Victor Von Janke Stuttmeister

The Day before yesterday I found the Stuttmeister Villa – and Cote of Arms! Last night I tried to watch the Belmont Planning Commission on the Web, but the meeting was canceled.

Yesterday, the Two Presidents against the Two Antichrists, Putin and Trump, spoke at the United Nations and begged Sane Nations not to end the War Against Evil. There was talk about the Evil Party of the Insane Evangelicals cutting off funding to Ukraine – and now the Republicans want to shut down the U.S. Government – while opponents get death threats! There is a real threat of Nuclear War! The Christians in Russian and America – have restarted the Cold War! Why? Ask them. Ask Franklin Graham – for starters!

At the end of World War Two, Winston Churchill and President Truman, founded the British Defiance Staff to ensure their Nations come to each others aid. Commander Ian Easton was the head of this International Alliance – that many Republicans threaten! Are they Christians? By our cote of arms, the Stuttmeisters appear to have been important Evangelicals in Berlin, where the fictional James Bond was born. In June I created a heterosexual Bond-like character….Victor Paladin Stuttmeister. Because the family villa was occupied by Russian officers during the Cold War, I’m putting a fictional Stuttmeister in the Bond tree. They were anti-Communists who fought against Hitler – before he invaded Poland. Lenin tired to wipe us out, but, we……came to America!

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

Copyright 2023

The British Defence Staff in the United States comprises some 750 military and civilian MOD personnel based in over 30 states across the US. Their mission is to protect and advance the UK and its interests by reinforcing the transatlantic defence and security relationship.


Preserving global peace & security — The UK and the US co-operate to address the world’s most pressing security challenges.

Supporting trade and investment — Driving forward industry, the UK works with the US on facilitating defence trade and investment.

Co-operating in science, innovation, energy and higher education — The UK and the US collaborate in science and innovation; including advanced defence technologies.

The Creative Royal Fleet Sets Sail

Posted on April 16, 2018by Royal Rosamond Press

Here are the vessels that Sir Caspar John served upon. He was born into a artistic family. I would like see the College of Defence Studies founded by the Artist, Sir Winston Churchill, expanded to include Creative People in Britain and the U.S. As a rule artists, writers, and musicians do not take slaves, gas people, and loot other people’s art. Hitler did all three. He was a bad artist who cost the world many lives, and a trillion dollars to put him down. We took back the art he stole and put it in sacred public places. I support Theresa May’s strike against Assad, who gassed his own people.

Below are the warships that Sir Ian Easton served on.

Jon Presco

The Villa Stuttmeister was built in 1916 on the banks of the Havel River in the immediate vicinity of the Glienicke Bridge in Potsdam. After the 2nd World War, it was used by officers of the Soviet military administration and then divided into three apartments. Neglect of maintenance led to severe damage to the structure until 2006.

The aim of the restoration concept was to regain the original shape and structure of the villa and the garden and to further develop it in the sense of the historical context. Old still existing components, such as doors, windows,

Coat of arms of family Stuttmeister

In fiery speech to U.N., Zelensky warns Russian ‘evil cannot be trusted’

Story by Sheri Walsh •12h

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky warned “evil cannot be trusted” during a speech Tuesday at the U.N. General Assembly 78th session General Debate in U.N. General Assembly Hall at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Photo by Jason Szenes/UPI© Provided by UPI News

Sept. 19 (UPI) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the 78th session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York City on Tuesday as he sought unity against Russia’s war in Ukraine and warned “evil cannot be trusted.”

Zelensky urged the nearly 200 world leaders inside U.N. General Assembly Hall at the United Nations headquarters to unify against Russia and warned the threat of Russia’s nuclear weapons “is even greater,” as the Kremlin continues to weaponize food, energy and children.

Terrorists have no right to hold nuclear weapons. No right!” Zelensky said in a 20-minute speech, spoken entirely in English, as he warned about what he called a “final war.””While nukes remain in place, the mass destruction is gaining its momentum,” Zelensky said.

