Habsburg Law and Nazi Confiscation of Art and Property

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On this day, I renew my effort to take possession of The Last Audience of the Habsburgs, and other property belonging to said family. This include property that still belongs to the Schwarzenberg family.

John Presco

On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 11:27 AM, Alex Notman <alex@eugeneweekly.com> wrote:

Hi John,

Thanks for reaching out. I’m going to have to reschedule this for next week. Can we meet Thursday or Friday of next week during working hours?



The Habsburg Law (Habsburgergesetz (in full, the Law concerning the Expulsion and the Takeover of the Assets of the House of Habsburg-LorraineGesetz vom 3. April 1919 betreffend die Landesverweisung und die Übernahme des Vermögens des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen) was a law originally passed by the Constitutional Assembly (Konstituierende Nationalversammlung) of the Republic of German-Austria, one of the successor states of dissolved Austria-Hungary, on 3 April 1919. The law legally dethroned the House of Habsburg-Lorraine as rulers of the country which had declared itself a republic on 12 November 1918, exiled them and confiscated their property. The Habsburg Law was repealed in 1935 and the Habsburg family was given back its property. However, in 1938, following the Anschluss, the Nazis reintroduced the Habsburg Law, and it was retained when Austria regained its independence after World War II.

The Habsburg Law and Rightful King of Bohemia

Posted on December 22, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Christmas has come early to the rightful King of Bohemia and Jerusalem because I just discovered the Hapsburg Law. I’m looking for a International Attorney in order to claim the Last Audience of the Habsburgs, and other property owned by the Habsburgs. I highly suggest the Czech Republican consider my claim if they want to receive help from the Americas. And – provide protection for Christians who want to visit the Holy Land this Christmas.

John Presco Titular King of Jerusalem


Nov 3 at 3:30 PM

Dear Sir,

your information was forwarded to the Austrian Consulate General. Please give us more details why you to your mind the mentioned canvas was smuggled out of Austria and who did that.

Kind regards

Josef Schwob


Lady Ada Antionette Erasmus

Posted on August 14, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

1362 – 1437 CK 1298

I found this day The New Bohemian Puritan Church upon the union of Lady Erasmus, and Robert Wilson. The Evangelicals have launched a Catholic-like rebellion against a true Democracy that Pope Francis – must address! The Protestant Church of America is guilty of Popism, and must purge itself of Trumpism, the worst heresy ever to visit Christianity.

Here is the new group I formed, and my message to Karel Schwarzenberg.

Support Karel Schwarzenberg | Facebook

(8) Karel Schwarzenberg | Facebook

Dear Karel;

I came upon your article posted on your facebook about a “Pirate Party” and the “Civil War” Above is a portrait of Queen Elizabeth with eyes and ears on her dress. This denotes the spy network she established to keep track of the Habsburg Spanish Empire, that the Schwarzenberg family was an ally of. The Jessie Scouts was formed around my relative, Jessie Benton-Fremont, in order to spy on the foreigners in Mexico, including Maximillian von Habsburg. John Fremont is a co-founder of the Abolitionist Republican Party, and was that parties first Presidential Candidate. Over a year ago it was revealed you are related to them and my Rosamond kin. You may be kin to John Wilson seen above – who looks like you! You may be kin to General Robert E. Lee, and Christopher Lee who is being knighted.

I am kin to Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, and Ian Fleming who created the spy, James Bond, who was assigned a number invented by John Dee. Dee was Queen Elizabeth’s favorite councilor. He appears to have set up the Queen’s Spy Unit. Dee was a guest of your relative, William Rosenberg, at Trebon castle where you might have stayed. Queen Elizabeth sent Sir Francis Drake on a exploration of the New World. Drake claimed California for Elizabeth, naming it New Albion.

I am looking for people to establish a Euro-California origination who would represent the interests of our Allies in trade across the Pacific. Fremont helped secure California and the Oregon Territory from the Russians and British. We would be honored if you would lend your expertise in this formation. Your openness and transparency – is stellar! California has the fifth largest economy in the world – that would become even more power with a bond with European Nations! I do not see the New Albion Union being run by politicians, but by men and women who own a certain vision, that I hope you can help define.

I was raised Catholic. Members of the Order of Saint Francis are my relatives. The Rosamond family were members of the Orange Lodge. As a theologian, I have ideas that will end the divide between the Catholic and Protestant Religion, and aim those ears and eyes at those who mean to do us harm, and take away our Common Liberty.


