Aikens Home on Santa Ray

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Rosamond Press

The Aikens family owned two homes on Santa Ray Avenue, located in the hills of Oakland. I believe the house that Chazen and Olvier went after was 676 Santa Ray that is worth $1,500,000 dollars today. This is a white area that the Aikens family knew they were changing. This made them targets.

Jon Presco

James E Aikens

James E Aikens is 80 Years old. James’s phone numbers include (510) 832-5610. James’s possible relatives include Walter T Aikens, Rickie W Aikens, Clyde L Aikens, Charles E Aikens, Saundra Ann Aikens, Walter T Aikens, Mattie Aikens, Linda B Boyette and Lee E Aikens.

James’s most recent address is 767 Santa Ray, Oakland, CA 94610. James previously lived at 797 Santa Ray, Oakland, CA 94610 for 1 year.

Walter T Aikens currently lives in Oakland, CA. Walter’s phone numbers include (510) 272-9016. Walter’s possible relatives include Rickie W Aikens…

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About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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