John’s October Prophecy

Prelude to The World Holy Word War

Posted on October 7, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Yesterday, on October 6, 2023, I went to the Knight Library to look for a book I found twenty years ago, that proves Jesus was a Priest overturning rulings by the Sanhedrin. He was not a prophet, or a Zealot, though I believe his judgements were the PRELUDE to the War of the Jews against Rome. When his revolt was defeated, his history was altered to keep the suppression of his followers – going – as long as it takes.


I reread my last post that I had not read again when I reposted it. Children of the Ark – Come to Eugene was posted September 18, 2023

Who are they?

“You’re talking to one. There will be forty of us gathering at our house on October 14. Alicia and Viktoriya will be there, dressed in the Amazon Armor of God!”

Who are they – Who? Who?

Where are they – Where? Where?

Yesterday, in the morning, I saw the photograph of me with my family – and grieved. Everyone is dead – but me? Mark Presco took this pic, and told our kin he does not want me to know he is dead! Is he?

You can see the light around me, and the darkness around Vic who had sent Mark to live with his mother, and I went to live with MARY MAGDALENE ROSAMOND in Los Angeles, my mother’s mother. Vic hated his sons because WE had the family life he did not. He was an only child, the Son of a Gambler. He reasoned if he just had MY SISTERS around him, he would be a loving father. As his employees in Acme Produce – Mark and I could do nothing right. He was trying to inflict on us the low self-esteem he go from his father. Explaining to my therapist how deliberate the damage he inflicted, was painful to recall. You want to believe it did not happen, but this photo is….THE PROOF!

Weeks after I came home, my sister’s saw a BLUE ANGEL standing at the foot of their bed. I began a biography of my family in 1992…..BOND’S WITH ANGELS. I almost died of Whooping Cough in LA. On this day I surmise, the Blue Angel – IS ME! I had out of body experiences.

Yesterday I talked for five hours on the phone with my two friends. Casey commented that I was yelling. We were talking about MY CREDIBILITY, and not being – BELIEVED! I am the Boy WHO Cried Wolf. I died – twice? Alas I am grounded with the Beautiful Boy – above! My therapist said;

“I don’t know how you survived!”

After I took a nap, I realized I WAS SHOUTING because I was GIVING A WARNING! I have reposted my posts from Sept. 18 to Oct.7…..the day before my birthday. The World Temple post is spot on!

When Vicki and I picked Aunt Lillan from the Las Vegas airport – she freaked out! We had not seen each other for ten years.

:Oh my God. He looks just like Vic!”

“I told you Vic was lying, when he said Greg was not his son! ” my little sister said, she was witness to the Blue Angel standing at the foot of her bed, he so happy to see his siblings again, and Dark Father – threw me away! I am ten thousand years old, and Vic… about three!


John ‘The Nazarite’

I woke up in a Soho doorway
A policeman knew my name
He said, “You can go sleep at home tonight
If you can get up and walk away”
I staggered back to the underground
And the breeze blew back my hair
I remember throwin’ punches around
And preachin’ from my chair

I took the tube back out of town
Back to the Rollin’ Pin
I felt a little like a dying clown
With a streak of Rin Tin Tin
I stretched back and I hiccupped
And looked back on my busy day
Eleven hours in the tin pan
God, there’s got to be another way

Children of The Ark – Come to Eugene – Now!

Posted on September 18, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Viktoriya Tkachuk athletics

The Royal Janitor


John Presco

Copyright 2023

When Victoria Bond commented that Alicia Schmidt, Vicktoriya, and Starfish looked alike, Miriam Starfish gave her husband a dirty look.

“So what? What are you trying to prove?”

“Nothing! I have photographic mind that brought the three of you up and placed you side by side! It’s uncanny. You’re like – triplets!”

“Screw your photo-mind! I want to watch this last race!”

“Excuse me! You just told me to get screwed! I demand an apology – with some explanation why you are being so rude!”

“O.K. The race starts in three minutes. If you read your Bible you would have guessed. The Pillar of Fire is coming with the Solar Eclipse. It’s the Pillar of light that Moses and the multitude saw when fleeing Egypt. It comes every eighty years from the Crown of the Arora Borealis. It’s a cosmic flare that allows the Comet Kings to come here – faster than the speed of light! There are twelve of them, plus the Avatar-God, like the one Moses talked to. The Tabernacle will be built, and the Holy Ark will appear – with the Avatar seated on the Angelic Thrown. The false priests say God appears on His thrown every fifty years during the Jubilee. This is a lie, and is why they tried to throw Jesus off a cliff. They knew better!”

“Who knew better?”

The Holy Children of the Ark – and His Chosen Bodyguard – the Amazon Women Bodyguards of God!”

“Who are they?”

“You’re talking to one. There will be forty of us gathering at our house on October 14. Alicia and Viktoriya will be there, dressed in the Amazon Armor of God!”

“Why! Why didn’t you tell me we’re having guests?”

“Would you two please be quiet!” Said Joy Gall of Eugene. “Yes, please!” added Mark Gall.

Victoria glared at this crabby old couple, and suggested;

“Why don’t you two – shut the fuck up!”

“Yeah! shut the hell up!” Said Starfish. “The reason for the armor, is, The Forty will lead a United Army that will drives the Russians out of Ukraine – for starters – as prophesized.

“Oh. I see!”

“Not quite! Think Rainbow Bridge!”


Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson talk about her children carrying on her James Bond Franchise. When I had a dream about having a daughter, I asked Sydney Morris for money from the estate of Christine Rosamond Benton, to find my daughter and carry on our families artistic and literary legacy, because attorneys made the case my adult niece was NOT fit to serve. The law firm of Buck, Rose, Heisinger, and Morris, sold our genetic legacy to the outsider, Stacey Pierrot – who had no children – to this day? I kept it a secret we are kin to Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, who is kin to Ian Fleming – who has a ROSE LINE in his tree. The Fleming family are billionaire bankers – very much into family legacies!

With my James Bond novel, the Royal Janitor, I have sustained THE ROSE LINE, that was famous before Dan Brown attached his star to it in The DaVinci Code, the most popular and most money earing Detective novel of all time! My grandfather, Royal Rosamond, was tight with Black Mask detective writers. He camped on the Channel Islands with Dashiell Hammet.

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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