Put Out To Die

Yesterday my neighbor and friend, Owen, was thrown out of the hospital, sent home to die. His insurance had run out. Owen is an alcoholic dying of liver failure. Other neighbors and friends have tried to get him to stop drinking, but after the death of his wife six years ago, Owen doesn’t want to live – or stop feeling sorry for himself.

Owen drove a eighteen wheeler for most of his life, is a real good ol boy, and is retired. Owen listens to Rush Limbaugh and began to talk racist bullshit about parasites taking over America. I told him;

“Hate radio is killing you, Owen. Whenever you want to put that hate, and that beer down, give me a call.”

Owen is dying in his home, his mind gone due to toxic shock, he not aware he is a victim of Hate Radio that suggests parasites like Owen be put out to die.


About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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