Harry, Meghan, Archie, Angelmund

I sent my Angel to protect Harry and Meghan a year ago on January 9, 2020. I was shown their moves on the Royal Chessboard – before they were made.

John ‘The Seer’

My Angel Guides Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Posted on January 9, 2020 by Royal Rosamond Press

The Duke and Duchess may find a home in America, or, Canada. I saw this coming. There can be no doubt I am a great prophet.

My angel bids me to bless my daughter, my unborn daughter, and Robert Dew whose kin may be on the Royal Plantagenet Roll. I can now identify my deep concern, being, when I die who will inherit my Guardian Angel? I must ignore the pretentions of Patrice Hanson, and behold Heather Hanson – as she deserved to be seen – before she was born. My offspring are Angelic Heirs, and are Prince Harry, Meghan, and Archie!

I have spent thousands of hours establishing the Royal Rosamond Brand that I have connected to the Royal Windsors. Let those who have intercepted, or, delayed, this Brand from being received by my daughter, step aside. I have the end of my autobiography ‘Capturing Beauty’. A Prince of England’s Rose, and his blessed wife and child, are coming to America. I bless this Adventure!

My great great grandfather, Reverend John Wilson, and his father, are wearing radiant smiles in heaven, they never dreaming a Prince of England would consider making America their home. A thorough study of the Massachusetts Bay Colony may reveal a Royal Plan that includes Harvard. I suggest Harry and Meghan visit this college.

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press



In a shock announcement on Wednesday, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex revealed their plans to step back from royal duties and “transition into a new working model” and become “financially independent.”A trademark for their brand ‘Sussex Royal’ may help on that front.The couple submitted an application for a UK trademark that would cover hundreds of items under the categories of printed matter, clothing, campaigning, charitable fundraising, education and social care services.According to the government body’s website, Prince Harry and Meghan applied for the trademark back in June. The application was published on the website of the UK’s Intellectual Property Office in December. It would apply to both the name ‘Sussex Royal’ and to their charitable organization ‘The Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.’


Prophet of Homosexuals

Church of American Anglican Puritans

Following the Great Departure of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from the royal family, which some are calling Megxit, a majority of Canadians say they’d support the Duke of Sussex taking Julie Payette’s place as the next governor general.

More than 60 per cent of Canadians said they support the appointment of Prince Harry to governor general, found a Postmedia poll conducted by Dart and Maru/Blue Voice Canada.

“There’s enthusiasm for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle because in many ways, they’re celebrities,” said John Wright, a partner at Dart. He outlined the couple’s heavy involvement in Canada, from the prince opening the Toronto Invictus Games in 2017 to the years that Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, lived in Canada, filming the drama series Suits.

Church of American Anglican Puritans

Posted on December 14, 2019by Royal Rosamond Press

WASHINGTON, DC — NOVEMBER 1: The Right Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori presents the staff to her successor The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, the 27th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and Primate, during his installation ceremony at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, November 1, 2015. (Photo by Nikki Kahn/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

I believe I amd destined to form a New Anglican Church of America, called Church of American Anglican Puritans….CAAP

Right after I wrote the above I went looking for my post about Jesus saying he has come for the Sinner – not the Righteous. I gasped when I found it. There appear my Angel with a light around her head – and she looks like Miriam Starfish Christling…..who has a halo around her head at the end of my Bond book and movie ‘The Royal Janitor’.

Last night I grieved for the absence of my two sisters in the world. Our mother was a great sinner. An angel visited Christine and Vicki when they were nine and five. I considered that I had lost my Angel before I went to bed. Now she is manifest. She led me to Jonah, who left the Anglican Church and went over to the Russian Orthodox Church. Is he leading American Christians to Putin. Bishop Curry has to know Jonah. Michael has prepared The Way for a reform of the American Anglican Church – that is totally inclusive – which was, and is, the True Will of Jesus. Everyone is worthy of a halo!

John Presco – John Wilson Rosamond

“I Have Come For The Sinner, Not The Righteous!”

Posted on April 16, 2017by Royal Rosamond Press

Jesus made a strange statement that took me fifteen years to solve the riddle in it.

“I have come, not to get the upright, but sinners, so that they may be turned from their sins. ”

When I began to study the Bible at fifty years of age I had no problem with looking at the teaching of the Jews. When I read the Sanhedrin made a law stating no Rabbi need minster to a man or woman premarked a sinner by God while inside their mother’s womb, I had found the key to Jesus’s miracles and Christianity. Jesus came to get rid of this law, and as a Go’El Redeemer put an end to INHERENT SIN FROM THE PARENTS. Jesus declared there were no longer any BORN SINNERS!