John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

Support Karel Schwarzenberg. I just formed a new group. Karel Schwarzenberg and his family have stood up to the greatest tyrants of our time. My Preskowitz ancestors came to American from Bohemia. Karel complains that Putin treats the Czech Republic like a colony. Many Bohemians found a new home in Nebraska. Let us create an organization similar to the British Defence Staff of Washington so we can own a Hands Across the Water Bond, that will stand up to all tyrants, as is our Common Tradition.

(1) Support Karel Schwarzenberg | Facebook

Karl Schwarzenberg and The Habsburg Audience

Posted on July 23, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

For several years I have been trying to bring to the attention of the Austrian Government the existence of the large canvas at the University of Oregon Museum titled ‘The Last Audience of the Habsburgs’ that was smuggled out of Austria. Alas, I have found just the right person. He is my kindred, Karl Schwarzenberg, who himself had to flee a oppressive regime. Karl opposes Putin, and backs Britain. I will contact him and see if he would like to come give a talk on this painting. His relative, Prince Felix Schwarzenberg, restored the Habsburg Empire.

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond

The law stripped the Habsburgs of their sovereign rights and banished all Habsburgs from Austrian territory. Charles was barred from ever returning to Austria again. Other Habsburgs were only allowed to return if they renounced all dynastic claims and accepted status as private citizens. Those assets of the state that had been under the administration of the imperial court, the so-called Hofärar, were placed under the government’s management. The private funds and family funds of the House of Habsburg, common family property administered by the respective head of the house, were expropriated and transferred to the state property. Personal private property was preserved.

Permission to enter was granted to the last empress, Zita of Bourbon-Parma, without a waiver, in 1982, because she was a Habsburg only by marriage and could therefore make no claim to the imperial throne.

Cjristmas has come early to the Titular King of Bohemian – and Jerusalem!

In 1955, at the explicit request of the USSR the Habsburg law became part of the Austrian State Treaty.

From 1960, many members of the House Habsburg-Lorraine signed the waiver. In 1961, it was also signed by Archduke Otto von Habsburg, Charles’ son, who had succeeded his father as head of the house upon his father’s death in 1922. His entry was delayed until 1966 by the Habsburg crisis, in which the legal validity of his declaration was questioned. In this connection the National Council decided to interpret the Habsburg Law authentically, with a majority of the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). Permission to enter was granted to the last empress, Zita of Bourbon-Parma, without a waiver, in 1982, because she was a Habsburg only by marriage and could therefore make no claim to the imperial throne.

Státní zámek Lednice / via Wikimedia Commons CC by SA 3.0
Státní zámek Lednice / via Wikimedia Commons CC by SA 3.0
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Two of the Czech Republic’s top tourist spots are at the center of an ownership dispute. The small country of Liechtenstein is seeking the return of a forest confiscated in 1945, and if it is successful in that test case, it will likely seek two chateaux and other more valuable land.

The complaint filed with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concerns a 600 hectare forest near Říčany in Central Bohemia. If the country wins it would set a precedent for reclaiming other properties including the Lednice and Valtice chateaux in the South Moravia region, which have been on the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1996 and are major tourist attractions. The House of Liechtenstein owned the land and related properties in South Moravia since the mid 1200s.

The Austrian Countdown

Posted on December 23, 2016 by Royal Rosamond Press


Stefan Ein’s father was a member of the Nazi Party. When he came home at the end of World War Two, he took his infant son by his head, and hung him over a balcony, threatening to drop him. After hearing this two months ago, I pondered what was going through Mr. Ein’s mind. I conclude he was very disappointed Hitler lost the war, and, the Super Race Dream that his child represented. This boy became a living reminder, a symbol of utter failure. All hope is gone. The child must die with Hitler.


With Trump’s announcement he wants a new Cold War, we the people of the world have once again been taken hostage by nuclear terror, and we are dangling on the edge. Studies have been done on how much damage the nuclear threat is to the human psyche .Two months ago Stefan and I talked for an hour on the phone about the Habsburg painting at the Jordon Schnitzer Museum. He told me Austrian politics are very progressive, and thus the Austrians may no want this painting. In the last several days there is breaking news that Trump’s national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, met with the leader of the Right-wing group that is giving new life to Nazi ideas.

As I type, the United Nations is about to vote on keeping Israel from building new settlements that were first built by Turnverein Jews, Fort-Eighters who fought the Habsburg army, and lost. The Turners fled to America and Palestine. There would be no Israel without the terror and mass murder Stefan’s father launched on the world. There would be no Republican Party – and President Trump – without the Turners. Are the Habsburgs at the epicenter of the Doomsday Countdown?

Jon Presco


“The Austrian embassy declined to comment.”

