Auxiliary Supreme Court Members

Bernie Sanders stands at a mike in front of the White House with his hand pointing into the distance. He has a serious...

The Supreme Court, the Republicans Party, and Judge Cannon have- INVENTED a alternative reality based upon the false claim Jesus’s mother was a virgin, and Jesus had to die a virgin. Furthermore – THE JEWS DID NOT MURDER JESUS as I set out to prove on October 6, 2023

Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has bid all Republicans to back his claim Joe Biden is not the Rightful President. Most Republicans agree. How many members of the Supreme Court believe in this alternative reality?

Win, or lose, the Democrats have to establish an Alternative Supreme Court that will take all Americans back to reality – if they choose to! I choose Eric Swalwell, Libby Schaff, and Bernie Sanders , to be the Three Auxiliary Members of the Democratic Supreme Court. They will choose nine sub-judges who are steeped in the knowledge of religion, and political theory, so they can render a REAL OPINION!

I’m calling upon a Top Teaam of Attorneys to bring a case before the Supreme Court to make this law..

“No Candidate can run for an office if they believe they were cheated out of office – by the rival candidate. Admitting defeat, and gracefully conceding, is huge in our Democracy, and has always spoken well of our National Belief, Jesus was a humble teacher who taught, turning the other cheek. Bidding voters to prove there was Political Theft, by voting the Rightful President out of office, is a distortion of the Democratic Process, and human ideas of Fair Play!”

John Presco

EXTRA! A half hour this post, I heard Donald Trump calling for LATINOS TO FIGHT ONE ANOTHER FROM A CHRISTIAN PULPIT – that has its roots in Pro-slavery Pulpits. Racists have hated the Black Church owning the religious high ground due to Civil Rights Programs instigated by Lyndon Johnson. The White Evangelical Church did not want their hand-picked Republican Politicians to ACCEPT our President’s proposal for Immigration Reform, because they wanted Trump to offer a solution from THE CHRISTAN PULPIT so it will appear JESUS APPROVES! Any candidate that cast honest doubt to the truth of this – WILL LOOK BAD – AND LOSE SWING VOTES! These tactic are HATCHED in religious think tanks, and resemble what Jesus called…

“A den of vipers!”

John Presco

It Was The Season For Figs

Posted on January 19, 2012 by Royal Rosamond Press

In 2009 I posted the following solution as to why Jesus cursed the fig tree. I am the only person who has solved this riddle, and the riddle of what Jesus wrote in the dust. Because the parasites who lay their eggs of evil in the True Teaching of Jesus – have failed to come up with an answer – I demand that all church properties snd monies be turned over to me, immediately, so I can distribute these ill gotten gains to the rightful heirs of God’s Kingdom – come!

Trump asks Sessions to consider prosecuting Oakland mayor over ICE raid

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf is pictured. | AP Photo

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf warned her constituents of an impending federal raid that targeted more than 1,100 undocumented immigrants. | Ben Margot/AP Photo


05/16/2018 04:40 PM EDT

Updated: 05/16/2018 05:52 PM EDT

President Donald Trump on Wednesday urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to consider prosecuting the mayor of Oakland, California, whom he has accused of thwarting federal immigration laws, on an obstruction of justice charge. Mayor Libby Schaaf warned her constituents in February of an impending federal raid that targeted more than 1,100 undocumented immigrants but resulted in the arrests of only about 200.

“I mean, you talk about obstruction of justice, I would recommend that you look into obstruction of justice for the mayor of Oakland, California, Jeff,” Trump said, gesturing toward Sessions. The attorney general did not respond, and sat expressionless as the president made his comments.

Nominate Eric Swalwell President In Proxy

Posted on October 31, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

I want to see Biden step down and Eric run in 2024.

U.S. Congressman Eric Swalwell speaking with attendees at the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California.

U.S. Congressman Eric Swalwell speaking with attendees at the 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, California.Photo: Gage Skidmore

A Pennsylvania man has pleaded guilty to making death threats to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and members of his staff.

