Supreme Court Protects Artist

FILE: Mia Rose of Eugene, left, and Samira Jensen of Portland read literature as they attend a rally at Pioneer Courthouse in Portland, Ore., April 22, 2024, organized by Stop The Sweeps PDX. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the city of Grants Pass on Friday, June 28, 2024, in finding that local governments have the ability to remove outdoor homeless encampments.

FILE: Mia Rose of Eugene, left, and Samira Jensen of Portland read literature as they attend a rally at Pioneer Courthouse in Portland, Ore., April 22, 2024, organized by Stop The Sweeps PDX. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the city of Grants Pass on Friday, June 28, 2024, in finding that local governments have the ability to remove outdoor homeless encampments.Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPB

Homelessness rules in Oregon may not change much despite Supreme Court decision

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Fucking With Alley’s Friends

Posted on December 17, 2018 by Royal Rosamond Press

When I showed two Springfield cops Alley’s threat on my computer screen, they didn’t know what to make of it, or, know what to do. They never got a ‘Literary Trouble’ call before. They struggled with the idea I never met this woman, as I did. I pointed out the threat – that if I fuck with her friends, I am fucking with her.

“I don’t know who her friends are. Just the one, Belle! But, I didn’t know – at the time! I don’t think you cops want anyone to own such power.”


When I entered Ken Kesey Square, I did so as an artist who was attending the Eugene Art Walk, as I did many time before. When Belle Burch entered Ken Kesey square, she did so as an Advocate For The Homeless, and with the supervision of at least one attorney who had represented her, and other members of SLEEPS – after Jean Stacey encouraged them to enter the office of the city Manager – and be arrested! Jon had closed the Whoville homeless camp, and these attorneys, and the people they represent, were not happy. They took out their LEGAL UNHAPPINES on me, thus setting a Legal Precedence unlike the any World Court has ever witnessed.

After getting an evil threat from Alley Valkyrie, who has enjoyed much legal representation in the suits she and her advocates have brought against the City of Eugene, I went to her Facebook, and eavesdropped. There were around fifty messages concerning me, along with MORE THREATS. attorney at Law, Mary Broadhurst, tries to intervene on my behalf.

“Mary Broadhurst: one can call someone out by noting observations without using labels. just sayin’ I would like to see compassion even for someone who is making some errors in how he connects with the world through the internet.

May 9 at 9:10am · Edited · Like · 1

Alley Valkyrie: Is “making some errors”? Come on, Mary. Please. No. This is sick. What he’s doing is cyberstalking in the legal sense. My compassion ends when I feel threatened.

It is I who is being cyberstalked – and stalked as a mere Citizen. In 1906 – I was homeless and went to the Royal Avenue Shelter. I was chosen to take part is SHIPS, and was moved into Shared Housing on Kincaid. I saw an attorney when they wanted to evict me because I was not on psychotropic drugs’. I became a MEMBER of the Homeless Legal Issues that many homeless advocates across America are involved in. I had helped my friend Hollis Williams find a home – after helping him get on SS!. I sent Alley a message saying Belle had never told me to stop contacting her. fifteen minutes later, Ms. Burch calls. I beg her not to take part in the harassment of me. Soon, Ms. Valkyrie poss a WANTED POST of me on the Mayor’s Facebook, that she will later put on a fake Eugene Abuser page =afterit was taken down. She failed to get Kittie Poercy to join THE WITCH HUNT. . If you google JOHN PRESCO, you will find it. How many Whoville-Sleeps atorney read that vile call to action on their Mayors Facebook?

Above is a image of me that Belle Burch CAPTURED of me in Kesey Square – with her attorney in the background – WATCHING US! Did Jean Stacey give her clients specific instructions? She acts as if – SHE OWNS Eugene. She is from Florida. I ran for Governor two years ago – knowing Jeam’s Brood had done all they could – to destroy my good name!

