The Naming of The Heron

Pet-friendly Apartments in Eugene, OR
an empty room with a ceiling fan and three windows


Does the Heron have a name? I found paintings of the Riverfront. Spooky Noodles and I talked about founding a Development Consultant Company. How about


We will charge a million bucks a job. Our presentation will always begin with the ending of the movie


Marilyn Reed and I went to see this movie at the Nuart when we were fifteen and sixteen. It was – ME! I hear the soundtrack to this movie all the time. I was screaming on the phone. I am more than The Mad Prophet of The Airwaves. When the video ends, I began my lecture.

“Our job is to KILL your project – on the drawing board! We hate all your grand ideas – before we see them. If you can get your vision past us – then you deserve to lose twnety million dollars – at least!”

Johnny Riverfront

The "Heartwood" building in Eugene's downtown Riverfront neighborhood is expected to be complete by early 2024. It will have 95 market-rate apartments.
The “Heartwood” building in Eugene’s downtown Riverfront neighborhood is expected to be complete by early 2024. It will have 95 market-rate apartments.

The City of Eugene is making progress on developing a mixed-use neighborhoodalong the Willamette River near downtown.

Workers recently finished framing the “Heartwood”, which is the first residential building in a former utility operations yard along the river. It’s on 5th Avenue, just east of the Ferry Street Bridge. The four-story building will consist of four stories of 95 market rate apartments, and is expected to be completed early next year.

Eugene mayor Lucy Vinis said the project will connect downtown to the river.


Eric Richardson’s Tribe Wins Rigged Election

Posted on November 27, 2019 by Royal Rosamond Press

Ten months ago I stood before the Springfield City Council, and a group soliciting ideas for Franklin Street, and suggested a name change.

The City of Eugene called for INDIVIDUAL citizens to submit names for three new streets. The call did not bid ORGANIZED GROUPS to submit names! Eric is the head of the NAACP.  He belongs to many groups because he is one of the few black activists. All he, and his tribal leaders, had to do, is announce there is a racial contest going on, and, here is another chance for people of color, and Native Americans, to sock it to the White Man. On October 3rd. the city site crashed. Was he at a public school rally?

I demand an investigation! There already is the Mim’s house, and a plaque to Wiley – thanks to Eric – who I have known for years. He snubbed several suggestions I had on diversity. It has to come from a black man, for a change. I pointed out Ovington White, and he choked! This dude needs racists in order to erect his tiny dynasty! He feeds on them! He refused to debate me! I hate sneaky people. He does not want more black people to move to Eugene – because he can’t stand the competition! This is why a investigation is needed.

Eric is a political animal, bent on furthering his race! I wrote on how his ambition, and the attitude of some black voters, put Trump in the White House. Why are Eric’s people wearing masks? Is that one anonymous radical wearing a Trump hat? There are swing voters who are going to read about this unfair and rigged election, and put their X next to Trump – just to get even! Eric is why most Republicans ignore facts and truths. Aggressive People – are winners! Winning is everything!

President Obama warned us about this tribalism, and just promised to oppose Bernie Sanders – blaming his voters for the Trump victory! White people are afraid to speak out about this kind of tactic, so, they act out in a voting booth! I blame black people like Eric, who were swayed by the Russians. This is cyber warfare!

“Hillary is using black voters!”

The Mayor folded when she counted hundreds of votes for Mimm. Demand to see the tally! She creates a tribal contest when she announces the twelve finalists. I demand to see bow many votes each finalist has received! I think she made up her mind already – because she was intimidated! The winners do not fit the criteria! But, Eric got the goat of all the peckerwoods who drive down Annie Mim’s Way that will be about fifty yards long. Was it worth it?

If I was a citizen of Eugene I would have entered Harry Lane. Jessie Street. Miller’s Road. I’m surprised Richardson Road wasn’t an entry. I see a new game. Will Mims mimic Sims?

Look at the very costly works of art made by commercial artists in order to get the tax payer behind this spendy project. Do you see any beggars, drifters, homeless folks, or, people of color? They may have smudged in a black man. What the vast majority of Eugene Citizens want, is, to carry on the Liberal Hippie Tradions of their parents and grandparents, who marched with King, voted for Bobby, and went to Woodstock on a colorful bus. Being a King wanna-be, Eric insists on seeing all whites as Cracker Children, born in Alabama. We just want to go down to the river and practice our tribal traditions.

