Capturing Belle


Capturing Belle

A Novel About The Homeless


John Presco

I knew if the Supreme Court ruled against the Homeless, my life would change drastically. Now that SCOTUS has ruled, alas, I have The Law on my side. I can now publish my story. I have posted much of this amazing drama on my blog, Royal Rosamond Press.

Let me begin by showing my reader how affective slander can be. Alley Valkyrie felt threatened by me. I wondered if she feared I was moving in on her, and John Monroe’s, turf. These lovers began a fake homeless art group in Ken Kesey square, and had ventured into radio. When I told Belle I did not want her to come to my house and model – because she did not tell me she was close with the Eugene Anarchists – Alley and John made their move to shore up their power. Belle told them I was close with the Kesey People, and had been on the bus. I showed her my work with Hollis who had been homeless for ten years. When the Kesey Family quit doing the Eugene Celebration and Parade, I saw on the news that Krysta Albert was going to continue – our tradition! She was from LA. She googled my name.

“Are you aware there is a website listing you as sexual offender?” Krysta pointed out in a e-mail

“No! This is no good! I feel for Belle. We need to retract, and heal. Did you find this site, or, was it shown you? Belle agreed to be my muse – with no sexually involvement. I was going to teach her my sister’s infamous style, she one of the highest paid artists in history. I am authoring the history of the…”

After we exchanged several e-mails ( in 2014) she fired me.

“Greg- as I stated, we believe you are not a proper fit for our group. Given your last few messages confirms this. We are not a group interested in perpetuating drama, threats, lies, conspiracy or anything else you have to bring. We are a group of people with a collective good in mind, We are 100% legal in every way. Kindly refrain from contacting me further.”

If I had just kept my mouth shut about Belle Burches’…….Pirate Poem!

To be continued.

Belle’s Pirate Poem

Posted on October 24, 2016 by Royal Rosamond Press


If you live in the West, then you want to be a Pirate, or, a Witch when you grow up. I became both at the age of twelve when I became an Artist and a Writer.

Here is Belle’s Pirate Poem. She was going to Lane College studying literature because she wants to be a Witch (Writer). Then, she met Ambrose, the wanna-be Pirate Captain. Together, with Alley Valkyrie, they shanghaied the Drug Cannibals that beat on drums in Wayne Morris Plaza on Saturday. These savages attracted young women who danced naked from the waist up. They now launched a Pirate Ship called ‘The Sleeping Dragon’ that did try to take ‘The Royal Rosamond’ as a prize. But, I repelled them. In a noble declaration, I became their competition. This is when they brought in their She-demons.

This is why I am forgiving of Belle, even why I will always love her. She sending me her REVEALING poem was the so naive.  She then asks me how it makes me feel. You got to laugh! When you remove the hood-winking, Belle’s plan was an old and simple one. Found Never Never Land! Never grow up! And have the Squares foot the bill.

Here is what I told Belle in an e-mail I sent her

“The truth is, I did not like your poem, because I hate conspiracy radio. I want to do my own radio show called the Authentic Human Being Show. I did not like your poem because it says very little about YOU and your advocacy for the homeless. OCCUPY has a core group of people who want to remain anonymous. In my book they do not get to use the homeless as their human shield so they can own a cloak of invisibility in order to secretly push their ideaology. I can, and will expose that! Like the Pied Piper I will, put forth a better idea!”

“I called the Horsehead about a half hour ago, and they told me they have a jukebox that allows your song to be played before the songs in front of you, if you feed it more money.

“At the Horsehead,
there is a touch screen machine
where you get to choose
what music is being played.
You pay money for this privilege.
If you pay more money,
your songs get played

If you order food at Jameson’s,
it gets run across the street
from Horsehead.
Luckey’s has the best pool tables,
and a fantastic little Mexican foodcart lovechild
that only accepts cash.”

I Was Crucified With Black Players

Posted on November 20, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

I defended Kyrie Irving seeing another Kangaroo Court was in session.

John ‘The Nazarite Judge’

“I’m not here to argue over a person or a culture or a religion and what they believe,” Irving said after the Nets 125-116 loss to the Indiana Pacers. “Nah, this is what’s here. It’s on a public platform. Did I do anything illegal? Did I hurt anybody? Did I harm anybody? Am I going out and saying that I hate one specific group of people? So out of all of the judgment that people got for me posting, without talking to me, and then I respect what Joe [Tsai] said, but there has a lot to do with not ego or pride of how proud I am to be [of] African heritage, but also to be living as a free Black man here in America, knowing the historical complexities for me to get here.

