Vicious Jew Attacks Democrats

By sabotaging imminent peace, Hamas sadly derails the transformation of the region which had started with the Abraham Accords shepherded by Jared Kushner. (Getty Images/MAHMUD HAMS)

By sabotaging imminent peace, Hamas sadly derails the transformation of the region which had started with the Abraham Accords shepherded by Jared Kushner.

Levin stated in 2013 that “the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government” and described President Obama as a Muslim Brotherhood “sympathizer”. He speculated in November 2014 that, after the 2014 mid-term elections, Obama might go “full Mussolini“.[86][87]

While Jewish babies are being swung about by vicious invaders, and Jewish women are being thrown into vehicles and taken hostages’, Mark Levine launched the most rabid and evil attack on the President of te United States – in the name of Sarah Palin?

Yesterday, I turned on Fox news to see how they were covering The War. I beheld a rabid dog of a demon who was having evil mental sex with the mind of ignorant gentiles. I could tell he was going after Swing Voters, and Americans who did not vote for Sarah Palin, and thus spoiled the perfect Union of Evangelicals with Hard-line Rightwing leaders of Israel – that will ensure the U.S. will send billions of more dollars to Israel – and fight in more Crusader Wars like the one George Bush and the Republican’s launched against Saddam Hussein, that led to The Birth of ISIS who went out of their way to be as vicious, and murderous, as any ancient army who fought in the great battles of the Bible, the Torah, the Old Testament. In the Torah we read about the dashing of babies against rocks.

The point I will be making, is, that the vicious and angry attacks by the enemies of Israel can no longer be called terrorist attacks by monsters who want to enforce the idea that Israel does not have the right to exist, because Israeli leaders have not condemned Putin and Kirill’s declaration – that the Ukraine does not have the right to exist.

Mark Levine is a General in the Republican Culture War launched against the Democrats’ and their alleged Socialist Ways. I accuse General Levine of taking my daughter and grandson, hostage, and using member of the Tea Party to destroy me, and all Radical Seniors over seventy. Genial Demon Levine really wants to see some Americans not to do well, while HIS PEOPLE – prosper! Capturing Swing Votes is THE FINAL SOLUTION for half the world. Being oppressed by a Emperor Autocrat is another solution millions of Evangelicals – prefer! Don’t Israelis get FREE MEDICAL and is abortion allowed? How about LGTPQ folks? Are they allowed to epress themselves in Israel?

The world knows what’s coming. Israel has already cut the electricity off, and stopped supplies to the Palestinian Concentration Camp. Jewish Leaders are begging for NO RESTRAINTS THIS TIME so their army can go in – and wipe out the enemy of Zionism – with no troublesome conscience

Levine called for the end of The Speakership War so a United America can come to the aid of Israel. He did ask for support of Ukraine. But as I watched this devil go into a Trance of Hatred, what he really wanted, was to call in a airstrike on the White House – because he knows the Republican Party – LIES IN RUIN!

I support Reform Judaism.

John Presco

With Hamas launching a surprise attack on Israel on October 7, the other nation embroiled in a large-scale conflict – Ukraine – commented on the situation. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his countrymen had special “sensitivity” towards the situation. His comments came after the Russian government reiterated its support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Watch the full video for more.

Relatives and friends mourn near coffins.



OCT. 7, 2023 1:13 PM PT

HROZA, Ukraine —  

U.N. and local investigators searched for answers Saturday at the site of a Russian missile strike on this small Ukrainian village that days earlier turned its sole cafe to rubble and killed more than 50 people gathered for a dead soldier’s wake, according to top officials in Kyiv. Residents that same day began laying their lost friends to rest.

A 2016 study which sought to measure incendiary discourse on talk radio and TV found that Levin scored highest on its measure of “outrage”. The study looked at 10 prominent radio and television programs, known for incendiary discourse on political matters, and scored content on the basis of whether it used “emotional display”, “misrepresentative exaggeration”, “mockery”, “conflagration”, “slippery slope”, “insulting” or “obscene language”, and other factors, finding that Levin was the radio host who engaged in the most outrage. The study found that he utilized “outrage speech or behavior at a rate of more than one instance per minute.”[2] In How Democracies Die, Harvard University political scientists Daniel Ziblatt and Steven Levitsky write that Mark Levin was among the popular right-wing talk radio hosts who “helped to legitimate the use of uncivil discourse” in American politics, and contribute to the erosion of democratic norms.[67] According to Politico, Levin has a “penchant for hysteria.”[68]

In 2009, Levin described as “absolutely right” the statement by Sarah Palin that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) includes death panels to decide whether elderly people or sick children were worthy of medical care.[81][82] In 2011, a caller to Levin’s show, claiming to be a neurosurgeon, said that the Department of Health and Human Services had issued a document saying that people over age 70 would not be allowed to receive medical treatments. Levin said to the caller, “so Sarah Palin was right.” The call was later revealed to be a hoax and the death panel claims were revealed to be false.[83][84][85] In late 2013, Levin said there were similarities between a gathering of “hand-picked” supporters of the Affordable Care Act chosen by the Obama administration to Nazi Sturmabteilung or “Brownshirts” drawing comparisons of the propaganda techniques of the two groups.[86]

Levin stated in 2013 that “the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our government” and described President Obama as a Muslim Brotherhood “sympathizer”. He speculated in November 2014 that, after the 2014 mid-term elections, Obama might go “full Mussolini“.[86][87]

In February 2015, Levin stated that President Obama was “seeking to destroy Israel” because “Obama has an affinity for Islam far more than Christianity or Judaism.” He blamed Obama for the Ebola crisis: “the political policies of this administration which opens the door wide to people from the poorest parts of the world. We don’t know who they are, we don’t know if they have diseases.”[86]

Sephardi Plantation Land and Salvador Arms Grant

Posted on May 18, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

Our kindred, Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, converted to Judaism. He son married a Getty, and thus we are kin to Talitha Getty, and Ian Fleming. His James Bond, became an agent involved in the College of Arms. This is the real deal. I am the Real James Bond, and Fleming’s Heir. My daughter and grandson, are Heirs to this history, whether they want to be or not.

