“Hamas thought we COULD’NT do it!”

The Israeli government collapses
Stop the steal and seek the truth and encourage action rally for president Trump at the State Capitol.

The Appeal to Heaven flag flown underneath the American flag. EDUCATION IMAGES

Netan-Lie-To-You! thinks he is a very clever liar. In this video he claims the bombing of Hamas tunnels was a very successful operation, with low civilian casualties, because the IDF dropped leafles and called victims up on the phone – before a 2,000 pound bomb was dropped! Try this on…

“Hamas thought we WOULDNT do it“……because it would make Israel look bad. But – WE DID IT ANYWAY! We knew it was a Liars War, now, and in order to keep our Religious Crusaders in power, we sent our crack propaganda teams into major U.S. Universities to – make war protestors look bad. Pretty clever of us! Screw the ten thousand dead non-Jewish children!”

Two International Courts were not – DECIEVED! They saw very clearly – THE KILLER OF CHILDREN! Now the Holy Jewish Crusader is coming to MY COUNTRY to stink up our Capitol with his lies, with Holy Republicans in the bacfrund, making the sign of….THE NAZI CROSS! These Holy Law Makers appeared in court to back up a Serial Pussy Grabber, who fucked a porn star.!

In the next couple of moths I will focus on the RELIGIOUS MOTIVES of the Zionist Crusaders, who believed they were doing their – GOD’S WILL! Consider the Zionist Supreme Court Flaggette.

Note how The Liar makes it out the court rulings happened right after Oct.7th. and has nothing to do with the how Israel CONDUCTED their invasion in order to save the face of the Zionist Crusaders.

“The World thought – WE WOULD’NT – do it. And now we are – FUCKED!”

Israel wants Biden to – LOSE!

John Presco


THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The top United Nations court ordered Israel on Friday to immediately halt its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah — but stopped short of ordering a cease-fire for the enclave. Although Israel is unlikely to comply with the order, it will ratchet up the pressure on the increasingly isolated country.

Criticism of Israel’s conduct in the war in Gaza has been growing, particularly once it turned its focus to Rafah. This week alone, three European countries announced they would recognize a Palestinian state, and the chief prosecutor for another international court requested arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, along with Hamas officials.

What To Know About The Controversial ‘Appeal To Heaven’ Flag Flown At Justice Samuel Alito’s Home

Mary Whitfill Roeloffs

Forbes Staff

Mary Roeloffs is a Forbes breaking news reporter covering pop culture.Follow


May 23, 2024,10:46am EDT

Updated May 23, 2024, 01:00pm EDT

A second controversial flag was spotted flying outside the New Jersey home of conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the New York Times first reported Wednesday, this time the little-known “Appeal to Heaven” flag that was carried by multiple capitol rioters in January of 2021 and has become a symbol for religious support of former president Donald Trump.

Stop the steal and seek the truth and encourage action rally for president Trump at the State Capitol.
The Appeal to Heaven flag flown underneath the American flag. EDUCATION IMAGES


The flag displays a lone pine tree against a white background underneath the line “An Appeal to Heaven” in black bold lettering, a phrase based on the writings of philosopher John Locke, who suggested people must “appeal to heaven” when there is no proper rule of law.

It was originally commissioned by a secretary of George Washington and flew on several military ships dating back to 1775, meant to signify a plea to a higher power for help saving early American colonies from the rule of the King of England, according to the book “The American Flag: An Encyclopedia of the Stars and Stripes in U.S. History, Culture, and Law.”

Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it became a symbol for resistance in New England colonies and was used to rally early American settlers against perceived oppression, “The American Flag” says.

More recently, the flag was adopted as the symbol of the “An Appeal to Heaven” initiative of South Carolina preacher Dutch Sheets, which aims to ensure the government of the United States is based on Christian values and support elected officials “who will commit to live and govern based on biblical, constitutional and Federalist principles.”

Today, the flag is tied closely to the “Stop the Steal” movement and is usually rooted in religious support of Donald Trump, the Times reported.

The Times confirmed the Appeal to Heaven flag was flown outside the Alito’s New Jersey vacation home at least four different times from July to September of 2023, during which time Fischer v. United States arrived at the Supreme Court, a case that will ultimately decide if Capitol rioters can be charged with felony obstruction for their actions on Jan.6.

Alito declined to answer the Times’ questions about the flag, the paper reported, and the Supreme Court did not immediately respond to Forbes’ request for comment Thursday.

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Trump Supporters Hold "Stop The Steal" Rally In DC Amid Ratification Of Presidential Election
Supporters of “Stop the Steal” fly the Appeal to Heaven flag on Jan. 6, 2021 n Washington, DC. GETTY IMAGES



Ted Cruz appears at a rally at the Shrine auditorium in San Antonio with current Governor of Texas Gregg Abbott and the former Governor Rick Perry.
A woman holds the Appeal to Heaven flag at a Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) rally in San Antonio. THE WASHINGTON POST VIA GETTY IMAGES



“It’s a paraphrase for trial by arms,” Princeton University historian Anthony Grafton told the Times of the Appeal to Heaven flag. “The main point is that there’s no appeal, there’s no one else you can ask for help or a judgment.”


The Appeal to Heaven flag is the second controversial flag found to have been flown outside the Alito home. The Times earlier this month reported that the American flag was flown upside down—another symbol among supporters of “Stop the Steal”— outside of the Alito home in Virginia days before the inauguration of President Joe Biden. Alito told the Times his wife raised the inverted flag during an argument with a neighbor.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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