“So I’m not going to stand down on anything that I believe in. I’m only going to get stronger because I’m not alone. I have a whole army around me.”

By Shelby Sebens PORTLAND Ore. (Reuters) – Three University of Oregon basketball players who were accused of rape have been dropped from the team despite a decision by prosecutors not to charge them criminally, the school’s president said on Friday. Damyean Dotson and Dominic Artis, both 19, and Brandon Austin, 18, were suspended amid a police investigation of accusations that they sexually assaulted a female student on March 8 at an off-campus party and other locations in Eugene, Oregon. Lane County District Attorney Alex Gardner announced this week that he would not file criminal charges against the players, citing a lack of evidence. University President Michael Gottfredson said the conduct of the three players had prompted the school to dismiss them from the basketball team.

Krysta Albert & John Monroe – Racists!

Posted on July 23, 2016 by Royal Rosamond Press


Here is what John Monroe posted on facebook about me two years ago. I showed this to Krysta who wanted me on the planning committee of FOE. These players were not arrested and charged with a crime, and are suing the UofO.

“His desire to demonstrate his superior masculinity is linked to obvious male socialization patterns. Cf. Oregon Duck rape scandal(s).”

Socialization, also spelled socialisation, is a term used by sociologistssocial psychologistsanthropologistspolitical scientists, and educationalists to refer to the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating normscustomsvalues andideologies, providing an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within their own society. Socialization is thus “the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained”.[2]

The abbreviation cf. derives from the Latin verb conferre, to bring together (from which confer is the conjugation of the imperative form), while in English it is commonly read as “compare”. The abbreviation advises readers to consult other material, usually for the purpose of drawing a contrast.

Krysta Albert wrote this and sent it to me in a e-mail. I am being dehumanized and castrated, made to be less than a man. I was never arrested, or went to trial. This is a public hanging where the alleged guilt of three black men is tied to my feet in order to tighten the noose. This is outragous racism, and an attack upon Freedom of the Press. This is a lynching. Both Monroe and Alley are attacking my newspaper. Real abused women are also employed. Monroe’s use of the term “socialization patterns” suggests that rape is a pattern among black men.

You are a crazy man, un-medicated who harasses women and quite frankly, I out man you in every way.”

Krysta asked me this;

“Are you aware there is a website listing you as sexual offender?”

Krysta pardons me, forgives me of my arrest – that never happened!

“Im guessing…. she was arrested for solicitation before and then again with you?”

Here is Belle Burch with Whoville residents and activists. Emily Semple is running for City Council and tried to get arrested with Belle and eleven others for Trespass.


FILE-This July 10, 2012, file photo shows Occupy Eugene member Emily Semple, right, smiling as she is placed under arrest by Federal Police after she refused to leave the outdoor plaza at the Federal Courthouse in Eugene, Ore. (AP Photo/The Register-Guard, Chris Pietsch, File)

Krysta wanted ne on the board of FOE, but when I saw that Anand Holtham-Keathley  was on the board, I told Krysta I could not serve because he is the father of Ambrose Holtham-Keathley, the lover of Belle Burch, who came after me and terrorized me with the help of Alley Valkyrie. They attacked my blog, my newspaper. John was Alley’s lover, and the three got arrested together for trespassing in the City Manager’s office. They were conducting fake art happening in Ken Kesey Square in order to bolster their legal harassment of the City of Eugene.

When Whoeville was shut down, they held a covert event in the square. I suspect they were running out of funding. On her facebook, Alley Valkyrie tried to hiiack the controversy over the three black basketball players who were accused of sexually assaulting a woman. Anand Holtham-Keathley was on Alley’s facebook.

EUGENE, Ore. – Three Duck basketball players accused of sexually assaulting a woman at an off campus party have been suspended from the University of Oregon.

Here is the blog on my prophetic cartoon book posted 11-11-11

This was posted on my blog, Royal Rosamond Press Co. January 8, 2015.