John Presco

Harry Lane Peace Center

Posted on February 13, 2019 by Royal Rosamond Press

“Retired Army Brig. Gen. Ty Seidule, vice-chair of the commission, said the final cost for all of its renaming recommendations will be $62,450,030. The total for the latest changes announced Tuesday is $40,957,729, and is included in that amount.”

Erasing the names of Confederates from Federal property will cost 62$ million. The price tag keeps going up.

I wish I had known about the naming of the new streets at the Waterfront Park. I would have suggested ‘Harry Lane ‘ in order to defer the cost of removing the LANE NAME from Lane County – RECORDS. A plaque could be put on Harry’s street that says…..

“The sins of the grandfather will not be visited on the grandson!”

Good Ol Harry seems to have been a Woke Kind of guy! Perhaps we can remove the name of the black man who JUST had a house on the river, but, did nothing historic? Wily Griffon was probably a cool guy. I’m sure he wouldn’t mine. We got the Mim’s House – and there is a Annie Mim Garden! We can put Ol Wily’s name on the wall of the Harry Lane Peace Center I am pushing.

“Wily was so cool to allow Harry’s name on the street that was named for him – for a little while!”

Wait a minute! Why not change Annie Mim’s LANE – to Harry LANE? What did Annie do to deserve all this historic attention? Can someone – tell me? Let’s – talk! Let’s have a – DEBATE!

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

NAACP sponsored Annie Mims Community Garden | Facebook

From 1936 until the late 1960s, a guide called the “Green Book” was published to help Black travelers find safe homes and hotels to stay in as they journeyed across the country. Although it was never included in the book, the Mims House in Eugene was one of those safe harbors. Purchased in 1948 by C.B. and Annie Mims, the house hosted dozens of African American travelers, including college athletes and touring musicians like Louis Armstrong, Nat King Cole, and Ella Fitzgerald, who were not welcome in the towns and hotels where they performed.

Downtown Riverfront – Name Our Streets!

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Consultation has concluded

Mayor Vinis reveals new Downtown Riverfront street names

Thank you again to everyone who participated in the Downtown Riverfront street naming project!

After an engaging process that generated more than 1,100 ideas from community members, Mayor Vinis revealed the final street names:

  • Annie Mims Lane
  • Nak-nak Avenue
  • Wiley Griffon Way

About the street names

  • Annie Mims and her husband were one of the first African American families to own a home in Eugene. At a time when African Americans were excluded from living in the city limits and redlining was rampant, the Mims’ opened their doors to others in need of a place to stay when hotels and businesses refused service to African American people. A historical marker, “the Mims Houses Memorial Monument”, sits between E. 3rd Avenue and E. 4th Avenue at 330/336 High St. Prior to purchasing their home, the Mims lived outside the city limits in a settlement “Across the Bridge” (now Alton Baker Park and MLK Blvd) with other African American families who came seeking post WWII jobs. Their homes “across the bridge” were bulldozed and families displaced for the reconstruction of the Ferry Street Bridge in 1950.
  • Nak-nak (pronounced knawk-knawk) is the indigenous Kalapuya word for “duck.” Indigenous Kalapuya occupied much of our area until the 1830s, when many died of infectious diseases brought to the area by white explorers and traders. In 1855 the Kalapuya Treaty was signed handing over much of the Willamette Valley to the United States. At the time of the treaty, it’s estimated that only 400 Kalapuya remained.
  • Wiley Griffon was among Eugene’s earliest documented African American residents. He drove Eugene’s first horse drawn streetcar system and later worked as a janitor at the University of Oregon. He remarkably owned a home near the Riverfront at what is presently E. 4th and Mill during a time when African American people were excluded by law from living not only in the city limits, but in the state of Oregon.

Thank you again for participating in this process to name our new streets!

