The Saga of Lily-Rose

Capturing Beauty


John Presco

Copyright 2019

I have not slept much. I was up late last night making videos to my un-born grandchild. Then, I came upon a paragraph I did not read completely. I  am utterly devastated! Everything and everyone is utterly devastated and corrupted, even my unborn grandchild. I can only save myself, which is depressing as all hell, because………I ‘am the Last Man Standing!

To understand how devastated I am you need to know Patrice Hanson is a Narcissistic Stage Mother who has passed her mental illness onto my daughter. In 2001 she answered an ad by the new owner of the Rosamond gallery for strangers to come forth and share their memories of my famous sister. Patrice never met Christine. In 1983, I invited Patrice and her two young sons to live with me after she said her psychotic husband was abusing them. Two months later, she wanted to go back to him. We did not know she was pregnant with my child. I found out in 2001.

What you are going to read about, is a mother who did not like the size of her part in Rosamond’s life, and went after Christine’s two surviving siblings – she and my daughter never had any empathy for. They did not care about Christine’s daughters. Heather was her mother’s STAR, and she would do anything to make sure Heather gets Money, Fame, Pity, and everyone’s ATTENTION! If Christine were alive, she would have – SHUT THEIR EVIL SHOW DOWN!

E-mail from Patrice

I¯ve been thinking about the apparent conflict in regard to the biography. Perhaps there is information I don¡¯t have but it seems to me that a biography written by the brother would be a very different book from a very different perspective than one written by an outsider and so there would be room for the creation of both of them.

I know when I am really interested in someone or something, I like to get my hands on as many resources as possible to get information from a variety of points of view. So I don¡¯t see that it needs to be an either/or situation.”

Patrice and Tom Snyder are having a Ass-kissing Contest in front of our sixteen year old daughter, who does not care if her father is being rendered impotent – then castrated. Both these women can not grasp the concept of BOOK ROYALTIES and me leaving Heather everything in my Will.

What became apparent, is, I was seen as THEIR ENEMY, the bad guy who would get in their way. Their Con Job was becoming apparent, and they wanted my permission to go work another Dude, a dude who is promising them a REALLY BIG ROLE!

Here is Shannon talking about Stacey, who hired Tom Snyder. Did Patrice get an offer from Stacy’s father?

“Stacey’s dad is fuck all rich he owns or did own about 11 hospitals up and down coast . He use to basically whore out his daughter . A Vic thing almost . He would get her wasted have his clients and associates over and… Mom took her in because she said wrong is wrong pain is pain , and abuse doesn’t have a dollar amount. So that’s How Stacey repaid my mother . By abusing , stealing, and keeping her daughters apart letting the man who abused her and her daughters have all the money and all her struggles and hardships to amount to nothing for her children but pain.”

I’m going to try to get David Lynch to produce my series. Patrice will be dressed like a 50s cocktail host with tight pants that show off her big balls. I the ultraist, make the mistake of telling my daughter’s mother I am up against some rich and powerful men.

“How rich are we talking about? And, how many?” Patrice asks, and takes a slow sip of her martini order to hide her fangs that are aching to come out.

“Let’s see. I’ve counted three billionaires – so far!”

Patrice let’s go a cloud of pressurized Voka from her mouth.


Alan Pierrot – Artist

Lawsuit Against Buck, Chazen, Pierrot, and Comstock

Above is a family photo of my grandmother, Mary Magdalene Rosamond, and her four daughters: Rosemary, Lillian, Bonnie, June. She raised four beautiful daughters – and her sister’s two boys – all by herself. No woman in recorded history owns her name. She is the narrator of my biography. Read the page above her. Does the hired ghost writer Empower the three descendants of Mary? No!

In my book,, Mary will rip off the Big Kahoonga Double-Man Balls that Patrice has fashioned in order to get everyone to worship her and her crazy mother in The Dead Betty Cult. When my book becomes a play, I will have my granddaughter Lily-Rose, go jump on Big Mommy’s lap, and she cries out in pain.

“Why do you have such big balls, Great Mommy Mother? I thought only men have balls?”

Mary Rosamond chased this dude out of her home when he came to court all the Rosamond Maidens, just before sunrise. She was wearing a long white nightgown as she chased Errol around the house – with a broom. Mary had long dark hair.

“Get out! There are ladies in this house!”

My daughter Heather Hanson demonized me in her announcement I am going to be a grandfather, for the second time. In April I posted an attempt to reconcile our relationship after reading she had a misccriage. She did not respond after five months, which led me to believe there was no hope for us. Apparently one of her facebook friends pointed out my post that is still there, in a speacial testimonial area. Heather erased all my other posts. Then someone pointed out my – back to being negative post – which my daughter tells all her FBF is proof of my mental illness. I will transcribe her post later. Here is how it ends.

“This illness is very hard to treat because the paranoid person does not even trust the doctors. So, here I am, feeling heartbroken after many years of thinking I had this under control but I am grateful for these feelings. I see that they are healing for myself to do here and this sharing is my first step. Leave me a heart if you ever felt heartbroken over a family member with a mental illness.”

“I have a lot of love and compassion for my dad, even though he has made me, my mom, and anyone who is close to me out to be a monster. I still have so much love and compassion for him.”

In 2001, Patrice Hanson kidnapped my seventeen year old minor daughter. I had no way to contact Heather. In 2002 my aunt Lillian tells me Heather Hanson is pregnant, and is going to name her first child ‘Lily-Rose’ after her and Rosemary. I begin a conversation with my nephew Shamus on my Vicki is treating – her seeing my daughter for the first time – as HER miracle, a miracle she deserves more than me. Patrice is working a Con. I suspect her siblings, and my daughter, know it! How about her lover, Ryan Hunt, Tyler’s father?

I have messages from my niece, Shannon Rosamond, about the proof she recently found that Vicki had betrayed her and her late mother by contributing to Tom Snyder’s pornographic biography of Christine Rosamond. What my niece does not know, yet, is Patrice Hanson acted as an agent for Tom Snyder. Before I lay eyes on my sixteen year old daughter. Heather’s mother is suggesting that I approve of Snyder’s biography.

