Lillian of the National Velvet

Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rooney starred in “National Velvet” in 1944.

An 18-year-old Gene Tierney, who was then appearing on Broadway, was offered the role of Velvet Brown in 1939. Production was delayed, however, so Tierney returned to Broadway.[5] Much of the film was shot in Pebble Beach, California, with the most-scenic views on the Pebble Beach Golf Links[6] (with golf holes visible in the background).

Almost all the information in this post and in this blog was not known to my family, or any of the ghost writers hired by Stacey Pierrot via Sydney Morris, a law partner of Robert Brevoort Buck, a big wheel of Carmel along with Lawrence Chazen, a Getty lawyer and partner in PlumpJack winery. Chazen was the No.1 creditor. I will be looking at the nature of his claim. He was a partner in the first Rosamond Gallery at the Crossroads. Did he proofread Tom Snyder’s evil book? Christine earned her money. Buck was born into it.

I am a poor man. I have done more living on $700 dollars a month then the Getty and Buck Foundation put together. I demand Buck put me in charge of a think tank in order to take on Steve Bannon and Breitbart. Buck vs. Bannon. We will clean his clock!

The lowest point of my life was to hear from my once beautiful aunt Lillian, that my daughter was pregnant, and, my grandchild was going to be named ‘Lily-Rose’ after her and my mother, Rosemary. For two years, she was disappeared from my life. How many Carmel attorneys heard – this good news?

Six years ago, my ex-daughter declared;

“Your families – dead!”

I had confronted her about the giant pee stain her aunt Linda left in the car I rented. Heather had X-ed me out of her life, with the guidance of her mother, her family, and I suspect, Tom Snyder, my rival biographer, who gleefully uses Lillian to destroy Rosemary, the mother of two gifted artists – and struggling writers! With the birth of Lily-,would come the Literary Murder of the man Patrice Hanson lay down with. She would put my child in the arms of a convicted felon who was jailed twice for impersonating Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead. Randolp Delpiano is a famous Pretender. I insisted his surname be removed from Heather Hanon’s birth certificate, and mine be put there, instead. What I got is one of the greatest Stab In The Back Stories – EVER! Patrice and her joy-boy, Snyder – along with all members of my family – did not know Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, and I, share the same rosy bloodline! I would love to see Ryan Hunt on a witness stand.

Rosemary never met my child. She died in 1997. I was not told she was dying in the Naval hospital. Vicki was furious that I caught her and her son telling BIG LIES. I took away their fake DEATH SCENE! It’s gone! There is no real death scene for ‘The Rose of the World’. This is an outrage that is recorded on the Superior Court of Monterey, and the lousiest biography – ever written! The proof is in the pudding!

For two months I have been waiting for the right moment to forgive Lillian. I had completely read Snyder’s Book of Evil for the first time. I am still in shock, at how he fucked her over – after Snyder got my aunt to betray me. All Lillian wanted was to be included in Literary Greatness. Her father’s failures wounded her deeply. When I bind her to the literay discovery I made, concerning Washington Irving, she will live forever. So will Rosemary, because she did a great thing. She is redeemable, too. How about Christine?

In this photo you see my beloved sister going trough the terrible IDENTITY CRISIS she suffered from most of her life – due the abuse of her father who she places at the head of her table in her home in Pacific Grove. Christine is hiding her face because she had a vary bad face-lift. She has dyed her hair, blonde. In Sneaky Snyder’s shitty little book, I am blamed for Rosamond’s identity crisis. My daughter and her mother blame me for their identity crisis, because Patrice wanted to be Rosamond’s sister – after I am unborn!

This photo speaks a thousand words that I must refrain from giving away for free, for the parasites are waiting in the wings to turn my works into – THEIR MONEY! This is an amazing Beauty and the Beast image.

Somewhere in this photo is the office of Heisinger, Morris, and Buck. The Rosamond Gallery is not more than fifty yards away! Did Robert Buck stroll around the Carmel galleries? Did he drop in to say hello to Garth and Christine?

Here is a photo of Lillian and her husband, Dick Molnar, her sister, Rosemary, and Vic Presco. Uncle Dick had a huge scar on his chin from a piece of shrapnel that came into the cockpit of the B-24 he was flying over Germany. The war had just ended. Rosemary served in the Waves spying on the Russians. Vic joined the Merchant Marines, lest he have to kill his German stock in battle. I believe Victor Stuttmeister died fighting for the Germans in WW1. Vic’s secretaries titled my father ‘Vic The Nazi’ a title that is being transferred over to Von Trump, and his Svengali, Steve Bannon. Are you beginning to see the BIG PICTURE here? Being THE FAMILY ARTIST growing up, was not easy. Rosemary said this more than once;

“You prepared her way!”