Notice (10/4/19):

This website experienced a system-wide glitch between 5:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct.3, and 12:3 0 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 4. Unfortunately, any votes submitted during this period were not counted. Each and every vote is important to us! If you tried voting during this period, please view all ideas again to confirm your votes have been counted. If you see the hearts highlighted next to your favorites, your votes have been tallied. The tool will not let you select the same idea twice. You should see the number next to the heart change in real time. Thank you for your understanding and for helping ensure your votes have been counted.

Rename Franklin S

Dogpatch Greys

Posted on February 17, 2019 by Royal Rosamond Press

Dogpatch Greys


Jon Presco

It’s a known fact

the Greys parked their saucers atop

the Potrero Power-stack

and recharged their engines.

Children who grew up by the bay

saw them all the time!

The night guards didn’t want to mess with them

nor be called “crazy”.

I just got a response from a historian

who pretended she did not know what I am talking about.

She sent me to the library

as faraway from Site 9 as they could.

Above is the same old trick they use

to render us worker-slaves.

I went to another of their civic “brainstorming” sessions,

and they took everyone in the room, but two.

Folks that go to see ‘The Planners’

are lonely and unemployed.

They are not missed.

They are plum tuckered out after a month of hard labor

they have no memory of.

When I took a pic at this Gathering Place,

the woman at the door asked if I was the press.

“I cover the waterfront!”

“She laughed!

“Who sang that great song?”

They say they want your history so they can preserve it.

They want to pickle you

and take your frozen soul away

And here he come

the black man with a

electric guitar

to play to the sound

of seagulls

and the water lapping up

against the broken



Eric Richardson (2013-2019)

Starting as President in 2013, NAACP President Eric Richardson has been busy stepping up the programmatic aspects of the local unit.  He took a personal interest in enhancing the overall infrastructure of the organization.  This facilitates an increase in capacity to serve more youth and enhance services. In partnership with Willie Mims Richardson has placed the historic Mims house now the local NAACP office at the center of social activism for African Americans in Eugene . Developing an African centered library and hosting workshops Richardson hopes to help in the development of culturally inclusive curriculum and pedagogy in Oregon school districts.  Richardson has built on the legacy of the past leadership  by advancing the mission of the NAACP in Oregon.

Redevelopment of the Downtown Riverfront has been part of the community’s vision for decades,” the City said Thursday, “and this is another opportunity to ensure our new neighborhood reflects Eugene and its community members as the vision starts taking shape.”

Ideas can be submitted through September 13.

But before you get too excited about Boaty McBoatface Boulevard, there are some guidelines …

“To be considered, street names will need to follow practical guidelines and meet themed categories that will make them relevant to Eugene and the new Downtown Riverfront neighborhood,” the City says.

Suggestions should fall in any of these 3 categories, the City says:

  • Community/Culture – From Kalapuyans to Bill Bowerman, choose a person, place, or thing that embodies Eugene.
  • Ecology/River – From our rivers to surrounding mountains and the valley we live in, ideas representing the ecology of Eugene are as abundant as our native plants.
  • Industry/Energy – There are major industries that are important to Eugene’s history and the energy of steam and water have played an important role at the riverfront site. While timber has historically been a large driver of our economy, agriculture and education have also played major roles, and the technology community is steadily growing.

Suggestions must also include a valid road type: Alley, Avenue, Boulevard, Lane, Place, Road, Street or Terrace.

Suggestions CANNOT include:

  • Punctuation (ex: St. Ives Pl, Be-ell Pl, or Hooton’s Corners Rd)
  • Numbers (ex: Bonners lane 1)
  • More than 20 characters
  • Road type within the road name (ex: Woodway Pl)
  • A name identical to an existing mailing or incorporated city in Lane County
  • Unusual or confusing spellings

The City will compile suggestions that meet the criteria and make them available for a public vote beginning at the Sunday Streets event on September 22.

Voting will end at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11.

A final list of 6 finalists will be sent to Mayor Lucy Vinis to choose the final three street names.

EUGENE, Ore. – Eugene residents recommended 1,100 ideas for the names of 3 new streets to be created through redevelopment of the Willamette River waterfront.

That list has now been whittled down to 12 semi-finalists.

Neither Roady McRoadFace nor Streety McStreetFace made the cut.

