I Am Titular King of Jerusalem and Gaza

On this day, December 22, 2023, I declare myself Titular King of Jerusalem, Gaza, and the Viceroy of New Spain as depicted on the map above. I am the Viceroy of the Philippines, Guam, part of Taiwan, and the State of Florida. I am the king of Ancient Bohemia and the Czech Republic.

For the reason Netanyahu forsake the Democratic principles that President Truman entrusted to the Jews of New Jerusalem, and because he ignores the present Democratic President’s call for less violence -and the Two State Solution - I declare the foundation of Israel, null and void. On this day, I claim the territory of Gaza – and demand the Zionist Land Grabbers stop murdering the citizens of Gaza, and retreat to their land they do not have God’s permission to own. They have forsake God and the United Nations, that was built on the design of Otto von Habsburg, who held the title ‘King of Jerusalem, and tried to save the Jews of Austria. The Jews have a right to live in Israel – in peace! I condemn the slaughter of Jews on October 7th. and demand all hostages be set free!

“He strongly opposed the Anschluss, and in 1938 requested Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to resist Nazi Germany. He supported international intervention[9] and offered to return from exile to take over the reins of government to repel the Nazis.[23] According to Gerald Warner, “Austrian Jews were among the strongest supporters of a Habsburg restoration, since they believed the dynasty would give the nation sufficient resolve to stand up to the Third Reich”.[24]

As the spiritual heir of Israel, and Viceroy of New Spain, I will make a list of names of those who seek peace, and a true Democracy for the region. My kingdom will support the efforts to stave off the invasion of Putin, and give aid to the People of Ukraine. I will personally lead a New Crusade against the unholy forces of Kirill, and place Putin under arrest for war crimes.

I am compelled to make these claims after reading an article that says the Speaker of the House is the follower of Barton, who is a Christian Nationalist. These traitors claim Jesus wants them to rule the United States, and have been waging a Silent Civil War, that began for them when President Barak Obama got elected. In their deluded minds, Obama had to be a member of the Muslin Brotherhood, and was turning America into a Communist nation. This lie is why they see the Federal Government, Obamacare, and all social programs, as part of a Muslin conspiracy that their ‘King Jesus’ can remedy by secretly anointing Protestant Viceroys. These liars and pretenders ignore the Catholic influence in making America a Christian Nation. That was…..A BIG MISTAKE – because Jefferson and others saw there were limitations of the Thirteenth States, and were reluctant to purchase the Lousiana Territory, that I gifted to my fiancé’ – who has disappeared! The Book of Revelations was not handed over to the Protestants by the Papacy, and thus is not applicable to the foundation of a New End Time Jerusalem.

John Presco

King of Bohemia

Viceroy of New Spain

Jacobite Kingdom of California or Oregon

Posted on June 15, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Spring Roses of Nations

Posted on November 5, 2016by Royal Rosamond Press


Did the Jacobites found a colony in Belmont California? I found a Jacobite-Savoy line to Empress Zita. It is my destiny to establish a Jacobite Kingdom in America, either in California or Oregon – that is threatened by followers of Traitor Trump, the evangelical Antichrist who want to grab part of Oregon in the Greater Idaho Insurrection. Stop the Anti-Democracy Traitors that took over John Fremont’s party he co-founded. John and Senator Thomas Hart Benton are my kin!

the Greater Idaho movement

Because the Reformation has led to the anointment of King Trump, Dictator of America, I hereby deny Martin Luther, the anti-Semite, any religious legitimacy in our New Democracy-Kingdom. We will recognize Pope Adrien who established the Anti-Reformation with the help of my kin, Godeschalk Rosemondt, and Grand Master of the Swan Brethren.

On this day, I raise from the dead The Knights Templar of Rougemont who I have proven owned the Shroud of Turin. The Templars were Catholic – and not Protestants. I bid Catholic Templars to move to Eastern Oregon, and become Knights of Truth! Expand the Rightful Land! Down with the Orange Liar who betrayed is country and our Intelligence Community. Long live the Jacobites of the House of Stuart and Savoy! Long live……The White Rose!

I conclude that the white roses you see in the painting ‘The Last Audience of The Habsburgs’ represent the hidden Jacobite Royals of savoy. Again – I raise The Children of The Rose – from the dead!

John Presco

Grand Master of The Templar White Rose

Flight to North Americaedit

With the Nazi invasion of Belgium on 10 May 1940, Zita and her family became war refugees. They narrowly missed being killed by a direct hit on the castle by German bombers and fled to Prince Xavier’s castle at Bostz in France.[3]: 271–272  The Habsburgs then fled to the Spanish border, reaching it on 18 May. On June 12 the Portuguese ruler António Salazar issued instructions to the Portuguese consulates in France to provide Infanta Maria Antónia of Portugal Duchess of Parma with Portuguese passports. With these Portuguese passports the family could get visas without creating problems for the neutrality of the Portuguese Government. This way the daughter of Maria Antónia, Zita of Bourbon-Parma, and her son Otto von Habsburg got their visas because they were descendants of a Portuguese citizen.[6] They moved on to Portugal and resided in Cascais. Not long after, the archduke was informed by Salazar that Hitler had demanded his extradition. The demand would be refused, the Portuguese ruler told him but hinted that his safety was precarious. On 9 July the United States government granted the family visas. After a perilous journey they arrived in New York City on 27 July, having family in Long Island and Newark, New Jersey;[3]: 277  at one point, Zita and several of her children lived, as long-term house-guests, in Tuxedo Park, New York.