In response to my daughter publicly denigrating me, and slandering me, I made videos of my reading from his slanderous biography where Christine and my mother are demonized, and made out to drunk and abusive monsters. Snyder never met Christine or Rosemary. He is not related to me. Why does he get to accuse people of doing things – they did not do?

When I got another copy of Snyder’s book, again I went through it in a hurry. Last night, this sentence caught my eye;

“It’s not hard to guess where all that would lead.”

Snyder is talking about my sister’s ending up in bed with their father – and getting drunk with him. When Mark Presco called me in 1990 and told me our father raped Shannon, and Christine is “blackmailing him in order to get money to put Shannon in treatment”. Is Mark a deranged paranoid who also makes family members out to be monsters?

Four years ago, Michael Dundon, Shamus Dundon’s uncle, told me the reason he tried to kill himself over at my father’s house, was because he is positive Vic and Dee-Dee slipped him a Date-Rape drug, and, he and Christine were sexually abused. With this fact, read that paragraph again.

When alas I did see MY DAUGHTER, Patrice brought up Tom Snyder again. This mother of a minor child, was pushing me to get our daughter involved in Snyder, which meant putting my child in contact with my criminal family. I told this mother and daughter there is crime going on – and incest! I do not recall if I told them Vic raped his granddaughter. When I asked Vicki about this, when she was living with Vic, she said;

“Shannon knew better than to drink with Vic. The same thing happened when we drank with him in our twenties.”

Five months later I called Vic and told him if her does not tell me the truth, I will turn him into the IRS. He told me they were drinking together – and she came on to him. I called up the IRS at the end of the call. There was an investigation. Vic thought Christine reported him, so, he reported her – his own daughter –  a world famous artist.

Now to the other paragraph. We four children were going to be taken from Rosemary – after she got busted for making porno movies for Big Bones Remmer, the only verified member of the Mafia on the West Coast. Why would I want my daughter involved in – my family! I told Heather and Patrice – they are not redeemable – and WE should be the New Family. Patrice did not want this because she want to get next to the money and fame. She wanted this for my daughter she stole from my – twice! Now this parasite is going after my unborn grandchild – in yet another Con Job!

In 1991 I entered hypnotherapy. When I came out of my first session, my therapist asked this, with pen an paper ready.

“What children does your father have access to. Give me their names an ages!”

Here is The Monster! I was all alone in my campaign to stop him from abusing the women in my family. I was discredited and slimed, my credibility all but destroyed. By whom you ask………THE VICTIMS! Yes I suffer from mental illness. We see how women are treated when they go up against Trump – who looks like Vic! I hold the following people responsible for not helping me put Vic Presco in jail, or, exposing him in MY family history.

Patrice Hanson, Linda Comstock, Holly Hunt, Craig Hanson, Heather Hanson.

These women studied the overwhelming wounds in my family, and the tragic falling outs. Patrice’s move in Vicki was meant to REPLACE me as her and Christine’s sibling. This is a Hanson family take-over!

Then, Vicki is stricken with a strange illness that the Adult Heir calls “Purgatory”. None of the women around my daughter are their to HELP! Outrageous! Heathers says she did noting to be forgiven about! Here is Shannon trying to make sense of it all, and save what remains of my family, and the family of Mary Magdalene Rosamond.

“I know, I agree with you . I am only asking for you to help me , as a loving Uncle , to help with support and love without pointing out the obvious because I’ve already lived that pain once . It hurt I’ve forgiven and it doesn’t make it right in any way . I want to gather what good there is and embrace and rise above what I can not change .

About the Purgatory, You think I want that to be true !!!! Regardless of what Vicki has done , I remember how much I love her , her light before she sold out for the right reasons (meaning when she married ken) for compromising who she was for a ( steady dependable man and income) for her son . She was free driven by truth and the human spirit and it’s evolution to being pure in its intentions. She helped raise me was around ,and I have insights I do not wish to have . So do not fucking ever again condemn what I can not change . Please Come here and see for Yourself. I will come pick you up . Bring you here to bullhead . I might not drive back depending on where your living . But I’ll pay for it.”

I woke up thinking about my surrogate mother, Wanda Harkins. For twenty years she invited me to Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas at her home where I lived sometimes when I became homeless. She knew, my mother and my family – never once invited me for a Holiday meals. This is because I remained UN-CORRUPTED and thus a real threat to BUST my family. Every time I tried, I was moved further away from the darkness. My sobriety was not celebrated. Heather didn’t even celebrate my natal birthday!

In making my messages to my unborn grandchild, I came to the realization I have had no family for a very long time. I concluded I do not want my grandchild to know the extent of the evil THEY were involved in. Rosemary said this to me;

“You didn’t get rid of your family – they got rid of you! Are you hearing what I’m say to you?”

Wanda Harkin’s son, Michael, helped me with the investigation of Christine’s death, and it did not add up for him, either. Christine’s autobiography she was writing, was disappeared. Vicki showed me exerts. I asked Shamus a month ago that I would like this book, if he finds it. He said he would give to Drew, if he did. Drew was not happy about all the things her mother was saying about Garth Benton. Apply what Rosemary told me, and the truth Christine died on her first sober birthday. There was a sober party planned. Members of our family were going to be there. I suspect Christine invited me, but, my family did not want me there. Business was going to be discussed. Business was discussed the day after Christine was “killed” by a rogue wave. I suspect Heather and Patrice are writing a book, and, are setting me up for a fall.

A sane mother would never encouraged HER CHILD to get involved with my very toxic family. This is what Heather and her family did. They wanted more than an honorary mention. They worked our abuse as children in order to get money and power. Using children in their ongoing Con Jobs, is what this family does. Once they ascertained I really wanted Heather in my life, they set the hook. They took away our happy ended, my reason to be sober, my reason for living. I have no reason to finish my autobiography, but this one. I am going to establish a foundation to help children like the four Presco children. Patrice is a real Maleficent.