Suggestions had to fit into one of three categories: Community/Culture; Ecology/River; or Industry/Energy.

“Additionally, names had to meet practical guidelines such as not exceeding 20 characters or being too similar to another street name in Lane County,” the City of Eugene said. “Names of people who are still living or already have a public space named after them were also removed.”

So which names made the cut?

Current: “Represents both water and electrical currents, relating to the site’s history with EWEB, the City’s publicly-owned water and electricity provider, and the site’s proximity to the Willamette River.”

Wiley Griffon: “Among Eugene’s earliest documented African American residents (c. 1893), Wiley Griffon drove Eugene’s first horse drawn streetcar system and later worked as a janitor at the University of Oregon. He remarkably owned a home near the Riverfront at what is presently E. 4th and Mill during a time when African American people were excluded by law from living not only in the city limits, but in the state of Oregon.”

Andíp: “Andip is the indigenous Kalapuya word for “the camas,” a flower that blooms throughout the Willamette Valley.”

Megawatt: “A unit of power equal to one million watts; a nod to the site’s history with EWEB, the City’s electric and water utility.”

Chifin: “The Chifin tribe was a specific group of the indigenous Kalapuya who occupied much of the area of Eugene.”

Electric: “Built in 1931, the Steam Plant provided standby electrical power to the pumps bringing river water in to the city’s original water treatment plant and starting in 1962 supplied heating to downtown businesses.”

Akawan: “Akawan is the indigenous Kalapuya word for ‘fish.’”

Track Town: “With a history of world class runners and its embrace of the running community, Eugene has long been known as Track Town, USA.”

Lotte: In honor of Lotte Streisinger (1927-2017) who “during an important period in Eugene’s growth she advocated for and administered the selection of much of our public art (at the Hult, the Airport, the University) and appeared weekly on KLCC hosting the Visible City program. She was the founder of the Eugene Saturday Market, which sprang from an annual art sale she founded. She was a fierce peace activist.”

Cannery: “Previously located near the riverfront, the cannery was one of the City’s largest industrial sites and employers, playing a key role in the growth of the region’s agricultural sector.”

Annie Mims/Mims: “Annie Mims and her husband C.B. Mims were the first African American family to own a home in Eugene at a time when African American’s were excluded from living in the city limits and redlining was rampant.”

NakNak: “Naknak is the indigenous Kalapuya word for ‘duck.’”

Online voting is open through October 18.

The voting results will be given to Mayor Lucy Vinis, who will help make the final decision.

The Age of Man Dies on Ugly Street

Posted on January 30, 2019 by Royal Rosamond Press

I am a sucker for brainstorming! So are others. The chance to do so drew a hundred citizens of Eugene together, and, one resident of Springfield, myself. I tried to get my camera to focus on the screen, but, it remained fuzzy. I took this as a – sign!

“Members of the public can help to brainstorm ideas for a redesign of Franklin Boulevard during an upcoming four day series of public meetings hosted by the City of Eugene. “

My chance to braintstorm, again, (I am a braintstorm addict) always begins with an imitation of Howard Beale. This time I chose the the scene where Howarard collapses after an intense brainstorm. I warned the folks at my table about Rezidor (now Raddison)  who wants Glenwood. Glenwood is the target. The problem, is, folks got to go thru Knight Land and the University of Oregon, to get to Glenwood. They don’t want to create Traffic Hell for the students. The Alumni won’t like that, nor their parents, if too many get runover by limos driving the Northwest Jet Setters from the airport.

So, now you know! Swells on their way to stay at The Raddison do not want to see an old muffler shop. They don’t want to see old beaters chugging down the road to get cheap tires. The City of Eugene is pulling a Bait&Switch. Franklin will be a ritzy driveway for filthy rich Hotel Moguls. Play both videos at same time.

Why are they flashing the word “RED”?

  1. 1.a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems.
    • informal•North Americana sudden clever idea.
  2. 2.informala moment in which one is suddenly unable to think clearly or act sensibly.


verb: brainstorm; 3rd person present: brainstorms; past tense: brainstormed; past participle: brainstormed; gerund or present participle: brainstorming

  1. 1.produce an idea or way of solving a problem by holding a spontaneous group discussion.

