took back the art he stole and put it in sacred public places. I support Theresa May’s strike against Assad, who gassed his own people.

Below are the warships that Sir Ian Easton served on.

Jon Presco

China’s interpretation of the law of the sea within what it claims to be its own waters has long clashed with that of maritime powers and the majority of members of the international community. The United States regularly asserts maritime rights and freedoms under its “freedom of navigation” program, much to Beijing’s chagrin.


Lynn Kuok

Former Brookings Expert

Senior Research Fellow – University of Cambridge


But as other maritime powers join the United States in taking steps to defend maritime rights—a British Royal Navy warship makes its way through the South China Sea this month—it is in China’s interests to learn from the Soviet example. As the Soviet navy transitioned from a “reactive coastal fleet” to a “proactive, expansionist, blue-water navy,” the Soviet attitude towards the law of the sea changed. It moved from one that sought to limit maritime freedoms to one that joined hands with naval powers, including its Cold War foe, the United States, to push for protection of such freedoms. A similar shift would help boost China’s international reputation, as well as protect and advance its interests across the globe.

Maritime powers join hands

British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson confirmed last month that a Royal Navy warship would sail through the South China Sea in March on its way back from Australia to the United Kingdom to assert navigation rights in waters Beijing claims. The HMS Sutherland left Sydney for the South China Sea on March 15, undertaking training with the Australian navy in the meantime. It is not clear what rights, exactly, the United Kingdom will assert—Williamson declined to say whether it would exercise rights to innocent passage within 12-nautical miles of disputed land territories or wider freedoms outside of territorial seas.

What is clear, however, is that in taking steps to assert rights vested under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in the South China Sea, the United Kingdom joins other maritime powers in guarding against their erosion. In June 2016, the French minister of defense underscored his country’s commitment to the principles of freedom of navigation and overflight and the navy’s intention to continue to pass through the waters of the region several times a year. In the first half of 2016, French navy vessels deployed to the region three times.

U.S. Freedom of Navigation program

The United States, for its part, regularly asserts maritime rights vested under UNCLOS under its “freedom of navigation” program. The program’s name is a bit of a misnomer since it protects more than the right to navigate from point A to point B. It defends a whole basket of rights and freedoms, including the right of warships to exercise innocent passage within territorial seas without prior notification or authorization, and the freedom to conduct military activities, including surveillance and reconnaissance, outside of territorial seas. The U.S. freedom of navigation program also pushes back against excessive maritime claims that limit rights and freedoms of warships and warplanes. In the past year, U.S. forces under the freedom of navigation program challenged China’s claims to a territorial sea from offshore features not entitled to one under UNCLOS.

Given its wide scope, it is more accurate to describe the program as a “freedoms of the seas” or “excessive maritime claims” program. More accurate terminology would make it more difficult for China to sidestep real disagreements over legitimate rights and freedoms under UNCLOS. Beijing suggests that the United States and others invent concerns over “freedom of navigation,” but its argument only has superficial validity if we take “freedom of navigation” in its narrowest sense. Still, the term “freedom of navigation” operations, or “FONOPS,” has stuck. From October 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017, the United States conducted freedom of navigation operations to challenge the excessive maritime claims of 22 countries around the world.

Britain’s armed forces are massively bolstered by the massive threat posed to any enemies by the colossal aircraft carrier – which can carry up to 60 planes. It is staffed by around 650 crew and can travel more than half way around the world before needing to be refuelled. Her sister ship is named HMS Prince of Wales, and is the eighth to bear that name.

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British naval vessels in the South China Sea are avoiding the 12 mile zone around newly constructed military bases that China has constructed on disputed rocks.

Gavin Williamson, the British defence secretary, yesterday finished a three-day tour of southeast Asia in which he boasted of British “determination” to stand up against the nuclear threat of North Korea and the threat to navigation by China in the South China Sea.

The competition to build the Royal Navy’s next low-cost frigate moved forward this week as Babcock Team 31 showed off its proposed design for the Type 31e warship. Called the Arrowhead 140, the contender for the £1.25 billion (US$1.63 billion) program is being developed by a Babcock-led consortium that includes Thales, OMT, BMT, Harland and Wolff, and Ferguson Marine, and is based on a design already in service with the Royal Danish Navy.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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