Ian and Irene Easton – With Hellenic Navy


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When Rena came out of the darkened doorway, she asked if she could walk with me I said;

“Yes!….I was expecting you!

“What did you mean by that? Rena asked, and stopped to look at me – in the light.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m a hopeless romantic. I was looking at the waves break, asking,

“Where is she….my new muse!”

Today is May 26, 2024, and, I just discovered THE TRUTH of our meeting. I am seventy-six. Fifteen minutes ago I found the top photograph of myself, taken when I was twenty-six. I was twenty-four when Rena and I were brought together by the Three Fates….Rena was checking out my incredible blue eyes that were to color of the sea. And, sometime they glow……in the dark!

I laugh! She couldn’t believe it! Had she met – The One! I had – no doubts I met – The One!

When we came down from our mountain and walked around Guerneville, we got very intense looks from everyone. We were tan, and smelled of campfire smoke. We had no radio. For over a month I amused by muse at our sturdy table. I wondered why she didn’t get bored. Because we both suffer from PTSD and were abused by an alcoholic parent, it is still hard to see how beautiful we are, and especially how beautiful – were were! By a waterfall on Sleeping Maiden Mountain, Rena said;

“You’re the frrst person that ever talked to me!”

I spoke many Truths to Rena, and caughter her in a lie. She was not eighteen. She was seventeen. She was very mature for her age. In many ways she was more mature than I – and experienced! I have wondered for sometime, if she was a incarnated Goddess. Today, I am convicned she is…

The Embodiment of Helen of Troy!

That said, I can see Commodore Ian Eaten called Rena..

“My Helen!”

Did Ian have pale blue eyes? We have long faces. I honor you, Sir, on our Memorial Day!

I am – almost certain that is me, directly above the dog’s head. I recall deciding to grow a mustache. I was a follower of Meher Baba who came to England from India. I taught Rena about the Indian Religion. She just graduated from High School a year head of her peers. She was a A+ student.

I almost went to Hayward Field yesterday, but felt there was another place I’d rather be. I found that place two hours ago…

I want to be in Farnborough

with my Muse

My Helen of the Fair Sea

taken Prisoner

by an author kin to

Ian Fleming.

She will be again

by my side

Together we sound

an ancient warning

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

Police dog bites the pant leg of a demonstrator during a protest against an appearance by First Lady Pat Nixon for a Republican gala at the...

“Hellenism”, however, is something bigger. From ancient times, the language, culture, and values of the Hellenes has significantly impacted the world. Throughout history non-Hellenic people have adopted and assimilated the values and aesthetics of the Hellenes. Through this contact, the culture of the Hellenes has not only transformed other cultures, but has been transformed itself. This relationship is Hellenism. In fact, an openness to new ideas and embracing beauty and truth wherever you find it are fundamental features of Hellenism. In short, Hellenism is rooted in the history of the Greek people, but it is bigger than Greek culture. It is part of humanity’s shared heritage.

“And if a man should partake of our culture, let him be called Hellene”

Welcome – Navy Leaders



Hellenic Navy surface vessels in formation. Photo by Hellenic Navy.

Hellenic Navy Reveals Its Surface Fleet Modernization Plan

A Greek naval officer presented the overall surface fleet modernization plan of the Hellenic Navy at the Combined Naval Event (CNE) 2024, in Farnborough, UK, the Premier Event for the Naval Community and the largest annual naval event in Europe.

Dimitris Mitsopoulos  26 May 2024

On May 23, 2024, at CNE 2024, a Navy Leaders Conference, Commodore Panagiotis Karavas, Deputy Director of the Armaments Directorate for the Hellenic Navy (HN), revealed new details for the imminent modernization of the Hellenic Navy’s surface fleet. Note that the Greek Commodore was, until recently, the surface program director, so he was very closely involved in the Greek surface fleet programs. Naval News attended his briefing, here is what we learned:

The Commodore mentioned that the biggest challenge faced by the HN was the lack of a surface modernization plan for the large ships, specifically the frigates, for several years. Therefore, the primary objective is to complete this modernization. This is expected to be achieved by 2030 or shortly thereafter, in alignment with the Greek Defense Minister’s announcements. The main aim is to maximize commonalities and sustain availability. As a medium-sized navy, Karavas explained that the HN cannot afford to maintain numerous ship types with different and costly maintenance requirements. Therefore, the HN is focused on standardizing its fleet. Modularity is also crucial, enabling the HN to undertake various missions. To achieve its goals, the HN is pursuing multiple strategies: purchasing new ships from abroad, upgrading existing ones, and building new ones locally. This is a very ambitious program.

Six projects for the Hellenic Navy

The Commodore divided the objectives of the Fleet’s renewal into the following six parts: FDI Frigates, Corvettes, Constellation-class frigates, Hydra (MEKO 200HN) upgrade program, fast attack missile craft (FACM), patrol boats, and special operations craft (SOC).