How dare these two parasites depict themselves and The Victims again. This time they use a unborn child to get their foot in the door of the real tragedies of very abused children. How a world famous artist rose from this evil torture – is the miracle millions want to read about – so they can own hope and be healed. In telling our story – and theirs’s – I know my offspring will be destroyed. But, they destroyed themselves! I lost my chance to know what it is like to be a father and a grandfather. I lost what millions of men have enjoyed since the dawn of time, because both Heather and her mother from NPD.

My dead sister was their mirror to gaze into and ask a infamous question! They had no empathy for the extreme abuse I suffered as a child. Who gives a shit about what problems Heather has, that a unborn child is DRAFTED to FIX, and make better. This is why uor parents raped us………..we owed them! Patrice and Heather believe I owed them – long before they found me!

John Presco

Royal Rosamond Press

Capturing Sleeping Beauty

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy toward other people.[2][3] People with NPD often spend much time thinking about achieving power and success, or on their appearance.[3] Typically, they also take advantage of the people around them.[3] Such narcissistic behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and occurs across a broad range of situations.[3]

E-mail from Patrice

“I¯ve been thinking about the apparent conflict in regard to the biography. Perhaps there is information I don¡¯t have but it seems to me that a biography written by the brother would be a very different book from a very different perspective than one written by an outsider and so there would be room for the creation of both of them.

I know when I am really interested in someone or something, I like to get my hands on as many resources as possible to get information from a variety of points of view. So I don¡¯t see that it needs to be an either/or situation.

But, as I said, perhaps there is something I don¡¯t know that you do. We can talk about it more. Tom Snyder seems like a really nice guy also. It seems he is supportive of you and he definitely played an important part in connecting you with Heather and that is important and not to be ignored.

I¯m excited too. Maybe not as excited as you and Heather, but pretty excited. I do look forward to seeing you again. I¯m happy this is all out in the open now. It kind of lifts a weight off me that I wasn¯t really aware of but can notice now how much better it feels that you
know about your daughter.

Love and blessings! Patrice

From: Stacey Pierrot
Reply-To: stacey@r¡­
To: jonpresco8@h¡­, vpresco
Subject: [Fwd: Patrice Hanson at Bancroft House in Sonoma]
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 09:02:43 -0800

FRIENDS AND ADMIRERS OF ROSAMOND You¡¯ll be pleased to know that
Rosamond Publishing has commissioned the artist¡¯s biography: a
celebration of her life and legacy. We¡¯re working closely with the
author, Tom Snyder, to produce a handsome book dedicated to an
extraordinary life. Tom is a trained observer as well as
a storyteller intrigued by every turn in life¡¯s odyssey. If you have
any comments to share with Tom about your own response to Rosamond¡¯s
work, he¡¯d be happy to hear from you. His e-mail address is:

Forwarded Message
From: Bancrofthouse
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 11:25:39 EST
Subject: Patrice Hanson at Bancroft House in Sonoma
To: info@r¡­

I wonder if you can help me. Back in 1983, I met a man in Oakland
named, I believe, Greg. He told me that Rosamond was his sister and
that is the only thing I really know about him as a possible way of locating him. I need to find him for a very important reason. If you happen to know
if Rosamond had a brother by this name or any clues that I could follow to locate him, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you for any help you can

Patrice Hanson

The Phantom of Lily Rose

patrice-hanson3“I¯m happy this is all out in the open now. It kind of lifts a weight off me that I wasn¯t really aware of but can notice now how much better it feels that you know about your daughter.”

I met Patrice in a bar in 1986. We slept together, and that was that, but in the morning she told me her two boys were being severely abused by their step-father and she was desperate to get them away from him. I invited these boys to come live with me. Patrice never met any member of my family in the month we were together. She went back for more abuse and never told her husband it was my child lest he kill Heather. Guess who will end up the bad guy in the Rosamond Movie where Christine’s ninety year old kindergarten teacher is found.

My aunt Lillian told me she had seen photos of my sixteen year old daughter after she commented she had a large ass, not a small ass like the Wieneke women.

“Where were these photos taken?” I asked Aunt Lil incredulously.
“At the Rosamond Gallery. Stacey sent them to me.”
“What! Are you sure they were photos of my daughter? What color hair did she have?”
“Dark brown.” Lil replied.

All of a sudden the dark spell was broken, the one Heather’s mother had put me in. When I first lay eyes on Heather Hanson, she had died her hair blonde. This meant she had brown hair before we met, and, this meant she was at the gallery opening that I was not invited to. My brother said he was going, and I suggested he pay my way to Carmel. He refused of course, and, of course he met my daughter and her mother who had responded to the Rosamond Gallery website wherein Pierrot was asking people who knew Christine to come forward and contribute to the Rosamond Masquerade Ball.

Patrice did not immediately call the gallery and ask where I was? She claimed she had no way to find me, and thus, I missed my daughters formative years. When she got my number and called me up, she asked me to fill her in on our history together, because she forgot. Gee, you would think she would have written it down long ago so when Heather inquires…………

Patrice walked in the gallery cold, with her Child Star in tow. She sought out Pierrot, and when she found her more then likely asked;

“Who does this beautiful girl look like?”

She was hoping Heather looked like Christine. She did. I am sure Stacey took pictures – after talking to Lil on the phone. Heather met Vicki and Mark, and other members of my family. I am sure Tom Snyder was there, and this very nice guy must have smoozed and wooed Heather and Patrice, because he and I were in conflict. I forbid him to use Christine and my recovery in AA to sell Rosamond prints for Stacey. The beautiful women are being used like whores is what I told the executor and probate judge. But, Tom was desperate. He had nothing! If could only capture my beautiful daughter born on Rosemary’s birthday.

When I began to question Patrice’s motives, she disappeared herself and my daughter. I had become dangerous. Heather and I could still write each other via a post box. In her last letter she asks me to talk more about me and my history. I became suspicious she wanted my letter for Snyder’s book ‘When You Close Your Eyes’.