After the obligatory slideshow, the first question slung at the PL (project leader) was;

“Why solicit our opinion if it is a done deal in two days?”

The second question;

“What about the established businesses that have been there for years?”

The answer the PL gave, was shocking. Being rude in there here parts is forbidden. The PL was sulking, acting offended.

“Why don’t you give us a chance. If you don’t like the results, then we will listen to you, take you seriously.”

I am paraphrasing because I was not filming and taking notes. I looked over the gentleman who asked the great question and he was glaring at baldy. I gave him a thumbs up. Five minutes later I go talk to him.  A gentleman named Steve joined us.

“That was rude!” I said, and we three agreed. A good question went unanswered. Baldy sniggered when he showed a photo of these old businesses. Why? I wanted to quote what I heard David Lynch say when he spoke at the UofO ten years ago.

“This is my kind of town. On the drive from the airport, we passed an old saw sharpening shack, then there is a Dairy Queen…….”

Baldy knew the old business question by heart. He showed us other Ugly Streets in other towns. They had the same problems we have. They got a transparencey app that is laid over this town, then that town. What do the people matter and their opinion. They just get in the way.

Take note of the small print the two feedbacks about  the Carson Saw Shop. Rezidor does not want anything that looks like this business next to their swank hotel. They don’t want their guests looking down from their balcony, and then down on the source of the loud clanking sound. Burt’s Junkyard will also sharpen saws and lawnmower blades.

At the end of the brainstorming I got the last word in by mentioning the wreck of John Belushi’s car he drove in Animal House that was just down the street. I suggested it be turned into a work of art, and a major tourist attraction.

“People will come from all over the world to have their pic taken next to it!”

Mr. Baldy, chortled, again, as if to say there is always a Class Clown in the bunch. Baldy was proud of the photographs of the old businesses that he took on his personal walk down Franklin. Baldy chuckled in order for The Citizens to take note. He took our large pieces of paper we made notes on. I bet they are looking for a couple of copycats, follow the leader types, who want that shit scraped off Franklin. These businesses were targeted. I am going before both City Councils, and the Business Association.

The movie Animal House has been a thorn in the side of the UofO since it was made. Here is Bluto bothering Raddison Hotel types, the types Baldy wants to come down Franklin in a stretch limo. These are the swells that were raised to go to Red World, even work there. Go look at that promo video again.

“Welcome to the gold!”


to be continued

John Presco

Play both videos at same time with Animal sound turned off.

Tweaker central, don’t know what the story is with the three guys that work here but word to the wise “don’t waste your time”. They ended up charging me more than what my mower was even worth with a bogus invoice. Horrible communication and experience. I had to call for them to even remember my mower and most of these guys that work here are incoherent and incapable of making professional business conversation. Something else is definitely going on behind the scenes besides this bogus repair shop front!


Ryan M

Ryan M

4 reviews · 3 photos

2 years ago

This is a saw and sharpening supply shop geared towards tradesmen not so much the home owner. Don’t expect great customer service, expect to pull someone away from their primary task (the lost art of tool sharpening) to help you. If you need a tool sharpened and you want it done right for a reasonable price go here. If what you crave is great customer service with your tool sharpening, then pay more, somewhere else.

Augur Town

Posted on February 17, 2019 by Royal Rosamond Press


When I was twelve, I had a big decision to make. Should I be an Architect, or, an Artist? When I was eleven, I would sit with my family before the T.V. and draw Greek and Roman buildings – with columns! I chose to be an artist. As a bonus I became a poet. There are many poems hidden in this blog.

For twenty years I made architecture my hobby. After a hard day being a newspaperman, I sit in my easy chair doing floor-plans. I have old floor plan books and will do home improvements on other folks ideas. I compare this to doing a crossword puzzle, or, crocheting, which I am going to take up. I see myself at more City Hall meetings with needles and a ball of yarn. Call this, my Rogues Pierre Period.