On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 11:27 AM, Alex Notman <alex@eugeneweekly.com> wrote:

Hi John,

Thanks for reaching out. I’m going to have to reschedule this for next week. Can we meet Thursday or Friday of next week during working hours?




Nov 3 at 3:30 PM

Dear Sir,

your information was forwarded to the Austrian Consulate General. Please give us more details why you to your mind the mentioned canvas was smuggled out of Austria and who did that.

Kind regards

Josef Schwob

The Habsburg Law (Habsburgergesetz (in full, the Law concerning the Expulsion and the Takeover of the Assets of the House of Habsburg-LorraineGesetz vom 3. April 1919 betreffend die Landesverweisung und die Übernahme des Vermögens des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen) was a law originally passed by the Constitutional Assembly (Konstituierende Nationalversammlung) of the Republic of German-Austria, one of the successor states of dissolved Austria-Hungary, on 3 April 1919. The law legally dethroned the House of Habsburg-Lorraine as rulers of the country which had declared itself a republic on 12 November 1918, exiled them and confiscated their property. The Habsburg Law was repealed in 1935 and the Habsburg family was given back its property. However, in 1938, following the Anschluss, the Nazis reintroduced the Habsburg Law, and it was retained when Austria regained its independence after World War II.

The Habsburg Law

The law has been found to violate human rights, and for this reason, Austria was forced to repeal large parts of it, notably the ban on members of the Habsburg family entering Austria, before being admitted to the European Union in 1995.[1] After a report by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) criticized the prohibition against members of the Habsburg family running for the Austrian presidency, this provision was also withdrawn in June 2011 by the Austrian parliament. Although the law still remains in force, it is considered largely obsolete, with the notable exception of the confiscation of the family’s property in force since 1938.[2]


First Republicedit

Learn moreThis section does not cite any sources(July 2020)

On 11 November 1918, Emperor Charles I, counseled by ministers of his last Imperial and Royal government as well as by ministers of German Austria, issued a proclamation relinquishing his right to take part in Austrian affairs of state. He also released the officials in the western (Austrian) half of the Habsburg realm from their oath of loyalty to him. On the following day, the Provisional National Assembly (Provisorische Nationalversammlung) of German-Austria, which claimed authority over the German-speaking portions of the western Habsburg lands (mostly the Danubian and Alpine provinces) proclaimed German-Austria a republic and announced its union with the German republic.

In the night after his proclamation Charles I and his family left Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna and moved to Schloss Eckartsau east of the city, then belonging to the Habsburg Family Funds. There he was visited by a Hungarian delegation and on 13 November signed a similar proclamation for the Kingdom of Hungary.

Although these proclamations have sometimes been interpreted as abdications, Charles did not formally abdicate, intending to retain his freedom of action in case the people of either nation recalled him. The new republican government of Austria, uncomfortable with this situation, gave Charles three options: (1) abdicate formally and remain in Austria as a private citizen, (2) leave the country or (3) be interned.

With the help of Lieutenant Colonel Edward Lisle Strutt, a British Army officer sent by King George V, who was shocked by the fate of his Russian relatives, on 23 March Charles and his family departed from Eckartsau for Switzerland in the former Imperial train, Charles wearing a field marshal’s uniform. Before crossing the border on the morning of 24 March 1919, and changing into civilian clothes, he issued the Feldkircher Manifest, reiterating his claims to sovereignty and stating that any decision by the German-Austrian national assembly relating to the issue was “null and void for me and my House.” Officials of the new republican government were angered that Charles had left Austria without explicitly abdicating. Accordingly, on 3 April, the German-Austrian parliament, on the initiative of Chancellor Karl Renner, passed the Habsburg Law.

The law stripped the Habsburgs of their sovereign rights and banished all Habsburgs from Austrian territory. Charles was barred from ever returning to Austria again. Other Habsburgs were only allowed to return if they renounced all dynastic claims and accepted status as private citizens. Those assets of the state that had been under the administration of the imperial court, the so-called Hofärar, were placed under the government’s management. The private funds and family funds of the House of Habsburg, common family property administered by the respective head of the house, were expropriated and transferred to the state property. Personal private property was preserved.

Also on 3 April, nobility was abolished in German Austria, with the Law on the Abolition of Nobility.

The family demanded that various endowments and funds be placed at their disposal as personal private property; in response to this, and to clear up ambiguities related to this, the Habsburg Law was amended on 30 October 1919, retroactively from 3 April, expressly recording which of the claimed funds or endowments in particular were to count as expropriated.