Victor Paladin Stuttmeister

Posted on June 5, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

San Francisco’s Palace Hotel—awarded “Best Historic Hotel in America” | KCBX

The Victorious Paladin of San Francisco


John Presco

Copyright 2023

A week after Victor Paladin Stuttmeister turned twenty-one, his great uncle, John Rosamond Prescowitz died. The executor’s of John’s estate searched high and low for an heir, and alas found Victor. In the reading of the Will, Victor was instructed to talk to the head of Notre Dam Namur, that was just purchased by Stanford. Father Connors was very glad to see Victor, who was led down in the basement into a secret room that was built below the original portable house that Carl Janke brought around the Cape. Count Cipriani had bought one of the six houses after Victor Emanuel made him the Palatine of California. There were a variety of weapons on the walls of this room, along with photographs.

“This is your great grandfather, Victor Ralf Stuttmeister. He was a Paladin. He came to America from Berlin when he was a boy. Leonetti Cipriani took a liking to Victor, and took him on a tour of Italy when he was sixteen. It is alleged the Count initiated Victor in the order of the Paladin Knights, who Charlemagne ordained when he conquered Italy. They descend from Queen Rosamunda and the Welf lineage she and her husband sired . The Paladins made war on the Lombards for many generations. They were hired assassins’ for the Papacy that was loyal to Victor Manuel, the first King of Italy. Victor is a cousin of Victor Emanuel ‘Felix’ Stuttmeister who is buried in the family tomb in Berlin. He was, and you are, the Heir to the Kingdom of Italy.

Victor pulled out two dueling pistols In the trunk.

“Who are these men with my grandfather?”

“The man in the middle is a Sufi Magician steeped in Chinese martial arts. The dangerous looking man was the head of Sardinian Mafia in San Francisco. He was known as the Assassin of Corsica.. His grandson hunted down Nazi generals in Italy, and dispatched them. I am instructed not to tell you his name lest you become too curious. Somethings are best left unknown. What you need to know, is, there are two claimants to your thrown.”

Father Connors handed Victor a scroll with a seal.

“What is this?

This is the perpetual deed to the Presidential suite at the Palace Hotel given to your great uncle by William Ralston, the man who built San Francisco?

“And this?”

“This is the original deed to the Anacondan Mine, that William Sharon came to own after Ralstons apparent sudicded.I have my dobts1”

Tjree days after settling into the Raston Sutie, victoria got a call..

“Hello. My name is Victoria Rosemond Bond. I believe we are third cousins. I just took a DNA test and found you. Do you mind if I and my wife stop by for a visit?

“Sure. I just moved into my fancy digs, and would love to have my kin over!”

Hanging up, Victor contemplated the term “my wife” while he watched Niki Haley tear into LGBTQ folks, like other Republican candidates were.

Victor sighed, and picked up the card that was in the trunk in the hidden Ralston room. He was told he could get free clothing and suits from his kin Johnny Prescowitz, who owned Bullock & Sons. Best dress up for my cousin, even though she is a Lesbian. Is she bringing her wife?

The front desk wanted to warn their new tenant what was coming up the elevator, but felt very threatened. When Victor opened the door, a big Amazon woman dressed in Indian garb gently pushed him against the wall, and expertly frisked him, as if he was being fitted for a suit.

In the Roman imperial period, a palatinus was one of the closest retainers of the emperor, who lived in the imperial residence as part of the emperor’s household. The title survived into the medieval period, as comes palatinus. However, the modern spelling paladin is now reserved for the fictional characters of the chanson de geste, while the conventional English translation of comes palatinus is count palatine. After the fall of Rome, a new feudal type of title, also known simply as palatinus, started developing. The Frankish kings of the Merovingian dynasty (reigned 480–750) employed a high official, the comes palatinus, who at first assisted the king in his judicial duties and at a later date discharged many of these himself. Other counts palatine were employed on military and administrative work.[3]

Miriam’s Wardrobe

Posted on March 20, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

2 i. Victor Rudolf Stuttmeister, born May 29, 1846 in New York; died January 19, 1893 in German hospital in San Francisco.

Italy may have abolished its monarchy 75 years ago, but having no real power hasn’t stopped its royal family from feuding.

Direct descendants of Italy’s last king are divided over who should lead the family. For thousands of years, only men in the family could rule. All that changed when the current head of the royal House of Savoy, Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, issued a decree on his granddaughter’s 16th birthday granting her the power to eventually lead the family.