I am seeking an attorney in order to bring a lawsuit against THE LEGAL ENTITY THAT ATTACKED ME, and conspired to Deprive Me Of My Civil Rights, and my Right to Free Speech, being, I own a newspaper registered here in Lane County. How many EX-HOMELESS people have founded a newspaper? Royal Rosamond Press may be the largest blog in the world. It is – MY VOICE!

I doubt Burch, Valkyrie, Monroe, and their attorneys – were homeless when they conspired to violate my First Amendment Rights.

Belle Burch agreed to model for me. She even wanted to go to New York with me and meet the artist, Stefan Eins, who wanted to meet……MY MUSE! Never in the history of the Supreme Court has a ruling affected the ANCIENT relationship between an Artist, and the Woman who inspired him- and still does! Art – IS ART!

Alley is a professed Witch, and WEAPONIZED ALL WOMEN in order to DESTROY ME, A MAN who has suffered chronic homelessness most of my life. SLEEPS, and others, wanted to see me homeless, and in the dangerous streets. Homeless Advocates wanted to see me – HURT! They wanted to see me – IN A POOL OF BLOOD!

This man is a very sick individual. Anyone who deliberately makes women feel unsafe should not be tolerated in this or any community.

Here is the alleged example of how sick I am. My childhood friend, Nancy Hamren was at my graduation from Serenity Lane in 1987. She took me to lunch, and said she wants to buy me a gift. In 1965, a mutual childhood friend had given me God’s Man. We went to a bookstore on Broadway and order a copy. Nancy then got me on the bus with Ken Kesey.

“Life immitates art!”

Im 1981, I married Mary Ann Tharaldsen, the muse of Thomas Pynchon. what became of us is a very amazing story.

John Presco

President: Royal Rosamond Press

“I never knew or heard of Alley until she sent me this personal message. She then posted on Kitty Piecy’s FB an obscene slander.

“Facebook message from Alley Valkerie

“I’m going to make this very simple for you. I don’t know if you know who I am, but I sure as hell know who you are, and when you fuck with my friends, you fuck with me. Stop writing about Belle or I am going to make your life very difficult. I mean it. If I see one more word about her on your blog, your FB, or anywhere else, I will make sure that you experience all the fear and discomfort that she is experiencing right now. And no, this isn’t a physical threat, so don’t try to play victim. Frankly, I encourage you to contact EPD, as they already know all about you. I will not do anything illegal, but mark my word you will regret it if you write one more word about her. I will make sure that the entire community knows exactly how much of a sick fuck you are. Your picture, your name, and “samples” of your writing will be posted on every bulletin board in town. There will not be a single person in the Eugene/Springfield area who won’t know that you’re a sick stalker who won’t leave a stalker who won’t leave a young girl alone. Cut it out. Now. This is your first, last, and only warning.”

Alley Valkerie on facebook message.

“Please, go ahead and blog my threat.
You have no fucking idea what you’re getting yourself into
You also have no idea how many people are already on to you, and how many people have my back. We also have six other mutual friends who are going to learn about your behavior ASAP
And just so you know as well: if you write anything about me that could be construed as defamatory, you will be hearing from my lawyers ASAP.”

Alley Valkyrie posted to ‎Kitty Piercy

This man’s name is John Gregory Presco, DOB 10/8/1946. He lives in Springfield, Oregon.

He frequents Eugene, especially the Whiteaker neighborhood, and regularly shows up at activist events. He is a stalker, a harasser, and an obsessed de…lusional sicko.

If you need a concrete example of his behavior and why I am posting this, his delusional writings can be found at

If you see him in your neighborhood, on the street, or anywhere, call him out. Expose him. Make it known that you will not accept and tolerate someone who harasses and obsesses over young women in our community. This man is a very sick individual. Anyone who deliberately makes women feel unsafe should not be tolerated in this or any community.