When the Austrian Constitution came into force in 1920, the Habsburg Law was made a constitutional law. However, the provisions of the Habsburg Law concerning expropriation were expressly not brought into force in Burgenland in 1922 (as well as the Law on the Abolition of Nobility) when it became part of Austria. This was intended to turn the Burgenland aristocrats (who included members of the Habsburg family) more pro-Austrian, for pragmatic reasons. The oddity of a constitutional rule not applying to the whole republic was only “repaired” in 2008, when a federal constitutional law declared that by 1 January 2008 the Habsburg Law in total is valid wherever in Austria.

The state of Austria and the Nazi eraedit

The Habsburg Law was downgraded under Federal Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg on 13 July 1935 at the time of the Austrofascist Ständestaat (State of estates) from the status of constitutional law to that of normal law; the ban on certain Habsburgs from entering the country was lifted. The “Family-Provision Fund” of the Habsburg family was restored, and substantial property was returned to the fund.

After the “Anschluss“, Reichsstatthalter Arthur Seyss-Inquart, head of the “Austrian State Government”, enacted the “Law on the cancellation of the transfer of property to the House of Habsburg-Lorraine”, on 14 March 1939, on the grounds of a personal Führer decree; thus, the property passed without compensation to the “Land Austria”, part of the Third Reich.

Second Republicedit

Learn moreThis section does not cite any sources(July 2020)

In 1945, the Second Republic brought into force again the Constitution of 1920/1929 according to its version as of 1933, and with it also the Habsburg Law of 1919. With the Constitution Transition Law, all constitutional laws enacted between 1933 and 1945, and all laws which were not compatible with the constitution that was in force until 1933, were repealed. Thus, the legal situation of the First Republic was restored.

In 1955, at the explicit request of the USSR the Habsburg law became part of the Austrian State Treaty.

From 1960, many members of the House Habsburg-Lorraine signed the waiver. In 1961, it was also signed by Archduke Otto von Habsburg, Charles’ son, who had succeeded his father as head of the house upon his father’s death in 1922. His entry was delayed until 1966 by the Habsburg crisis, in which the legal validity of his declaration was questioned. In this connection the National Council decided to interpret the Habsburg Law authentically, with a majority of the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) and the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ). Permission to enter was granted to the last empress, Zita of Bourbon-Parma, without a waiver, in 1982, because she was a Habsburg only by marriage and could therefore make no claim to the imperial throne.

Members of the Habsburg family and other families, “that have ruled before”, have according to article 60, paragraph 3 of the federal constitution, the same rights and possibilities as any other Austrians, except from being unable to serve as Federal President. In 2010, Ulrich Habsburg-Lothringen, living in Carinthia, unsuccessfully tried to be accepted as a candidate at the federal president’s elections.

The Arbitration Panel of the General Settlement Fund for Victims of National Socialism (decisions 5/2004, 6/2004, 7/2004) has declared that it lacks jurisdiction over applications of the Habsburg family, for reasons of constitutional and international law. In a subsequent complaint of the Habsburg family concerning decisions of the Arbitration Panel, the Austrian constitutional court has declared that it lacks jurisdiction.

The House of Schwarzenberg and I

Posted on June 8, 2019by Royal Rosamond Press

Robert E. Lee and I are in the family tree of this amazing family that is debating about getting its castles back that Hitler took from them, and then, the Soviet Union. This is an incredible story of a real Lost Kingdom that the Rosamond and Wilson family are a part of. So are the Bentons!

My first history book will be titled ‘Gone To Hartwell’ which could be a euphuism for ‘Gone Nuts’. The reason I love doing genealogies, is because 86% percent of the royals are nuts! Flawed and Crazy People have made 99% percent our history.

The Restored Rose of Bohemia

Posted on March 20, 2019by Royal Rosamond Press

I have been elected!

Thirty years ago I read the Bible for the first time. I was forty-two. What I saw, was John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Disciples had opened the Judaic Religion – to everyone! Saul-Paul closed The First Church, and shut out the Jews. Therefore, I declare the Catholic and Protestant Churches – dead! Only the Moravian Church – survives! This Church is open to everyone!

John Rose ‘The Hidden Seed of Bohemia’




Rose of Bohemia, style in Prague and roots in Vienna

by Jack Keilo ( Jacques Keilo ) · Published 26/05/2015 · Updated 27/05/2015

Rose of Bohemia, by Chr. Vetter, 1668

Alles Erdreich Ist Österreich Untertan, Austriae Est Imperare Orbi Universo

(“All the world is subject to Austria” or “Austria is the Empire of the entire world”, usually abbreviated to A.E.I.O.U., the motto of Emperor Frederick III of Habsburg and of the Habsburg Empire after him)

Habsburgs – A Rex Deus Lineage?