Princess Vittoria di Savoia — who is also a rising star on Instagram — is now the first woman in 1,000 years to become the family figurehead.MORE: Harry, Meghan deny report Queen Elizabeth not consulted over baby Lilibet’s name

“I think it’s a very important act, especially now in 2021 where women are standing so much for their rights,” she told ABC News in her first ever on-camera interview.

Vittoria’s father, Emanuele Filiberto, prince of Venice, said the move is a sign of the times.

PHOTO: Vittoria di Savoia, talks to ABC News about being the first female heir to the Italian crown in 1,000 years, in Paris.
Vittoria di Savoia, a rising star on Instagram, looks at her phone during a interview with ABC News, in Paris.ABC News

Surely enough, Vittoria’s rise in royal ranks comes as more and more royal women across Europe are taking over their countries’ thrones.

“I think the next generation of royalties in Europe will mainly be women because if you look at Spain, if you look at Sweden, if you look at Norway, if you look at Belgium, England, well, we have a fantastic example with the Queen,” he said.

But, of course, there are those who oppose the young princess.

Prussian Colony In California

Posted on January 21, 2020 by Royal Rosamond Press

Eureka! Mexico was going to sell California to Prussia for $6 million dollars. Carl Janke, brought six portable houses around the Cape in 1848 – before the Gold Rush! One of them was Ralston House. Was Belmont going to be the Capitol of New Prussia? I just found her when I google the King of Prussia who ruled in 1846. My angel has been leading me to her in my book ‘The Royal Janitor’.

Frederick married Victoria, Princess Royal, eldest daughter of Queen Victoria

The question I have been asking, is what kind of kingdom was John Fremont going to establish in the West, that Starr King talked him out of? Did Lincoln know about the Prussian offer? What about Chile? The Germans had a colony there that William Stuttmeister dwelt in before he came to California. Are we looking at a hidden Prussian Kingdom – blessed by Victoria – Princess Royal, whom the Osborne House was built!

The Empress and Emperor of Prussia are Harry Windsor’s close kindred. They took away Harry’s uniform today. Will he wear a crown and the Emperor of California? Will Harry and Meghan sit in the grandstand and watch their troops? Will the transformation of the Republican Party, start here?

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press


Freedom On Liberty Street

Posted on September 20, 2017 by Royal Rosamond Press

My Stuttmeister ancestors came to New York and lived on Liberty Street where the Trade Towers once stood. I now suspect they were Ministers. They came to Chili, also.  Thirteen year old Victor Rudolph Stuttmeister applied for a passport when he was thirteen years of age. He had a high forehead, an aquiline nose, a large mouth, a sharp chin, brown hair, and blue eyes. Rudolph had six children and was a New York City Physician. Phillip, Mary, and Lizzie are born in New York City. Bertha is the first child to be married in California. This family were pioneers in San Francisco, Belmont, and Lagunitas in Marine County where Beryl and Leonard Buck moved after living in Oakland for many years.

Jon Presco

6 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Rudolph 57 M W Physician 12,000 6,000 Germany X X
7 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Matilda 42 F W Keeping House New York X X
8 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Victor 24 M W New York X X
9 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Bertha 10 F W California X X
10 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Willie 8 M W California X X
11 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Alice 3 F W California X
12 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Mary 16 F W New York X
13 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Lizzie 14 F W New York X
14 1006 __21 Stuttmeister Phillip 18 M W New York

Name:Rudolph Stuttmeister Arrival Date:12 Jul 1843 Age:27Gender:M (Male)Port of Arrival: New York Port of Departure: Hamburg, Germany Place of Origin: Deutschland Ship: Stephani

Rudolph or Rudolf (FrenchRodolpheItalianPortuguese and SpanishRodolfo) or Rodolphe is a male first name, and, less commonly, a surname. It is a Germanic name deriving from two stems: Rod or Hrōð, meaning “fame”, and olf meaning “wolf” (see also Hroðulf; cf. Adolf).

