My Powers of Deduction – Or Prophecy?

Vice President Harris smiles at a crowd at the Pride Parade in San Francisco, CA, accompanied with her husband, Doug, and her niece, Meena

Vice President Harris at the Pride Parade in San Francisco, California

Four days ago I created a PANIC BUTTON that is being pushed by great men! A great newspaperman employed the title ‘political h-bomb’.

Alley Valkyrie, and her tribunal of Witches and Warlocks, judged the posts in this blog to be written by A DANGEROUS MAD-MAN! The Supreme Court wiped out most of her CULT-GAINS!

Today, Casey and I talked about how the homeless are UP-ROOTED. I tried to replant my roots in Belmont and was treated like a vagrant bum – and run out on a rail. I wrote a letter to Vice President Kamala Harris, who might run for President – AND WIN! We were born in Oakland!

John Presco

““My name is Cynthia McCarthy and you can blame me and me alone, not the Belmont Historical Society. You can email me at”


Posted on June 28, 2024 by Royal Rosamond Press

It’s seven in the morning and I have heard the term “PANIC BUTTON” several times. I called it. I stuck my old man neck out – and risked my reputation – as a prophet!

Here was the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces not able to respond to another attack by the Head of the January 6th. Insurrection – who is standing right next to him! Traitor Trump gets away with blaming everything on Nancy Pelosi – and her daughter! Not once did THE PRESIDENT ask THE TRAITOR if he still believes he stole the election. All his handlers had to do was CONCENRTATE ON THE ELECTION DENYING! Biden should have ignored all the topical questions and gone for the jugular. Here was a chance to STOP THE KING OF THE INSURRECTIONISTS!

“Are you praising the traitor carrying a Confederate flag in the hallowed halls of Congress?”

“Mr. Presdient. The topic is childcare!”

“The great grandchild of slaves are at home watching. They want me to place this TRAITOR under citizens arrest!”

Biden should have walked from behind the podium, up to the camera, and said to the TV. audience

“Would you like me to place this Insurrectionist – UNDER ARREST?”

What we saw, was a VERY OLD MAN under arrest by TIME! They must have noticed HIS MOUTH DROPS OPEN – all the firggen time!

“Just keep your mouth shut – and turn towards The Traitor and do JACK WEBB arresting Blue Boy!”

I blame myself for not insisting in my prophetic post they call in professional doctors and CLEAR THE MUCUS out of the old man’s throat just before he goes on. There has to be a way to do that. For a full minute we watched Biden choking on THE FROG in his throat. Is this why he talked softly, he afraid he was GOING TO CROAK?

John Presco

pdated: 06/28/2024 12:17 AM EDT

All Joe Biden needed to do was deliver a repeat performance of his State of the Union address.

Instead, he stammered. He stumbled. And, with fewer than five months to November, he played straight into Democrats’ worst fears — that he’s fumbling away this election to Donald Trump.

The alarm bells for Democrats started ringing the second Biden started speaking in a haltingly hoarse voice. Minutes into the debate, he struggled to mount an effective defense of the economy on his watch and flubbed the description of key health initiatives he’s made central to his reelection bid, saying “we finally beat Medicare” and incorrectly stating how much his administration lowered the price of insulin. He talked himself into a corner on Afghanistan, bringing up his administration’s botched withdrawal unprompted. He repeatedly mixed up “billion” and “million,” and found himself stuck for long stretches of the 90-minute debate playing defense.

And when he wasn’t speaking, he stood frozen behind his podium, mouth agape, his eyes wide and unblinking for long stretches of time.

VP Kamala Harris Evicted From Belmont

Posted on May 22, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Kamala Harris at a multilateral meeting with the Estonian prime minister, Kaja Kallas, the president of Latvia, Egils Levits, and the president of Lithuania, Gitanas Nausėda. Photo by the White House.

Dear Vice President;

I exceeded the limit of words I could send you, then I saw the light. In the two photographs of my Stuttmeister-Janke grandfathers, I saw they were framed by two trees – TWO PINE TREES! Are these the two trees that were-are found in Twin Pines Park that is located at the center of the City of Belmont? Before you and President Biden won the White House fair and square, I and Ed Howard were combining our Oakland History, the city where I was born. Were you born in Oakland where my kin took refuge after the Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire. They lived below Joaquin Miller who brother published Jack London’s ‘Martin Eden’ in the Pacific Monthly. Jack lived and worked in Belmont and grew up in Oakland.