Then this box was closed and I had not contact with my daughter for nearly two years. I alas find her via my nephew, Shamus Dundon, who tells me he met Heather, and she is going to have a baby that she plans to name Lily-Rose – if she is a girl!

When you look at the vile and cunning history through the eyes of Patrice Hanson, you see a real witch in the works here. Patrice hung a Rosamond image over Heather’s bed when she was a baby. She told her famous aunt rendered this beautiful woman, that will be her spirit-guide to fame and fortune.

Patrice was a Stage Mother who bid our daughter to take acting and music lessons in order to prove there was a hidden artistic genius lurking in the Hanson genes. When she discovered Christine was dead, she saw our daughter as an heir to the Rosamond Throne. At the gallery, my kindred and others told Mommy Dearest that it was best she contact me, for if I read about I having a daughter in Snyder’s biography, I am going on the warpath. When Patrice first called me she knew there was danger. She played me – with the help of her Heather Doll.

In the e-mail below Patrice sent me, she is trying to keep HER MAN in the mix, the man who empowered her and my daughter. It felt so good to be the only parent of Heather amidst my family, and all that fortune and fame. If only I had never been born!

In the photo of above Patrice, looks like Skull-Witch, the Great Deceiver! Skull-Witch has replaced our Muse, Rena Victoria. If Rena had agreed to marry me she would have been Rosemary’s daughter-in-law, and Christine’s sister-in-law.

In my book, Rena Victoria shows up at the Rosamond Gallery dressed like the Phantom of the Opera. My Muse begins to rip off their rosy masks one by one in order to free her old love, Don Juan, from hell. True Art – must prevail!

Patrice was married to the Grateful Dead Imposter, Randy Delpiano, and out his name on Heather’s birth certificate. You can’t make this stuff up. Who is this phantom author?

Jon Presco

Copyright 2013

E-mail from Patrice

I¯ve been thinking about the apparent conflict in regard to the biography. Perhaps there is information I don¡¯t have but it seems to me that a biography written by the brother would be a very different book from a very different perspective than one written by an outsider and so there would be room for the creation of both of them.

I know when I am really interested in someone or something, I like to get my hands on as
many resources as possible to get information from a variety of points of view. So I don¡¯t see that it needs to be an either/or situation.

But, as I said, perhaps there is something I don¡¯t know that you do. We can talk about it more. Tom Snyder seems like a really nice guy also. It seems he is supportive of you and he definitely played an important part in connecting you with Heather and that is important and not to be ignored.

I¯m excited too. Maybe not as excited as you and Heather, but pretty excited. I do look forward to seeing you again. I¯m happy this is all out in the open now. It kind of lifts a weight off me that I wasn¯t really aware of but can notice now how much better it feels that you
know about your daughter.

Love and blessings! Patrice

In August of this year, Delpiano again began impersonating Bob Weir.
One of the individuals he bilked, Ken Whitaker, admittedly not a
Deadhead, recalled the experience: “He seemed to know everything
about the Grateful Dead. He told stories for hours and he played the
harmonica extremely well. We didn’t know then that the real Bob Weir
doesn’t play harmonica. He said he was being hounded by the press
over the death of their keyboard player Brent Mydland.” Oakland
police spokesman Sgt. Stanley Bicker was very familiar with
Delpiano’s scam. “Side by side, they don’t look alike, but in their
photos and from a distance, they do,” he said of Weir and Delpiano,
adding, “The really committed Grateful Dead fan knows that Mr.
Delpiano is not Bob Weir.” For the two weeks he stayed in Walnut
Creek, Delpiano made such a splash with the locals that they bought
him dinners and provided sexual favors, and he obliged them by
signing autographs. His scam ended when a friend of Whitaker’s, a
Deadhead, exposed Delpiano as an imposter. Delpiano was ultimately
arrested for failing to report to his parole officer and was
remanded to the state prison to serve out the rest of his five-year

There was also another one:

A second Bob Weir impersonator was recently nabbed in Oakland.
This “version” of Weir had his act down so well that he’d been
receiving free dinners at Trader Vic’s, the popular Bay Area
restaurant. As if that was not enough, a 20-year old San Francisco
man was jailed and arrested for residential burglary after police
discovered he’d spent the night of January 3 in Weir’s Mill Valley
home while Bob was in Hawaii for a well-deserved rest following the
New Year’s shows. It had all started innocently enough the night
before when the police, on a routine check, found a car in Bob’s
driveway with a set of keys in the ignition. The police took the
keys to prevent a possible car theft, leaving a note saying the keys
could be picked up at the police station, unaware that the
perpetrator was hiding out in the house. The next morning the police
received a call saying that a man at Weir’s house wanted the keys
back; when Weir confirmed that the man had been harassing him by
phone and that he was not a personal friend, he was arrested,
allegedly for taking a calendar from Bob’s recording studio.

Several years before he started impersonating Bobby, he was a leech
in the Dead scene. He had a huge tape collection and would get
people to give him boxes full of blank tapes, pretending he was
going to fill them with rare gems. I knew people who got scammed
this way. That’s why we took keen notice of reports that he had
moved on to a whole new level of scamming. Amazing that he kept
impersonating Bobby even after being busted for it!

Sent: March 13, 2001 3:48:17 AM GMT
Subject: Heather

I was noticing that for so long I have thought of Heather as just
mine. Although, I also realize that ultimately she does not belong
me and is
her own person. I have been her only parent ever since she came into
being. Now, connecting with you has begun the opening of another
whole part of herself
that was just aching to be born. Seeing this open up with the
of that part of her that is her father is really very extraordinary.
It¡¯s almost as
if I am seeing her as a different person or that another aspect that
has been dark and unknown is lightening and opening so she can be
more in her
fullness. Does this make sense?

Anyway, I realize that she is not just mine. She chose to come in
through both of us and your family and all the richness it carries
with it is part of her also. Until now, it has not been fully
available to her, it has been a mystery and unknown to her. Now she
can truly blossom and the time is right. She really needs the energy
of a father. So for one who hasn¡¯t experienced himself as a father
before this must be
pretty amazing as it is for Heather who hasn¡¯t experienced herself
the daughter of a father before. I¡¯m so glad we found you!

