German Forty-Eighters in Chile

Before Conservative Germans went after the Jews, they went after the Freethinkers and Forty-Eighters who were forced to flee their homeland in 1848. The Chilean government encouraged these bright, modern-thinking men and women to seek refuge in their nation, they not giving a rat’s ass if they did not believe Adam and Eve propagated the human race ten thousand years ago, because they wanted educated doctors, engineers, and other proffessional people to help bring their government into the next century, help them build a infrastructure.

How ironic that intelligent Jews who fled Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, are empowering ignorant Fake Christians backed by Americas Greedy Billionaires who made their fortune on the backs of bright futuristic peoples. And then they blame it on the poor, this rush back to the Stupid Stoneage in preparation for the Blessed Doomsday where many wonderful manmade things will be destroyed by King Killer Jesus! I’m sure the Chilean government would not invite the End Days Darbyites to come live in chile. But, here are the Israelites inviting them to come to Israel, and take over OUR Secular Government! How smart is that?

In the stupefied evangelized city I live in, I can’t get anyone to recognize; least honor the Fremonts and the Forty-Eighters that backed all their efforts in the West. In Chile, MY PEOPLE have a statue erected in their memory, a big THANK YOU! In Springfield got a screaming eagle on a wall with – GOD BLESS AMERICA! And then destroy America for the sake of the Fake Christians?!!!

Evangelical Tea-Baggers are opposing Obama’s plan to put folks back to work repairing our infrastructure – just because he is a black man, and – NOT ONE OF THEM!

Jon Presco

On microfische #1609199, Family History Center, Item 9 –

It states that the `HERMAN’ left HAMBURG Sept. 3, 1851, arrived December 4,
1851 in the port of Valdivia, page 56. Then it says Ship `HERMAN’ under
the command of Captain O.A. Kleingarn, left HAMBVRG, December, 1852 and
made for Valdivia and Valparaio, arriving July 31, 1852.

There must be a mistake in dates. The first is the passenger list, and
the other bit was on another page giving more detailed information, but it
is rather confusing. What year did my ancestor arrive in Chili? I found my
ancestor, Friedrich Wilhelm Stuttmeister on the list, and a much needed
clue. It stated he was from Philadelphia. I have been looking at New York
port of entry, so now I will look for arrivals from Germany to Phiadelphia.

The other puzzler is, did the HERMAN stop in Philadelphia before going on
to Valparaiso, and pick up passengers? My ancestor arrived in the US
before 1844, as he was married on that date, so eight years later he is
traveling to Chili, and what was the attraction? And where was his wife?
More puzzles! Or did he travel back to Germany, and take this emmigrant
ship to Chili from Hamburg? I guess I cannot rule that out.
Has anyone done any extra reading about the Germans who went to Chili? I
noticed from the passenger list, broken down by occupations, there were
three doctors, l lawyer, and various professions represented, along with a
few farmers, carpenters, etc. which I found intriguing. Stuttmeister did
not travel as a physician, but as a `Commercial’. He was a doctor.
Anyone have any comments on this?

The first German colonisation was at the Llanquihue lake and in the Frontera. Encouraged by these first successes in 1846 by Philippi, thirty settlers from Hessenwere recruited for Bella Vista. A further 1,000 Germans followed in 1848, mostly inspired by the events of the revolution to begin a new life overseas; besides craftsmen, many university graduates were involved. Arriving in 1851, their numbers were supplemented by skilled workers (beer-brewers, tanners, furniture makers) and included academics such as pharmacists, professors and scientific investigators. In 1852 Germans founded Deutsche Player Maiten, Volcan and Puerto Octay, as well as in 1853, Puerto Montt. Llanquihue, Frutillar and Puerto Varas were settled with Germans in the same year. Between 1872-75, Nordboehmer Quilanto, lot Bajos, El Carril, Linea Plantanosa and new Braunau started. To the settlement of Germans in Valdivia Fritz Kindermann and Karl Anwandter contributed much. In the Frontera (area between the rivers Biobio and Tolten) were settled primarily colonists from Brandenburg, Pomerania and Switzerland.Many Germans moved also into the cities Valparaiso, Santiago, Temuco, Conception, Ancud and Magellanes. They had to endure hard times during the first years in the wilderness, but with determination they gradually became prominent and a most respected segment of Chilean society.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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3 Responses to German Forty-Eighters in Chile

  1. eduardost1 says:


    My ancestor was J. Tyroldt, from Culmbach (Germany) and went to Chile in the same ship as Mr. Stuttmeister (Hermann, Capt. Kleingarn, 1852). Do you have more information about the travel, some letters, or pictures? I am writing a book about the german inmigration to South America (Chile, Peru) in the years 1850-1855.
    My email is

    Thank you!

    • No. Let me know when your book is out. This history will be key in re-founding the Republican party and giving white folks a better and truer image of themselves. These ex-pats preformed miracles and got no credit.


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