Israel’s War Cabinet – Dissolved!

The Art of Light Trail Photography

Israeli ministers threaten Netanyahu during meeting with dissolving War Cabinet


The Uncommon Preparation and Leadership: The Lesson of Burning Bush

He was on Horeb, and saw a burning bush: the bush was on fire but it did not burn up. So he thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.”


I turned on the news after my last post, and saw Netanyahu’s War Cabinet – BEING DISMISSED!

It is 2:40 P.M. in Oregon and I appoint Noa The Judge of The Jews! In God’s Eyes, she is worthy, for she understands it is a SIN for a Jew to render ANYONE HOMELESS! She lost her home. She was forced to live in the home of non-Jews as a captive!

Noa! Write on a piece of paper…..I AM a Nazarite, and be one with God, as a Child of God. Lead the multitude back to the place you were kidnapped – an hour before dawn. Fashion a powerful light on a pole, and trace Hebrew letters in the ink of night. Send this SIGN to the people of Gaza….


Thou art…..NEHUSHTAN! Be thre coal of fire in the dragon’s mouth. Be- THE MAGIC you wnt there to be. BE AGAIN!

Dance! Lead the People of THE ARK! Itis a sin not to be magical. Netanyahu has fought the most un-magical war in human, and Biblical History. He has angered God!

A piece of burning coal was placed in the mouth of the Nehushtan. I have a theory when waved about, smoke came out of it’s tail, leaving a TRACE OF SMOKE that could be seen from afar. At night one could trace Hebrew letters in the sky.

John The Prophet

Hannah Zedek, one of the survivors of the October 7 attack on the Supernova music festival by Palestinian terrorists, shows journalists her hiding spot at the site near Kibbutz Reim in southern Israel on April 10, 2024. (JACK GUEZ / AFP)

‘Afraid to come back’

Out of the 253 people taken hostage during the Hamas attack, more than 40 had been at the festival. One hundred and twenty-nine hostages remain in Gaza, including 34 the Israeli army believes are dead.

Benjamin Netanyahu dissolves Israeli war cabinet

Move is apparent rebuff to far right and attempt to tighten grip on decision-making over Hamas and Hezbollah

Peter Beaumont in JerusalemMon 17 Jun 2024 10.26 EDTShare

Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved the Israeli war cabinet that had been overseeing the conflict in Gaza, rebuffing his far-right allies who had been seeking seats, and apparently moving to solidify his grasp on decision-making over the fighting with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah across the Lebanese border.

The prime minister announced the move to ministers, saying the war cabinet had been established as part of an agreement in which the moderate politician Benny Gantz and his National Unity party joined an emergency coalition last year.

The disbanding of the war cabinet was confirmed by Israeli officials against a backdrop of mounting discontent over the conduct of the war in Gaza and calls from anti-government groups for a week of daily protests.

Israeli protesters rally in Jerusalem against Benjamin Netanyahu's government – video
Israeli protesters rally in Jerusalem against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government – video

David Mencer, a spokesperson at the prime minister’s office, said the war cabinet was a “prerequisite” for Gantz, a former army chief and defence minister, to join a unity government. He added: “So with Mr Gantz leaving government, there is no need for the cabinet. Its duties will be taken over by the security cabinet.”

Netanyahu reportedly told ministers that the war cabinet was no longer needed following Gantz’s resignation a week ago. Gantz, one of the members of the war cabinet, quit the coalition along with Gadi Eisenkot, one of the three observers in the body.

Netanyahu is now expected to hold consultations about the Gaza war with a small group of ministers, including the defence minister, Yoav Gallant, and the strategic affairs minister, Ron Dermer, who had been in the war cabinet.

The dissolution of the war cabinet is unlikely to have any meaningful impact on the conflict – decision-making will move back to the security cabinet – but the political ramifications may be more significant.

The move appears to be a deliberate snub to Netanyahu’s far-right allies in the coalition, including the national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, who had been angling for a seat in the war cabinet since Gantz’s departure after complaining he had been sidelined for key decisions.

Reports in the Hebrew-language media suggested Netanyahu intends to make key decisions in meetings with his own advisers, excluding Ben-Gvir, before presenting them to the security cabinet.

