The Lost Children of Room 318

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Shield of the Austrian part of the empire (1867–1915).

The Royal Janitor


John Presco

Chapter 11 The Lost Children of Room 318

Professor John von John was in hysterics on the phone.

“The Protestant Evangelical followers of Trump are not poised to take over my Democracy – IT’S THE AUSTRIAN CATHOLICS! Biden has been playing The Bird with a broken wing. He has no intention of giving up the White House! A lineage of children were chosen by Empress Zita to go with her in exile in New York. Another group went with the Last Audience to Eugene Oregon. They have fruitful, and they have multiplied. They are getting ready to make Austria and America – GREAT AGAIN! They found the lost gold of the Aztecs!


Play all three videos at same time.

Room 318 Imperial Hotel

Posted on July 24, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

I contacted Karl about the Habsburg painting.

A half hour ago, President Trump spoke to Veterans about the building of the Embassy in Jerusalem. He gave a big shout out to evangelicals who encouraged him to do this. This is why millions of Trump’s base do not care if he makes big mistakes, or, misspeaks. They are doubling down in the hope he helps the Jews build the Third Temple, which will bring about the End Times, and the destruction of most of the world. Only True Believers will be spared. It is hard to imagine, but, millions of Christians hear this Doomsday promise made every Sunday. They pray people who are not one of them – die a horrible death! If folks you know, are looking at you funny – and treating you like vermin – thank our President!

I have exposed this Terrorist Religion – as a GIANT FRAUD! Our President is exploiting it and sounding like a Crusader King. Of course this Fairytale will not come true, but, a Holy War against Iran – looms! We have a Religious Tyrant in America – as I predicted! Some Rabbis have titled Donald a ‘Messiah’.

It has been my hope to author a best seller that would trump this evil destruction. My quest begins in Room 318 of the Imperial Hotel in Vienna. An object has been found that is part of a cache of Nazi loot. It was part of the bedroom set of Empress Zita that was smuggled out of the Palace when Hitler invaded Austria. A large painting was rolled up in a carpet. There is a document identifying the un-finished children that were smuggled out of Austria by the Red Cross. Who are they? Why are they so important?

Can I awaken the sleeping millions and turn them away from a terrible self-fulfilling prophecy!

John Presco

Copyright 2018

While this theology is often thought of as a “literal” reading of the Bible, it’s actually a reasonably new interpretation that dates to the 19th century and relates to the work of Bible teacher John Nelson Darby.

According to Darby, for this to happen the Jewish people must have control of Jerusalem and build a third Jewish temple on the site where the first and second temples – destroyed centuries ago by the Babylonians and Romans – once were. In Darby’s view this was a necessary precursor to the rapture, when believers would be “taken up” by Christ to escape the worst of the seven-year-period of suffering and turmoil on Earth: the Great Tribulation. This is to be followed by the cosmic battle between good and evil called Armageddon at which Satan will be defeated and Christ will establish his earthly kingdom. All of this became eminently more possible when the modern state of Israel was established in the 1940s.

Spring Roses of Nations

Posted on November 5, 2016by Royal Rosamond Press


” Since Dr. Robert Granitsch was married to a “half-Jew” after Nazi legislation, his three children, Susanne, born 1899, Dora, born 1904 and Lorle, born 1912, were persecuted in Austria after the Nazis’ Where Dr. Susan (!) Konirsch, née Granitsch, and Lorle Kornfeld, née Granitsch, had to flee to the USA,”

Last night I had a deep conversation with my longtime friend, Christine Wandel, who has lived in the Village of New York for over forty years. I told her about my recent discoveries regarding ‘The Last Audience of the Habsburgs’. I told her I am now guaranteed a novel that will alas give me the credibility I long for and sorely need due to the slanderous attacks I have suffered, mixed with threats. I told her I was considering playing my cards close to the vest, and not reveal the amazing Art and Liberty lessons that blossomed before me on my internet screen when I went in search of a answer to a confounding question. How and why did Arthur von Ferraris’ painting end up at the Jordon Schnitzer Museum?

I believe I have found a sound theory as to how? The clue of the rouge thread begins in Room 318 of the Imperial Hotel in Vienna where the Property Control Branch of the Allied Forces has set up a Reparation Division. Below is part of the correspondence of  Susanne Granitsch-Konirsch. She is the daughter of Helene Granitsch who is standing behind Empress Zita and staring out at the intended audience, the masses, the intended viewers that never appeared because Zita and her royal family were dragged off their thrones and banished from Austria.