This is why Rabbi Jesus died on the cross. This transference of evil from adults to the unborn, was over. This is very key, because Paul Weyrich and the false Pro-Life movement he invented in order to undermine the Civil Rights Movement, put Trump in office and is dictating to him. These demons are going after women who have had, and want, abortions. Last night, on SNL, Steve Bannon is hauled out of the Oval Office by an every greater Demon. This is Paul Weyrich.

Leaders of the Liberal Left will not even read this blog. They are vain creatures like Paul. They have to believe they have all the answers, thus they put us in the prison of Dumb Dulity. I will show you how to break the chains of your political vanity.

Look at how Paul is dressed in the video below. This is exactly how Satan would dress.

Jon ‘The Nazarite’

The Episcopal Church’s first black leader

Curry became the Episcopal Church’s first African-American leader when he was elected in 2015. But he was known even before that.

Buckingham Palace shares image of Queen's official consent for Prince Harry's marriage

Buckingham Palace shares image of Queen’s official consent for Prince Harry’s marriageHe gained fame for his 2012 sermon “We need some crazy Christians.” In the sermon, Curry, who was then the bishop of North Carolina, quoted several versions of the Bible characterizing Jesus as someone who was thought to be out of his mind.“They thought he was crazy!” Curry proclaimed to laughter. “And he was! He is!”He went on to say that the followers of Jesus need those same characteristics.“And those who would follow in his footsteps, those who would be his disciples, are called and summoned and challenged to be just as crazy as Jesus.”Curry’s sermon went viral and was eventually turned into a book titled “Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus.”

After decades of separation, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia officially signed the Act of Canonical Communion with the Moscow Patriarchate on 17 May 2007, restoring the canonical link between the churches. This also effected a split with the much diminished Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC), which remained within the True Orthodoxy movement.

The jurisdiction has around 400 parishes worldwide and an estimated membership of over 400,000 people.[3] Of these, 232 parishes and 10 monasteries are in the United States, with 92,000 adherents and over 9,000 regular church attendees.[1] ROCOR has 13 hierarchs, with male and female monasteries in the United StatesCanadaAustraliaNew ZealandWestern Europe and the Americas.[4]



Jonah and his legal representative engaged in negotiations with the OCA for several months, beginning sometime before November 9, 2012.[31] These negotiations eventually resulted in an agreement with the Holy Synod of the OCA regarding his retirement on May 27, 2013, during a meeting at St. Tikhon’s Monastery with Jonah’s future successor, then-Archbishop Tikhon, the current primate of the OCA, and other Synod members.[32]

On June 15, 2015, Metropolitan Jonah was released from the Orthodox Church in America in order for him to be accepted as a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.[2][3]


Amid the hype in the lead-up to the royal nuptials, it was reported that Meghan Markle was quietly baptized and confirmed as an Anglican at St James’s Palace in London in early March. Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual leader of the Church of England, is said to have performed the private ceremony.

Read moreThe ‘Markle sparkle’: Why Prince Harry’s fiancée reminds people of Princess Diana

Though Markle attended a Catholic high school in Los Angeles, she was raised in a Protestant home. Indeed, her father is a member of the US Episcopal Church, which is part of the Anglican Communion, the umbrella arm of one of the world’s largest Christian faiths that numbers some 85 million people in over 165 countries. Nonetheless, it’s understood that Markle was never baptized.

Queen Elizabeth II wears a blue outfit with red-trimmed bow on her blue hat (picture-alliance/empics/J. Barlow)

Queen Elizabeth II: head of the Church of England

Markle’s decision to be confirmed as an Anglican was in no way obligatory. Yet her late-life baptism shouldn’t be surprising as her fiance’s grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, is the leader and Supreme Governor of the Church of England — even if this is largely a ceremonial role.

Church of the Reformation

Anglicanism grew up in the late Middle Ages out of the Protestant Reformation that was then sweeping across Europe, and officially came into being with the formation of the Church of England in 1534.

This English Reformation began when a dispute between King Henry VIII (1491-1547) and the Roman Papacy over the legality of royal marriages caused the English bishops to break away from Rome in 1531 and declare that Henry — rather than the Pope — was the head of the English Church.

Read morePrince Harry and Meghan Markle set wedding date for May 19

 Merchandisers are already preparing for the big day

Two years later, the English Parliament passed a law that made King Henry the secular head of the new Church in England — a role the English royal family retains to this day.

