The Madonnas In My Life







AArenaIs there a reason most of the women I have bonded with in my life-time, have that Madonna look.

At sixteen I came to believe Marilyn Godfrey was my Mary Magdalene. Above is a photo of Marilyn on her way to France on a steamer. The son of the movie director, Joseph Pasternak, invited Marilyn to go to Paris where her sister lived. Marilyn has the same cheeks my grandmother and her daughters have. Rena could have passed for a fifth sister. Then there is Anna, Mary’s mother, who looks like Leonardo’s painting of John the Baptist. Is there a reason for this?

All these published authors who spout about the Divine Feminine employing the name of a world famous artist. Where is the evidence? Where is the proof?

Wait a minute, wasn’t Christine Rosamond a world famous FEMALE artist?

Hush the thought! I suspect Ancient Aliens came to the aid of Rosamond when she crept into her closet at four years of age to draw in secret, and, they gave her a magic light-beam to render her Madonna-like women.

Jon Presco

Coyrght 2013

Several years ago I completed my Holy Communion after looking at my Wieneke kindred who belonged to the Order of Saint Francis. Mother Mary Dominica founded Briarcliff College. Mary is Mary Magdelene Rosamond’s cousin. Dominica’s brother, John, was a priest, and her sister, Philopena became Sister Mary Calista in the OSF. Rosa Wieneke became Sister Mary Petronella.

My mother Rosemay (Rose Mary) wanted me to a Franciscan Monk. I believed she named me after Father John, but, wanted my name spelled Jon. When a nurse put an H in Jon, my mother went into a rage and never called me John. At fifty I read about the argment Elizabeth and Zachariah had over the naming of their infant son. My younger sister was named, Victoria Mary, and was sent to Catholic school. Rosemay Rosamond had a hidden religious agenda. Let us make a list of the Marys.

Mother Mary Dominica
Sister Mary Calista
Sister Mary Petronella
Mary Magdalene Rosamond
Rosemary Rosamond
Victoria Mary Presco
Heather Marie Hanson

For Rosemary Rosamond to name her first daughter after the Christ, speaks volumes. When it came to the fame of Christine Rosamond Presco, Rosemary declared on several occasions;

“You prepared her way.”

This is a referrence to John the Baptist.

Above is a photo of Mary Magdalene Rosamnond who looks like a Madonna, a Fair Rosamond.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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