The move comes amid divisions of opinion between Netanyahu and senior Israel Defense Forces commanders.

According to reports in the Israeli media on Monday, Netanyahu told the regular Sunday meeting of the full cabinet that “in order to reach the goal of eliminating the capabilities of Hamas, [he had] made decisions that were not always acceptable to the military echelon”, but added: “We have a country with an army and not an army with a country.”

Netanyahu’s moves suggest an increasing confidence as the prime minister’s poll numbers have improved since the departure of Gantz, which has caused the latter’s polling to decline markedly.

While Netanyahu had been under pressure from the Biden administration to maintain the war cabinet, which was viewed as a more moderate forum, some analysts saw the move as preserving the Israeli prime minister’s desire to continue with the conflict, even as he sidelined Ben-Gvir and the finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich.

The small war cabinet had been the source of friction between Netanyahu and other members, including over the issue of hostages being held in Gaza by Hamas and other groups.

However, the war cabinet had also worked effectively, meeting numerous times since Hamas’s surprise attack on southern Israel’s Gaza border communities on 7 October.

In the immediate aftermath of the dissolution of the war cabinet, the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth speculated that some key decisions would now go to an expanded cabinet, sometimes numbering 50 participants, where more hawkish voices dominate, giving Netanyahu more political cover for the continuing conflict.

Groups opposed to Netanyahu’s leadership of war have begun a week of daily demonstrations calling for a ceasefire, a deal to secure the release of hostages and elections.

While demonstrations against the prime minister during the war have yet to reach the scale of pre-war protests, Saturday’s weekly demonstration in Tel Aviv attracted larger numbers than usual. Those at the rally heard a recorded message from the recently rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov, who called on the government to make a deal to secure the release of the remaining captives.

“Nearly every Saturday night [his captors in Gaza] showed us rallies from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. I didn’t count how many people were there but we saw many,” Kozlov said.

‘Noa, we’re taking you home’: Helmet cam video shows rescue of hostage Noa Argamani

Newly released video shows Yamam officers protecting 26-year-old during extraction op from Hamas captivity in Gaza, as they are heard reassuring her she is safe

and TOI STAFF15 June 2024, 11:40 pm

Helmet cam video released by police shows officers of the Yamam counter-terrorism unit rescuing hostage Noa Argamani from Hamas captivity in central Gaza’s Nuseirat camp, June 8, 2024. (Israel Police)

Police released new footage on Saturday showing the rescue of Noa Argamani from Hamas captivity in the Gaza Strip a week earlier.

The helmet camera video shows members of the elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit storming an apartment in central Gaza’s Nuseirat, where the 26-year-old hostage was being held.

“Everything is okay, Noa, we are taking you home,” an officer says to Argamani in the clip. “You’re safe, we’re taking you to the vehicle.”


cropped photo


The following photo was taken with a flashlight as a beam. 

I did not put the photo of the original before treatment because my face was visible but here is what it gave by adjusting the contrast and the brightness. Note that the adjustments were the same on the 2 photos and I only took 5 minutes to take these photos before editing them in Samsung’s editor.


Note that the photo taken with the flashlight was much brighter than the one taken with the laser beams, so I had to lower the brightness to Maximum in the editor and play with the contrast but I’m happy with the result

Here’s another one I took, it took me 3 seconds rather than 2


And one with the double laser 


The flashlight used has 5 light beams, you would have had finer lines with a flashlight having only one thin beam. It’s up to you to choose which result you want to have.


Well, that’s as simple as that !

We can also succeed in this type of photo (source Samsung)


Where you take your photos can sometimes be just as important as how.  To capture this image, Nordan and his children set up in a pedestrian tunnel with a tripod.  “A low-light environment gives you the ability to increase your shutter speed,” says Melissa Nordan.  For the light painting effect, she wrapped fairy lights around a stick and had her daughter pose as still as possible.  “This is another great situation to enable voice-activated shutter release to avoid touching the camera and adding any unwanted camera shake,” she says. Using Pro mode to control the shutter speed to around 0.5 seconds gave him plenty of time to paint with light while minimizing motion blur for his model.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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