My Tribe And Family – Not There

Posted on October 4, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

After 911, Americans began to gather themselves in Tribes and subscribe to a Tribal System. I saw this as a Victoria for Islamic Terrorism. I am a victim of Domestic Terrorism. My groups of friends were not in my corner. They threw me under the bus – like my family did long ago. When Obama won, white people became confused – and more tribal. White Democrats were having a identity crisis. Many whites voted for Trump – who became Tribal. Evangelicals moved quickly to make our President – their President. That millions of Christians are O.K. with their Tribal Leaders comparing Trump to King David – the leader of The Tribe of Judah – is proof that Tribalism has all but destroyed our Democracy. I will be publishing my book on Jesus as King David, and in theory, this will be the end of Christianity.

Here is a man warning Alley and Belle’s tribe to be careful about ganging up on me on Facebook. I had joined Valkyrie’s Facebook. I am reading what amounts to a Lynch Mob – as it unfolded. This is a Crucifixions – without trial! That is, my attorney is not present. One attorney, Mary Broadhurst does speak out for me, and is attacked by Queen Alley. This is a harbinger of things to come. This is Genesis.

“Mark Thomas Shekoyan: I’d be careful what is said here in public forums. If the law gets involved, all of this is public record submit-able to a court of law.

Last night 60 Minutes did a segment on a Whistleblower who worked for Facebook. When you put this next to an article about the ex-President of the United States conspiring to STEAL THE ELECTION from the elected President of the United States, then you know what I knew back in 2014…..Americans have come to believe that The Social Media mixed with Tribalism, has NEW SPECIAL POWERS IN A DEMOCRACY, that allows citizens to do – almost anything they want! What I saw, was young white women are very confused about their NEW ROLES. Belle Burch was one of them. I begged her not to go after me. She saw this as a – WEAKENING. She went into her TRIBAL VICTORY DANCE. It was a very sad day for me.

“Mary Broadhurst: one can call someone out by noting observations without using labels. just sayin’ I would like to see compassion even for someone who is making some errors in how he connects with the world through the internet.

May 9 at 9:10am · Edited · Like · 1

Alley Valkyrie: Is “making some errors”? Come on, Mary. Please. No. This is sick. What he’s doing is cyberstalking in the legal sense. My compassion ends when I feel threatened.

Homelessness rules in Oregon may not change much despite Supreme Court decision

By Conrad Wilson (OPB), Alex Zielinski (OPB) and Dirk VanderHart (OPB)

June 28, 2024 12:32 p.m. Updated: June 28, 2024 3:31 p.m.

The ruling won’t immediately allow Oregon cities to begin penalizing unhoused people for resting on public property, due to a state law that puts limits on sweeping public camping bans.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Friday allowing the city of Grants Pass to regulate and penalize unsheltered homelessness will undoubtedly reshape outdoor camping policies across the West. Despite the case being out of Oregon, the ruling will have a limited effect here because of a state law that provides protections for people experiencing homelessness.

The court’s decision found that Grants Pass’ policy penalizing people who sit or sleep on public property did not amount to cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment. Importantly, the court’s six conservative justices determined it is up to the states — not the federal courts — to determine how these restrictions are made.

FILE: Mia Rose of Eugene, left, and Samira Jensen of Portland read literature as they attend a rally at Pioneer Courthouse in Portland, Ore., April 22, 2024, organized by Stop The Sweeps PDX. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the city of Grants Pass on Friday, June 28, 2024, in finding that local governments have the ability to remove outdoor homeless encampments.
FILE: Mia Rose of Eugene, left, and Samira Jensen of Portland read literature as they attend a rally at Pioneer Courthouse in Portland, Ore., April 22, 2024, organized by Stop The Sweeps PDX. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the city of Grants Pass on Friday, June 28, 2024, in finding that local governments have the ability to remove outdoor homeless encampments.Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPB

The ruling is a win for the small southern Oregon town, which challenged a 2018 ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that granted protections throughout much of the Western United States for people experiencing unsheltered homelessness.

“Oregon should be allowed to experiment with different solutions and that’s really up to the people of Oregon to decide what they think is the best solution here,” said Theane Evangelis, an attorney for Grants Pass who argued the case before the court earlier this year. “We think that camping laws like those in Grants Pass are reasonable. Cities across the country rely on them.”

Attorneys representing people experiencing homelessness in Grants Pass said the decision was a blow to some of the nation’s most vulnerable people.

