Abuse of an Artist

aarena22When Rena called sheriff, Dan Mayland, and filed a false police report wherein she claims I was stalking her, she in affect put up a WANTED poster in her county, and the whole State of Montana. How many citizens of the fine State, where my grandfather was born, have heard the egregious slander, and extreme abuse, coming from an old girlfriend who I claimed was my Muse, and was the Muse of my famous sister, Christine Rosamond Benton, the granddaughter of Royal Rosamond, who is kin to famous Benton artists. The Benton family also helped secure and procure the Oregon Territory for the United States.

Rena Eastons’ four page letter began with a recital of the dire straights she and her husband were in that could not help but solicit a desire to help this couple, which I publicly offered on my blog the day before Rena contacted the sheriff, and made false accusations against me. How can I not conclude Rena is still in that “dark and dangerous place” she told me about in her letter where she apologizes to me for “being a abusive girl”.

If Rena gets into therapy and seeks outside help in coming out of that “dangerous” place, then I will be forgiving. But, what I am really concerned about, is Rena approaching artists, writers, gallery owners – and even my rivals – to promote her, paint pictures of her, and publish her – after she deliberately destroyed our forty-four friendship, and my effort in my blogs to establish her as a famous Muse, and secure a place in my life for her as my Muse. I have put Rena on a pedestal and given her great credentials as a Muse. This is what she asked for in her letter.

The idea of Stalking came from nobodies stalking Stars and Celebreties. My later sister was a famous artist, and our kindred, Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, a Star and art collector. I highly suspect Rena’s real motive in filing a charge of Stalking against me, was to turn the tables, and be control of my creative legacy, that is a family legacy. Rena ‘The Janitor’ has been guilty of great Vanity that I believe has not faded in old age! She say she has friends, alas, but, when she was a superior beauty, she saw every woman as her rival.

Sheriff, Dan Mayland did mention a attorney Rena might hire in regards to what I posted on my blogs about her, and said he would monitor my blog in the future. I will consult my attorney and send a report to Dan Maylord, along with Mrs. Easton’s letter. I am going to ask him about the character of Mrs. Easton, and her husband and his friends, who might be “dangerous”.

I will be on the look out for any of my copyrighted material appearing in any media.

This false charge has caused me deep emotional distress. Thank God for this blog that has given me a means to express my deep hurt at this profound betrayal. The attempt to intimidate me, and silence me – has failed!

“Greg, I want you to know & listen. I apologize for being an abusive girl when our paths crossed in 1970. I had come out of a dark and dangerous place, and you helped me. Please forgive me. No one deserves abuse. I have learned a lot now.”

Note that Rena says “girl” rather then girlfriend. This suggest her husband has seen this letter. It also shows she has not learned a lot, and, she still looks down her nose on – everyone! To depict me as a sud-human monster, and employ people’s taxes to do so, is diabolical! This suggests Rena used me forty-four years ago, doesn’t it? Why do I suspect she used sheriff Dan Mayland?

How many Stalking reports has Ms. Easton filed. In her letter Rena says she is not the beauty she once was, thus, this remark;

“These days I feel more apprehensive about wolves instead of rapists.”

She has spotted the tracks of a wolf in the snow, that may be stalking her. No, wolf or man – has been stalking Rena. This is the case of “abusive girl” crying “Wolf” just to get some attention.

The most dangerous predator in the woods that day, could have been Rena, when she was a young and dangerous femme fatale.

I believe in talking to my friends I have solved the reason why Rena waited ten days before she filed her complaint with the sheriff. Mrs. Easton was waiting for the second letter from me, a real juicy love letter, that she would use against me, that she would show her poor cripple husband, who might give me a jungle, because, I gave Rena’s minister my phone number. Rena had that number, because she gave it Dan Mayland. Why didn’t Rena give me a call and ask me to clarify some misunderstandings that caused her to be fearful of me? You can’t tape telephone conversation and use them in a court of law. Rena was collecting EVIDENCE. How long has she been doing that? After ten days, Rena, and perhaps her husband, went to see the sheriff with what they had! Talk about a test of a Grail Knight!

I will not be placing Rena in ‘The Muse Hall of Fame’ but in ‘The Femme Fatal Hall of Fame’ right next to my mother, Rosemary Rosamond!

I have often looked at what would occur if they had met. It would be love at fist sight, they exchanging dangerous and fatal charms before they go to city hall and take out adoption papers!

‘Rosemary’s Daughter’ has released me from her forty-four year old spell she put on this Magician, who thanks to his doctor, was cured of his sexual desires – and his prostate cancer! Rena not being eighteen, anymore – helped!

I’m – free! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwwwwww!

P.S. I wonder if Rena’s husband ever verbalized this;

“Gee, he seems like a nice guy!”

Jon Presco

Copyright 2014

I designed the house you see for Rena and her husband who is a poor cattle rancher and farmer. I am going to write Rena a letter and see if she will help me finish my book, that, alas I want to make some money off, so this house can be built. This is what my grandfather would want me to do, because he ranched and farmed in Montana, and, Rena’s husband is in poor health, and my not be able to work his dream any longer! I can find no one more deserving person to be my Hier, than my Muse, who inspired me and my sister Christine.
Royal talks about his forty acres on the Buffalo River in Arkansas where he wants to build a camp for writers, hunters, and fishermen. I believe the house mentioned is on the cover of his good friend, Otto Rayburn’s magazine ‘Arcadian Life’. In a letter, Otto asks Royal if he knows any Californian Poets who would want to contribute to the Arcadian, a name that denotes a simple rural lifestyle like the one my Muse enjoys with her husband. I will be sending this, and other letters to a museum.



A femme fatale (/ˌfæm fəˈtɑːl/ or /ˌfɛm fəˈtɑːl/; French: [fam fatal]) is a stock character of a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations. She is an archetype of literature and art. Her ability to entrance and hypnotise her victim with a spell was in the earliest stories seen as being literally supernatural; hence, the femme fatale today is still often described as having a power akin to an enchantress, seductress, vampire, witch, or demon, having power over men.
The phrase is French for “fatal woman”. A femme fatale tries to achieve her hidden purpose by using feminine wiles such as beauty, charm, and sexual allure. In some situations, she uses lying or coercion rather than charm. She may also make use of some subduing weapon such as sleeping gas, a modern analog of magical powers in older tales. She may also be (or imply that she is) a victim, caught in a situation from which she cannot escape; The Lady from Shanghai (a 1947 film noir) is one such example. A younger version of a femme fatale may be called a fille fatale, or “fatal girl”.


About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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1 Response to Abuse of an Artist

  1. Reblogged this on Rosamond Press and commented:

    Proffesionals are worried about the affect the Isolate Decree will have on the mental health of human beings. Rena took herself prisoner when she was a child due to the extreme abuse she suffered.

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