Love, Patrice

Heather’s First Father

I found Heather’s first father. Patrice said she was married to
Randy (Randall) Delpiano when she met me. Twenty two years ago.
Randy is a famous Con who posed as Bob Weir, the rhythm guitarist of
the famous Rock Group `The Grateful Dead’, and used people. He was
an Imposter who took the identity of a famous person and got
arrested for doing so – twice!

When I got my first letter from my newfound daughter, I showed it to
my good friend, Ed Corbin, who graduated from Harvard with a degree
in English Literature. He was once a editor at Doubleday.. He told
me my daughter did not write this letter, because it could not have
not been written by a sixteen year old, and, there was a first party
removed tone to it. It was typed, with Heather’s signature at the

When I left Santa Rosa five years ago, I took back all my e-mails
that Patrice has saved. I had become suspicious she was plying
biographical material from. Within days of hearing the good news I
was a father, Patrice sent me an e-mail telling me she could
remember very little about our two months together, and would I fill
her in. In the folder of e-mails I found a letter Patrice wrote to a
head of Scientology using the same wording in part that she used in
my first letter from my daughter. This is proof Patrice POSED as my
daughter. Who appears to have been way more interested in being in a
biography about a FAMOUS artist, then having a relationship with
her real father.

Aunt Lillian told me Vicki tried to get her to financially help
Patrice during the two years she and Heather disappeared. From my
life. Aunt Lillian told me how flattered she was that Heather was
going to name her child after her, `Lilly-Rose’. This was before
they found out it was a boy. Was Heather Delpiano using a child the
same way Patrice had?

There was another letter in that folder written by Patrice to Oprah
Winfry speaking of our Miracle. In it she says she knew Heather was
my child upon first sight. In Patrice’s family photo album there is
a photo of twenty year-old, Randy Delpiano, holding newborn Heather
without his shirt on.

The day after Christmas Heather told me I was powerless to stop her
from seeing members of my family I do not get along with due to the
fact there is evidence they Conned Shannon out of her famous
mother’s legacy.

My detective friend is now looking for Randy. I want to interview
for my biography. I want to go as deeply into Heather and Patrice’s
private life as they did mine. Patrice was frantically asking me for
a bloodtest to prove Heather was my daughter. I think there is a
good reason to have graves doubts. Did Delpiano read that call for
people to come forth and be in the Rosamond biography?

Jon Presco

Copyright 2006

“I don’t know what it will take for you, but I encourage you,
because I care, to get some sort of help and support through perhaps
A.A., Alanon (since you grew up with alcoholics, too) or therapy.”

“Heather’s father is a creative and sensitive artist himself who can
give to his daughter a kind of inspiration and guidance that I could
not and it comes at the perfect time in her life. We are excited
about the future and all that it holds in terms of love family and
creativity. We look forward to sharing this Heather’s father is a
creative, and sensitive artist himself who can give to his daughter
a kind of inspiration and guidance that I could not and it comes at
the perfect time in her life. We are excited about the future and
all that it holds in terms of love family and creativity. We look
forward to sharing this story of miracles and healing.”

In Alcoholics Anonymous we share stories about our miracles and
healing. Patrice is aware of this because she went to meeting with
the Love of her life, held Delpiano’s hand, and spoke after he
spoke, she letting everyone know there was an angel at work here,
herself, and a newborn angelic baby girl named Heather. How hard it
must have been on this angelic being from another planet to see her
extrateretrial healing powers roll off Randall like water off a
duck’s back. She alas quit applying her mojo when it became clear
one of her children might get killed in the process. Did Randall
verbalize his suspicions that Heather was not his daughter, after
all, he hadbrown eyes, and she pale blue eyes the color of the sea?

Here is a Kidnap Letter Patrice sent me, that Heather asked to sign.
It revokes the fourteen years I have managed to remain sober –
against all odds – as it has not been easy, so many people coming to
steal the Miracle Christine and I shared as Brother and Sister in
Sobriety. The thieves even employed several attorneys. Their hired
biographer told me he had held a conference with two attorneys who
were wanting to force me to sign the exclusive rights contract they
drew up that would forbid me from including my late sister in the
story of our Miracle I was authoring – before she died. Was Tom
Snyder trying to convince Patrice and Heather to abandon my project,
get off my sinking ship, and come aboard? There was talk of a movie,
and there might be a part for the seventeen year old thespian,
Heather Delpiano, who could play – you know who? Like false father
like false daughter!

“I don’t know what it will take for me to trust you again, but I’d
need to know you are actively doing the work with others and not
just doing your own program. It’s too hard to be humble or objective
on your own.”


In our most recent phone conversation since your departure
from Sonoma, I have seen glimpses of the sweet, loving man Heather
and I encountered when I first contacted you in Oregon and you came
to meet Heather. The negativity, blaming and threats of the person
that emerged during the stresses of the second visit was surprising
and confusing to me and Heather, also. I experienced that side of
you that was less then loving, understanding or encouraging, and in
fact, destructive. I see this as a problem that I don’t care to be
around until it is handled. I have compassion for the pain, abuse,
and disappointment you experienced in the past, and yet it is not my
job to be the target of the expression of that pain, or fix it. It
is your job to handle it in a way that you do not turn into the
abuser, or perceive everyone else as the abuser as I saw you do.

I don’t know what it will take for you, but I encourage you, because
I care, to get some sort of help and support through perhaps A.A.,
Alanon (since you grew up with alcoholics, too) or therapy. You can
make the choice that is right for you. I see recovery as an ongoing
process. I don’t know what it will take for me to trust you again,
but I’d need to know you are actively doing the work with others and
not just doing your own program. It’s too hard to be humble or
objective on your own.