Josef de Mottos gave me a call after finding my blog on his family.

“You know more about my family then I do. I went and bought thirty acres of this “Jews Land” I am well off.”

“I would like to take a walk on your land with my daughter and newborn grandson.”

“Tell you what. I will give you an acre!”

Then, he saw more of my history, where I point out the lion on Salvador’s coat of arms, as being the Lion of Judah……..and King David! Josef brags to his family. The deal is off. This gift of land would tie me to David – and Jesus! Conflict! Then, he read about his kinship to the Royal House of Windsor! To his credit, he realized how valuable this history is!

Behold, a dock! Let’s put a boat at the end of that dock! What say ye?

Jon Presco

Copyright 2018

Russian President Putin and Uzbek President Mirziyoyev meet in Moscow

MOSCOW, Oct 7 (Reuters) – Russia expresses its most serious concern at the sharp aggravation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said on Saturday.

“We call on the Palestinian and Israeli sides to implement an immediate ceasefire, renounce violence, exercise the necessary restraint and establish, with the assistance of the international community, a negotiation process aimed at establishing a comprehensive, lasting and long-awaited peace in the Middle East,” she said in a statement.

Russia is already wielding Palestinian militant attacks on Israel as a weapon to try to erode Western backing for Kyiv and distract the West’s attention from Moscow’s war in Ukraine, according to a new assessment.

“The Kremlin is already and will likely continue to exploit the Hamas attacks in Israel to advance several information operations intended to reduce US and Western support and attention to Ukraine,” the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW) think tank said on Saturday.

Mark Levin: Let’s talk about the war in Ukraine

Fox News host Mark Levin gives his take on the United States’ role in the war in Ukraine on ‘Life Liberty & Levin.’ 

Fox News host Mark Levin defended the United States’ role in the war in Ukraine, saying it is similar to the support the French provided to the U.S. during the American Revolution. 


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He said the Ukrainian people are engaged in a similar fight to “maintain their independence and their liberty.”

British General Charles Cornwallis surrenders to General George Washington at Yorktown, Va.


“They did not attack Russia. They have not invaded Russia. They have not set up concentration camps in Ukraine where they’re bringing Russian children and women. They’ve not entered Russia and have committed acts of systemic torture, which the Russians have to the Ukrainians– gang rape, hanging people from ceilings and bridges, brutal genital castration and electric shock treatment, decapitation, burning people alive, crushing their faces with sledgehammers, mass graves,” he said. 

Levin continued, “This is from a U.N. report. And the U.N. is hardly in the back pocket of the United States and Ukraine. And it just came out. And of course, the Russians are trying to freeze the Ukrainians by hitting energy sources. They’re trying to level their apartment buildings. Twenty-five percent of the Ukrainian population has had to flee as refugees. And as I said, many are being trained in Russia and being enslaved, tortured and otherwise brutalized. Ukraine isn’t doing any of that.”

The “Life Liberty & Levin” host added that when Russia took over Crimea in 2014 and a part of Georgia in 2008, “nobody lifted a finger to help.”

“Finland, which was neutral during most of World War II, is not neutral anymore. Finland wants to get into NATO and Finland supports the Ukrainians and is providing them with whatever equipment they have. Why? Because they know Putin has designs on Finland. How do they know that? Because a year and a half Putin said so. A year and a half ago, he said so. He also has designs on Poland and Romania and Moldova. How do we know that? Because he said so. Why don’t we listen to the man?” he questioned. 

Ukraine Cars night air raid in the village of Bushiv

Gutted cars following a night air raid in the village of Bushiv, 40 kilometers west of Kyiv, Ukraine, Friday, March 4, 2022. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)



He went on, “Two world wars started in Europe and we took no action until it was too late. We don’t have any troops in Ukraine. We don’t have any jet fighters in Ukraine. All we’re doing is providing them with the support. Kind of the support the French gave us during the Revolutionary War. However, the French actually did more.” 

“I am perplexed by those who want you to believe and who believe you are stupid– that this is a war here in the United States, between the intellectual elites in Washington and everybody else, we the people. And it’s funny that so many people who say this went to private schools and Ivy League schools and they never went to war while they’re pointing fingers at everybody else,” Levin said.

Levin argued that it would be “stupid” to believe that if the U.S. were to withdraw all aid from Ukraine, that suddenly everything would be better in the country. 

“How stupid is that? Or suddenly inflation would be reduced? That’s even dumber. Or suddenly all things ‘bad Biden’ and ‘Biden Democrats’ would turn around but for what we’re doing in Ukraine? Why do people make such imbecilic arguments?” he asked. 

He shared that he read some of the 2024 GOP hopefuls’ statements about the war in Ukraine and thought some were good and others weren’t, but said the candidates left out one small detail. 



“One thing I notice is very little is said about Russia and Putin and their threat to us, and they’re making threats against us and they’re a threat to Eastern Europe and eventually Western Europe, and their threats of nukes and all the other things that they’re doing, the access between Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, which is real. I didn’t see a lot of that in their statements,” he stated. 

He concluded, “It’s time for leaders to step up. I don’t care what they say on MSNBC and CNN. This is not a battle between rhinos and the populists, whatever that means. And they can’t even define themselves. This is a battle between patriots and conservatives and pacifists of both parties.” 

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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