Family Scapegoat vs. Drunken Dad

When a partner of Robert Brevoort Buck sold our family history to an outsider, he made a

I just came across this family photo, and felt a deep grief. But, that didn’t last long. I’m the only one left – if Mark Presco is dead! My brother took this pic. That’s our DRUNKEN DAD – pissed off because he’s not the center of attention – FOR ONE GOD DAMN SECOND! He hates his eldest son, and can not bare to look at him. I’ve become Rosemary’s favorite son. She has put a claim on me, while she IGNORES CHRISTINE – some more! Christine raised Vicki Presco.

Look how bright, strong, AND SANE I am compared to DARK BROODING DAD! Because I had the guts to stand up to him, and write about him – AND THE FAMILY ABUSE – I am THE GREAT ABUSER!


I HAD FAMILY ENEMIES who wanted me to fail. The contrast was too startling – especially after my painting was chosen to tour the world in a Red Cross show. I am twelve. I’m the strongest kid in school because our DARK DAD put us to work in his produce market when Mark and I were eight and nine. We are Vic Presco’s EMPLOYEES. We are – BENEATH HIM IN SOCIAL STATUS. But…..


Does he look like – HE WANTS TO KILL US?

John Presco

Portrait of Jack London Square

Posted on June 13, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

At University High School I did a watercolor of my father’s truck in Jack London Square where Acme Produce was located in a Victorian warehouse. There was a water-tower in the background. My good friend, Bryan MacLean saw me do this, and titled me…

‘The Painter of Trucks’

I had seen the work of Thomas Hart Benton, and may have been influenced by his midwestern art. But, I loved John Steinbeck’s novels – and the novels of Jack London. My father told me he used Wolf Larsen as a model to raise his sons because his father the professional gambler, abandoned him. Vicki Presco told me Christine wanted to mend our famous bond. I suspect she wanted to have our art shown side by side in the Rosamond Gallery located in Carmel, where Jack London and George Sterling founded a Bohemian Art and Literature Colony. Our great grandfather, Wensel Anton Prescowitz, immigrated from Bohemia.

For two years the Presco Family had no car. When we went somewhere, Vic would lash down some lettuce crates with a tarp so Mark and I could sit on the bed without being blown away. We went to Roseville a couple of time like this. One time we went to a function at Glenview Elementary, where Clint Eastwood went to school. After we parked the Acme truck, a Cadillac pulled behind us, and a boy got out…

“Look mommy! Those boys are riding in a truck!”

Eat your heart out you mamzy-pamzy!

I believe the reason Christine autobiography was disappeared, was she wrote about a movie being made about ALL THE PRESCOS! Pierrot’s high school buddy, Jacci Belford, told me she made an offer to buy the entire estate, and my mother told me they are talking about a movie. This would make the movie a part of Rosamond’s estate, and this my nieces would enjoy profits from the movie – which was not included in the covert plant that Buck&Morris endorsed. This law firm should have endorsed Art Production from Rosamond’s BLOOD! I should have been in that gallery – talking about my NEW paintings of the Acme truck, and, how Vick made a loan to London’s daughter. I would frame some of my poems. I would have blown-up photos of London and Sterling in Carmel – along with the photographs and writing of our grandfather, Royal Rosamond Press. Most visitors to Carmel would – GET IT! They came from all over the world to see…..STEINBECK COUNTRY!

Above is a 1950 Dodge like the one I drove Rena in to the top of Mount Tamaulipas. When we drove into Redwood Park, we made quite a majestic picture. Rena was impressed.

John Presco

Copyright 2021

(61) Carmel-by-the-Sea, Famous Artist Colony – YouTube

Jack London Slept (and Worked) Here (

Jack London has a square named after him in Oakland and a whole state park in Glen Ellen. So why is the California Writers’ Club holding a Jack London Writers’ Conference in South San Francisco?

Turns out the adventure writer, born in San Francisco in 1876, got his first taste of wild times and country living during his formative years on a Coastside truck farm. He also received a memorable dose of hard labor at a Belmont laundry near the College of Notre Dame.”

International School Art Program

Posted on November 6, 2014 by Royal Rosamond Press


The Red Cross had a youth art program in the 50s and early 60s where a hundred works of American art were chosen to tour the world in a international show. I was chosen twice, when I was twelve, and when sixteen. The work I rendered at twelve can be seen in the photo above hanging on the wall. It is a watercolor of a sailboat.

The second work was a watercolor of Oakland’s Produce Market painted from memory.  My brother and I worked the summers at our father’s warehouse located at second and Market street near the train tracks in Jack London Square. Acme Produce was located in a Victorian warehouse with a façade like the one on the house I lived in with my wife, the artist, Mary Ann Tharaldsen.

In my painting was a red truck like the Ford the Presco males drove around in, delivering produce as far away as Crockette California. This painting is described in a letter sent to my mother by a official at University High School. After coming home from Europe, the Principle asked if he could hang it in his office for awhile.

I was given a brochure that had the artwork in it that got lose long with both paintings. My uncle Vinnie saved a panting I was honored for when I was in the seventh grade, he finding it on the garage floor. He got it framed and hung to with the seascape I gave him.

Jon Presco,325797

Beymer, Rosemary


November 1952


Art Education;Nov52, Vol. 5 Issue 5, p8


Academic Journal




The article focuses on the American Junior Red Cross International Art Program. The program is a joint sponsorship of the National Art Education Association and the American Junior Red Cross. The program was discussed by a group of teenagers from the Birmingham Schools with art teachers at the Southeastern Arts Association Conference. An eighth grade participant claims that the friendly understanding of their art creates a new feeling in people about children from other countries. A German exchange student at Birmingham says that the first time he saw the exhibit in Hamburg, Germany when he was in high school was a wonderful experience for him.

Work Continued After the War

When the war was over, the Junior Red Cross continued its activities. Beginning in 1923, the Junior Red Cross provided funds to support Indian schools in the American Southwest. During the Great Depression of the 1930s the youth organization assisted in the distribution of surplus wheat and cotton, the collection of clothing and food, and the canning of fruits and vegetables.

And Another War

In the 1940s during World War II the group increased its activities for the war effort. Members produced clothing, toys, furniture and art works. They entertained at military camps and hospitals. They helped collect paper, cloth and scrap metals for use by the military. They volunteered in hospitals and for the first time youth members recruited blood donors for the Red Cross.

Young People and the Red Cross Today

Membership in the Junior Red Cross began to decline after the second world war. Activities by junior members was less visible during the Korean and Vietnam wars. But that doesn’t mean young Iowans aren’t involved in volunteer work. The term “Junior Red Cross” is no longer used to signify the young members. Many young people participate in Red Cross work and projects across the state. The Red Cross Club, American Red Cross Babysitters Training Course, Youth Against HIV/AIDS and Masters of Disaster are Red Cross activities designed for young people.

The Red Cross introduced an International Student Work-Study Program in 1946 which brought American and foreign secondary and college students together, A “High School Chest Program” was begun in 1947, with each chest containing supplies for 50 school children. They were distributed to children overseas and in the United States where school supplies had been lost in natural disasters. An International School Art Program was introduced which sent student paintings interpreting American life to schools in other lands. Red Cross Leadership Development Centers were created to provide training for junior and senior high school and college students.


Junior Red Cross Art Program

Posted on May 13, 2017 by Royal Rosamond Press

One of my paintings I did in High School toured the world in this show.

John Gregory Presco


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About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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