I for sure don’t know everything and I am not perfect, but I am
willing to continue to learn and grow and to discover more on my
path. So I am doing that now through the Alanon program, working
with a sponsor and working the twelve steps. I’m taking a time out
from making major decisions until I have more clarity.
Heather and I were just offered the opportunity of care taking a
property for a friend here for the summer. Since as of June 1, we
can no longer stay together here at the B&B, we chose to accept this
offer. For now, we can stay in touch through P.O. Box.
Please know that I love you and care about you. Heather does too.


P.S. I wrote this letter. Heather read it and signed it.

When I was boarding the bus in Sonoma, Patrice turned to
Heather and said; “Your father is betraying us just like Randy did.”
Shocked, I said; “Mother, don’t say that to your child about her
father.” And the bus door closed. On the long ride home I felt my
newfound daughter being tugged from my heart. Patrice was now going
to aim our daughter at her next target, Vicki.
The “destructive” abuse Patrice is referring to, is the two
angry messages I left on her machine when she hung up on me. Before
I left we went to the library and got books on Adult Children of
Alcoholics. I had attended ACOA meetings for three years and found
them very helpful in identifying the roles children are assigned in
the family, and how to mend our shattered boundaries. I suspected
Patrice was the Hero in her family, and that is the hardest role rid
oneself of as the Hero usually adopts many religious or spiritual
tools to assist them in their need to be the Savior of their family.
I have been both the Hero and the Scapegoat.
When I called and heard Patrice and Heather was attending
Alanon meeting, where the abusive and using alcoholic husband is the
focus, I was upset, as I knew this program was ammunition for
Patrice if she was going to continue to teach her daughter that I
and Delpaino were alike in our “destructive” behavior, and thus her
angelic healing was going to be a waste of time ON ME, but, THEY
would not stop loving me.
Yeah – right! This love borders on Kidnapping according to
California law, whereas I did not know where my daughter was living,
had no telephone number for her. When I wrote Heather she took her
own sweet time in responding. I sent her a phone card and told her
if she used it at a pay phone I could not get Patrice’s number. When
she called, I asked her why I was un-invited to her High School
graduation. Her replay was extremely insensitive. I ignored her un-
kindness because I had gone into therapy and it was decided I should
be very careful with Patrice as she is looking for an excuse to cut
off all contact with my daughter.

“Aren’t you going to get mad?” Heather asked. I then asked her if
she was still going to Alanon meetings, and she said she was not. No
sooner did she say that, then she said she has to go as her friends
are calling to her, she in a rush to go with them, and she hung up.
I suspect Patrice was on another line, at ready to be a witness to
my verbal abuse, my fatherly anger at being snubbed, being put out
in the cold at the most important Father-Daughter event there is,
next to a wedding. My therapist and concluded that more then likely
Patrice and Heather were forming an alliance with Vicki.
Seven years ago I became a homeless person after Michael Dun
don confronted his wife on her gambling addiction. She threw us both
out of the house and we came to live in the woods on the private
camp ground of a logger whom Michael once worked for. It rained
everyday that month, and, then Michaels wife came and took him back.
I got a sponsor in AA in Blue River, and would attend meetings at
the McKenzie Christina Church. I had no means to shower, and was
well on my way to smelling like a Mountain Man.

At one meeting, I shared the horrecondous battle going on in
my family over Christine’s legacy. I talked about the terrible
grabbing going on. Even those in Christine’s AA group refused my
wishes, they not giving me Christine’s first sober birthday coin I
had asked for, they instead holding a posthumous birthday party for
her, enshrining this coin in a little glass case, and hanging it on
the wall.

“Since when do we honor dead drunks in this program, over the
beginner?” I said this in regards to my pleas to everyone to help me
get Shannon in program.

A women at that meeting began to cry, and had to leave the
room. After the meeting I approached her and asked her what I said
that had upset her. She set up meeting at her home the next
evening, and with my sponsor present she told me she was a
moderately successful artist who had bought the movie rights to one
of Ken Kesey’s novels. She told me; “The reason why these people are
acting so insane, is because most people want to touch that which is
immortal, and given a chance they will do almost anything.”
By coincidence a friend of mine was the head writer for that

It is time to take Christine away from my family, and bring her into
AA, but into the World of Art and Beauty, where we both belong.

Here are photographs of Heather and I putting a special
Sobriety coin in the tomb of our ancestors, it given to me by my
friend who has twenty two years sobriety so I could honor my sister,
and say goodbye to her. As I dropped the coin into its final resting
place, I announced a Day of Atonement, and the forgiving of all
family sins, so that my grandson would not be infected by unholy war
of the roses. However, Vicki still wanted a more thorough and angel
absolution, she wanting to go to trial with me on the phone and
clear her good name – for Heather’s sake – they having formed a
close bond behind my back with the help of lawyers that threatened
me, who slandered, Christine, her daughter, and her attorney. When
Patrice closed the P.O. Box she would be guilty of Kidnappin – if
Heather was still a minor. She closed that Box when I smuggled proof
to Heather that it was her mother who came on to me. Patrice was
depicting me as a deluded mentally ill scumbag who was trying to
strengthen his destructive and very weak bond with her daughter by
coming on to ther mother. I also smuggled proof that she knew
Heather was my daughter when she first lay eyes on her. Here is
Patrice’s Great Imposter, her Lover Boy from who she learned all
there is to know about Identity Theft.

“She told me, the reason why these people are acting so insane, is
because most people want to touch that which is immortal, and given
a chance, they will do almost anything.”

“The really committed Grateful Dead fan knows that Mr. Delpiano is
not Bob Weir.” For the two weeks he stayed in Walnut Creek, Delpiano
made such a splash with the locals that they bought him dinners and
provided sexual favors, and he obliged them by signing autographs.”

It’s about time Rosamond’s fans say the same thing about Vicki – and
Heather – as no doubt the `Angelic Being from the Imposter Planet’
has announced Heather is the embodiment of Rosamond risen from the

Judgment Day has arrived. No one will be spared. As Ed
Fadely told me at Joy Gall’s birthday party four years ago after I
told him about eh rival biography. “Don’t worry. You will get the
last word.”