The truth this truth is hidden, is another attempt to unborn me. Heather does not follow the real Lily and Rose to her birthright, but follows the deluded nobody that is her mother – and her family! Consider the numerous photos of my grandson in a bar with aunt Lind ‘The Grand Pisser’.


in the

Here is Rosemary’s third husband, Robert Miles. Robby was a warrior in Vietnam. He is six months younger than me. Did Tom Snyder see combat in Vietnam? I will be sending him the evil things he said about Rosemary after I publish them in this blog. The first time I met my father-in-law, he took me outside and knocked me on my ass, to settle one of Rosemary’s old scores. Heather should have named Tyler after Robby, because he is a Real Bad Ass, not anything like Ryan Hunt, the wanna-be, that did not serve his nation.

Here is Rena’s late husband. He was shot down fighting the Nazis, and was held captive by the Vichy government, who were Virginia’s kinfolk. Ian Easton was the Captain of the aircraft carrier. Both Lillian married War Heroes. This by itself is worthy of being mentioned in history. Lillian was the first woman I ever fell in love with. I remember taking her in as she and Rosemary had stopped the car to play on these swings at the new Ventura park. I was around seven.

Now, let me make this picture. Rena and I enter the Rosamond Gallery together, the mentor and the muse. Imagine Lillian meeting Rena in 1970. Snyder goes into the Agony and the Ecstasy of Christine Rosamond rendering beautiful women in order to pay the bills and keep her husband, happy. But, I fell in love with beautiful women. I made love to beautiful women. I lost beautiful women! I know beautiful women.

Both Lillian and Rosemary dated Errol Flynn, the actor who seduced beautiful women. Flynn played the Warrior Hero, but, never served.

In all wars, beautiful women lie down with brave warriors, and suffered what they suffered, and more! They gave good reason to brave men, to go on living. I got no such encouragement after Christine died.

I forgive Lillian and Rena. My mother died knowing she had betrayed me. However, with the literary connection I made between Henry Brevoort, Washington Irving, and The Mystery Writer, so many are redeemed, not by art, but, by poetry.

The Rosamond Women are our National Velvet, the texture of our trials, and our tribulations. I salute their contributions.

Jon Presco

Copyright 2017




Lillian & Floris Van Rosemondt

Rosamonds 1944 Aug Lilianflorismt


florisvonrosemund“The rest was, given those involved, what one might expect.”

“given those involved” We are talking about my family at our Family Funeral. Christine was our first death in the family.

“Hugh Bromily, Khara’s husband and Episcopal priest, conducted the service with taste and dignity. Raphael spoke, along with Karin: two friends from childhood. The rest was, given those involved, what one might expect. Vic was cornering
whatever woman he could; Rosemary came in drunk, lost in her story that she was the only seventeen-year-old to turn down Errol Flynn’s advance.

”Oh it was just awful.” Lillian recalls. ‘Rosemary was shouting that Shannon was late, ‘and ought to have her butt kicked.’ I don’t know all what she said after that but
she had her silver flask with her and it was getting rough.”

My father, Vic Presco, was there but he sat in the back and left early. He hired a photographer to take photos of his family in his stead.

Vicki told me our aunt Lillian regretted the things she said about her sister on her death bed. However, Vicki and Mark got to read the draft of Tom Snyder’s lies before his biography was published. Garth Benton probably read it to. These three were only concerned about taking profit from the movie. They didn’t care about the surving artis in the Presco family with seven years of recovery. This was the Family Miracle because Christine’s funeral fell on her first sober birthday. What is the miracle?…..Christine did not die a abusive drunk.

Tom Snyder, and Stacey Pierrot, tried to get me to sign a contract for my contribution to my family story. If I had signed it, then I would not have been able to write and publish anything about Christine. The words of the two family artists, would be silenced. This is why I bring back our Muse.

Vicki Presco betrayed our aunt Lillian, whom I now forgive so that she can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Above is the oldest surviving Dutch painting of the Rover/Roover family who married into the Rosemondt family. These are Lillian’s kindred. They were real knights.

Lillian also dated Errol Flynn at seventeen years of age, and spurned his advances. However, she did sleep with Flynn’s best friend who came to the Rosamond home one morning, serenading all four of the beautiful Rosamond women. My grandmother chased him out of the house with a broom, in her long white nightgown, her long hair trailing after her.