He strongly opposed the Anschluss, and in 1938 requested Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to resist Nazi Germany. He supported international intervention[9] and offered to return from exile to take over the reins of government to repel the Nazis.[23] According to Gerald Warner, “Austrian Jews were among the strongest supporters of a Habsburg restoration, since they believed the dynasty would give the nation sufficient resolve to stand up to the Third Reich”.[24]

Following the German annexation of Austria, Otto was sentenced to death by the Nazi regime; Rudolf Hess ordered that Otto was to be executed immediately if caught.[1][25][26] As ordered by Adolf Hitler, his personal property and that of the House of Habsburg were confiscated. It was not returned after the war.[27] The so-called “Habsburg Law“, which had previously been repealed, was reintroduced by the Nazis. Otto’s supporters, the leaders of the Austrian legitimist movement, were arrested by the Nazis and largely executed (Stefan Zweig‘s novella The Royal Game is based on these events). Otto’s cousins Max, Duke of Hohenberg, and Prince Ernst of Hohenberg were arrested in Vienna by the Gestapo and sent to Dachau concentration camp where they remained throughout Nazi rule. Otto was involved in helping around 15,000 Austrians,[28] including thousands of Austrian Jews, flee the country at the beginning of the Second World War.[19][29]

Persecution of the Jewsedit

Immediately after the Anschluss, Vienna’s Jews were forced to wash pro-independence slogans (Reibpartie [de]) from the city’s pavements.

The campaign against the Jews began immediately after the Anschluss. They were driven through the streets of Vienna, their homes and shops were plundered. Jewish men and women were forced to wash away pro-independence slogans painted on the streets of Vienna ahead of the failed 13 March plebiscite.[88][89] Jewish actresses from the Theater in der Josefstadt were forced to clean toilets by the SA. The process of Aryanisation began, and Jews were driven out of public life within months.[90] These events reached a climax in the Kristallnacht pogrom of 9–10 November 1938. All synagogues and prayer houses in Vienna were destroyed, as well as in other Austrian cities such as Salzburg. The Stadttempel was the sole survivor due to its location in a residential district which prevented it from being burned down. Most Jewish shops were plundered and closed. Over 6,000 Jews were arrested overnight, the majority deported to Dachau concentration camp in the following days.[91] The Nuremberg Laws applied in Austria from May 1938, later reinforced with innumerable anti-Semitic decrees. Jews were gradually robbed of their freedoms, blocked from almost all professions, shut out of schools and universities, and forced to wear the Yellow badge from September 1941.[92]



Links between the new Republican House speaker, Mike Johnson, and key Christian nationalist leaders have sparked fears the devout Louisiana congressman might seek to erode elements of the first amendment, which protects key US civil liberties including freedom of religion and the separation of church and state.

Long before th eevangelical conservative Johnson became speaker, he had forged close ties with Christian nationalists like David Barton, whose writings claiming the country’s founders intended to create a Christian nation have been widely debunked by religion scholars.


  • WHILE it is true that there is still a titular king of Jerusalem, the title is held by Otto von Habsburg, not the present king of Spain. It originates from the conquest of the Holy Land by the First Crusade in 1099. Godfroi de Bouillon became ruler of Jerusalem, then his brother, Baudouin, became king proper, on Godfroi’s death, in 1100. As with many regal titles, the kingship survived the loss of the land to which it pertained (Queen Elizabeth II is still Duke of Normandy). The ‘kingship’ of Jerusalem passed through French noble families and was held by the House of Lorraine. The title passed into the Habsburg dynasty when François de Lorraine married Maria Theresa of Austria, and so also became Holy Roman Emperor. The Austrian Habsburgs are very much alive today, even if denuded of empire. Otto von Habsburg is now an MEP and dreams of a pan-European federal-democratic version of the Holy Roman Empire ( The Guardian, 30 May, 1991). And who can say we are not heading in that direction?Ian Morland, Warrington, Cheshire.
  • The King of Spain’s title is:H.M. Juan Carlos I, King of Spain (according to the 1978 Constitution). However, the titles borne by previous Kings of Spain have not been abolished; thus: His Catholic Majesty Juan Carlos, By the Grace of God, King of Spain, Castile, Leon, Aragon, the Two Sicilies, of Jerusalem, Navarre, Granada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Mallorca, Menorca, Seville, Cardeña, Cordoba,Corsica, Murcia, Jaen, Algeria, Algernon, Gibraltar, the East and West Indies, the Canary Islands, and the Oceanic Colonies, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant and Milan, Count of Habsburg, Flanders, Tirol and Barcelona, Lord of Vizcaya and Molina.Keith Mills, Alne, Yorks
  • King Juan Carlos owns the title of King Of Jerusalem and King of Kings as well as Holy Roman Emperor.



In November 1916, Otto became Crown Prince of Austria, Hungary, Bohemia and Croatia[6][7] when his father, Archduke Charles, acceded to the throne. However, in 1918, after the end of the First World War, the monarchies were abolished, the republics of Austria and Hungary were founded in their place, and the family was forced into exile in Madeira.[8] Hungary did become a kingdom again, but Charles was never to regain the throne. Instead, Miklós Horthy ruled as regent until 1944, in a kingdom without a king.


Additional Background Information

In 1917 Chaim Weizmann, scientist, statesperson, and supporter of the effort to establish a state of Israel, persuaded the British government to issue a statement favoring the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The statement, which became known as the Balfour Declaration, was, in part, payment to the Jews for their support of the British against the Turks during World War I. After the war, the League of Nations ratified the declaration and in 1922 appointed Britain to rule Palestine.

This course of events caused Jews to be optimistic about the eventual establishment of a homeland. Their optimism inspired the immigration to Palestine of Jews from many countries, particularly from Germany when Nazi persecution of Jews began. The arrival of many Jewish immigrants in the 1930s awakened Arab fears that Palestine would become a national homeland for the Jews. By 1936, guerrilla fighting had broken out between the Jews and the Arabs. Unable to maintain peace, Britain issued a white paper in 1939 that restricted Jewish immigration into Palestine. The Jews, feeling betrayed, bitterly opposed the policy and looked to the United States for support.

While President Franklin D. Roosevelt appeared to be sympathetic to the Jewish cause, his assurances to the Arabs that the United States would not intervene without consulting both parties caused public uncertainty about his position. When Harry S. Truman took office, he made clear that his sympathies were with the Jews and accepted the Balfour Declaration, explaining that it was in keeping with former President Woodrow Wilson’s principle of “self-determination.” Truman initiated several studies of the Palestine situation that supported his belief that, as a result of the Holocaust, Jews were oppressed and also in need of a homeland. Throughout the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, the Departments of War and State, recognizing the possibility of a Soviet-Arab connection and the potential Arab restriction on oil supplies to this country, advised against U.S. intervention on behalf of the Jews.

