I Am Prophet Risen From Dead

I predicted the new war in Israel. Today is my birthday. I was named after John the Baptist because I was born three days after Yom Kippur during a star-shower. I founded the World Temple on the Day of Atonement. Hamas attacked on the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. There will be a crescent moon with Venus in the night sky!

John ‘The Nazarite’


“This is the worst attack on Israel since the Yom Kippur War in 1973,” Blinken said Sunday during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “But there is a big difference. That was a conventional war between countries, between armies. This, a massive terrorist attack on Israeli civilians.”

The World Temple

Posted on September 24, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press


“From Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur of the fiftieth year, slaves would not return home but would not work either. The fields would not return to their hereditary owners, but the owners would eat, drink and rejoice with their crowns upon their heads. Then, when Yom Kippur arrived, the slaves would return home and the fields would revert to their hereditary owners.”

It has become manifest that I am the Prophet of the Lutheran-Protestant Church.

In 2011 I found a book on the Sanhedrin. It said they did away with the Jubilee Laws fifty years before Jesus was born. I concluded it was Jesus’s mission to RESTORE the Jubilee, FREE SLAVES, and RETURN ancient lands – TO FAMILY LINES! This is why Jesus goes to his HOMETOWN and declarers he – with God’s Blessing – has restored the Jubilee! And, he produces thirty pieces of silver, and throws it on the ground!

“I am the Go-el of Ruth who married Boaz who promised this land would remain in her family – forever! I have PAID the price of Liberty. Now, pleases remove your property, your sheep, the beam of your house – from my land!”

This is when THE EVICTED rushed Jesus, took hold of him – and tried to throw him off the cliff! Here is the HISTORIC JESUS – that I found! It was my destiny. To find my great grandparents, evicted from their graves in Belmont, and more kin evicted from the Oddfellow’s graveyard in San Francisco, the City that William Ralston built.

On the Day of Atonement, I claim the property where Carl Janke and his wife – were buried. I believe Carl had an agreement, even a Deed, that allowed his remains to rest here – to perpetuity! I demand the City of Belmont – remove all structures built on the Janke Family property, and with dignified religious observances – restored to the ground God made for them.

After a day of repentance and reflection, it is customary to have a meal to “break the fast.” Families, congregants and friends gather to eat together at sundown, which signals the end of the holiday.

I restore The Jubilee. Today is Yom Kippur.

In my book I will reveal why John the Baptist and his priestly linage wanted the Jubilee restored, and why Jesus was – ritually crucified in order to restore- The Kingdom of David. As the embodiment of David, Jesus broke fast with his followers on the Mount of Olives – on the Day of Atonement!

John ‘The Nazarite’

EXRTA! At 3;33 P.M on Yom Kippur I found this article on my phone. It says there was a ongoing argument over what day Yom Kippur fell on. I figured this out in 2011 – at least! Paul had to know the history of this argument. Did her really have dead Jesus’ permission to gift Gentiles with the crux of the Judaic religion – mins the Judaic Calendar! I am a valid theologian – and then some!

John ‘The Essene’


SUPPORTERS OF Hamas and Islamic Jihad take part in a rally last year in the southern Gaza Strip to celebrate a deadly shooting attack in Tel Aviv.© (photo credit: ATTIA MUHAMMED/FLASH90)

Was October 7 – the day Hamas invaded southern Israel and killed over 600 Israelis, wounded over 2,000, and kidnapped an unknown number at least in the dozens – the worst Israeli intelligence failure in history?

Probably looking back historians will still flag the 1973 Yom Kippur War as much worse because there were more deaths and because the state’s very existence was far more in danger.

But the IDF of 2023 is far more powerful than the IDF of 1973 and Hamas today is far weaker than Egypt and Syria were 50 years ago, so the issue is debatable.

How did Israel fall so far to such an inferior enemy?

Anatomy of a Prophecy

Posted on August 21, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

I predicted the new war in Israel. Today is my birthday.

Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel suggests a massive intelligence failure as the Israeli government appeared blindsided by the infiltration of Hamas fighters across the southern border and the launch of thousands of rockets.

The Hamas assault by air, land and sea also raised questions about why U.S. intelligence agencies apparently did not see it coming, experts and former intelligence officials said.

U.S. officials said that if the Israelis knew an attack was imminent, they did not share it with Washington.