Ed Fadely is a retired Supreme Court Judge and Oregon
Senator. He grew up in the Ozarks in the “show me” State where Royal
Rosamond was born. It is my grandfather who will look down and judge
all those who mistreated his creative grandchildren. He will ask
this questions of Vicki;
“How can you claim you and your fellow Kidnappers and
Imposters you made honorary members of my family had nothing to with
Christine losing her life, and were chosen by her from beyond the
grave to protect her creative legacy, when you set out to utterly
destroy my creative grandson, and my creative great granddaughter,
both who are gifted artists. Do you own any gifts? Where are your
paintings, you cunning little bitch? How dare you employ a child, my
great granddaughter, to transfer these gifts over to you.”
As for this querry;” I don’t know what it will take for
you, but I encourage you, because I care, to get some sort of help
and support through perhaps A.A., Alanon (since you grew up with
alcoholics, too) or therapy. I did get into therapy, and, was able
to give my good friends Mark a play by play account, he and his
family all having degrees in psychology. Here is the subject of her

From: ¡°Jon Presco¡±
To: mpresco
Subject: My Daughter, Heather
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 17:21:39 -0800

My ex-girlfriend, Patrice has just informed me of something I long
knew, I have a daughter. Her name is Heather Marie Hanson. She was
born on September 26, 1984, Rosemary¡¯s birthday. She is very
beautiful I am
told, but I already knew this, as two weeks ago I was introduced to
Heather in my dreams by my Angel and her mother. She is an artist,
and a singer. I told my detective friend about my dream and asked
if he would help find her. Before he could investigate, Patrice
the name Rosamond on the web. My
dreams have come true.


From: Stacey Pierrot
Reply-To: stacey@r¡­
To: jonpresco8@h¡­, vpresco
Subject: [Fwd: Patrice Hanson at Bancroft House in Sonoma]
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 09:02:43 -0800

FRIENDS AND ADMIRERS OF ROSAMOND You¡¯ll be pleased to know that
Rosamond Publishing has commissioned the artist¡¯s biography: a
celebration of her life and legacy. We¡¯re working closely with the
author, Tom Snyder, to produce a handsome book dedicated to an
extraordinary life. Tom is a trained observer as well as
a storyteller intrigued by every turn in life¡¯s odyssey. If you have
any comments to share with Tom about your own response to Rosamond¡¯s
work, he¡¯d be happy to hear from you. His e-mail address is:

Forwarded Message
From: Bancrofthouse
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 11:25:39 EST
Subject: Patrice Hanson at Bancroft House in Sonoma
To: info@r¡­

I wonder if you can help me. Back in 1983, I met a man in Oakland
named, I believe, Greg. He told me that Rosamond was his sister and
that is the only
thing I really know about him as a possible way of locating him. I
need to find him for a very important reason. If you happen to know
if Rosamond had a
brother by this name or any clues that I could follow to locate him,
I would appreciate it very much. Thank you for any help you can

Patrice Hanson

From: John Presco
To: Bancrofthouse
Subject: Re: a message from Patrice
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 12:27:35 -0500 (EST)

When Tom first contacted me he told me I was central to Christine¡¯s
biography. I considered letting him finish the biography I had begun
in 1990, as I have at least two books to write, I making several
only to have my information expand dramatically. I may have solved
some core mysteries of King Arthur and the Holy Grail, and great
secrets surrounding the original Nazarite church. Tom told me he was
working with Stacey, and I told him any help I provided had to be
under critical guidelines, being, this is a story of miracles and
recovery aimed at helping those who
suffer from the abusive disease of alcholoism ¨C especially children –

who make bonds with angels in order to survive horrendous abuse and

Tom told me there had been a legal meeting with attournies where

legal steps were considered, but Tom himself refused to work under
these conditions. He tells me he wants me to sign a release of some
kind so my information will not be exploited in a sensational
It turned out to be a legal document asking me to give him EXCLUSIVE
rights to
the material, meaning, I could not draw upon my memories in written
form in regards to Christine, and perhaps all the members of my
family. I felt
this was a betrayal of the initial trust, which was tentative as it
was, as Stacey ¨C a non-family member ¨C ha been manipulative and
secretive since the
day of Christine¡¯s funeral. She, and members of my family have been
getting their way, and power over others the exact way my abusive
parents did, through secret family information aimed at keeping my
family a closed covert family. Only those who agree to go along with
the dark agendas are let into the inner circle. For taking my niece
Shannon¡¯s side in the chaos
outsiders created on top of my families tragedy, I was put, and kept
in the dark.

I will forward you an email from a fan of Christines in regards to
the disappearance of the ADULT heir that no one with all their
resources is attempting to find. They did nothing to help me find
Heather, I
pleading with the probate judge to consider the Miracle and Dream
that is still continuing in my LIFE, A miracle and dream I need to
subscribe to in
order to save my life. Stacey, Mark, and Vicki do not want my and
Christine¡¯s Program, as the one they have, that allows them to own
all the creative endeavors in the family, works fine for them, and
a beautiful cover for the darkness they spread.

It sound like Tom has contacted you again? I would like to know.

I am always open for negotiations and compromise. I seek your
guidance in regards to not wanting Heather exposed to this. Its only
the next day of
our reunion and your email that reminds me there is so much ¨C DRAMA –

surrounding this legacy that was left to Hether¡¯s two cousins, all
three not allowed to play, be players, all three, inheriting the
Creative Gifts Christine and I were born with. No one else in the
family have these Gifts. I find this utterly unfair!

Heather is a Libra like myself. What sign are you Patrice. If I
you¡¯re an Aquarius?



From: Bancrofthouse
Sent: March 12, 2001 2:31:47 PM GMT
Subject: Re: a message from Patrice

Jon, It¡¯s great that its coming together so easily for you to come
here soon. I really trust that this all is in the hands of angels
that everything that is needed will be provided in terms of where
can stay, etc. I will try to talk to Diane today. It¡¯s a little odd
living in someone else¡¯s house because I can¡¯t just open the house
my friends without clearing it and working out an exchange that
for the owner. But she¡¯s really great and I feel she will understand
and be supportive. Plus she is a great
artist and will appreciate another artist and she is very familiar
with Rosamond¡¯s work, so I¡¯m sure it will be perfect and a win for

I thought you should have the number for the phone that goes into
Heather¡¯s room. She has her own line. It is.