Joshua Hall, 22, pleaded guilty to one count of making interstate communications with a threat to injure and faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

Rosamond Press

Our Fake President, Donald Trump, found Putin innocent behind closed doors. He held a Fake Trial and found them bother innocent. Did Jesus come into that room and fill it with light? The President betrayed his country, and the Intelligence Community.  He then says it is a great idea that our Justice System move to Moscow and allow Putin to hold a Fake Investigation with is Men of Justice who get to see all our classified material, and, how were detected The Twelve Army Officers attacking a hundred million Real and Registered Democrats.  I believe the Democrat should nominate an early candidate for President and treat him as if he is THEIR President. There will be a vote, and news conferences. How about a tour of Europe and a hardy hello to NATO? A fresh meeting with the Queen would be nice. Mike Pence is out of his mind, too!…

View original post 709 more words

Swalwell Is Running!

Posted on January 27, 2019 by Royal Rosamond Press



Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell plans to run for president in 2020, according to a person close to the California congressman who is familiar with his plans.

“He’s definitely running,” the source said.

This weekend, Swalwell will be the first potential presidential candidate to visit Iowa after the midterms with a trip to meet the Asian & Latino Coalition in Des Moines and Iowa Democratic Party chairs in Dubuque. The travel to Iowa was first reported by NBC News and confirmed by POLITICO.

The 37-year-old Swalwell has been positioning himself for a run over the past year, with several trips to early primary voting states and endorsements of three young congressional candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire through his Future Forum PAC. He has also asked for lists of potential staffers for the early-state contests.

Swalwell’s, press secretary, Caitlyn McNamee also went to Iowa this fall to help out with Cindy Axne’s successful congressional bid.

The Virgin Birth – Explained!

Posted on January 2, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

“The proposed rules, which will have to be passed on January 3, include a resolution to create a subcommittee to probe “the Weaponization of the Federal Government” under President Joe Biden‘s administration.”


See the source image

Joseph and Mary Were Not Married

Posted on September 4, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

Good morning – World! This will be the first full day that the world and the Jews will be Guilt Free of the false allegation, the Jews murdered Jesus! I will inform the Orthodox Jews of Israel – I TOOK THIS SIN AWAY. The Catholic Inquisition went after people who did not buy THE REALLY BIG LIE! How like the lie the Democrats stole the lection – it is! My alleged great grandfather, Gottschalk Rosemondt, defended the Great Erasmus from the Inquisitors, who would murder me today if they read my words. Today, the Constitution protects me and Freedom of the Press.

It is seven in the morning, and I am drinking my cup of coffee – while I study the First American Inquisition that Marjorie Taylor Green has just launched – with McCarthy’s blessing!.

“We are so serious, it’s not just a goal, it’s a rule,” Greene tweeted on Sunday, and added what appeared to be a quote from the rules package: “Establish the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government to investigate the full extent of the Biden Administration’s assault on the constitutional rights of American citizens.”

For doing this I will REMOVE the myth that Mary was a Virgin when she gave birth to Jesus. This removal will cast BIG DOUBT that Jesus – WAS REAL! Rabbis and Jews have long claimed Jesus is not real. How much evidence have they un-covered?

The Republican Party had months to present their case that the Democrats are guilty of THE GREATEST HEIST OF DEMOCRACY IN HISTORY, but chose not to fully co-operate with the Jan6Com that they titled a “Witch Hunt”. Fifty Republicans took the 5th? Is that right? How many of them were on a Mission of God – like Mark Meadows – but they didn’t GET CAUGHT saying so? Will they come forth now – now that the Republicans control Congress?

I am a Republican Candidate for the office of President, thus I AM NOT GUILTY of helping President Biden in his”weaponizing the Federal Government”. I am guilty of USING BIBLICAL WORDS to destroy the Enemies of God. Here’s an example..

When God shut Hannah’s womb, she took the Vow of the Nazarite – like Samson’s mother did – and God OPENED her womb. Hannah and this un-named mother……GAVE BIRTH TO A SON OF GOD!