Born Under a Shower of Stars

Posted on August 11, 2013 by Royal Rosamond Press


I was born October 8, 1946 two minutes after the sun set. An amazing star-shower was suddenly visible. The nurses in the maternity ward bid my mother to come to the window and look, but, was too spent having just delivered me.

Rosemary said she had a vision while she was giving birth to me, she telling herself she must not forget it. She forgot.

Rosemary named me after John the Baptist because she believed I was born on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. I was born three days after Yom Kippur.

When my Astrologer began her five hour (recorded) reading of my chart, she began
with these words;

“Jon, I have never seen a chart like yours, never knew it was possible. It
begins where all charts in theory begin, on the exact cusp of Pisces and Aries..
For this reason I had to move up the time of your birth ten minutes, or in
theory, you were not born. As it is now, you barely escaped becoming a veritable
prisoner in this lifetime, that is, all the information you came here to share.”

I believe I was born to die, and when I did, my clock was readjusted so my information could be set free. My astrologer said I am of the great Scorpion Scholars of the Biblical Wilderness who sting themselves in order to induce a near-death experience and behold the Creator, if only for a little while.

The large painting I did of Rena had her standing on a grassy hill after the sun
had set and the evening sky was a rainbow with stars coming out in the thalo
blue. There was a crescent moon cradling a star. Rena was wearing a thalo blue
cape the color of Carla Bruni’s sweater. I painted stars along the edge. For two
months I have been thinking of posting this photo, for the entity I saw was
wearing a thalo blue robe and had jet black hair filled with tiny stars like

My freed information needed the imput of female information. When our hands touched in the total darkness an amazing download began. It was and electrical experience.

Rena and I spent six weeks together. We never listened to a radio, watched TV..
or went to a movie. We had no friends. We had no electricity, and lived by
candlelight. But what we did every night on our mountain top, was watch the
sunset, and the gods paint the sky with stars. And then we went to be bed, and
in each other’s arms we dreamt a dream of long ago. And we go wherever the stars
took us that night.

Jon Gregory Presco

The October Draconids, in the past also unofficially known as the Giacobinids, are a meteor shower whose parent body is the periodic comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner. Almost all meteors which fall towards Earth ablate long before reaching its surface. The Draconids are best viewed after sunset in an area with a clear dark sky.
The 1933[1][2] and 1946[2] Draconids had Zenithal Hourly Rates of thousands of meteors visible per hour, among the most impressive meteor storms of the 20th century. Rare outbursts in activity can occur when the Earth travels through a denser part of the cometary debris stream; for example, in 1998, rates suddenly spiked[3][4] and spiked again (less spectacularly) in 2005.[5] A Draconid meteor outburst occurred[6] as expected[7][8][9] on 2011 October 8, though a waxing gibbous Moon reduced the number of meteors observed visually. During the 2012 shower radar observations detected up to 1000 meteors per hour. The 2012 outburst may have been caused by the narrow trail of dust and debris left behind by the parent comet in 1959.[10]

The Draconids get their name from the constellation Draco, the Dragon.

In 1933 and 1946, the Draconid outbursts were major – observers reported an astounding rate of 20,000 shooting stars an hour. An Irish astronomer described the 1933 episode like a flurry of snowflakes.



Three Psychics Saw My Death

Posted on October 8, 2019 by Royal Rosamond Press

Heather has sought the help of Mediums in order to see if it is true, that her mother’s mother is her protective angel. No Seer confirmed this.

Saint Francis and The Perfect Master

Posted on December 24, 2014by Royal Rosamond Press


How I Lost My Brother

Posted on August 18, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Vintage Brother Word Processor Model WP-760D UNTESTED | eBay

I lie in bed thinking about my Brother word processor tucked in my tent pitched on the private campground of a logger Michael Dundon worked for when he lived above Blue River, that burned down. After the Oakland fire, my landlord got weird with me. He suggested I, or my hippie friends, started the fire. Al was a drinking man, who told me his three sisters were seer–witches. after my prophetic dream came true. So, I fled with my Brother, and ended up back in Oregon living with Dundon until he confronted his wife about gambling another family fortune away. We stayed at the camp for two months, at least I did. She took him back and I was left out in the cold, got sick sick – and almost died. I ended up in homeless shelter with my Brother in storage. No novel witting on the ward. As I type, that private camp near Taylor Road – just escaped the Lookout Fire!

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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