“While this decision is disappointing, it is important to remember that the solution to America’s homelessness crisis does not rest with the Courts,” Ed Johnson, director of litigation at the Oregon Law Center, said in a statement Friday. “That job falls to all of us. The solution to our homelessness crisis is more affordable housing.”

FILE: Jeff Liddicoat doesn’t like the term homeless — “I live outside,” he says, while attending an event held in at Pioneer Courthouse in Portland, Ore., April 22, 2024, organized by Stop The Sweeps PDX.
FILE: Jeff Liddicoat doesn’t like the term homeless — “I live outside,” he says, while attending an event held in at Pioneer Courthouse in Portland, Ore., April 22, 2024, organized by Stop The Sweeps PDX.Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPB

The ruling won’t immediately allow Oregon cities to begin penalizing unhoused people for resting on public property, due to a state law that puts limits on sweeping public camping bans. But it could create a legal path toward stricter regulations that cities across the state have long sought.

“Our parks were never meant to be campgrounds, and now our cities can finally begin restoring our communities’ public spaces,” Oregon House Republican Leader Jeff Helfrich said. “The Supreme Court’s ruling is a victory for common sense and highlights what conservative leadership looks like.”

What the Supreme Court decision will mean in the Pacific Northwest remains to be seen as local leaders across Oregon and Washington began to interpret Friday’s ruling. In Multnomah County, county commission Chair Jessica Vega Pederson did not lay out immediate changes to any policies.

“People still need places to stay warm and dry and ultimately leave homelessness,” Vega Pederson said in a statement. “People still need additional services to transition into shelter or housing. And we must continue to do more — and do it faster and better.”

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said in a statement that he expected Friday’s ruling to have little effect on Oregon’s largest city. He noted that state law “continues to control and limit what Oregon cities can and can’t do.”

Wheeler said the city would still begin enforcing the city’s camping ordinance on Monday, with a focus on those places that “pose the largest health and safety risks.”

Oregon’s law cited

The high court’s ruling upends a 2018 decision from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a case known as Martin v. Boise. In that case, the appeals court found that the Idaho city could not enforce an ordinance that banned sleeping on public property if there wasn’t available housing or shelter to accommodate unhoused people. It said to do so would violate the Eighth Amendment.

The case has had widespread implications for cities and counties throughout the western United States. Officials have struggled to swiftly expand housing and shelter space to meet the ruling’s standards, while simultaneously trying to address sprawling homeless encampments that have drawn public ire.

The case out of Grants Pass builds on the Boise ruling. In 2022, the Ninth Circuit found the city of Grants Pass had violated the constitutional rights of people experiencing homelessness through a series of ordinances designed to prevent sleeping outside on public property.

Attorneys representing the city of Grants Pass asked the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case. The justices heard oral arguments in late April.

It wasn’t certain which way the majority conservative court would rule. Several questioned whether their court was the right venue to dictate how local jurisdictions navigate such complex social issues as homelessness.

Still, Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for the court’s majority, said while people may disagree on how best to address homelessness, the federal judiciary shouldn’t be the decider of those policies.


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“The Eighth Amendment serves many important functions, but it does not authorize federal judges to wrest those rights and responsibilities from the American people and in their place dictate this Nation’s homelessness policy,” Gorsuch wrote.

A state law adds another layer of protections to unhoused Oregonians. The 2021 legislation, a major focus of Gov. Tina Kotek when she served as House speaker, requires that any local laws created to regulate where people sit or lie in public be “objectively reasonable” — a term has not been formally defined by the courts.

Gorsuch called out the Oregon law specifically in the opinion as an example of states forming their own policy around homelessness.

“Since this litigation began, for example, Oregon itself has adopted a law specifically addressing how far its municipalities may go in regulating public camping,” he wrote. “Nothing in today’s decision prevents States, cities, and counties from going a step further and declining to criminalize public camping altogether.”

There have been attempts to get more clarity on how the Oregon law works.