The Dutch and the Germans had a hero that was similar to Robin Hood. Floris Von Rosemund, or, Rosemondt. Floris means “flower” Lily and Rose……Rosamond.

Hugh Bromily dies in March. Her obituary does not mention she wrote the script for two terrible movies that I debated whether I should critique them. What I saw was this, these movies degraded men and women. In the Chosen One the bad men were brought down to such a disgusting level it is hard to watch them. Good Villains make good movies. These bad guys are sub-humans. Why, because they are being set up to be killed by beautiful heroines. While men are shot dead just for looking at someone the wrong way, for a woman to kill – anyone – the dead have to be way below them. Khara had to be considering the viewers of this movie. It is aimed at male audience. I don’t care how bad a dude is, males don’t like one of their kind shot down by a beautiful babe. The same would be applicable to bad women.

What I don’t get, is the Kharah professes to be a healing Christian. But, she had a price. She needed the money.

Lillian did not need the money, nor did Mark – or Vicki! Vicki and Mark turned on Christine and I – out of vengeance!
These Darklings squealed with delight when they got Lillian and Heather – another flower name – in their camp.

In Snyder’s book you find evidence that Christine was going to close the Rosamond gallery and go back with Circle Galleries in New York. Vicki said our sister wanted to see me again now that she was sober. Was I invited to her sober birthday party at Rocky Point? Of course I was, but, Vicki did not pass this invitation to me, because THEY were going to have a showdown with the famous artist, Rosamond, about the loans they made to her, and the Bankruptcy she filed.

I know Christie’s sponsor in AA told her to get rid of all the parasites that had glommed on to her success. I did no such thing. I am a pure artist, and my love for Christine, was pure. She was editing her autobiography. Once again, I was her beloved hero.

I have not received one red cent for all my words I have written about the two artists in my family – and their Muse.

Jon Presco 


Easton joined the Royal Navy in 1931 and qualified as a pilot at the start of World War II in which he saw active service on aircraft carriers.[1] On 4 January 1941, flying a Fairey Fulmar of 803 Squadron from HMS Formidable during a raid on Dakar he force landed, with his aircrewman Naval Airman James Burkey and was taken prisoner and held by the Vichy French at a camp near Timbuktu until released in November 1942.[2] He was appointed Assistant Director of the Tactical and Weapons Policy Division at the Admiralty in 1960 and was seconded to the Royal Australian Navy as Captain of HMAS Watson in 1962.[1] He went on to be Naval Assistant to the Naval Member of the Templer Committee on Rationalisation of Air Power in 1965, Director of Naval Tactical and Weapons Policy Division at the Admiralty in 1966 and Captain of the aircraft carrier HMS Triumph in 1968.[1] After that he was made Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Policy) in 1969, Flag Officer for the Admiralty Interview Board in 1971 and Head of British Defence Staff and Senior Defence Attaché in Washington, D.C. in 1973.[1] He last posting was as Commandant of the Royal College of Defence Studies in 1976: he commissioned armourial bearings for the College which were presented during a visit by the Queen in November 1977.[3] He retired in 1978.[1]

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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1 Response to Lillian of the National Velvet

  1. Reblogged this on Rosamond Press and commented:

    As I watched the movie Dunkirk, I thought of Rena’s husband who was shot down and taken prisoner. He was the head of the Royal Defense Studies founded by Winston Churchill. This is key as you will see. Easton joined the Royal Navy in 1931 and qualified as a pilot at the start of World War II in which he saw active service on aircraft carriers.[1] On 4 January 1941, flying a Fairey Fulmar of 803 Squadron from HMS Formidable during a raid on Dakar he force landed, with his aircrewman Naval Airman James Burkey and was taken prisoner and held by the Vichy French at a camp near Timbuktu until released in November 1942.[2] He was appointed Assistant Director of the Tactical and Weapons Policy Division at the Admiralty in 1960 and was seconded to the Royal Australian Navy as Captain of HMAS Watson in 1962.[1] He went on to be Naval Assistant to the Naval Member of the Templer Committee on Rationalisation of Air Power in 1965, Director of Naval Tactical and Weapons Policy Division at the Admiralty in 1966 and Captain of the aircraft carrier HMS Triumph in 1968.[1] After that he was made Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Policy) in 1969, Flag Officer for the Admiralty Interview Board in 1971 and Head of British Defence Staff and Senior Defence Attaché in Washington, D.C. in 1973.[1] He last posting was as Commandant of the Royal College of Defence Studies in 1976: he commissioned armourial bearings for the College which were presented during a visit by the Queen in November 1977.[3] He retired in 1978.[1]

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