“Here is Alley Valkyrie’s boyfriend, John Monroe, mentioning my mother in the same sentence as the rape case of three University of Oregon basketball players. He employs the erotic lies of Julie Lynch, the ghost writer Stacey Pierrot hired to do a job on my mother and her son. John sees himself as the Character Assassin doing the bidding of his criminal mastermind who will do almost anything to get on T.V.  I have made their Most Wanted list, like the one terrorists made for the murdered artists and writers in Paris.

Jon Presco

My sister was a world famous artist who legacy was contested in court for ten years. Abusive outsiders ended up with it, and authored a book that demonizes members of my family. These parasite set up the adult Heir for a false arrest. She was taken out of her mother’s home, in handcuffs. She asked the officers if she could eat the chicken she just cooked. They refused. Christine Rosamond drowned on her first sober birthday in AA. Here are two books about her life and art. I am authoring our biography, our true story. Alley, Belle, and Monroe are artists.

“His desire to be an artist (fueled by his mother, who suppressed his sister’s talents so he could be the family star, see my post earlier in the thread for the links to demonstrate this) is his way of desperately seeking immortality as he gets closer to death. I imagine his belief that Alley wants Belle for herself has something to do with his own erotic phantasies, obviously still running just fine regardless of whether his genitals work. His desire to demonstrate his superior masculinity is linked to obvious male socialization patters. Cf. Oregon Duck rape scandal(s).

His fear is dangerous, his illness is dangerous, his bigotry is dangerous. And I’m seeing just three people willing to put up a defense against that danger. And while obviously psychotic and seemingly paranoid as well, he is above all a threat to people in our community.”

Albert’s Facebook page has been removed and the Festival of Eugene event page has comments from sponsors saying they are pulling their support.

In response to EW‘s request for comment, Albert writes:

The Festival has consulted an attorney and we are in the process of issuing a Press Release. Suffice to say these allegations are untrue.

The Festival of Eugene, ran by a dedicated team of volunteers, does not in the past, present nor future discriminate against anyone for any reason; neither race, color, creed, national origin, religious, sexual preference or orientation or political. Nor has it participated in racism, bigotry or any other type of discrimination or hate. The Festival is about celebrating diversity, social tolerance and inclusion of all. For those who have participated in this event in years past know this to be true.

Here is Ambrose getting sexy with stature of a woman in Kesey Square. His friends go after a televison reporter.



Alley Valkyrie wanted to hold a march and rally at the EMU to protest the alleged rape of a woman by three black athletes. Here you see Alley and John Monroe directing the arrest of a half-naked woman who threatened a reporter while wearing a disguise and homemade body armor. Angie takes off her shirt and then demands a woman officer put hands on her, and not that bad-man cop she doesn’t like. Monroe is a Wiccan and contributes to a witchy newspaper.

John Monroe

johnnightingalepicJohn Monroe is a philosopher, artist, organizer and alchemist. He comes from the Western territories of American Empire and hopes in the future to be living in a proper autonomous zone on that same ground. He has had many run-ins with gods and spirits, but is religious only in so far as he is a dialectical materialist.

Hundred of thousands of dollars has been spent on policing these people, these understudies of Anand Holtham-Keathley, whose background needs to be studied. This money could have been used on the Eugene Celebration. Zane Kesey does not like these frauds trashing Kesey square.

Here is Krysta excusing me of all crimes and false accusations. She thought I was telling her Belle was Anand’s daughter and had bee arrested for prostitution.

Hi greg… quite frankly im sure qhat you are tellin me. Anands daughters’ arrest is of no consequence to me and I cant imagine how it matters to you….

Im guessing…. she was arrested for solicitation before and then again with you?

Im totalky guessing here byt dont understand nor do I care about a person’s legal situation just so they dont interfere with me or the festivAl.

Hi greg… quite frankly im sure qhat you are tellin me. Anands daughters’ arrest is of no consequence to me and I cant imagine how it matters to you….

ok- I ws wat=y off base there! lol… Anand says he doesn’t know you… so you are welcome to stay or welcome to go. smile emoticon Prefer you stay and create something fun and cool with us but either way i groovy!

“I’d like to point out the following two quotes from Presco:

“She’s the head of the dragon of fear! She should have not let me know that, because when I have to fight, I go for a head shot! Especially when the body is so co-dependent to Alley.
Yesterday at 12:33pm”

“Greg Presco  She retreated in this chat. She bid you to protect her. How are you going to do that? She already lost. I am going to immortalize her along with Belle. No one can stop me. They will be famous.”