Posted on August 11, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

Lobkowicz Palace (part of the Prague Castle complex).

Lobkowicz Palace (part of the Prague Castle complex).

  • A noble family in the Czech Republic saw their castles and 20,000 cultural artifacts stolen, first by the Nazis then by the Communists. 
  • William Rudolf Lobkowicz, a 27-year-old prince, is trying to preserve and share this 700-year-old legacy using NFTs, the blockchain and the metaverse.
CNBC's MacKenzie Sigalos and William Rudolf Lobkowicz in the Family Chapel of the Lobkowicz Palace depicting an early 18th-century altarpiece painting of St. Wenceslas, patron saint of the Czech nation.

CNBC’s MacKenzie Sigalos and William Rudolf Lobkowicz in the Family Chapel of the Lobkowicz Palace depicting an early 18th-century altarpiece painting of St. Wenceslas, patron saint of the Czech nation.

Nazi officers observing plans during their occupation of Roudnice Castle in 1939. The castle was turned into an SS training camp.

Nazi officers observing plans during their occupation of Roudnice Castle in 1939. The castle was turned into an SS training camp.

Bohemian prince, 27, raises $300,000 in NFTs to preserve and share castles, artifacts (cnbc.com)

In the last two days the world has been considering if Donald Trump is invincible -and will be reelected President of the United States – AGAIN? The really mind-boggling question is – how can he be reelected – if he was not UN-ELECTED! Many real scholars are suggesting we are looking at….


As a Biblical Scholar I CAN SEE what is coming – NEXT! I own powers of deduction – TOO! For two months I have been flirting with the Mormon Religion. I was preparing them to be – free and clear of the death of the Republican Party – that has gone insane! I told them about ‘The Last Audience of the Habsburgs’ that will be located three miles from their new temple that will be in Eugene – or Springfield – about a mile from where KORE stood. I was considering a Baptism of all the Habsburgs – IF I get baptized! I studied if it was possible to educate the LDS Church. I concluded…..


Many people believe Trump and his cult followers – are like the old Nazis – who stole the Bohemian castles of my alleged ancestors. I found an article about the Lobcowicz family who are trying to recover their property that was – LOST DURING THE WAR! People go to war to RECLAIM what they rightfully BELIEVE BELONGS TO THEM. Trump ran on this idea that can no longer be contained and channeled in a prescribed reality. IT IS BREAKING OUT!

John Presco

“Chris Lovegrove, who reviewed The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail when first published in 1982, dismissed the significance of a Jesus bloodline even it were proven to exist despite all evidence to the contrary:

If there really is a Jesus dynasty – so what? This, I fear, will be the reaction of many of those prepared to accept the authors’ thesis as possible, and the book does not really satisfy one’s curiosity in this crucial area

In the Land of Israel, Austria- Hungary’s polyglot army was part of the realpolitik strategic alliance between the Central Powers – Muslim Turkey, Roman Catholic Austria- Hungary, mixed Protestant-Catholic Germany and Orthodox Bulgaria. All three empires – the Ottoman, Habsburg and Hohenzollern – collapsed at the end of the war.

Jesus bloodline – Wikipedia

Custodians of Truth: The Continuance of Rex Deus (publishersweekly.com)

Custodians of Truth: The Continuance of Rex Deus

Tim Wallace-Murphy, Marilyn Hopkins, . . Weiser, $22.95 (268pp) ISBN 978-1-57863-323-4

In this second collaboration, Wallace-Murphy and Hopkins continue a quest begun in their first work, Rex Deus . This similarly themed sophomore effort finds them making a case for identifying the Holy Grail as the bloodline of Jesus Christ and portraying subsequent efforts to protect that lineage throughout history. They claim to have been contacted by a man known only as Michael, who claims to be a descendant of Jesus Christ and a custodian of the secret of the Grail. To support their thesis, the authors recast biblical history as a vast coverup, an ingenious story concocted by priests and plotters. They continue with a narrative of church and state conspiring to maintain the secret of the Grail, beginning with the early church, through the Middle Ages and finally to the present day. To accept the authors’ premise, one must consent to the idea of a massive coverup, a cabal involving church, various governments and science. Furthermore, one must agree that Jesus survived the crucifixion and lived on to raise his children and produce a family line. Drawing heavily from known secondary sources, this book offers little that is new, but rather a rehash of much that has already been published and has been heavily popularized through the novel The Da Vinci Code . It does, however, provide a readable—if fervent—overview of this controversial theory. (June)

Karl Schwarzenberg and The Habsburg Audience

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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