Oh! Darn! I was going to save that one till the last day of the Republican Inquisition. Looks like God wanted me to bring out – HIS BIG GUN – today!

When Hannah became – with child – it was ruled GOD KEPT HER A VIRGIN for His purposes, even though her Hymen was broken by her husband. This Son of God – would champion the Jews. Did Jesus champion the Jews?

Tune in next time, when we see The Crazy Red Thing – butcher the Constitution, the Republican Party, and God’s Justice, in her weaponization of Christian Nationalism. Who knows, maybe Clarence and Ginni Thomas will step in, be part of Jesus’ Tag Team?

John ‘The Nazarite’

 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the Lord had shut up her womb.

6 And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the Lord had shut up her womb.

11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head

then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life,

I will give him unto the Lord 

The Lord’s Son

The Son of God

Marjorie Taylor Greene Reveals Details of Investigation Into Joe Biden

Story by Darragh Roche • 3h ago


Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has shared details of the new rules that will govern the House of Representatives when Republicans take charge on Tuesday.

U.S. President Joe Biden listens during a joint press conference with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in the East Room at the White House on December 21, 2022 in Washington, DC. House Republicans intend to investigate the Biden administration in the new Congress.© Alex Wong/Getty Images

The proposed rules, which will have to be passed on January 3, include a resolution to create a subcommittee to probe “the Weaponization of the Federal Government” under President Joe Biden‘s administration.


The new GOP majority will first have to elect a speaker on Tuesday before adopting the rules package and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has used the rules as way to make concessions to members who are opposed to his election as speaker.

“We are so serious, it’s not just a goal, it’s a rule,” Greene tweeted on Sunday, and added what appeared to be a quote from the rules package: “Establish the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government to investigate the full extent of the Biden Administration’s assault on the constitutional rights of American citizens.”

The resolution laying out the rules for 118th Congress is currently available on the House’s website but the 55-page document does not mention Biden specifically, instead it outlines a resolution “establishing a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government as a select investigative subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary.”

The final text of the House rules will be available on Tuesday and it will be put to a vote after a speaker is elected. There has been concern that McCarthy will not have enough votes to win the speakership on the first ballot and his allies are reportedly preparing for multiple ballots.

McCarthy has used the rules package in an attempt to make concessions to House Republicans who may not support his bid to become speaker and he issued a “Dear Colleague” letter to fellow Republicans ahead of Tuesday’s vote.

The investigation into the Biden administration is set to take the form of a “Church-style” committee—a reference to a 1975 Senate select committee that investigated the intelligence agencies and was chaired by Senator Frank Church.

In his letter to Republicans, McCarthy referred to it as a “Church-style Select Committee focused exclusively on exposing the weaponization of government against our citizenry, writ large.”

Greene, who supports McCarthy for the speakership, also suggested in a tweet on Sunday that the Republican-led House could bring articles of impeachment against President Biden.

“2023 will be a great year to impeach Joe Biden!” Greene tweeted.

Greene has long called for Biden’s impeachment and she said in November “We will impeach Biden with proof. It will be easy,” while she told a rally before the midterm elections that if Republicans won the House “we will impeach Joe Biden.”

Newsweek has asked the White House for comment.

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Virgin Mary – Is Done!

Posted on September 4, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

The Papacy is all but dead! This Virgin Mary who could not be married to a mortal man so she can birth to a God, that is NOT a Judaic God, is – DONE! Desexing men for a lie, has caused thousands of children, real angels, to be raped and cast into hell. The nativity of John the Baptist was transferred over to a Fake Jesus who millions claim chose Trump, a grabber of women against their will, to rule over us. Francis says nothing about Trump.


ROME — For some, the accusations sending tremors through the Catholic Church are a concerted and dubious attack by ultraconservatives on Pope Francis. For others, the accusations are a credible attempt to expose the depths of the Vatican’s struggle to deal transparently with sexual abuse.

But at the center of the divided church is Francis, whose reputation is being challenged by the unverified accusations that he and other Vatican higher-ups had known for years about the sexual misconduct allegations against a now-resigned cardinal, Theodore McCarrick.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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