“Anyone acquainted with the subtleties of violent communication can see that Presco entertains death-phantasies regarding Alley and Belle. Every psychotic lone shooter imagines themselves and their target as dual immortalities — here Presco sees Belle and Alley as potential victims that can turn him into an Eternal Name.”

Anand Holtham-Keathley has big expectations and ambitions for his son, Ambrose, who recruits his lover, Belle Burch, in THEIR cause. Ambrose has been on television many times. Belle is THEIR calendar girl who has been – PUMPED UP – by Anand’s expertise.  Once Anand points me out as THEIR ENEMY, the children own permission to get me, and destroy me, especially my blog that I have spent thousands of hours on.

“It is sadly ironic that some of those most vulnerable in our society will have what little they have taken away around Martin Luther King Jr. day. At the end of his life MLK was involved in the Poor People’s Campaign to address issues of economic justice. The city says they are just asking those at Whoville to move, but many of those involved say there are far fewer spaces than are needed. It is inhumane to make people move who have no good alternative.

John Monroe

johnnightingalepicJohn Monroe is a philosopher, artist, organizer and alchemist. He comes from the Western territories of American Empire and hopes in the future to be living in a proper autonomous zone on that same ground. He has had many run-ins with gods and spirits, but is religious only in so far as he is a dialectical materialist.

Are you aware there is a website listing you as sexual offender?

No! This is no good! I feel for Belle. We need to retract, and heal. Did you find this site, or, was it shown you? Belle agreed to be my muse – with no sexually involvement. I was going to teach her my sister’s infamous style, she one of the highest paid artists in history. I am authoring the history of the

Greg- as I stated, we believe you are not a proper fit for our group. Given your last few messages confirms this. We are not a group interested in perpetuating drama, threats, lies, conspiracy or anything else you have to bring. We are a group of people with a collective good in mind, We are 100% legal in every way. Kindly refrain from contacting me further.

Im driving at the moment. But look for festival of eugene planning committee

EUGENE, Ore. – Three Duck basketball players accused of sexually assaulting a woman at an off campus party have been suspended from the University of Oregon.

The University previously said Dominic Artis, Damyean Dotson and Brandon Austin would no longer play basketball for the school.

Now the men have been found by the school to have engaged in sexual misconduct and will be suspended for at least 4 years and up to a decade, depending on how long the woman remains on campus, John Clune, an attorney representing the woman, told the Huffington Post on Monday.

“It appears that the information released by Mr. Clune is accurate,” said Julie Brown, a University of Oregon spokesperson.

Greg- after your postings, the committee had a teleconference and we decided you are not a fit for our organization. If you have questions about our organization or how it runs, simply Google it. There are plenty of news articles about FOE.’

You are a crazy man, un-medicated who harasses women and quite frankly, I out man you in every way. That being said you are a complete waste of my time, Indeed, you are a waste of anyones time you spend a breathe or stroke on the keyboard with.”

The comment includes the n-word. It originally was captured via a screenshot by the person who the original post belonged to.

Albert says her Facebook account was hacked. Her account and the event page for the festival have subsequently been deleted. She has denied online that she wrote the message.

Facebook users are unsure whether or not Albert was the author of the post. Some shared past comments attributed to her that could be construed as racist.

When asked for an interview, Albert sent a press release saying: “I cannot express my most sincere sadness and grief of the accusations of by a fabricated racist post on FaceBook.”

This would have marked three years for the Festival of Eugene. Albert started it after the Eugene Celebration was canceled.