FDI HN Frigates

Hellenic Navy Kimon FDI Lorient May 2024
The lead ship of FDI HN frigates, Kimon (F601), seen here at fitting out stage at the Naval Group shipyard in Lorient, in May 2024. Naval News picture.

The Greek Commodore described the FDI program as progressing very satisfactorily and provided detailed information about the equipment the new frigates will carry. He emphasized that this program is one the Hellenic Navy is most proud of, highlighting its great significance. The new frigates will displace 4,550 tons, considerably larger than the current ships, which are around 3,500 tons. The ASTER 30 SAM marks a new era for HN the Commodore said, as it introduces a missile system with capabilities beyond point defense, a significant advancement for the Navy. The Navy is particularly proud of this cutting-edge weapon system. He noted that there is a separate program in progress to procure a number of Camcopter S-100 UAS from Schiebel, which will be deployed on the FDI frigates, as we have already reported.

He also mentioned that the FDI program is divided into separate contracts and that this approach represents a new concept for the HN. The first contract is for the construction of the frigates with Naval Group. The second covers the acquisition of ASTER 30 and EXOCET MM40 Block 3C guided missiles from MBDA. The third is a follow-on support (FOS) contract with Naval Group.

Lastly, he mentioned that there is still an option for the procurement of a 4th frigate.

New corvettes

Commodore Panagiotis Karavas reiterated that Greece is considering the acquisition of 3+1 corvettes and is evaluating several types for this purpose. He mentioned the GOWIND from Naval Group, the FCX30 from Fincantieri, and the SIGMA (10514) from Damen. Unlike previous programs, Greece aims to have a significant number of these corvettes, at least two he said, constructed in Greek shipyards, such as Elefsis (ONEX Shipyards) or Skaramangas Shipyards (Hellenic Shipyards) or similar ones. He noted that HN faces significant challenges in defining its requirements due to rapidly changing circumstances. Recent operations in the region, and ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Israel, and the Red Sea, have provided many lessons and highlighted the need to counter new threats effectively. Consequently, the Hellenic Navy is actively working to develop its requirements. They are in close cooperation with the mentioned companies, as well as others, to finalize these requirements and obtain quotes. They hope this process will materialize soon. Additionally, he noted that Greece is a full member of the PESCO project for the European Patrol Corvette (EPC).

Constellation-class Frigates

Constellation-class frigate bearing the Greek flag. US DoD image modified by Dimitris Mitsopoulos.

Regarding the Constellation class, the HN has expressed a long-term goal of pursuing this type of frigate, with the intention of not just procuring them, but co-producing them in Greece for not just the needs of the Navy but also for other possible customers of the design in the region. To this end, Commodore said that Greece is developing a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) planning case in order to define what it takes to produce the ships in Greece (capability of shipyards) and how the design will be reconfigured to meet the Greek needs. Commodore noted that this is one of the greatest procurement challenges the HN has undertaken in its recent history. Once successfully completed, it will produce highly capable ships which will constitute the bulk of HN’s modern high-end capabilities. Although this transformation will take time, the HN anticipates that Greece will be able to produce these ships by around mid-2030 if everything goes according to the plan.

Upon successful completion, it will result in highly capable ships, elevating the Hellenic Navy to an entirely new level of capability the Commodore noted. Commodore Panagiotis Karavas believes that the inclusion of the Constellation-class will empower the HN to become equal partners within task groups in the area, integrating seamlessly as members of these groups. The Constellation-class frigates, in particular, will enhance HN’s interoperability with United States Navy (USN) ships operating in the region. This capability will significantly bolster HN’s capacity to operate alongside task groups from the USN, Royal Navy, Marine Nationale, and other allies, ensuring greater efficiency and interoperability in joint operations.

Hydra MLU Program

Concerning the Hydra-class upgrade program, the Commodore said that the objective of the modernization is to extend the service life of these four 30-year old multi-role frigates by at least 15 years. This will be achieved through the upgrade or installation of new equipment, addressing any obsolescence issues with the systems on board. The discussion on this program with TKMS and Thales consortium is ongoing. Commodore believes that it will take up to four (4) years from the moment the contract will have been signed, before the first modernized ship starts its trials. The Greek officer provided extensive details of this long overdue modernization project, which we will cover in a separate article.

Fast Attack Craft

Karathanasis (P78), one of the latest Roussen-class FACM. The last pair is equipped with more modern equipment that the previous five vessels.

The Commodore emphasized the necessity of a Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) for the Roussen (Super Vita) class FACMs, noting that the first vessel entered service in 2005 but its equipment was designed in the late ’90s (with the exception of the last pair of vessels). He clarified that the MLU study is currently under approval, with plans to equip the boats with state-of-the-art sensors and systems in order to achieve maximum operational capability and address obsolescence issues.

