Julie Lynch Slanders My Dead Mother

Ten minutes ago I discovered Julie Lynch authored a screenplay about my late sister, Christine Rosamond, titled ‘Denim and Silk – The True Life Story of Rosamond’. When it comes to the truth, I suspect Lynch was more concerned about securing movie rights, and capturing all the beautiful woman Rosamond Willed to her daughters, in Lynch’s book – knowing she was about to loose control of these images!

When my mother died in 1997, she died believing Stacey Pierrot and others, would honor her as the mother of a world famous artist. After all, she went against my advice to keep the Gallery Gargoyles at bay. AT the funeral reception held at the Rosamond gallery, Pierrot approached my mother and I, got down on one knee before us, took my mother’s hand, and with puppy dog eyes, pleaded;

“Don’t let the the dream die!”

On the drive home to Oakland, my friend says;

“Gee! I’ve never been to a Theme Funeral before!”

He was referring to the times he heard Stacey Pierrot utter her plea to family friends who just came to bury Rosamond. What’s going on here?

To the consternation of everyone around Christine Rosamond, she filed Bankruptcy a year before she drowned. The court appointed executor says Christine was living off monies given to her by family and friends two years before she died. This tells me, people close to my sister were hard pressed to find a way to get their money back – before she died! Being dead, and famous, opened up a Door of Opportunity, especially when Christine had sixty million dollars of lithographs stored in her garage. They there was talk about a biography and a movie! I believe Christine planned to turn her autobiography into a movie in order to get out of debt. Who would be the villain(s) of this movie, and who would be the good guys, was already being discussed – when she drowned! Surely being Bankrupt, one would look to Rosamond’s business managers in order to cast blame. And who pray tell were managers – Stacey Pierrot and her best friend, Jacci Belford!

To depict our mother as an opponent, verses, promoter of her daughter’s art, is pure evil! These Devils are un-borning my sister, and making her one with them. They also unborn me, slander me, lest I make some claim to Rosamond’s fame. To use a six year old boy to collect a debt, is pure evil – especially when this boys is slated to be DEMONIZED on silver screens all over the world!

This is a crucifixion scene, where the Mother and Son ‘The Pieta’ is shattered, and in our place is erected of the statue of Goddess Pierrot “The Savior”of the Rosamond legacy.

In the last couple of years I have noticed that the paintings of Jesus are looking more Jewish, verse Arian. Indeed, these new images look allot like me.

My mother was a great sinner! To learn your mother has prostituted herself to support you and your three siblings, is quite the cross to bear. When you know that Rosemary’s mother, Mary Magdalene Rosamond, had to do the same to support six children during the Depression, then a light of forgiveness enter – stage right!

Enter my Muse!

In the photo above I am sitting at my mother’s table. I have just handed Christine several photographs of the painting I did of Rene Christiansen in 1971. This aining inspired my sister to takeup for the first time in 1972. When you put Rena and I side by side, we could have been cast to star in the Greatest Story ever told!

It’s not too late. Repent!

Did the woman accused of adultery have any children, perhaps a son that would witness the stoning of his mother?

John the Nazarite


Denim and Silk: The True Life Story of Rosamond (Drama/Biopic) by Julie Lynch

The Cynosure Screenwriting Awards seek to expand the scope of mainstream
cinema by recognizing and rewarding feature-length scripts in two distinct      categories: screenplays which feature compelling female protagonists;  and screenplays that showcase diversity (ethnicity, race, sexuality, disability, etc.).   In 2011, we are proud to offer two (2) $3000 cash prizes to the top entrant in each category.  Also, each winner will be granted a Cynosure Mentorship.  


About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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