The King of California


Last night CNN aired an excellent program on the 60s, the best I have ever seen. This show covered my history. In 1963 I hitchhiked to New York and lived in the East and West Village for nine months. I would listen to the Folk Singers in Washington Square. We Atlanteans created and declared ourselves a New Reality. The reality that replaced us Atlanteans, sucks!

Because the Evangelical Loons of John Darby have taken over the Congress and Senate, and have taken steps to create the False Kingdom of their Fake Jesus, it is imperative that I regenerate, and raise from the dead, the Atlantean Culture, that was given the name Hippies. Their name, for our movement, is no longer applicable. Because the conservative crazies are not going to return to reality any time soon, let us go forth with a new vision for a real democracy.

My kindred were Real Patriots! We were trailblazers who captured the Oregon Territory from Britain, and California from the Habsburgs. I am a Cultural King. My role is to taunt and ridicule members of the End Time cult, making sure their influence on this democracy is ineffective. These loons are boring us to death!  The American Economy is based upon Adventure and Fun, and not on shaming women with ultrasound devices shoved in their vaginas. Get rid of America’s Taliban! vote those prigs out of office!

Above is a photograph of Virginian Hambley who longed to be a hippie like her older sister Caroline. She took the photo of me that appears on the Eugene Abuser site. Virginia had proposed to me that evening. She is kin to Empress Zita who was the Queen of Bohemia.

When I met my future wife to be, Mary Ann Tharaldsen, the ex-wife of Thomas Pynchon, I showed her over a hundred drawings I did of Atlantis. She had majored in architecture at Cornell. She told me my vision was worthy of a thesis.

My great ancestor was mention alongside Thomas Moore in a letter written Great Erasmus who titled the Swan Brethren a heresy. My Dutch Rosemondt/Rover kindred were members.  In the spirit of Emperor Norton, it is time to found a New Amsterdam in the West. Bensalem is a possible name for this new nation.

I do not want to be King of People, but King of an Ideal, a Utopian Dream that I can see! I only want to show you this place and empower creative people with a vision.

Virginia broke off our engagement, but we remain dear friends. We may discuss marriage again – in the future!

Jon Presco

King of California

King of the Bohemian

Emperor of the Atlanteans

Joshua Abraham Norton (c. 1817-1819[2] – January 8, 1880), known as Emperor Norton, was a celebrated citizen of San Francisco, California who in 1859 proclaimed himself “Norton I, Emperor of the United States”[3] and subsequently “Protector of Mexico“.[4]

Though some considered him insane or eccentric,[8] citizens of San Francisco celebrated his regal presence and his proclamations, most famously, his order that the United States Congress be dissolved by force and his numerous decrees calling for a bridge crossing and a tunnel to be built under San Francisco Bay. Similar structures were built long after his death in the form of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge and the Transbay Tube,[9] and there have been campaigns to rename the bridge “The Emperor Norton Bridge“.

The term “utopia” (from “no place”) was coined by Sir Thomas More in Utopia, his 16th Century work of fiction.[53] Inspired by Plato‘s Atlantis and travelers’ accounts of the Americas, More described an imaginary land set in the New World.[54] His idealistic vision established a connection between the Americas and utopian societies, a theme which was further solidified by Sir Francis Bacon in The New Atlantis (c. 1623).[52] Bacon describes a utopian society that he called “Bensalem,” located off the western coast of America. A character in the narrative gives a history of Atlantis that is similar to Plato’s and places Atlantis in America. People had begun believing that the Mayan and Aztec ruins could possibly be the remnants of Atlantis.[53]

Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma (Zita Maria delle Grazie Adelgonda Micaela Raffaela Gabriella Giuseppina Antonia Luisa Agnese; 9 May 1892 – 14 March 1989) was the wife of Emperor Charles of Austria. As such, she was the last Empress of Austria, Queen of Hungary and Croatia, and Queen of Bohemia.

On October 1, 2013 on the day the Government of the United States ceased to exist due to the successful take-over of our Democracy by the Tea Party secessionists, I, John Presco, proposed to, Virginia Hambley de Bourmont, and she accepted.

With this proposal, I presented to my fiancé the Louisianans Territory as held by her illustrious French Ancestors.

Let it be known, that on this day, October 2, 2013, that I John Gregory Presco lay claim to the California and the Oregon Territory as it was known to my illustrious ancestors the Benton and Fremont family, who egregiously ignored the Constitution and the Economic Idealogy of Jeane-Baptise Say, who married into the de Bourmont Anjou family, who are this very day trying to restore the Monarchy of France. Good luck!

I believe the only chance the Orlean de Anjou claimants have, is to back the New Found Kingdoms in America that take in most of the land west of the Missouri River – that was illegally taken by the ideology of ‘Manifest Destiny’ as promoted by my kindred, Senator Thomas Hart Benton. Now that this democracy ceases to exist, I hereby make null and void the purchase of the Oregon Territory from Britain.