Additionally, the Navy is considering procuring up to nine new FACMs to gradually replace the four (4) aging but modernized Laskos-classs (Combattante IIIA) and Kavaloudis-class (Combattante IIIB) FACM. Commodore clarified that this is not however a very mature program but the operational requirements study has been approved.

Patrol Boats

Georgios Galanis (P198), an Island-class coastal patrol vessel under refurbishment and modernization at Salamis Shipyards. Photo by Salamis Shipyards.

Regarding the patrol (coastal) boats, an FMS case is currently in the execution phase, with four (4) Island-class vessels already undergoing repair and upgrade in Greek shipyards (Salamis Shipyards). Additionally, FMS cases for the procurement of three (3) Protector-class and two (2) additional Island-class vessels are in development and thus replacing all the old coastal patrol vessels. The Commodore emphasized the Hellenic Navy’s commitment to operating no fewer than eight (8) coastal patrol vessels, comprising the aforementioned types. All the vessels will receive modern equipment including weapon systems, such as LIONFISH 20 RWS on Island class, new communications and electro-optical sensors from Miltech Hellas.

Agenor SOC

Finally, he proudly showcased the Agenor SOC, an 18-meter boat designed and constructed in Greece to meet HN specifications. These ships fulfill HN’s special operations requirements, and Greeks take great pride in their ability to achieve this domestically. Additionally, the Navy has proposed that the Agenor design could be adapted into an unmanned surface vehicle (USV).

Rena as Britania and American Eagle

Posted on January 27, 2017 by Royal Rosamond Press


Rena’s late husband was Former Head of the British Defence Staff which was founded by Winston Churchill to insure these two allies would forever be on the same side. It appears Theresa May is responding to the pledge of unity in meeting with Don Juan Trumpster.

In 1970 I asked Rena to marry me, but, she was too young. Consider our beautiful children and their contributions to the Creative Irish Rosamond Line. I was poor and homeless when we met. We camped for fifty days in the beautiful wilderness of America. I knew nothing about my Patriotic roots, and Captain Samuel Rosamond.

I was once the low-life scum, the perfect example of an abusive male. I was not worthy to be in her company, least the same city. She went to live on the Isle of Wight with her rich, and elderly hero of the Empire, leaving me standing alone on Freedom Shores.

What great tales of old, what lines of beautiful poetry, can bring you home, and restore, the liberty we once owned atop Rose Mountain, above the fog, the clouds – the wings of muses soar! My beautiful American Dream.

Jon Presco

Admiral, K.C.B., D.S.C. Former Head of the British Defence Staff. He was Commandant of the Royal College of Defence Studies in 1976, a UK senior serving military officer between 1972 and 2001. For the 2nd Louis Vuitton Cup, which was held in Fremantle, Australia in 1987, he paid an entry fee deposit of $16.000 for Royal Thames Yacht Club’s White Crusader I and White Crusader II, representing United Kingdom.

In 1922 a cabinet committee under Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, recommended the formation of the College.[1] The college was founded in 1927 as the Imperial Defence College and was located at 9 Buckingham Gate until 1939.[1] Its objective at that time was the defence of the Empire.[1] In 1946, following the end of World War II, the college reopened at Seaford House, Belgrave Square and members of the United States forces started attending courses.[1] It was renamed the Royal College of Defence Studies in 1970 and in 2007 the Queen and Prince Philip visited the college.[1]

The British Defence Staff – US, which was previously known as British Defence Staff (Washington),[1] is the home of the Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom) in the United States of America and its purpose is to serve the interests of Her Majesty’s Government in the USA. The British Defence Staff – US is led by the Defence Attaché and has responsibility for military and civilian MOD personnel located both within the Embassy and in 34 states across the USA.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn asked if May would discuss the issue of misogyny with Trump and raise the concerns of 100,000 people who marched over the weekend in an anti-Trump pro-women’s rights demonstration in London. May responded that she was not afraid to “speak frankly” with the President, though she did not confirm she would bring up the issue of women’s rights with him.

In 1922 a cabinet committee under Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, recommended the formation of the College.[1] The college was founded in 1927 as the Imperial Defence College and was located at 9 Buckingham Gate until 1939.[1] Its objective at that time was the defence of the Empire.[1] In 1946, following the end of World War II, the college reopened at Seaford House, Belgrave Square and members of the United States forces started attending courses.[1] It was renamed the Royal College of Defence Studies in 1970 and in 2007 the Queen and Prince Philip visited the college.[1]

Telegraph Reporters 20 January 2017 • 1:11pm

US President-elect Donald Trump has written to Theresa May after she sent him a copy of a landmark wartime address given by Winston Churchill stressing the need for close Anglo-American relations.