When the Belmont Historical Society did not respond to the photographs I posted on their sites, I wondered if they were looking at who I am on the internet. I posted my blogs on you and the Turnverein Abolitionists who chose John Fremont to run in the newly formed Republican Party. I am related to Fremont. I also posted one of my famous sisters paintings ‘Lena and Her Sisters’. Lena was our ‘Black maid who raised us when my mother went to work to support her four children. I surmised I was dealing with racists’, but, it is much worse than that. I dealing with people like Governor DeSantis and his people, who are engaging in SELECT HISTORY. They have gone way beyond EDITING HISTORY, they are passing laws that OUTLAWS HISTORY they do not like. Denny Lawher did not like your amazing history. He ruled that the first Black Woman to be elected Vice President, had nothing to do with Belmont. HE LIED! He knew better. I had posted on the Forty-Eighters. Five days after my first post, I got this message from Denny Lawhern.

Greg Presco Hi Greg , I have been enjoyed some of your posts and photos that are directly related to the Belmont area and you have provided some new photos and information that will be put in a file, but please try not to post anything that is off topic or is not Belmont Area related. Thank you , Denny Lawhern Belmont Historian

I am still appalled – and in shock two years later. What Denny is saying ism “Thanks for your deposit of you family history! Now – GET LOST! Denny thinks he is a Family Information Bank, and I and others are obligated to give him our family history. When Cynthia McCarthy joined in, she informed me I may be violating her Copyright by putting a photograph of my Janke ancestors that appear in her book. Again – I am still in shock! Why didn’t Denny or Cynthia post these photographs, saying. “Are you aware we have photographs of your bloodkin?” Were Christians intent on suppressing the Oddfelows?

I now suspected these two were idling something from me. I soon discovered that my great-grandfather and grandmother were dug out of their graves in the middle of the night, and moved to the Union Cemetery in Redwood City. But, what is truly astounding, is, it looks like Carl Janke brought six portable house around the Cape to establish a Oddfellow Utopia, completer with a Turnverein Amusement that is not unlike the original Disneyland. It was meant to be a Magical Place for the Oddfellow who lived in San Francisco to come and enjoy My family co-owned a stagecoach line, that took honeymooners to Halfmoon Bay. How many Californians wished they had this in their resumé? We owned a Soda bottling company. What if I wanted to revive this family buniness and draw business because I am…….LIVING BELMONT HISTORY

Mrs. Vice President, I suggest you and President Biden investigate Historical Societies across America, to see if racist select history is going on. Stanford is moving to Belmont. I would like their history department to look at the history of the Oddfellows in California. Here is Ms, McCarthy taking a bullet for Mr, Lawhern who dedicated his life to compiling MY FAMILY HISTORY that is some how – his. He got praises and pats on the head. He wanted more of that. How – parasitical in denying me my history. Of course my German history fell out of favor because of the Two World Wars. With the invasion of Ukraine, NATO and the world, is looking to how Germany responds. Ursula van der Layen went to Stanford. Her children were born in America. I suggest you invite Ursula to meet with you at Stanford, and do a tour of the Bay Area. It is from here a war with China would be launched. We must show our enemies the reason we fight. Our real and true history must stand and face the light of day! We have nothing to hide when….The future is ours!

There is a wreath and rifle in the tree if you look closely in one of the photos of my family which highly suggests they are paying traditional honor to their ancestors – who are buried in Twin Pines Park! It is traditional for Oddfellows to meet at the graves of loved ones on Sunday, and have a picnic. This order has genealogical archives like the Mormons do. Christians had an interest in suppressing the Oddfellows, then – and now! With the rise of Christian Nationalism inside the Republican Party, ONLY, a religious war is taking place in our Democracy. The Republican Party – may be using the Oddfellows as a model. In Iconography Culture Wars, the original is always destroyed after alterations. I suspect the Belmont Historical Society knew I could make a claim of ownership. Is there a Deed on file that allowed the worship of the Cark Janke and his wife – to take place at Twin Pines – forever? I will solicit the HELP of my local Oddfellows in Springfield Oregon.

I am now wondering if the BHS found my post of July 17, 2020 where I founded the Black Turnverein, that does anticipate the Jan.6th. Insurrection – that failed? What if it has succeeded? Would black people be up in arms – for real? Intelligences Agencies are saying – its not over! How many spooks in NATO Nations are playing a lot of attention to the real crisis our Democracy is in. Did Trump backers in Belmont believe the election was stolen?


John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

“My name is Cynthia McCarthy and you can blame me and me alone, not the Belmont Historical Society. You can email me at

EXTRA! An hour after my last edit of this post, I saw on Television the NAACP issued a travel advisory for the whole State of Florida for the reasons I have made the Vice President – I am aware of. I’m sure she knows already. I have sent Kamala my letter in two increments and will not send more. What is going down in Florida is now a world crisis!