After being attacked by the Kimite Klan, I have been thinking of moving. After a hard day at the office, I go on Zillow. I looked at homes in Boston, Tiberon, Coos Bay, and Belvadere. Moving was contingent upon me wining the lottery. But, when I saw the plans for Dog Patch, put forth by the ‘California Barrel Company’ the sun broke thru the dark clouds. I could see the happy ending of my life, as a declared City Treasure. The mayor would invite me to come live in San Francisco and live in the shadow of the smoke stack of the Potrero Power Plant, amongst the transitive Bleached Ones, those clean people the planner language is aimed at – against their will. These folks are like the shells of shrimp ready to receive the souls of happy tenants, that will make a few folks filthy rich!

“Jeez! Can I really live there? What if I dressed like Captain John. I’d emerge from my abode with a fishing pole and walk to the fishing dock they got in the plan! I might be too colorful. After all, I’m a heavily textured human being!”

“Good morning Captain. Catch a striper for me!”

Young boys will go get their poles, and there I’d be, telling them my stories. This is what you call SF Ambience, that folks come from all over the world to be next to. I will be an Old SF Soar Dough. I will live here for free, with a twenty year lease. When I die, that would be the end of a bad experiment – or a good one?

Yesterday, I beheld my home on this site.

What you are looking at is a Greco-Roman façade! Eureka! I will be the Augur in Residence! I will perform augury rituals before the buildings begins – for a fee! I highly suggest Meg Whitman&Friends employ me to augur their computer-based businesses, get the bugs out, and keep the viruses away!

I am the Last of the Bohemians. I lived with my childhood friend Nancy in a famous SF commune with the Zorthian sisters, whose father held the title ‘The Last of the Bohemians’.  Nancy lived on the Kesey farm with Gordon, Mountain Girl’s brother. When I visited the first girl I kissed, at the Kesey Family Creamery in Springfield, she suggested I write the history of the Hippies because I could recall so much. I started ‘The Gideon Computer’ this is about ‘The Last Hippie’ in the future – who turns out to be me! I didn’t see that coming.

I want a great wooden shack to be built behind the Greek façade, that will be reminiscent of the shack atop the pier I painted when I was seventeen.  This is the mudflat shacks you see before you cross the Bay Bridge. My uncle owned Sam’s Anchor Cafe in Tiberon where his friend Herb Cain wrote his columns. Depending on my mood. I might augur weddings. Two years ago I posted this:

When I pass on, a Bohemian-Hippie Museum could be founded in my shack. It will be a tourist attraction like Jack London’s ‘Last Chance Saloon’.  Folks will say;

“Let’s stop in Augur Town and see the Bohemian Augur Shrine!”

“Didn’t they call it Dog Patch, like in the cartoon Lil Abner?”

Augur Town will be a known destination, instead of a oblique stage for wage earners. We’re talking about real Bohemian Culture verses an expensive scent of BS. We can do better! We got the talent.

Someday, soon, you got to pay the piper!

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

Next the magistrate would employ his lituus to designate another templum in the sky. A lituus is a special wand of augury, made from a tree branch (possibly ash or hazel) without any knots and with one end naturally curled. With the lituus he would again draw out a templum by designating the cardo and decumanus. One formula has the auspex call out, “This shall be to my left is the East, and this to my right shall be the West. This before me is South, that behind me is North.” Then the enclosing sides are drawn. The boundaries of this celestial templum are designated by the auspex in calling out points of reference on the ground. Varro says that different formulas were used to designate a templum, and offers one such formula as was used on the Arx:

Belushi’s Animal House Car

Posted on April 17, 2014by Royal Rosamond Press

animal 023
animal 024
animal 025

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the Lane County Historical Society & Museum, I found the car John Belishi drove at the end of the movie ‘Animal House’. It is located inside a vintage warehouse located on Franklin Street a hundred yards from where a convention center is to be built. This building and about twelve homes were under the wrecking ball ten years ago when a company owned by Dubai royalty tried to buy up this property in order to build a hotel apartment complex. Five years ago I was introduced to Jim who owned a home on Brooklyn Street that Dubai and Sid Leiken wanted to buy – and tear down. Jim is an old Bohemian who along with his neighbors, asked a million dollars for his land. This nixed the deal with Dubai.

Going to Glenwood of the Mind

Posted on May 16, 2017by Royal Rosamond Press

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About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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