False Prophet Lineup

I am ready to write my proposal to the Buck Foundation, and, Alcohol Justice who may be ignoring me because they think they are reading anti-Christian rants in this blog. What do they know? America is going to have to face the music. Trump still has a %50 approval rating, meaning, forty million Christians believe he has ANOTHER un-specified job, that is not a SECULAR Job. This spells trouble – and millions of Christian Republicans know it – and look forward to it! I am not stirring up the hornets nest – they are! They made the hornets nest – and they are proud of it! The Democrats must not be afraid to create and establish a more refined Secular Culture. This blog contains much information towards that end – and must be funded!

Pat Robertson Says God Will ‘Intervene’ in Favor of Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit (msn.com)

As it is, because of continued and new attacks, I can not give the punchline, the final antidote that brings all my information to a thrilling climax. My fight with the Buck Foundation and Robert Buck – is the greatest story ever told! It is a – ART PIECE!

There’s a great big wide world out there ready to welcome Sane Americans back into the reality forty million evangelicals have withdrawn from. The days of Gorgeous George The Second – are over! White Christian men have been a sucker for fake wrestling for eighty years, and there is nothing sane people can do about it. There will be another Donald Quack!

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

(2) The incomparable Gorgeous George – YouTube

Pat Robertson Says God Will ‘Intervene’ in Favor of Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit (msn.com)

“God is never late. We declared on this program, and you joined with me, that God almighty was gonna do a miracle and stop the theft of our election and the fraud that was being perpetrated on the American people, and that God himself would intervene,” Robertson told his viewers.

The televangelist held up a copy of the brief filed in the Supreme Court by Paxton. “They’re going to the Supreme Court to say ‘this election was rigged and you’ve got to overturn it,'” he said, before reading from the documents. “There’s time to get this thing fixed.”

He added, “The Trump team didn’t get in gear, but nevertheless there is a miracle taking place.”

Newsweek reached out to Robertson for further comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.

Even Senator John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, questioned the legal theory behind Paxton’s brief, suggesting it lacked merit.

“Number one, why would a state, even such a great state as Texas, have a say-so on how other states administer their elections?” Cornyn told CNN on Wednesday. “We have a diffused and dispersed system, and even though we might not like it, they may think it’s unfair, those (election policies) are decided at the state and local level and not at the national level.”

Senator Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican, was more critical, suggesting that Paxton was actually looking out for his own personal interests with the lawsuit.

“I’m no lawyer, but I suspect the Supreme Court swats this away. From the brief, it looks like a fella begging for a pardon filed a PR stunt rather than a lawsuit—as all of the assertions have already been rejected by federal courts and Texas’ own solicitor general isn’t signing on,” Sasse told the Washington Examiner on Thursday.

Although President-elect Biden was projected as the winner of election more than a month ago, Trump has refused to concede. The president and his supporters have pushed, without evidence, baseless claims of widespread voter fraud, arguing that the election was “rigged.” Legal challenges brought to court by Trump and his supporters have nearly all failed, with judges noting that they have not provided evidence to back their claims.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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1 Response to False Prophet Lineup

  1. Reblogged this on Rosamond Press and commented:

    False prophets lost the election – and are furious! This just can’t be. God chose them to speak to His Winners!

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