Britain and the United States, in a joint effort to examine the dilemma, established the “Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.” In April 1946, the committee submitted recommendations that Palestine not be dominated by either Arabs or Jews. It concluded that attempts to establish nationhood or independence would result in civil strife; that a trusteeship agreement aimed at bringing Jews and Arabs together should be established by the United Nations; that full Jewish immigration be allowed into Palestine; and that two autonomous states be established with a strong central government to control Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the Negev, the southernmost section of Palestine.

British, Arab, and Jewish reactions to the recommendations were not favorable. Jewish attacks in Palestine antagonized the British, and by February 1947, Arab-Jewish communications had collapsed. Britain, anxious to rid itself of the problem, set the United Nations in motion, formally requesting on April 2, 1947, that the U.N. General Assembly set up the Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP). This committee recommended that the British mandate over Palestine be ended and that the territory be partitioned into two states. Jewish reaction was mixed — some wanted control of all of Palestine; others realized that partition spelled hope for their dream of a homeland. 

The Arabs were not at all agreeable to the UNSCOP plan. In October, the Arab League Council directed the governments of its member states to move troops to the Palestine border. Meanwhile, President Truman instructed the State Department to support the U.N. plan, and, reluctantly it did so. On November 29, 1947, the partition plan was passed by the U.N. General Assembly.

President Truman recognized the provisional Jewish government as the de facto authority of the Jewish State on May 14, 1948. The U.S. delegates to the U.N. and top-ranking State Department officials were angered that Truman released his recognition statement to the press without notifying them first. On May 15, 1948, the first day of Israeli Independence and exactly one year after UNSCOP was established, Arab armies invaded Israel and the first Arab-Israeli war began.

Territorial extent of the overseas Spanish Empireedit

Main article: Spanish Empire

Giacomo Gastaldi‘s 1548 map of New Spain, Nueva Hispania Tabula Nova

At its greatest extent, the Spanish crown claimed on the mainland of the Americas much of North America south of Canada, that is: all of present-day Mexico and Central America except Panama; most of present-day United States west of the Mississippi River, plus the Floridas. The Spanish West Indies, settled prior to the conquest of the Aztec Empire, also came under New Spain’s jurisdiction: (Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the Cayman IslandsTrinidad, and the Bay Islands).[6][7][8] New Spain also claimed jurisdiction over the overseas territories of the Spanish East Indies in Asia and Oceania, (the Philippine Islands, the Mariana Islands, the Caroline Islands, parts of Taiwan, and parts of the Moluccas). Although asserting sovereignty over this vast realm, it did not effectively control large swaths. Other European powers, including England, France, and the Netherlands established colonies in territories Spain claimed.

Spanish historical presence, claimed territories, and expeditions in North America

Much of what was called in the United States the “Spanish borderlands”, is territory that did not attract many Spanish settlers, with less dense indigenous populations and apparently lacking in mineral wealth. Huge deposits of gold in California were discovered immediately after it was incorporated into the U.S. following the Mexican–American War (1846–1848). The northern region of New Spain in the colonial era was considered more marginal to Spanish interests than the most densely populated and lucrative areas of central Mexico. To shore up its claims in North America in the eighteenth century as other powers encroached on its claims, the crown sent expeditions to the Pacific Northwest, which explored and claimed the coast of what is now British Columbia and Alaska. Religious missions and fortified presidios were established to shore up Spanish control on the ground. On the mainland, the administrative units included Las Californias, that is, the Baja California peninsula, still part of Mexico and divided into Baja California and Baja California SurAlta California (present-day ArizonaCaliforniaNevadaUtah, western Colorado, and southern Wyoming); (from the 1760s) Louisiana (including the western Mississippi River basin and the Missouri River basin); Nueva Extremadura (the present-day states of Coahuila and Texas); and Santa Fe de Nuevo México (parts of Texas and New Mexico).[9]

Calling The Templars To Bohemia

Posted on March 3, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

Twenty Japanese Warriors are on their way to Ukraine to fight the Beast of Russia. They are coming – from everywhere!

President Zelensky says first wave of foreign fighters has arrived to assist Ukraine (cnn.com)

The first foreign fighters have arrived in Ukraine to help defend the country against the Russian invasion, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“Ukraine is already greeting foreign volunteers. (The) first 16,000 are already on their way to protect freedom and life for us, and for all,” he said in a video address posted on Facebook Thursday.

Rosamond Press

The Czech Republican has a pact with the Kurds to come to their military aide. Are they preparing a Army? Is this why Lucifer has brought Russia onto the field. I spoke of the Knights of Blanik Mountain.

I am kin to the Acinent Noble of Bohemia who came to dwell in America. Seven years ago I claimed the Lousiana Purchase in the name of my Fiancé. I talked about granting the Dakotas to the Lakota People. I hereby found the Warrior Nation of the Dakotas. The Kurds will have a Nation in North Dakota, and the Lakota in South Dakota. I bid all those who claim to be Knight Templars to recognize the Dakota Kurdistan and petition their governments to do the same. These Brave People will not die without a Nation …….

So help me God!

Habsburg Monarchy[edit]

Main articles: History of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown (1526–1648) and History of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown (1648–1867)

Bohemia as the heart of Europa reginaSebastian MünsterBasel, 1570

After the death of King Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia in the Battle of Mohács in 1526, Archduke Ferdinand I of Austria became the new king of Bohemia, and the country became a constituent state of the Habsburg monarchy.

Bohemia enjoyed religious freedom between 1436 and 1620, and became one of the most liberal countries of the Christian world during that period. In 1609, Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, who made Prague again the capital of the empire at the time, himself a Roman Catholic, was moved by the Bohemian nobility to publish Maiestas Rudolphina, which confirmed the older Confessio Bohemica of 1575.