Reverend Christopher Easthill, Rector of the Anglican/Episcopal Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury, points out that Catholic roots remain. “We say that we are Catholic and Reformed, Catholic because in our Reformation we have kept a great deal of the structure and liturgy of the Catholic Church.”

Indeed, Henry VIII remained a “staunch Catholic,” Easthill notes, with the King writing a critical essay of the German reformer Martin Luther and his teachings. As a result, he was awarded the title of “Defender of the Faith” by the Pope — despite his separation from Rome.

Nonetheless, since 1549 the Book of Common Prayer has set out the distinct prayers, sacraments, ecclesiastical actions and ministries of the Anglican Church.

Walking With Miriam Starfish

Posted on August 25, 2019by Royal Rosamond Press

I was making a video today, when all of sudden – there she was – Miriam Starfish Christling! I gasped! I had been posting on Miriam. Meghan had come up the street onto 5th. as I approached. We had a very important and miraculous conversation. Two years ago I decided I wanted a Christian theologian in my Bond movie. I had Miriam’s father going to the University of Oregon, and her mother to Northwestern where I used to study in their library. Meghan studies theology at Northwestern Christian University. What are the odds? This is the first time I returned to reporting on Bohemian Eugene.  The timing was impeccable, a case of synchronicity, prophecy – and being ordained! Where is she going? I can’t believe a young man has not hit on her. I did not hesitate to talk to her. I knew she was Starfish on the outside – and in! If she knows martial arts, I will hire her.


When there was talk about the new Bond movie, I felt British Intelligence is ignoring the Christian-right in America. Then, Trump is elected. Today, POTUS is at the G7 causing trouble. Evangelicals don’t see it that way. There are two distinct warring camps. I wanted to have a cross-ever, a melding of minds. Consider my video of Belle.

In using my search on this blog, I typed in “Starfish Miriam”. My mind is blown! I found a post I lost about two rivers merging to give the name of Merovech.  Armstrong’s heir apparent claims the Franks descend from the royalty of Troy, and became the Dukes of Brabant in the area of the city of Woudrichem. My long study, is complete. My movie, is ready to be made. Meghan is as tall as I am. I had to capture her crossing the street.

John Presco

Copyright 2019

Roozemond and Rose

The Anglican Church in America (ACA) is a Continuing Anglican church body and the United States branch of the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC). The ACA is separate from the Episcopal Church and is not a member of the Anglican Communion. It comprises 5 dioceses and around 5,200 members.


The Anglican Church in America was created in 1991 following extensive negotiations between the Anglican Catholic Church (ACC) and the American Episcopal Church (AEC). The effort was aimed at overcoming disunity in the Continuing Anglican movement. This was only partially successful. Most ACC parishes declined to enter the new ACA, resulting in a continuing existence for the ACC, while the remainder of its parishes and some of its bishops joined the AEC in forming the new church. In 1995, some parishes which had formerly been part of the AEC, primarily in the eastern states and the Pacific Northwest, withdrew from the ACA and formed the Anglican Province of America under the leadership of Bishop Walter Grundorf.

The Traditional Anglican Communion had been seeking unity with the Roman Catholic Church while still retaining aspects of its Anglican heritage.[1] In 2007, in Portsmouth, England, all TAC bishops present accepted the ministry of the Bishop of Rome and the Cathechism of the Catholic Church and requested a means of establishing full communion. The petition was signed on the altar.[2] The Vatican has a record of making some accommodations for Anglicans. In 1980, the Pastoral Provision was issued which allowed the creation of the Anglican Use and the establishment of Anglican Use parishes within dioceses of the United States.[3] These parishes were initially composed of former members of the Episcopal Church. [3]

The Vatican answered the requests of various Anglican groups for full communion by issuing the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus, thus opening the possibility of corporate reunion with Rome for some Anglicans. On March 3, 2010, in Orlando, Florida, the eight members of the House of Bishops of the ACA voted unanimously to accept the Pope’s proposal by formally petitioning the Vatican for a personal ordinariate in the United States.[4][5] The ACA petition to establish an ordinariate in the United States urged it be established “as soon as possible” and indicated that they were establishing an interim governing council.[6]

In September 2010, however, the bishop of the ACA Diocese of the West, Daren K. Williams, announced that the bishops were divided on the matter and that parishes had left the church since the earlier news broke that union with the Roman Catholic Church was anticipated by the bishops. He also stated that talks between the ACA and the Anglican Province of America concerning a possible intercommunion agreement between the two were planned.[7] That agreement was finalized in September, 2011. As of 2016, a reconciliation committee with bishops and priests from the ACA and the APA, under the leadership of Bishop George Langberg, is working on ways to unite the two churches.