I am seventy-six and am having more rouble writing. I have never been a good writer due tomy abusive upbringing. I live to write and do research. I believed I got a real good story that the New Yorker Magazine will buy. But, I cant wait to reveal what I discovered three hours ago. My left finger is not working like it used to. I type with my forefingers.


May 20, 2023

Contact: Chyna Fields

WASHINGTON – Today, the NAACP Board of Directors issued a formal travel advisory for the state of Florida. The travel advisory comes in direct response to Governor Ron DeSantis’ aggressive attempts to erase Black history and to restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in Florida schools. 

The formal travel notice states, “Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color.” 

“Let me be clear – failing to teach an accurate representation of the horrors and inequalities that Black Americans have faced and continue to face is a disservice to students and a dereliction of duty to all,” said NAACP President & CEO Derrick Johnson. “Under the leadership of Governor Desantis, the state of Florida has become hostile to Black Americans and in direct conflict with the democratic ideals that our union was founded upon. He should know that democracy will prevail because its defenders are prepared to stand up and fight. We’re not backing down, and we encourage our allies to join us in the battle for the soul of our nation.”

The travel advisory was initially proposed to the Board of Directors by NAACP’s Florida State Conference. NAACP’s collective consideration of this advisory is a result from unrelenting attacks on fundamental freedoms from the Governor and his legislative body. 

“Once again, hate-inspired state leaders have chosen to put politics over people. Governor Ron DeSantis and the state of Florida have engaged in a blatant war against principles of diversity and inclusion and rejected our shared identities to appeal to a dangerous, extremist minority,” said Chair of the NAACP Board of Directors, Leon Russell. “We will not not allow our rights and history to be held hostage for political grandstanding. The NAACP proudly fights against the malicious attacks in Florida, against Black Americans. I encourage my fellow Floridians to join in this fight to protect ourselves and our democracy.”

Following Gov. DeSantis’ so-called leadership in driving the state to reject students’ access to AP African American studies course in March, the NAACP distributed 10,000 books to 25 predominantly Black communities across the state in collaboration with the American Federation of Teachers’s Reading Opens the World program. The majority of the books donated were titles banned under the state’s increasingly restrictive laws. The NAACP continues to encourage local branches and youth councils to start community libraries to ensure access to representative literature.

The NAACP encourages Florida residents to join this effort to defeat the regressive policies of this Governor and this state legislature. Interested residents and supporters can visit for additional information and updates. 

Black Turnverein

Posted on July 17, 2020 by Royal Rosamond Press

Yesterday, I admitted I have gotten out of shape due to COVID-19. Today I founded the Black Turnverein Channel that hopefully will be broadcast across America. Many black athletes will not be taking the field in our Nation’s colleges. I moved to Springfield fourteen years ago and bonded with some of the black Oregon Ducks. For awhile there was a group of blacks who met near the playground to do exercise. I joined them. I was seventy years – young!

With the coming of Black Live’s Matter, the whole world is looking at major issues that can, and will change the course of world history. It was traditional for Turnverein Clubs to hold debates of all kinds. These German immigrants go involved in our Democracy and served in the Union Army and helped defeat the Confederate Conspiracy – which is still alive! With my discovery my kin, John Fremont, formed the Radical Democracy Party in order to get Abraham Lincoln to drop out of the rice, opens up a huge field of topics in regards to how thoroughly black slaves were oppressed in the United States.

I would like to see the Black Panthers found a Black Turnverein in Oakland California. There is talk about armed Black Militias.  My kin, Carl Janke, founded a Turnverein in Belmont and San Francisco where a armed Vigilante Committee may have been preparing to fight the Confederacy – as well as maintaining Law and Order. These issue are up! This history has returned.

I am for seeing armed black groups –  if they take advantage of the Turnverein history. I would love to see the Black Panthers marching down Broadway and parading at Merritt College – after the coronavirus is no longer a threat. Being of sound body and mind was the motive of the Turnverein that admitted Jews who went on of the create Muscular Judaism, and, founded the New Israel. Are we to see Jews doing the goosestep in Los Angeles where live the largest Jewish population outside Israel? I have roots in Reformed Judaism.

I highly suggest BLM contact Ursula Von Der Leyen who went to Stanford. Tell her you want to set up a cultural exchange with Germany.  Blacks should learn German. English is the language of the slave masters. I would start classical music clubs and learn the goose step that many nations south of the Trump Wall have adopted. I would recognize Cuba, who were taught to goose step by the Russians – who learned it from my Prussian kin. The Germans were for the cultural advancement of the black slaves – they were determined to set free! Germany did take part in the slave trade and there is reparation conversation about the genocide of Africans. Perhaps Germans will donate violins and other instrument to black students – who may not go back to school. The Black Turnverein channel can teach children to play and speak German. Why Trump and the Republicans snub Germany, is to say:

“The enemy of my enemy – is my friend!”