1888: From the Daily Alta, an article on the marriage of Dr. William O.
Stuttmeister and Augusta D. Janke.
Daily Alta California, Volume 42, Number 14175, 24 June 1888
One of the most enjoyable weddings of the past week took place at
Belmont, Wednesday morning last, the contracting parties being Miss
Augusta Janke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Janke of Belmont,
and Dr. Wm. Stuttmeister of San Francisco. The house was
handsomely decorated with a rich profusion of ferns and flowers, and
at the appointed hour was filled with the relatives and intimate friends
of the contracting parties. At 11 o’clock the wedding march was played
and the bridal party entered the parlor. The bride was attended by Miss
Alice Stuttmeister, a sister of the groom, and Miss Minnie Janke, a
sister of the bride, as bridesmaids, and Dr. Muldownado and Wm.
Janke, a cousin of the bride, were groomsmen. The Rev. A. L. Brewer
of San Mateo performed the beautiful and impressive ceremony under
an arch composed of flowers and greens very prettily arranged, after
which the guests pressed forward and offered their congratulations.
The bride was attired in a very pretty and becoming costume of the
crushed strawberry shade, and wore a corsage bouquet of orange
blossoms. She carried a handsome bouquet of white flowers. After the
guests had paid their compliments the bride and groom led the way to
the dining-room, where the wedding dinner was served and the health
of the newly married pair was pledged. The feast over, the guests
joined in the dance, and the hours sped right merrily, interspersed with
music singing and recitations, until the bride and groom took their
departure amid a shower of rice and good wishes. Many beautiful
presents were received. Dr. and Mrs. Stuttmeister left Thursday
morning for Santa Cruz and Monterey, where they will spend the
honeymoon. On their return they will make their home in Belmont.
1911: Dr. Willian O. Stuttmeister was practicing dentistry in Redwood
City, CA. (Reference: University of California, Directory of Graduates,
1864-1910, page 133).
Records from Tombstones in Laurel Hill Cemetery, 1853-1927 – Janke
– Stuttmeister
Mina Maria Janke, daughter of William A, & Cornelia Janke, born
February 2, 1869, died March 1902.
William August Janke, native of Hamburg, Germany, born Dec. 25,
1642, died Nov. 22, 1902, son of Carl August & Dorette Catherine
Frederick William R. Stuttmeister, native of Berlin, Germany, born
1612, died January 29, 1877.
Mrs. Matilda Stuttmeister, wife of Frederick W.R. Stuttmeister, born
1829, died March 17, 1875, native of New York.
Victor Rudolph Stuttmeister, son of Frederick W.R. & Matilda
Stuttmeister, born May 29, 1846, died Jan. 19, 1893, native of New

Richard Boone in the episode “Genesis” (1962), before becoming the famed “knight without armor”, Paladin

Paladin prefers to settle the difficulties clients bring his way without violence, but this rarely happens. When forced, he excels in fisticuffs. Under his real name, which is never revealed, he was a dueling champion of some renown. Paladin is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and a veteran of the American Civil War, in which he served as a Union cavalry officer.

His permanent place of residence is the Hotel Carlton in San Francisco, where he lives the life of a successful businessman and bon vivant, wearing elegant custom-made suits, consuming fine wine, playing the piano, and attending the opera and other cultural events. He is an expert chess player, poker player, and swordsman. He is skilled in Chinese martial arts, and is seen in several episodes receiving instruction and training with a Kung Fu master in San Francisco. He is highly educated, able to quote classic literature, philosophy, and case law, and speaks several languages. He is also president of the San Francisco Stock Exchange Club.[3]

When out working, Paladin changes into all-black Western-style clothing. His primary weapon is a custom-made, first-generation .45 caliber Colt Single Action Army Cavalry Model revolver[4] with an unusual rifled barrel, carried in a black leather holster (with a platinum chess knight symbol facing the rear), hanging from a black leather gunbelt. He also carries a lever-action Marlin rifle (with a platinum chess knight symbol facing the rear seen in “The Hunt”) strapped to his saddle. In some episodes, he has a two-shot Remington derringer concealed under his belt; in other episodes, it is a single-shot Merrimack Arms “Southerner” derringer.

This calling card was the identifying graphic of the Have Gun – Will Travel series.

Paladin gives out a business card imprinted with “Have Gun Will Travel” and an engraving of a white knight chess piece, which evokes the proverbial white knight and the knight in shining armor. A closeup of this card is used as a title card between scenes in the program.