After Emperor Matthias II and then King of Bohemia Ferdinand II (later Holy Roman Emperor) began oppressing the rights of Protestants in Bohemia, the resulting Bohemian Revolt led to outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War in 1618. Elector Frederick V of the Electorate of the Palatinate, a Calvinist Protestant, was elected by the Bohemian nobility to replace Ferdinand on the Bohemian throne, and was known as the Winter King. Frederick’s wife, the popular Elizabeth Stuart and subsequently, Elizabeth of Bohemia, known as the Winter Queen or Queen of Hearts, was the daughter of King James I of England and VI of Scotland.

Le Rouge Knight of the Tower

Posted on September 16, 2013 by Royal Rosamond Press


“The father of our author was Geoffroy de la Tour, spoken of at the beginning of the fourteenth century as lord of La Tour-Landry, Bourmont, La Galonière Loroux-Bottereau, and Cornouaille, and who, under the banner of the Count of Anjou in 1336, distinguished himself by his courage in the war with the English.”

Below is Albrecht Dürer’s painting of a Knight coming home from the Crusades. Did he find the Holy Grail? Is it only when we find our way home again, do we find what was lost?

Albrecht Dürer did the illustrations for Landry’s work. I am this Knight Le Rouge. I did not forsake my Quest even though most of my friends and all my family, forsake me. I had a vision. I stuck to it. I am the Author of this Red Opera.


The Nobility of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Oct 31, 2017 | Noble TitlesRoyal Titles

The Nobility of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

The Claimants to the Kingdoms of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus

Jerusalem was the centre of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1099 until the Mameluke conquered it in 1291. The title of King of Jerusalem was mainly used and claimed by the Hapsburg of Austria, the Savoy of Italy and by the Kings of Spain until the beginning of the 20th century, and by the Kings of Naples and the Two Sicilies until 1861, as well as by the Russian Tsar. There were other claims, as the Tsars of Russia also claimed some rights to Jerusalem, though this was generally acknowledged as perhaps not the closest or most direct claim. There were also some less clear claimants from the apparently ended and very mysterious line of Conrad of Montferrat and the Cornaro Claim of the Ancient Venice-Cyprus line, and more obscure Byzantine claims.


The first Kings of Jerusalem 1099-1284

The titular Kings of Jerusalem:

  1. The Lusignan dynasty and the Serene Republic of Venice until 1797
  2. The Savoy line, later Kings of Sardinia then of Italy until 1946
  3. The Anjou line, later Dukes of Lorraine, Holy Roman Emperors and Emperors of Austria until 1918
  4. The Bourbon Sicilies line, Kings of Two Sicilies until 1860
  5. The Kings of Spain


By default, all people mentioned in this list are or were considered Kings of Jerusalem. Some were also Kings of Armenia or Cyprus, at the same time or not.

Godefroi de Bouillon, 1099-1100. Brother of:

Baudouin I de Boulogne, 1100-1118, 1st Count of Edessa 1098-1100, crowned 25/12/1100

Baudouin II de Rethel, 1118-1131, 2nd Count of Edessa 1100-1118

Foulques d’Anjou, 1131-1143, Count Foulques V of Anjou. Father of:

Baudouin III d’Anjou, 1143-1162. Brother of:

Amaury I d’Anjou, 1162-1174, X 1 Agnes de Courtenay, 2 Marie Commene. Father of:

Baudouin IV, 1174-1185

Baudouin V, 1185-1186

Guy de Lusignan,

1186-1192, also King of Cyprus 1192-1194, Count of Jaffa 1180, Bailiff of Jerusalem 1183, +Nicosia, Cyprus end of 1194, X Jerusalem 4/1180 Sybille, Countess of Jaffa (X 1 Guillaume de Montferrat), daughter of King Amaury I by Agnes de Courtenay.

Conrad de Montferrat, 1190-1192

Henri I de Champagne, 1192-1197, Count Henri II of Champagne 1181-1197

Amaury II, 1197-1205, also King of Cyprus 1194-1205, Count of Jaffa 1193, Constable of Jerusalem 1181-1197, Chamberlain of Jerusalem 1175-1178, +(poisoned) Acre 1/4/1205, X 1 1175 Echive, daughter of Baudouin Ibelin by Richildis de Bethsan, 2 1198 Isabelle daughter of King Amaury by Marie Commene.

Marie de Montferrat, Queen of Jerusalem 1205-1210. Daughter of King Conrad and wife of:

Jean de Brienne, 1210-1225, X 1214 Isabelle or Stephanie, +1220, daughter of Leon I, King of Armenia by Sybille (daughter of King Amaury II by Isabelle, herself daughter of King Amaury I). Father in law of:

Frederic, 1225-1243, also Holy Roman Emperor Frederic II 1212-1250, X Yolande de Brienne, daughter of King Jean. Father of:

Conrad II, 1243-1254, Holy Roman Emperor Conrad IV 1250-1254. Father of:

Conradin de Hohenstaufen 1254-1268, (titular) also King of Sicily 1266-1268, Duke of Swabia, +(beheaded) Naples 1268

Lusignan then Venice line for the Kingdoms of Armenia, Jerusalem and Cyprus

Hugues d’Antioche, 1284 (but crowned 1269), also King Hugues III of Cyprus 1267-1284, Regent of Jerusalem 1264-1267, Regent of Cyprus 1261-1267, °c1240, +Tyr 24/3/1284, X Nicosia, Cyprus 23/1/1255 Isabelle, daughter of Guy Ibelin, Constable of Cyprus, by Isabelle Barlais. Father of:

Jean II, 1284-1285, also King Jean I of Cyprus 1284-20/5/1285, °1259, +Nicosia, Cyprus 20/5/1285. Brother of:

Henri II, 1285-1291, King of Cyprus 1285-deposed 1306 and 1310-31/7/1324, °1270, +Stovilo 31/7/1324, X Nicosia, Cyprus 16/10/1317 Constance (X 2 1331 Leon IV, King of Armenia, +1341, 3 Jean de Lusignan), daughter of Frederic d’Aragon, King of Sicily by Eleonore d’Anjou, of the Kings of Naples