“Donald Trump is suggesting the United States should treat Germany more like an enemy because the two countries were adversaries in World War II as the president again lobbied for closer US-Russian relations.”

Huey Newton came up with a plan he titles ‘Internationalism’. I know Black Lives Matter has stepped into the Limelight of History – that is on their side! There are around forty-two million black people in America and the same amount for Americans with German roots. I have a vision of black men and women speaking in German in a public place. They are discussing the German and Black Composers. I see a black man standing on stage at Carnegie Hall singing the BLM anthem, a blues number sang to Beethoven’s Sonata Claro de Luna. This is the first victory song. as a historian, I testify BLM won it’s first victory. We have a major contender on the World Stage.

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press


Lodges, officers, positions and degrees,amongst%20Jewish%20prisoners%20and%20was%20taken%20to%20Rome.

Our archives hold over 200 years of genealogical, social and organisational history. If you’re an Oddfellows member, they’re all yours to browse and research any time you like. Or you can become an Archive member for just £10 a year.

587 BC

Earliest legend of an Oddfellows fraternity is linked to the exile of the Israelites in Babylon, when many banded together into a brotherhood for mutual support. After the fall of Jerusalem (AD70), the fraternity is said to have continued amongst Jewish prisoners and was taken to Rome. It was recognised by Emperor Titus Caesar and from there it spread across the Empire.

Vice President Harris was born in Oakland, California to parents who emigrated from India and Jamaica. She graduated from Howard University and the University of California, Hastings College of Law.

In a red, checkered sweater and white-knit shoes, a toddler-aged Kamala smiles with her mother, Shyamala
Vice President Harris with her mother, Shyamala

“My mother would look at me and she’d say, ‘Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you are not the last.’”KAMALA HARRIS, JANUARY 28, 2019

Vice President Harris and her sister, Maya Harris, were inspired by their mother, Shyamala Gopalan. Gopalan, a breast cancer scientist and pioneer in her own right, received her doctorate the same year Vice President Harris was born. 

Her parents were activists, instilling Vice President Harris with a strong sense of justice. They brought her to civil rights demonstrations and introduced role models—ranging from Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall to civil rights leader Constance Baker Motley—whose work motivated her to become a prosecutor. 

Growing up, Vice President Harris was surrounded by a diverse community and extended family. In 2014, she married Douglas Emhoff. They have a large blended family that includes their children, Ella and Cole.

Vice President Harris smiles at a crowd at the Pride Parade in San Francisco, CA, accompanied with her husband, Doug, and her niece, Meena
Vice President Harris at the Pride Parade in San Francisco, California

Janke Park, Hall, And Stagecoach Line

Posted on November 27, 2014 by Royal Rosamond Press

Very few families can say their kindred owned a Stagecoach Line, Theme Park, and a Turnverein Hall, or two. Carl Janke was half owner of the Belmont Accommodation Company that ran between Belmont ‘Beautiful Mountain’, and Halfmoon Bay. Mrs. Walter E. Janke was the President of the Cap and Bells Club that employed the cap of the Jester in its emblem. Consider the Merry Pranksters. Musicals, plays, and  “Jinks” were performed. Consider the Hi-jinks of the all male Bohemian Club. Is this a feminists answer?  It appears the Cap and Bells founded an art gallery. Was this the formation of the Outdoor Art League?

Dear Vice President Kamala Harris;

The oppression of my family history in the Belmont Historical Society I believe is racially motivated. My first posts were about Turnverein Germans, and Forty-Eighters who founded the Republican Abolitionist Party and fought Confederate Traitors to free slaves. This is the main reason I got in trouble because the white folks of Belmont want their city to remain a white enclave, and not have a direct descendant of the founder if Belmont, put his history in my back pocket -to do with it what I will. This is a new brand of Fascism, where any white sympathizer of black causes, is MARKED as a undesirable, their history erased, and then they are publicly SHAMED? What kind of attorney will hand my suit? This is hardly the kind of treatment one would expect when asked to contribute your history.

Above is my first post made on Feb. 25. Ed Howard had just told me he saw the new Black Panther movie. I told my fellow historian on Feb. 24 I was going for a grant. Here is Cynthia’s book on Belmont published in 2014. She must have found my family history on the internet. She says there is no competition, but she was Gaslighting me. I made copies of our posts – and caught her mentally torturing’ me, accursing me of abusing her. I have seen her act before.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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