On February 5, 2011, the chancellor of the Anglican Church in America issued a statement on behalf of the bishops of the ACA announcing that the church would remain a Continuing Anglican church. The statement also reported that one diocesan bishop who favored acceptance of the Pope’s proposal had submitted his resignation and that approximately fifteen parishes were expected to leave the ACA with him.[8]

Brian R. Marsh is president of the ACA House of Bishops and George Langberg is vice-president.[9][10]

His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah was born James Paffhausen on October 20, 1959, in Chicago, IL, and was baptized into the Episcopal Church. While still a child, his family later settled in La Jolla, CA, near San Diego. He was received into the Orthodox Church in 1978 at Our Lady of Kazan Moscow Patriarchal Church, San Diego, while a student at the University of California, San Diego. Later, he transferred to UC Santa Cruz, where he was instrumental in establishing an Orthodox Christian Fellowship.

After completing studies at UCSC, James attended St. Vladimir’s Seminary, graduating with a Master of Divinity degree in 1985 and a Master of Theology in Dogmatics in 1988.

He went on to pursue studies towards a Ph.D. at Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, but interrupted those studies to spend a year in Russia.

In Moscow, working for Russkiy Palomnik (”The Russian Pilgrim”) at the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate, he was introduced to life in the Russian church, in particular monastic life. Later that year, he joined Valaam Monastery, having found a spiritual father in the monastery’s Abbot, Archimandrite Pankratiy. It was Archimandrite Pankratiy’s spiritual father, the Elder Kyrill at Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, who blessed James to become a priestmonk. He was ordained to the diaconate and priesthood in 1994 and in 1995 was tonsured to monastic rank at St. Tikhon’s Monastery, South Canaan, PA, having received the name Jonah.

Returning to California, Fr. Jonah served a number of missions and was later given the obedience to establish a monastery under the patronage of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco. The monastery, initially located in Point Reyes Station, CA, recently moved to Manton in Northern California, near Redding. During his time building up the monastic community, Fr. Jonah also worked to establish missions in Merced, Sonora, Chico, Eureka, Redding, Susanville, and other communities in California, as well as in Kona, HI.

In the spring of 2008, the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America elevated Fr. Jonah to the rank of Archimandrite and he was given the obedience to leave the monastery and take on the responsibilities of auxiliary bishop and chancellor for the Diocese of the South.

Metropolitan Jonah’s episcopal election took place on September 4, 2008, at an extraordinary meeting of the Holy Synod of Bishops. Earlier in the summer, his candidacy was endorsed by the Diocese of the South’s Diocesan Council, shortly after he had participated in the diocese’s annual assembly.

Metropolitan Jonah was consecrated Bishop of Fort Worth and Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of the South, at St. Seraphim Cathedral, Dallas, TX, on Saturday, November 1, 2008. On Wednesday, November 12, 2008, he was elected Archbishop of Washington and New York and Metropolitan of All America and Canada at the 15th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, in Pittsburgh, PA.

On July 7, 2012, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America accepted Metropolitan Jonah’s resignation from the Metropolitan See with the title “His Eminence, Metropolitan Jonah, former Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All-America and Canada”.

Metropolitan Jonah was released on June 12, 2015 to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Curry, the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, was the first African-American presiding bishop when elected in 2015.

Welby will preside over the exchange of vows, while the service itself will be conducted by the Dean of Windsor.

“The love that has brought and will bind Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle together has its source and origin in God, and is the key to life and happiness,” Curry said in a statement. “And so we celebrate and pray for them today.”


Even though Meghan Markle married a member of the British royal family in an English castle today, she managed to honor her American heritage multiple times throughout the royal wedding ceremony. Here’s all the ways she blended American traditions with English ones:

Episcopal Bishop Michael Curry

For starters, she and Prince Harry invited the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, to give the sermon at their service. The royal family belongs to the Church of England, so inviting the Episcopalian bishop—the head of the Anglican Church in America—was a significant nod to Meghan Markle’s home.

In his sermon, Bishop Curry referenced America several times, quoting Martin Luther King Jr. and reciting lines from a traditional African American spiritual, “There is a Balm in Gilead.”

Read the powerful sermon in its entirety here.

A break from royal tradition

Harry and Markle’s choice of an American pastor is a break from royal custom. Traditionally, addresses at royal weddings are given by senior clergy from the Church of England.

The Episcopal Church is largely known as the US branch of the Anglican Communion, which includes the Church of England.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the leader of the Church of England and spiritual head of the Anglican Communion, gave his blessing to Curry’s invitation.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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