The Last Audience is the greatest failed work of art in history. There is a invisible family present, a famous revolutionary family surrounded by a doomed nobility. The Granitsch family were of the New Democracy. They were trying to save aspects of Habsburg Rulers, or, so it is alleged.


Posted on November 21, 2016by Royal Rosamond Press


I have contacted INTERPOL and UNESCO about the Habsburg Pianting at the Schnitzer. I will be sending this blog to Jill Hartz, the Executive Director. I sent an e-mail to Cheyrl Hartup, and got no response. I had several telephone conversation with Alexandra V. Cipolle-Notman of the Eugene Weekly. We exchanged e-mails about our meeting place. She never got back to me, and has not replied to further e-mails from me. She asked me on the phone if I tried contacting the Habsburgs. I told her I had not. I do not trust her. Why should I? All my correspondence is copyrighted, along with the contents of my blog. A real crime may have been committed. This is not the time to play games.

Below is an e-mail I sent Stefan Eins in September of 2013 about this Habsburg painting a famous artist from Austria. Jospeh Swobb said he would forward my information to Austrian Consulate. The possible obstruction of a criminal matter of this magnitude, has bid me to be as transparent as possible. Who knows where this will lead?

John Presco

Presdient: Royal Rosamond Press Co.

The Austrian Countdown

Posted on December 23, 2016by Royal Rosamond Press


Stefan Ein’s father was a member of the Nazi Party. When he came home at the end of World War Two, he took his infant son by his head, and hung him over a balcony, threatening to drop him. After hearing this two months ago, I pondered what was going through Mr. Ein’s mind. I conclude he was very disappointed Hitler lost the war, and, the Super Race Dream that his child represented. This boy became a living reminder, a symbol of utter failure. All hope is gone. The child must die with Hitler.

Gestapo Owned Viennese Art

Posted on January 16, 2017by Royal Rosamond Press


Wilhelm August Rieder (black arrow) among other friends of Franz Schubert at the “Schubertiade”. Drawn by Moritz von Schwind from memory (1868).

I discovered this morning that Dr. Dr. Susanne Konirsch-Granitsch owned a painting of Franz Schubert rendered by his friend Wilhelm August Rieder.  Susanne’s mother is in ‘The Last Audience of the Habsburgs’. I suspect Susanne came to own this painting. Here is an amazing document that catalogues the efforts of the City of Vienna, itself, to return lost art and artifacts to Jewish citizens of this Capitol of European Culture, who had to flee for their lives, leaving works of art behind. The Gestapo owned Susanne’s painting of a famous Composer seen in the images above. From now on I will be contacting my Congressman and Senator to make sure there is a full investigation of how the Schnitzer Museum came to own a work of art that may have been left behind in Vienna when Empress Zita fled from Hitler.

“The Gestapo put the painting in March 1939 when brother of Dr. Susanne Konirsch-Granitsch, RA Dr. Franz Hiller, safe and handed it to the Kunsthistorisches Museum for safekeeping in a vault”

Professor John von Bond

Posted on July 28, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

The Royal Janitor

When Miriam beheld the people climbing the stairs to the Jordon Schnitzer Museum, she let go of Victoria’s hand, skipped across the grass, and bounded up the steps – four at a time! Her entrance was like Nureyev flying across the stage. She was an escapee from Botticelli’s Primavera. People gasped! They thought she was part of a show. She was the star ballerina and the Constantine Christian Nudist Camp where she was homeschooled. This was her first encounter with an institution of higher learning.

Espying a group of people before a painting down the hall, she was upon them in seven giant steps. Her long arms reached in, and pushed them aside. There was some complaints. But, when they turned to see a goddess with roses in her hair, and with eyes the color of the sea, they parted as she zeroed in.

Everyone’s mouths were now open, like hers was open. They were seeing this painting for the first time through Myriam’s eyes. She came closer. Her long neck was craned, as she made a figure eight with her head. Now she turned sideways, and starting in the lower left corner she moved her eye across the image, slowly, till she reached the up left corner. Bending down again, she moved even closer, and ran her right eye along the work. People were astonished with her. It was a magnificent ballet. Her long arms moved her hands just above the surface as if she was taking the painting in through some kind of osmosis.

“Oh my God! There is a Möbius circle in here – and PI! How did he do this? First he is the self, then he is the audience. He goes into a total intuitive state, does a loop over, then dips down into the subconscious. Now he is walking on the dark side of the moon. There is no hope for his return. His work is surrendered to a higher power who ingnites a spark of divine inspiration! Alas, he bursts forth in The finishing!………It is Finns!