Albert made other comments that are considered racist. “The statement attributed to Albert was posted from her profile as a comment to a message from Eugene resident Nancy Berge and read: “U R exactly why we call you people (racial slur).” Berge posted a screenshot of that item on her Facebook page earlier this week, calling Albert’s comment “unprovoked and inexcusable.”
On her now-deleted Festival of Eugene Facebook page, Albert wrote that she “did not write” that statement.
“Those of you who know me know this is not something I would ever say or think. My Facebook wall is representative of who I am, and clearly if one is to look at my history, this allegation is not supported by my Facebook wall,” Albert wrote. “I do much for my community, and I do it for the goodness of my heart.”
But commenters appeared sceptical and pointed to Albert’s past social media comments from as far back as December that seemed to carry a race-related theme.
“Black Lives Matter is a separatist movement that supports domestic terrorism and violence against white people,” a screenshot of a Facebook comment attributed to Albert reads. “Eugene is a vanilla valley living in fantasy. I have lived in New York City, Boston, St. Louis, Missouri, Baltimore, I have lived in states that actually have a black population and I can tell you whatever Eugene (has) got going on does not represent the real demographic of Black Lives Matter.”
In December, Albert commented on a KEZI news posting after Natriana Shorter won the crown for Miss Oregon. The comment read, “I know this is going to sound racist and it’s not my intention. But I can’t help but think it’s awfully strange that a woman of color would represent (the) state of Oregon. The state that has one of the smallest amount of minorities of any race compared to other states. And yes, she is very beautiful.”
Others on Facebook have expressed support of Albert and claim Facebook is launching an investigation to find those responsible.
“Our good friend and organizer of the Festival of Eugene, Krysta Albert, was just the focus of a cyber/hate crime attack here on Facebook,” Eugene Daily News website publisher Kelly Asay wrote. “The person responsible appears to have hacked Ms. Albert’s account, or photoshopped a terrible racist comment and posted it on her page (Facebook is investigating).
“Krysta is one of the most genuine people I have the pleasure of knowing and working with here in our community, and would never say, condone or participate in this type of hateful behavior.”
The Festival of Eugene was a free event featuring lives musical performances and poetry readings, as well as arts and crafts and health stands, food vendors and a beer garden.
One Facebook commenter, Eugene resident Gwendolyn Iris, responded to the controversy by writing: “Let me be clear, the only appropriate response from the Festival of Eugene Planning Committee right now would be a public condemnation of Krysta Albert and an announcement that she has been eliminated from the event. Anything else is (expletive). This condemnation should have happened yesterday afternoon.
“This waiting for an investigation to be complete before making a decision is nothing but pussyfooting around trying to save face. Every hour that goes by that they do not come out publicly against Krysta the more complicit they are in her racism.
“The screenshots exist. Witnesses are plenty. The hacked story is (expletive). There is an established record of racist comments from her in the past. She is a Trump supporter for the love of (expletive)!”

Alley Valkyrieposted to‎Kitty Piercy
about an hour ago

This man’s name is John Gregory Presco, DOB 10/8/1946. He lives in Springfield, Oregon.

He frequents Eugene, especially the Whiteaker neighborhood, and regularly shows up at activist events. He is a stalker, a harasser, and an obsessed de…lusional sicko.

If you need a concrete example of his behavior and why I am posting this, his delusional writings can be found at

If you see him in your neighborhood, on the street, or anywhere, call him out. Expose him. Make it known that you will not accept and tolerate someone who harasses and obsesses over young women in our community. This man is a very sick individual. Anyone who deliberately makes women feel unsafe should not be tolerated in this or any community.

I never knew or heard of Alley until she sent me this personal message. She then posted on Kitty Piecy’s FB an obscene slander.

“Facebook message from Alley Valkerie

“I’m going to make this very simple for you. I don’t know if you know who I am, but I sure as hell know who you are, and when you fuck with my friends, you fuck with me. Stop writing about Belle or I am going to make your life very difficult. I mean it. If I see one more word about her on your blog, your FB, or anywhere else, I will make sure that you experience all the fear and discomfort that she is experiencing right now. And no, this isn’t a physical threat, so don’t try to play victim. Frankly, I encourage you to contact EPD, as they already know all about you. I will not do anything illegal, but mark my word you will regret it if you write one more word about her. I will make sure that the entire community knows exactly how much of a sick fuck you are. Your picture, your name, and “samples” of your writing will be posted on every bulletin board in town. There will not be a single person in the Eugene/Springfield area who won’t know that you’re a sick stalker who won’t leave a stalker who won’t leave a young girl alone. Cut it out. Now. This is your first, last, and only warning.”

Alley Valkerie on facebook message.

“Please, go ahead and blog my threat.
You have no fucking idea what you’re getting yourself into
You also have no idea how many people are already on to you, and how many people have my back. We also have six other mutual friends who are going to learn about your behavior ASAP
And just so you know as well: if you write anything about me that could be construed as defamatory, you will be hearing from my lawyers ASAP.”

Alley loves people to write about her and film her so she can be on T.V.  Why not me?

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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