I¡¯ve been thinking about the apparent conflict in regard to the
biography. Perhaps there is information I don¡¯t have but it seems to
me that a biography written by the brother would be a very different
book from a very different perspective than one written by an
outsider and so there would be room for the creation of both of
I know when I am really
interested in someone or something, I like to get my hands on as
resources as possible to get information from a variety of points of
view. So I don¡¯t see that it needs to be an either/or situation.
as I said, perhaps there is something I don¡¯t know that you do. We
can talk about it more. Tom
Snyder seems like a really nice guy also. It seems he is supportive
of you and he definitely played an important part in connecting you
with Heather and
that is important and not to be ignored.

I¡¯m excited too. Maybe not as excited as you and Heather, but pretty
excited. I do look forward to seeing you again. I¡¯m happy this is
out in the open now. It kind of lifts a weight off me that I wasn¡¯t
really aware of but can notice now how much better it feels that you
know about your daughter.

Love and blessings! Patrice

From: John Presco <velchanos e…>
To: bancrofthouse@
CC: jonpresco8
Subject: FWD: Another thought
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 22:43:53 -0500 (EST)

Why would Randy, a known dead-beat and con artist want to show up out
of the blue and challenge anyone for the right to be Heather’s
father? Are you suggesting has seen the light, and wants to support
Heather in every way including having a judgment against him in a
court of law – MAKING him be the good father he never was? No problem
here, as whenever he wants
out he would gladly take a blood-test!

I don’t buy it Patrice. Why would he assume the financial burdens a
sixteen year old girl would bring with legal guardianship. All of a
sudden he had the urge to put Heather through college? Now, who else
would show up wanting PROOF I am Heather’s father.


From: Bancrofthouse@
To: velchanos
Sent: March 13, 2001 6:46:53 AM GMT
Subject: Another thought

My sister suggested that when you come, we get a blood test done to
confirm paternity. I feel 100% certain in myself that you are indeed
Heather’s father. I think you know from your psychic intuitions and
when you see her you will confirm what you already know. However, as
Linda, my sister said, then we’d have confirmation on paper and if
anyone ever challenges it, we can prove it. For example, if Randy
ever shows up although I feel the chances are slim. It’s been 10
years now and we are not that hard to find for anyone who really
wants to. It might be a good idea though. What do you think?



From: Presco Jon
To: Bancrofthouse@
CC: jonpresco8@
Subject: Re: Heather
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 14:07:16 -0800 (PST)

Patrice; Once again, I will try to make this simple.
When I mentioned the blood-test, I was referring to
this as being ONE of the reasons I was feeling
anxiety, I only interested – AT THE TIME – in getting
a clearer picture of my daughter, it so very faint for
all the obvious reasons! I was not bringing up this
anxiety in order to coherse you into doing my bidding.
I was not saying “Your suggestion has made me upset,
anxious, and thus is jeopardized my relationship with
my daughter. Therefore, you must relieve my anxiety by
doing what I want – or, go along with what I do not
want to do.”

In Recovery this called Emotional Blackmail. I
mentioned this test again as to why I REALLY and TRULY
felt anxious, and am beginning to feel this way again!
I am embaraased about my anxiety, verses trying to get
you to do my will. Are you trying to make your point
clear – for the record?

For the record, all my letters and other forms of
communication are protected under my Copyright, I
registering my biography ‘Bonds with Angels’ under the
same Copyright, under the title ‘Notes of a New
Nazarite’ registration number TXu 791-053. The mention
of this Copyright is made in my Homepage ‘Royal
Rosamond Press’. I mention this as Tom Snyder
forwarded your email you sent him where you state you
are very interested in the biography he is writing.

As to what other arrangements that can be made in order
that Heather and I can see each other without any
other agendas getting in the way, is as follows:

1. I can see Heather for a half hour tommorow, and
then proceed to Oakland where my friend is letting me
stay in his mother’s house while she is in the
hospital. Heather can come visit me in Oakland, wespending a day

2. My friend Virginia has offered to let Heather stay in her home if she would care to come up and visit me.
Virginia and I are just good friends.

For you to introduce a violent, known liar, into this
picture, a man who has physically threatened me with a
baseball bat (as so many of my friends recall) as one
reason I should get a blood test in order to protect
my daughter from him, is highly suspicious. One can
easily say this IS cohersion, a thinly veiled TEST to
see if i am really a good father. Are you working my
low self-esteem on this one? How about your sister?

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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1 Response to The Saga of Lily-Rose

  1. Reblogged this on Rosamond Press and commented:

    There is no doubt I am a Seer, who can see into the future. I went on the war path for my un-born granddaugter. I did this so I could have a spiritual influence on Lily-Rose. As a Nazarite I believe in un-born Children being filled with the Holy Spirit while in their mother’s womb. Patrice Hanson did not want me to have such an influence. With the appearence of Rosamond Clifford Dew, I, a male, am in the driver’s seat. Royal people do not exist without history. The Plantagenet linage begins with King Henry the second, who allegedly put Rosamond Clifford in a labyrinth, that we arrive at the center of, and await the blessed birth of my granddaughter, that I suggest be named Rosamond Clifford Dew. John Presco Copyright 2019
    As late as 1600, with the Tudor succession in doubt, older Plantagenet lines remained as possible claimants to a disputed throne, and religious and dynastic factors gave rise to complications. Thomas Wilson wrote in his report The State of England, Anno Domini 1600 that there were 12 “competitors” for the succession. At the time of writing (about 1601), Wilson had been working on intelligence matters for Lord Buckhurst and Sir Robert Cecil.[115] The alleged competitors included five descendants of Henry VII and Elizabeth, including the eventual successor James I of England, but also seven from older Plantagenet lines:[116]

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