FILE: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, left, looks out a window as Gov. Tina Kotek speaks at a press conference in Portland, Jan. 30, 2024, where a 90-day state of emergency was declared to address the fentanyl crisis in Portland.
FILE: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, left, looks out a window as Gov. Tina Kotek speaks at a press conference in Portland, Jan. 30, 2024, where a 90-day state of emergency was declared to address the fentanyl crisis in Portland.Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPB

Last year, the Oregon Law Center challenged Portland’s new public camping ban in court, arguing that it did not meet the “reasonableness” standards of state law. The city has since repealed the challenged camping policy and replaced it with one it believes can withstand a legal challenge, leaving the original lawsuit to fizzle in court.

The legal skirmishes haven’t been contained to Portland. Six homeless residents sued the city of Medford in 2021, arguing a camping ordinance passed by that city unconstitutionally criminalized homelessness. The challenge was dismissed by a federal judge, who ruled Medford’s policy, crafted under the standard set in state law, was reasonable because it allowed homeless people to sleep in designated public spaces.

Outcomes like that appear to have convinced lawmakers with a big say in housing policies that Oregon’s policies curtailing camping bans are working.

State lawmakers watch for now

The 2021 bill “struck a good balance confirming that cities can implement time, place and manner restrictions while ensuring that regulations are reasonable and homeless people have options,” said state Rep. Pam Marsh, D-Ashland, chair of the House Housing and Homelessness Committee, who specifically noted the outcome in Medford. “From my vantage point in southern Oregon, that guidance has worked well.”

State Sen. Kayse Jama, a Portland Democrat and chair of the Senate Housing and Development Committee, said last week he also didn’t envision big changes to the state law — though he stressed he could not say that definitively without knowing how the Supreme Court would rule.

Kotek stood by the state rules Friday, and said she supports local governments passing appropriate limitations on public camping that align with state law.

“Regardless of the Court’s decision, we must do all we can to address homelessness,” the governor said in a statement. “This includes addressing the primary driver of homelessness — our lack of affordable housing.”

The League of Oregon Cities said its attorneys are reviewing the Supreme Court ruling and plan to issue recommendations in the future. The group said it would not set any policy initiatives related to homeless camping until after its board of directors meets in October.

But some in Oregon say the court’s ruling is an opportunity to revisit Oregon’s law.

“A dark period in the west, for Oregon, for Portland has ended: the Supreme Court has overruled the 9th Circuit in Grants Pass v. Johnson,” Portland Commissioner and mayoral candidate Rene Gonzalez posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “It is time for the Governor Kotek and the Oregon State Legislature to correct or repeal HB 3115.”

In his statement on the ruling, Wheeler, who leaves office at the end of the year, also signaled an openness to revisiting state law.

“The City of Portland supports a robust legislative discussion on this topic, and we hope the legislature will see this opportunity to consider the tools cities truly need to manage public camping, provide sufficient shelter, and keep our streets safe and clean,” Wheeler said.

Johnson, with the Oregon Law Center, called the state’s law “a wise policy decision” that block’s harsh camping bans that could crop up in other western states.

“It prevents Grants Pass and any other city in Oregon from doing what Grants Pass wants to do, which is make it illegal on every inch of property 24 hours a day, for people to use as little as a blanket to try and stay warm and dry,” Johnson said during a news conference Friday. “We intend to use that law, which is more important than ever to protect homeless people in the state of Oregon.”

Oregon appears to be the only state in the country that took steps to codify the Ninth Circuit’s opinions on anti-camping laws, according to Eric Tars, a senior policy director at the National Homelessness Law Center, which tracks legislation dealing with homelessness.

While Tars’ organization supported the rationale behind the appeals court decision, it opposed Oregon’s 2021 bill. Tars said the law “does not fully protect unhoused peoples’ interests.” Anticipating the Supreme Court might overturn the Ninth Circuit opinions, Tars has been working with members of Congress and state lawmakers on bills that could “enshrine the protections” of the Grants Pass case.

“Ultimately, however, people are on the streets because of a failure of housing policy from the federal level on down,” Tars wrote in an email.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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