Hugues II de Lusignan, was too King Hugues IV of Cyprus 31/7/1324-1359, Constable of Cyprus 1318-1324, °c1294, +Nicosia, Cyprus. Son of Guy de Lusignan, Constable of Cyprus by Echive Ibelin and father of:

Pierre I de Lusignan, also King of Cyprus 1359-1369 (crowned 1360), King of Armenia 1368-1369, Count of Tripoli 1347-1358, °9/10/1328, +(killed) Nicosia, Cyprus 16-17/1/1369, X 1 1342 Echive, daughter of Rupert de Montfort by Echive Ibelin, 2 1353 Eleonore de Aragon, +Barcelona 1417, daughter of Pedro de Aragon by Jeanne de Poix. Father of:

Pierre II de Lusignan, reigned too as King of Cyprus 1369-1392, °1357, X Valentine Visconti, daughter of Barnabo Visconti, Lord of Duke of Milan

Jacques I de Lusignan, also King of Jerusalem and King of Cyprus 1382-1398, King of Armenia 1396-1398. Son of King Hugues II and father of:

Janus de Lusignan, (titular) King of Jerusalem, King of Cyprus and Armenia 1398-1432, (titular) Prince of Antioch 1392-1398, °Genoa c1374/1375, +Nicosia, Cyprus 29/6/1432, X 1 (annulled) Nicosia, Cyprus 1400 Anglesia or Heloïse Visconti, daughter of Barnabo Visconti, Lord or Duke of Milan, 2 Nicosia, Cyprus 15/1/1422 Charlotte de Bourbon, daughter of Jean de Bourbon, Count of La Marche by Catherine de Vendome. Father of:

Jean I de Lusignan, (titular) King of Jerusalem, King Jean II of Cyprus and Armenia 1432-1458, (titular) Prince of Antioch 1418-1432, engaged to Hedwige, daughter of Ladislas, King of Poland, X 1 Nicosia 3/6/1440 Medee, +Nicosia, Cyprus 13/9/1440, daughter of Gian Giacomo Palaeologus, Marquess of Montferrat by Jeanne of Savoy, 2 10/2/1442 Helene Palaeologus, daughter of the Despot of Mistria. Father (by Helene Palaeologus) of:

Charlotte de Lusignan, (titular) Queen of Jerusalem and Armenia, Queen of Cyprus 1458-1464, ceded by will her rights to the Kingdoms of Jerusalem, Cyprus and Armenia to the House of Savoy, (titular) Princess of Antioch 1456-1458, °1443, +Rome 16/7/1487, X 1 Nicosia, Cyprus 1456 Jean de Portugal, titled (titular) Prince of Antioch, +(poisoned), X 2

Louis of Savoy, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Armenia, King of Cyprus 1458-1464 (crowned 7/10/1459), exiled c1460, Duke of Savoy 1434-1465, °1436, +1482

Jacques II de Lusignan, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Armenia, King of Cyprus 1460-1473, Archbishop of Nicosia before 1460, °c1438/1439, +Famagusta, Cyprus 10/7/1473. Illegitimate son of King Jean III by Marietta de Patras and husband (X Famagusta, Cyprus 11/1472) of:

Catarina Cornaro, (titular) Queen of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus 1473-abdicated 1498, Lady of Asolo 1498-…., declared Daughter of Venice and surnamed Catarina Veneta by the Serene Republic of Venice in order for the Republic to inherit her rights to the three kingdoms, in the event of extinction of the Lusignan family, °1454, +Venice 10/7/1510 (descendant of the Dukes of the Archipelago and of the Commene of Trebizond) and mother of:

Jacques III de Lusignan, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus 1473-1474, °Famagusta, Cyprus 28/7/1473, +Famagusta, Cyprus 26/7/1474

The Serene Republic of Venice, (titular) Queen of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus 1498-1797

The Savoy line for the Kingdoms of Jerusalem, Cyprus and Armenia:

Charles I, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus 16/7/1487-1490, Duke Charles I of Savoy 1482-1490, +1490. Son of Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy (son of King Louis by Queen Charlotte de Lusignan) and father of:

Charles II, King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke Charles II of Savoy 1490-1496, +1496

Philip de Baugé, King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke Philip II of Savoy 1496-1497, +1497. Son of King Louis by Queen Charlotte de Lusignan and father of:

Philbert, King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke Philbert II of Savoy 1497-1504, +1504, X Marguerite of Austria, Governor of the Low Countries 1507-1530, +1530 (X 1 Don Juan of Spain), daughter of Maximillian I, Holy Roman Emperor by Marie, Duchess of Burgundy. Brother of:

Charles, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke Charles III of Savoy 1504-1553, +1553, X Beatriz of Portugal, Countess of Asti 1531, +1538, daughter of Manoel of Portugal. Parents of:

Emmanuel Philbert, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke of Savoy 1553-1580, +1580. Father of:

Charles Emmanuel I, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke of Savoy 1580-1630, +1630. Father of:

Victor Amadeus I, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke of Savoy 1630-1637, +1637, X Christine of France. Father of:

François Hyacinth, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke of Savoy 1637-1638, +1638. Brother of:

Charles Emmanuel II, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, Duke of Savoy 1638-1675, +1675, X 1 1663 Françoise d’Orléans, °1648, +1664, daughter of Gaston of France, Duke of Orléans, 2 1655 Maria Giovanna of Savoy Nemours, °1644, +1724, daughter of Charles Amadeus, Duke of Savoy Nemours by Elisabeth de Vendôme. Father (by Françoise d’Orléans) of:

HM Victor Amadeus II, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Sardinia 1720-1730, King of Sicily 1713-1720, Duke of Savoy 1675-1730, °1666, +1732, X 1 1684 Anne d’Orléans, °1669, +1728, daughter of Philippe of France, Duke of Orléans, 2 1729 Anne Thérèse de Spigno, °1678, +1769 (X 1 Ignace, Count of San Sebastian), daughter of François Maurice Canali, Count of Cumiana. Father (by Anne d’Orléans) of:

HM Charles Emmanuel III, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 1730-1773, °1701, +1773, X 1 1722 Christine Louise of Sulzbach, °1704, +1723, daughter of Theodore, Count Palatine of Sulzbach, 2 1724 Polyxene of Hesse Rheinfels Rothenburg, °1706, +1735, daughter of Ernest Leopold, Landgrave of Hesse Rheinfels Rothenburg, 3 1737 Elisabeth of Lorraine, °1711, +1741, daughter of Leopold, Duke of Lorraine. Father (by Polyxene of Hesse Rheinfels Rothenburg) of:

HM Victor Amadeus III, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 1773-1796, °26/6/1726, +1796, X 1750 Infant Marie of Spain, °1729, +19/9/1785, daughter of HM Philip V, King of Spain. Parents of:

HM Charles Emmanuel IV, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 1796-1802, °24/5/1751, +1819, X 27/8/1775 Clotilde of France, °23/9/1759, +1802, daughter of Louis, Dauphin of France. Full brother of:

HM Victor Emmanuel I, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 1802-abdicated 1821, °24/7/1759, +1824, X 23/4/1789 HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Marie Therese of Austria, °1/11/1773, +1832, daughter of HIRH Imperial Pce and Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Modena by Marie Beatrice d’Este (daughter of Hercule III d’Este, Duke of Modena). Full brother of:

HM Charles Felix, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 13/3/1821-1831, °5/4/1765, +1831, X 1807 Christine of Bourbon, Pcess of Two Sicilies, °17/1/1779, +1849, daughter of HM Ferdinand IV of Naples, King Ferdinand III of Sicily, later King Ferdinand I of Two Sicilies.

HM Charles Albert, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 27/4/1831-abdicated 23/3/1849, °29/10/1798, +28/7/1849, X 30/9/1817 HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Therese of Austria, Pcess of Tuscany, °21/3/1801, +12/1/1855, daughter of HIRH Ferdinand II, Grand Duke of Tuscany by HRH Pcess Louise of Bourbon Two Sicilies. Son of Charles Emmanuel, Pce of Savoy Carignan by Pcess Marie of Saxony and parents of:

HM Victor Emmanuel II, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Italy 1861-1878, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 1849-9/1/1878, °14/3/1820, +9/1/1878, X 1 12/4/1842 HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Adelaide of Austria, °3/6/1822, +20/1/1855, 2 7/11/1869 (morganatic) Rose Vercellone, Countess Mirafiori and Fontanafredda 11/4/1859, °3/6/1833, +27/12/1885. Father (by HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Adelaide of Austria) of:

HM Umberto I, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Italy, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 1878-29/7/1900, °Turin 14/3/1844, +(killed) Monza, Italy 29/7/1900, X 22/4/1868 HRH Pcess Margherita of Savoy Genoa, °20/11/1851, +4/1/1926, daughter of Ferdinand of Savoy, Duke of Genoa by Elisabeth of Saxony. Parents of:

HM Victor Emmanuel III, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Italy, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 1900-deposed 1946, King of Albania 16/4/1939-1943, Emperor of Ethiopia 9/5/1936-1943, °Naples 11/11/1869, +1947, X Rome 24/10/1896 HRH Pcess Elena Petrovitch Niegoch of Montenegro, °Cetinje, Montenegro 8/1/1873, +1952, daughter of HM Nicolas I, King of Montenegro by Milena Vucotitch. Parents of:

HM Umberto II, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Armenia and Cyprus, King of Italy, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy 9/5/1946, Pce of Piedmont, °Castle of Racconigi 15/9/1904, +18/3/1983, X Rome 8/1/1930 HRH Pcess Marie-José of Belgium, Duchess in Saxony, Pcess of Saxe Cobourg et Gotha, °Ostend, Belgium 4/8/1906, +Geneva, Switzerland 27/1/2001, daughter of HM Albert I, King of the Belgians, by HRH Duchesse Elisabeth in Bavaria

The title of King of Jerusalem is apparently not used any more by the heir of HM King Umberto II

The Anjou line for the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Marie d’Antioche, (titular) Queen of Jerusalem, daughter of Bohemond IV, Prince of Antioch by Melisende (daughter of King Amaury II by Isabelle, herself daughter of King Amaury I) sold her rights to:

Charles I d’Anjou, also King of Sicily 1266-1282, King of Naples 1266-1285, Duke of Anjou 1246-1285

Charles II, also King of Naples and Sicily 7/1/1285-5/5/1305, Prince of Salerna, Duke of Anjou 1285-1290.

Charles III, (titular) King of Jerusalem, Duke of Anjou 1285-1325, Count of Valois

Philippe, (titular) King of Jerusalem 1325-1332, King Philippe VI of France 1328-1350, Count of Anjou 1325-1332, Count of Valois

Jean, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Duke of Anjou 1332-1356, King Jean II of France 1350-1364

Louis I, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Duke of Anjou 1356-1384

Louis II, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Duke of Anjou 1384-1417

Louis III, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Duke of Anjou 1417-1434

Rene, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Duke of Anjou 1434-1480, Duke of Lorraine 1431-1453

Jean II, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Duke of Lorraine 1453-1470

Nicolas, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Duke of Lorraine 1470-1473

Rene II de Vaudemont, (titular) King of Jerusalem and Duke of Lorraine 1473-1508. Son of Yolande (daughter of King Rene)

The title of King of Jerusalem was abandoned until 1700 when reassumed by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I as descendant of (titular) King Rene II

Hapsburg Lorraine line (by succession to the Anjou Kings of Hungary and to the Dukes of Lorraine)

HRH Leopold, (titular) King of Jerusalem c1700-1729, Duke of Lorraine 1697-1729, Duke of Teschen 1722-1729. Father of:

HM François I, (titular) King of Jerusalem 1729-1765, Holy Roman Emperor 1745-1765, Grand Duke of Tuscany 1737-1765, Duke of Lorraine 1729, °1708, +1765, X 1736 HM Marie Therese of Austria, Queen of Bohemia and Hungary 1740-1780, °1717, +1780, daughter of HM Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, by Elisabeth of Brunswick Wolfenbüttel. Parents of:

HM Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor 1765-1790, °1741, +1790, X 1 1760 Marie Isabelle of Bourbon, °1741, +1763, daughter of Philippe, Duke of Parma, 2 1765 Marie Josephe of Bavaria, °1739, +1767. Full brother of:

HM Leopold II, , Holy Roman Emperor 1790-1792, Grand Duke of Tuscany 1765, °1747, +1792, X 5/8/1765 HRH Infant Marie Louise of Spain, °24/11/1745, +15/5/1792, daughter of HM Charles III, King of Spain, by Marie Amelie of Saxony. Parents of:

François II, (titular), Emperor François I of Austria 11/8/1804-2/3/1835, Holy Roman Emperor 7/7/1792-6/8/1806, King of Hungary 6/6/1792-2/3/1835, °Florence 12/2/1768, +2/3/1835, X 1 1788 Elisabeth of Württemberg, °1767, +18/2/1790, daughter of Frederic Eugene, Duke of Württemberg, 2 1790 Marie Therese of Bourbon Naples, °1772, +13/4/1807, daughter of HM Ferdinand I, King of Naples and Sicily (later King Ferdinand I of Two Sicilies), 3 1808 HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria, Pcess of Modena, °1787, +7/4/1816, daughter of HIRH Imperial Pce and Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Duke of Modena, 4 29/10 and 10/11/1816 HRH Pcess Caroline of Bavaria, °1792, +1873, daughter of HM Maximillian I, King of Bavaria by Wilhelmine Auguste of Hesse Darmstadt. Father (by Marie Therese of Bourbon Naples) of:

Ferdinand, (, Emperor of Austria 1835-1848, °19/4/1793, +1848, X 1831 HRH Pcess Marie Anne of Savoy, °1803, +1884, daughter of HM Victor Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia by HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Marie Therese of Austria, Pcess of Modena

François Joseph, Emperor of Austria 1848-1916, °Schönbrunn 18/8/1830, +Schönbrunn 21/11/1916, X Vienna 24/4/1854 HRH Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria, °Munich 24/12/1837, +(killed) 1898, daughter of HRH Maximillian, Duke in Bavaria. Son of HIRH Imperial Pce and Archduke Charles of Austria by HRH Pcess Sophie of Bavaria

Charles, (Emperor of Austria 21/11/1916-deposed 1918, °Persenbeug 17/8/1887, +Funchal, Madeira 1/4/1922, X Schwarzau am Steinfelde 21/10/1911 HRH Princess Zita of Bourbon Parma, °9/5/1892, +1989, daughter of HRH Robert, Duke of Parma by HRH Infant Marie Antonia of Portugal

The title of King of Jerusalem is not used any more by the heirs of Emperor Charles

Spanish then Bourbon Sicilies line:

Charles III, invested King of Jerusalem by the Pope, also King of Naples 1665-1700, and also King Charles II of Spain and The Indies 1665-1700, °1661, +1700, X 1 1679 Marie Louise d’Orléans, °1662, +1689, daughter of Philippe of France, Duke of Orléans, 2 1690 Marie Anne of Neuburg, °1667, +1740, daughter of Philippe Guillaume, Elector Palatine of Neuburg

Philip IV, King of Naples 1700-1713, King Philip V of Spain and The Indies 24/11/1700-1724, Duke of Anjou, °19/12/1683, +9/7/1746, X 1 1701 Marie Louise of Savoy, °1688, +1714, daughter of HM Victor Amadeus II, King of Sardinia by Anne d’Orléans, 2 1714 Elisabeth Farnese, °1692, +1766, daughter of Odoardo II Farnese, Duke of Parma. Son of Louis, Dauphin of France, by Maria Anne of Bavaria and father (by Elisabeth Farnese) of:

Charles IV ,King of Naples 1734-1759, King Charles III of Spain and The Indies 1759-14/12/1788, Duke of Parma 1731-1735, °20/1/1716, +14/12/1788, X 1738 Marie Amelie of Saxony, °1724, +1760, daughter of Frederic Auguste II, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland and father of:

Ferdinand IV ,King of Naples 1759-23/1/1799, 23/6/1799-1806, 1815-8/12/1816, King Ferdinand III of Sicily 1759-8/12/1816, King Ferdinand I of Two Sicilies 8/12/1816-4/1/1825, born HRH Infant Ferdinand of Spain, °12/1/1751, +4/1/1825, X 1 7/4/1768 Caroline of Habsburg Lorraine, Archduchess of Austria, °13/8/1752, +1814, daughter of François I, Holy Roman Emperor, Duke of Lorraine, by Marie Therese, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, 2 1814 Lucie Migliaccio, Duchess of Floridia, °1770, +1826 (X 1 Benoit Grifeo, Prince of Partanna), daughter of Vincent Migliaccio. Father (by Caroline of Habsburg Lorraine) of:

François I, (titular) King of Jerusalem 1825-8/11/1830, King of Two Sicilies 1825-8/11/1830, °19/8/1777, +8/11/1830, X 1 1797 Marie Clementine of Austria, °1777, +1801, daughter of Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, 2 6/10/1802 HRH Infant Isabelle of Spain, °6/7/1789, +13/9/1844, daughter of HM Charles IV, King of Spain. Father of:

Ferdinand II, (titular) King of Jerusalem 1830-22/5/1859, King of Two Sicilies 1830-22/5/1859, °12/1/1810, +22/5/1859, X 1 21/11/1832 HRH Pcess Christine of Savoy, °14/11/1812, +31/1/1836, daughter of HM Victor Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia by Marie Therese of Modena, 2 9/1/1837 HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Thérèse of Austria, °31/7/1816, +8/8/1867, daughter of HIRH Imperial Pce and Archduke Charles of Austria. Father (by HRH Pcess Christine of Savoy) of:

HM François II, (titular) King of Jerusalem 1859-27/12/1894, King of Two Sicilies 1830-deposed 21/10/1860, °16/1/1836, +27/12/1894, X Munich 8/1 & Bari 3/2/1859 HRH Duchess Marie in Bavaria, °4/10/1841, +1925, daughter of HRH Maximillian, Duke in Bavaria by HRH Pcess Louise of Bavaria

The title of King of Jerusalem is not used any more by the heirs of HM King François II

Spanish line:

Charles II, invested King of Jerusalem by the Pope, King of Spain and The Indies 1665-1700, King Charles III of Naples 1665-1700, °1661, +1700, X 1 1679 Marie Louise d’Orléans, °1662, +1689, daughter of Philippe of France, Duke of Orléans, 2 1690 Marie Anne of Neuburg, °1667, +1740, daughter of Philippe Guillaume, Elector Palatine of Neuburg

Philip V, (titular) King of Jerusalem 1700-1724, King of Spain and The Indies 24/11/1700-1724, King Philip IV of Naples 1700-1713, Duke of Anjou, °19/12/1683, +9/7/1746, X 1 1701 Marie Louise of Savoy, °1688, +1714, daughter of HM Victor Amadeus II, King of Sardinia by Anne d’Orléans, 2 1714 Elisabeth Farnese, °1692, +1766, daughter of Odoardo II Farnese, Duke of Parma. Son of Louis, Dauphin of France, by Maria Anne of Bavaria and father (by Elisabeth Farnese) of:

Charles III, (titular) King of Jerusalem 1734-1759, King of Spain and The Indies 1759-14/12/1788, King Charles IV of Naples 1734-1759, Duke of Parma 1731-1735, °20/1/1716, +14/12/1788, X 1738 Marie Amelie of Saxony, °1724, +1760, daughter of Frederic Auguste II, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland and parents of:

Charles IV, (titular) King of Jerusalem, King of Spain and The Indies 1788-abdicated 1808, °11/11/1748, +1819, X 1765 Louise of Bourbon, Pcess of Parma, °9/12/1751, +1819, daughter of Philippe, Duke of Parma by Elisabeth of France. Parents of:

Ferdinand VII, (titular) King of Jerusalem, King of Spain and The Indies 19/3/1808-abdicated 19/3-6/5/1808, restored in 3/1814-1833, °14/10/1784, +29/9/1833, X 1 1802 Antoinette of Bourbon, Pcess of Naples and Sicily, °1784, +21/8/1806, daughter of HM Ferdinand IV, King of Naples and Sicily (later King Ferdinand I of Two Sicilies), 2 1816 HRH Infant Isabelle of Portugal, °1797, +26/12/1818, daughter of HM Joao VI, King of Portugal, 3 1819 Duchess Marie Josephe in Saxony, °6/12/1803, +1829, daughter of Duke Maximillian in Saxony by Caroline of Bourbon Parma, 4 11/12/1829 HRH Marie Christine of Bourbon, Pcess of Two Sicilies, °27/4/1806, +1878 (X 2 28/12/1833 Don Fernando Munoz, Duke of Riansares), daughter of HM François I, King of Two Sicilies by HRH Infant Marie Isabelle of Spain. Father (by Marie Christine of Bourbon) of:

Isabelle II, (titular) Queen of Jerusalem, Queen of Spain and The Indies 1833-deposed 30/9/1868, °Madrid 10/10/1830, +Paris 10/4/1904, X 1846 HRH Infant then HM François of Bourbon, (titular) King of Spain and The Indies, Duke of Cadiz, °Aranjuez 13/5/1822, +Epinay, France 16/4/1902. Parents of:

Alphonse XII, (titular) King of Jerusalem, King of Spain and The Indies 29/12/1874-25/11/1885, °28/11/1857, +25/11/1885, X 1 1878 Maria de las Mercedes of Bourbon, °1860, +1878, daughter of HRH Pce Antoine d’Orléans, Duke of Montpensier, Infant of Spain, by HRH Infant Louise of Spain, 2 1879 HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria, °1858, +1929, daughter of HIRH Imperial Pce and Archduke Charles Ferdinand of Austria by HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria. Father (by HIRH Imperial Pcess and Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria) of:

Alphonse XIII, (titular) King of Jerusalem, King of Spain and The Indies 1886-deposed 14/4/1931-abdicated 15/6/1941, °Madrid 17/5/1886, +28/2/1941, X Madrid 31/5/1906 HRH Pcess Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg, °Balmoral 24/10/1887, +15/4/1969, daughter of HRH Henri, Prince of Battenberg by HRH Pcess Beatrice of Great Britain and Ireland. Parents of HRH Don Juan de Bourbon and Battenberg, Count of Barcelona, himself father of:

HM Juan Carlos, (titular) King of Jerusalem, King of Spain since 22/11/1975, °Rome 5/1/1938, X Athens 14/5/1962 HRH Pcess Sophie of Greece and Denmark, °near Athens 2/11/1938, daughter of HM Paul I, King of the Hellenes by HRH Pcess Fredericka of Hannover, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland.

HM Felipe VI, Current King of Spain.

The full titles of the King of Spain were King of Spain and The Indies: of Castile, of Leon, of Aragon, of Two Sicilies, of Jerusalem, of Navarre, of Grenada, of Toledo, of Valencia, of Galicia, of Mallorca, of Minorca, of Seville, of Sardinia, of Cordoba, of Corsica, of Murcia, of Jaen, of the Algarve, of Algeciras, of Gibraltar, of the Canary Islands, of West and East Indies, etc., Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, of Brabant and of Milan, Count of Habsburg, of Flanders, of Tyrol and of Barcelona, Duke of Athens and of Neopatria, Lord of Biscay and Molina, Marquess of Oristan and of Gozianos with the style of Catholic Majesty.


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