Downing Street would not go into the details of the letter, but said part of it referred to the gift of the Churchill speech sent shortly after Christmas.

“Is there a sign I should know?” Enya

Sir Winston Churchill, is photographed with the famous V for "victory" in 10 Downing Street after his return to London in 1943
Sir Winston Churchill, is photographed with the famous V for “victory” in 10 Downing Street after his return to London in 1943 Credit: AFP/Getty Images

The Muse of Nazi White Power

Posted on December 1, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

Back in 2014 I had a dream Rena Easton had been hooked up with Neo-Nazis in Montana. I was getting powerful visions, and posted them. It was one of the hardest things I ever did, because it put an end to Rena and I – or did it?

Last night I hear Rachel Maddow suggest to Jon Tester, that he run for President. My jaw drops. Jon talked about the price of beef dropping due to trade wars. Who saw this coming? I did.

The hardest part of being a Seer, is what I will now title ‘THE PLUNGE’. You are standing on a cliff looking down into the abyss, and your VISIVOICE is saying “Go for it!”. You question your sanity – more than anyone can. You look at the damage you will do. You DIVE. You pass through, into the future! I own great Newspaper Instincts. I have a Nose for The News. I report on the Great Cutural War brewing in Bozeman Montana, whose epicenter is a hill in Montana, where live Rena and her Rancher.

I compared Rena to Helen of Troy………The Queen of the Cowboys! I have a theory to Trojan War was a Poetry Contest, a War of Words. Rena is………..The Prize!

Seer Jon


On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) stated he doesn’t want to run for president in 2020 and he isn’t sure that he is in the mental or physical shape to run.

Tester said, “I love the legislative branch. I mean that. And we just went through a very difficult race. I mean, this was not an easy race to win, and elections take a lot out of you. And to be honest, even if I wanted to do it, and I really don’t, I’m not sure that mentally or physically I’m in any kind of shape to run the kind of race that needs to be run to win the president of the United States.”


Is Rena the Muse of White Power?

Posted on February 2, 2014by Royal Rosamond Press


Right after Dan Mayland called me I had a sense that some white dudes were putting me in their cross-hairs. Does Rena Easton hang with White Supremacists? If so, the thing that could have ticked them off, was at the poetry reading, a black man invited me to come to the microphone with my image of Rena, and, Nisha reads Rena’s poem in front of a black man playing drums. Kenny Reed identifies Nisha as his daughter. This is because Kenny is married to a white woman, my childhood sweetheart, Marilyn.


“Can she be my must too!”

Everything fits, the trailer on the hill so you can see the enemy coming and be assured your neighbor – if they be black – are going to be a ways from you so you don’t have to LOOK AT THEM! That video is THE TARGET. That’s what they want off my blog, and will take down my whole blog to get it out of their lily white racist faces! This why Dan is relaying the message that Rena will not be sending me any more information because I misused the information she sent me. I defiled her, brought her down from her Tower of White Power.

This why Rena didn’t call me, send me a PERSONAL letter, because I had crossed the line of no return, and, these White Chicken-Shit Racists love to work in the dark, pretend they must conduct covert paramilitary operations in the name of White Folks – and their White Nazi Jesus.

Racist Bookburners for the White Killer Jesus are gathering in Montana for the fake End Time apocalypse invented by John Darby in 1840. Not once did Rena mention anything in this blog she has read. She says this;

“It amuses me a bit that I have become a SUCH a Red-neck woman.”

What Rena is saying, is, she used to a Liberal-Leftist, and the person she was beholds her now and see she IS SUCH a Red-neck Woman. I think my life is in danger. Has Dan Mayland heard things that might suggest I am, thus he felt he was doing me a favor in trying to get me away from Rena, and destroy all evidence I know her.

“He who accuses, excuses.”

If this is going on, then let me say this…Come get me you white Satanic deluded trailer trash!

Jon Presco


Rena Wins Range War

Posted on January 10, 2018by Royal Rosamond Press

“These are the people the president cares about. And he wants them to enjoy the American Dream just like all the people in the cities.”

I suspected this is what Rena was trying to tell me in her letter, that she and her rancher husband was deprived of “enjoying the American Dream”.  Somehow, this is partially my fault, and, I got to pay. Did my muse think I was mocking her and her husband in my letter, and thus she tore it to shreds? It is not clear she is still married to Bruce, or, this is wishful thinking. Did he read my letter and fly into a rage, because, he is not a city-dweller, a eloquent man of words? Indeed, he is boring as all hell, as is most life outside the cities, out there on the vast plains. As to ownership, the white men killed all the buffalo and stole the land of ancient hunters who carved into hunks of meat twenty-thousand years ago. Being bored goes with the choices we make.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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