Let it be known, that I, the rightful King of California and Oregon, will return California to Mexico and the Mexican People, if they back my claim, and make my bride-to-be and her beloved kindred – the Titular and Dynastic Rulers of the New Kingdom of California-Mexico!

It is my desire to see my kindred merrily taking part in all festivities these great people are known for, with pomp, and royal flare that will be paid for by the Mexican people via a Royal Tax. This is a small price to pay for solving half of the immigration problem.


John Presco

Titular King of Oregon and California

P.S. also let it be known I am the Rightful Leader of the Republican Party – in exile!

During the reign of the third Bourbon king of Spain, Charles III (1759-88), the Bourbons introduced important reforms at home and in the colonies. To modernize Mexico, higher taxes and more direct military control seemed to be necessary; to effect these changes, the government reorganized the political structure of New Spain into twelve intendencias , each headed by an intendente under a single commandant general in Mexico City, who was independent of the viceroy and reported directly to the king.

The economic reforms were directed primarily at the mining and trade sectors. Miners were given fueros and were allowed to organize themselves into a guild. Commerce was liberalized by allowing most Spanish ports to trade with the colonies, thus destroying the old monopoly held by the merchants of the Spanish port of Cádiz.

The Bourbon reforms changed the character of New Spain by revising governmental and economic structures. The reforms also prompted renewed migration of Spaniards to the colonies to occupy newly created government and military positions. At the same time, commerce, both legal and illegal, was growing, and independent merchants were also welcomed. The new monied classes of miners and merchants were the real promoters of the successes of the reforms enacted by the Bourbons.

Data as of June 1996

The beginning of the eighteenth century in Spain coincided with the crowning of Spain’s first Bourbon king. Under the Habsburgs, Spain had been ruined by wars abroad and conflicts at home. The new Bourbon administration that assumed power in 1707 was determined to effect structural changes in Spain’s government and the economy to centralize power in the monarch. The colonies also received increased attention, mainly in terms of their defense and the reorganization of their economies.


The House of Bourbon-Parma (Italian: Casa di Borbone di Parma) is an Italian cadet branch of the House of Bourbon. It is thus descended from the Capetian dynasty in male line. The name of Bourbon-Parma comes from the main name (Bourbon) and the other (Parma) from the title of Duke of Parma. The title was held by the Spanish Bourbons as the founder was the great-grandson of Duke Ranuccio II Farnese, Duke of Parma.
Since 1964 a cadet branch of the House of Bourbon-Parma rules Luxembourg as Grand Duke.

Louise Marie Thérèse d’Artois (Louise Marie Thérèse; 21 September 1819 – 1 February 1864) was a duchess and later a regent of Parma. She was the eldest daughter of Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry, younger son of King Charles X of France and his wife Carolina of Naples and Sicily, daughter of King Francis I of the Two Sicilies.

Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma (Zita Maria delle Grazie Adelgonda Micaela Raffaela Gabriella Giuseppina Antonia Luisa Agnese; 9 May 1892 – 14 March 1989) was the wife of Emperor Charles of Austria. As such, she was the last Empress of Austria, Queen of Hungary and Croatia, and Queen of Bohemia.
Born as the seventeenth child of the dispossessed Robert I, Duke of Parma and his second wife Infanta Maria Antonia of Portugal, Zita married the then Archduke Charles of Austria in 1911. Charles became heir presumptive to the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria in 1914 after the assassination of his uncle Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, and acceded to the throne in 1916 after the old emperor’s death.

After the end of World War I in 1918, the Habsburgs were deposed when the new countries of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs were formed. Charles and Zita left for exile in Switzerland and later Madeira, where Charles died in 1922. After her husband’s death, Zita and her son Otto served as the symbols of unity for the exiled dynasty. A devout Catholic, she raised a large family after being widowed at the age of 29, and never remarried.
Asteroid 689 Zita is named in her honour.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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1 Response to The King of California

  1. Reblogged this on rosamondpress and commented:

    It is now becoming clear to many the racists in the sought invented the racist king Jesus in order to gain the moral and political high ground that has belonged to my kindred, the Fremonts. Because there exist usurpers and frauds who claim chunks of the true Bohemian World, my reign as King of California and the Bohemians, begins today. “One of the most impressive feats of her political career came shortly after
    Frémont lost his position during the Civil War for issuing his own edict of
    emancipation, summarily freeing all of the slaves in Missouri, which antedated
    Lincoln’s own Emancipation Proclamation. Jessie actually traveled to Washington,
    and pleaded with Lincoln on behalf of her husband, but to no avail.

    A great supporter of her husband, who was one of the first two Senators of the
    new U.S. state of California and a Governor of the Territory of Arizona, she was
    outspoken on political issues and a determined opponent of slavery, which was
    excluded from the formation of California. By maintaining a high level of
    political involvement during a period that was extremely unfavorable for women,
    Jessie Benton Frémont proved herself to be years ahead of her time.
    Leading Radical Republicans

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