A Man Called Paladin, Frank C. Robertson’s novelization of the season-six premiere “Genesis”, gives Paladin’s real name as Clay Alexander.[5]



Descendants of Dorthia Matilda Oltman

Generation No. 1

1. Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman (Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) was born September 13, 1829 in New York, NY, and died March 17, 1875 in San Francisco, CA. She married Frederick William R. Stuttmeister. He was born 1812 in Germany, and died January 29, 1877 in San Francisco, CA.

Children of Dorthia Oltman and Frederick Stuttmeister are:

2 i. Victor Rudolf6 Stuttmeister, born May 29, 1846 in New York; died January 19, 1893 in German hospital in San Francisco.

3 ii. Bertha Matilda Stuttmeister, born January 02, 1860 in Califonia; died May 07, 1931 in Merritt Hospital in Oakland, California. She married Wilham E. C. Beyer; born in Germany.

4 iii. William Oltman Stuttmeister, born 1862. He married Augusta Janke June 1888.

+ 5 iv. Alice L. Stuttmeister, born October 13, 1868 in San Francisco, CA; died February 13, 1953 in Roseville Community Hospital in Oakland, CA.

Generation No. 2

5. Alice L.6 Stuttmeister (Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) was born October 13, 1868 in San Francisco, CA, and died February 13, 1953 in Roseville Community Hospital in Oakland, CA. She married William Broderick October 02, 1897. He was born Abt. 1871 in Ohio.

Children of Alice Stuttmeister and William Broderick are:

+ 6 i. Frederick William7 Broderick.

+ 7 ii. Melba Charlotte Broderick.

Generation No. 3

6. Frederick William7 Broderick (Alice L.6 Stuttmeister, Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) He married (1) ?? Babour Bef. 1932. He married (2) ?? Abt. 1932.

Children of Frederick Broderick and ?? Babour are:

8 i. Frederick8 Broderick.

9 ii. Beverly Broderick.

Children of Frederick Broderick and ?? are:

+ 10 i. Daryl8 Broderick, born January 21, 1933.

11 ii. William Gardiner Broderick.

7. Melba Charlotte7 Broderick (Alice L.6 Stuttmeister, Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) She married (1) Victor Hugo Presco. He was born July 1885 in Hartford, CT. She married (2) Joseph Wilkin.

Child of Melba Broderick and Victor Presco is:

+ 12 i. Victor William8 Presco, born August 12, 1923; died November 1994.

Generation No. 4

10. Daryl8 Broderick (Frederick William7, Alice L.6 Stuttmeister, Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) was born January 21, 1933. She married Paul Bulkley.

Child of Daryl Broderick and Paul Bulkley is:

13 i. Kimberly9 Bulklley.

12. Victor William8 Presco (Melba Charlotte7 Broderick, Alice L.6 Stuttmeister, Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) was born August 12, 1923, and died November 1994. He married Rosemary Rosamond.

Children of Victor Presco and Rosemary Rosamond are:

+ 14 i. Mark9 Presco, born September 07, 1945.

+ 15 ii. Greg Presco, born October 08, 1946.

+ 16 iii. Christine Presco, born October 24, 1947; died March 26, 1994.

+ 17 iv. Vicki Presco, born May 14, 1952.

Generation No. 5

14. Mark9 Presco (Victor William8, Melba Charlotte7 Broderick, Alice L.6 Stuttmeister, Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) was born September 07, 1945.

Child of Mark Presco is:

18 i. Cean10 Presco, born 1969.

15. Greg9 Presco (Victor William8, Melba Charlotte7 Broderick, Alice L.6 Stuttmeister, Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) was born October 08, 1946.

Child of Greg Presco is:

19 i. Heather10 Hanson.

16. Christine9 Presco (Victor William8, Melba Charlotte7 Broderick, Alice L.6 Stuttmeister, Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) was born October 24, 1947, and died March 26, 1994. She married (1) Garth Benton. She married (2) Larry Sidle.

Child of Christine Presco and Garth Benton is:

20 i. Shannon10 Sidle, born 1968.

17. Vicki9 Presco (Victor William8, Melba Charlotte7 Broderick, Alice L.6 Stuttmeister, Dorthia Matilda5 Oltman, Jurgen4 Oltmann, Jacob3, Jurgen2, Peter1) was born May 14, 1952. She married James Dundon.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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