Myriam turns to face her audience. Her blue-green eyes fill with a look of astonishment.

“He is……Co-Creator!”

Around twelve people – burst out in applause!

“How wonderful!”

“I never realized this before!”

“What beauty!”

“She is – so right!”

Like a panther, she left this work and stalked off looking for another. The people moved in a fill the void. They soaked up the energy Myriam left behind. Their eyes had been opened.

Victoria watched her amazing friend, her head was above the rest, as she gazed around from the top of the mountain she had just climbed.

“Come Starfish. We are late!”

Moving into a large room, they got their first look at Mr. von Bond. There was a long leather seat with six people sitting before their Master. Myraim crept up on the seat, pushed two people aside, then sat smack dab in the middle, up front, not but fifteen feet of the old wizard that reminded Myriam of the Russian Saint Nicholas. John was going to give her something valuable – for free! She dared not move lest she be disqualified, deprived of this blessing.

John, was completely unnerved. He had to blink several times, because it was like looking at a photograph, a still life, a breathing portrait, that did not move an inch! This beautiful creature had roses in her hair. She was so completely, so utterly, receptive. And, she was more than wide awake. There was an awaking going on inside her. John von Bond, felt like a work of art. He was, her masterpiece. She, had found him.

Painting “Division of the Roses”

Objects | Interesting | Map

The Vítkovci were among the oldest members of Czech nobility. The first information about them dates from the 12th century, mentioning Vítek of Prčice in 1134. In 1165 he was the senior waiter to King Vladislav I. In 1173 he was the Envoy of the same king to the court of Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa. In 1179 he fought in the battle of Loděnice between the “peasant duke” Soběslav II and another member of the Přemyslovci, Bedřich. Soběslav won the battle, but had to resign because of quarrels with the nobility, and subsequently Bedřich ruled the country. By this time, Witigo was probably a wealthy man and fought for him. In 1184 he became the Count of Prácheň and it is very likely that he used this as the reason to break through to the southern parts of the country that were owned exclusively by Czech dukes.

Český Krumlov Castle, picture Division of the Roses, Antonín Streer, 1742

According to legend, Witigo had five sons. He divided his land between them and they founded new castles and estates such as Krumlov, Rožmberk, Jindřichův Hradec, Třeboň – Landštejn, Stráž nad Nežárkou and Sezimovo Ústí. This old legend is depicted in the picture in the Telč Castle and also its copies in Krumlov and Jindřichův Hradec. These show us how Witigo divided the coats of arms, each with a different coloured five-petalled rose, among his sons. The oldest, Jindřich, is given the golden rose on a blue background and is leaving for Jindřichův Hradec. Vítek z Klokot has a silver rose on a red background on his banner and goes to Třeboň. The ancestor of the Lords of Stráž departs with a blue rose on a golden background. Sezima, who was illegitimate, is also leaving for Ústí and carries a banner with a black rose on a golden background. Rožmberk and Krumlov are to be ruled by Vítek with a red rose on a white background.

The pictures, however, depict only a legend and are not very accurate. The castles painted there were actually founded much later in the 13th century, for example Stráž, around 1276. The other inaccuracy is that the Krumlov Witigonen was split in the next generation into two separate clans. They were already separated by Witigo\’s sons Vítek II referred to as the elder, who started the Krumlov Witigonen, and his younger brother, also called Vítek, who started the Rosenberg Witigonen. The third mistake is heraldic. The Krumlov Witigonen had a green rose in their coat of arms, not a red one, as the picture shows. The historical truth is, that Witigo had five sons :

Jindřich – the founder of Jindřichův Hradec Castle – a golden rose on a blue background
Vítek II Elder – first of the Krumlov Witigonen – a green rose on a silver background
Vítek III Younger – first of the Rosenbergs – a red rose on a silver background
Vítek IV first of the Lords of Třeboň and Landštejn – a silver rose on a red background
Sezima – a black rose on a golden background.

Sometimes are lords of Stráž and lords of Sezimovo Ústí being associated into just one family branch of lords of Stráž and Ústí with symbol of blue or black rose at golden field.

In addition to these rich Witigonen, there were also younger Witigonen in Middle Bohemia. The Lords of Úpice and others are examples of this, but they never reached the historical importance of their richer relatives.

This legend arising from this historical event, is painted on the picture “Division of the Roses”, which can be seen in the No. 1 Guided Tour of Český Krumlov Castle.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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