The Grand Exodus From Harvard

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is greg-king.jpg
Plaque with Marking of the Door with the Letter Tau, Champlevé enamel, copper alloy, gilt, German

David Wolpe cast great doubt about Exodus ever happened, and thus no God gave the Promised Land to the Jews. I suspect he fell out of favor with Israel and fellow Jews, and is why he comes down so hard on Harvard – and Gentiles. Carl Reiner has denounced Christian Zionism, which is the other side of the coin of Israeli Zionism. I have e-mails where I argue with Mark Gall about this “evil” link that has been putting treacherous Republicans in our Government – and the White House!

John Presco

Christian Nationalism and Christian Zionism: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

  • 28 July 2021
  • By Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon and Dr. Bruce N. Fisk

Sparked by the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol, American evangelicals have been busy debriefinglamenting, and publicly condemning the scourge of Christian Nationalism. Largely absent from this discussion, however, has been public consideration of any affinity between Christian Nationalists and their more familiar, if less populous, “cousins”—Christian Zionists. As it turns out, the similarities are neither superficial nor coincidental and, as Trump’s circle of Christian lieutenants and advisors made clear, the two ideologies are eminently compatible.

Both Christian Nationalists and Christian Zionists espouse an ideology of exceptionalism.

Christian Nationalists contend that America has always been, and must remain, distinctively Christian. Christian Zionists likewise contend that the Holy Land has always been, and must remain, distinctively Jewish. For both groups, when it comes to narrating history, selecting sacred symbols, elevating cherished values, or determining public policy, the perspectives of American Christians and Israeli Jews must be privileged.

The two movements likewise share an apocalyptic outlook. For Christian Zionists, the restoration of the Jewish people to their historic homeland is a prerequisite for the second coming of Christ. As for Christian Nationalists, those of postmillennial (or Dominionist) persuasion think that, since God’s kingdom has arrived, we must subject all aspects of American civic life to Christ’s dominion. Premillennial Christian Nationalists, meanwhile, are less sanguine about the present age. Expecting to see steady moral decline until Jesus returns, their job is to stem the tide, align America with God’s agenda, and proclaim the gospel before time runs out.

Christian Nationalism and Christian Zionism would both seem to be defensive maneuvers. Shifting demographics in the U.S. are making America’s “greatness” (imagined as Christian, patriarchal, heteronormative, conservative, and white) ever more elusive, a problem Christian Nationalists desperately seek to rectify. Likewise, for Christian Zionists in an increasingly secular world, the modern rebirth of Israel, heralded as the miraculous fulfillment of biblical prophecy, works as an apologetic rebuff to skeptics and decisive proof that the God of the Bible, their God, is on the move in our day.

Just as Christian Zionists insist that ancient Israel’s God-given privileges continue in force for today’s nation-state of Israel, Christian Nationalists see divine favor resting upon modern America. The dark corollary, for those who deem Christian Americans or Jewish Israelis exceptional, is that other groups, say, Muslim Americans or Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, are outsiders whose claims and traditions merit little moral consideration. Exceptionalists inhabit binary, exclusionary worlds: Christians in America have God on their side. So do Jews in Israel.

Neither Christian Nationalism nor Christian Zionism is monolithic, of course, nor are they static, and the overlap of constituencies is far from total. But the parallels are real, the movements’ histories are intertwined,[1] and the two are mutually reinforcing as when, for example, a Nationalist believes that America’s success requires support for “God’s people.”[2]

Are these parallels instructive? Might they equip us to show more clearly why exceptionalism, exclusivism and apocalyptic militancy create a toxic narrative in which history is forever a battlefield and “the other” is forever “the enemy”? Might a critique of Christian Nationalism’s myth of America’s chosenness shed light upon Christian Zionism’s idealization of the modern ethnostate of Israel? And vice versa?

What seems clear is that neither movement provides a foundation for reconciliation or peacebuilding between peoples. In today’s polarized American society, divided by class and color, Christian Nationalism works to maintain white supremacy. Zionist ideology (Christian or otherwise) likewise perpetuates not only an ethnic divide between Jews and Palestinians but also a social and legal hierarchy, one that obstructs every quest for a just and enduring peace. The binary thinking these two movements share—in which everyone is either Insider or Intruder, Family or Foreigner, with God or against God—is not just lazy and divisive. It is dangerous.

Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon is the Executive Director of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) and editor of “A Land Full of God: Christian Perspectives on the Holy Land.” Dr. Bruce Fisk is Senior Research Fellow for the Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East (NEME).

But the modern archeological consensus over the Exodus is just beginning to reach the public. In 1999, an Israeli archeologist, Ze’ev Herzog of Tel Aviv University, set off a furor in Israel by writing in a popular magazine that stories of the patriarchs were myths and that neither the Exodus nor Joshua’s conquests ever occurred. In the hottest controversy today, Herzog also argued that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, described as grand and glorious in the Bible, was at best a small tribal kingdom

Today, the prevailing theory is that Israel probably emerged peacefully out of Canaan–modern-day Lebanon, southern Syria, Jordan and the West Bank of Israel–whose people are portrayed in the Bible as wicked idolaters. Under this theory, the Canaanites who took on a new identity as Israelites were perhaps joined or led by a small group of Semites from Egypt–explaining a possible source of the Exodus story, scholars say. As they expanded their settlement, they may have begun to clash with neighbors, perhaps providing the historical nuggets for the conflicts recorded in Joshua and Judges.

“Scholars have known these things for a long time, but we’ve broken the news very gently,” said William Dever, a professor of Near Eastern archeology and anthropology at the University of Arizona and one of America’s preeminent archeologists.

Dever’s view is emblematic of a fundamental shift in archeology. Three decades ago as a Christian seminary student, he wrote a paper defending the Exodus and got an A, but “no one would do that today,” he says. The old emphasis on trying to prove the Bible–often in excavations by amateur archeologists funded by religious groups–has given way to more objective professionals aiming to piece together the reality of ancient lifestyles.

But the modern archeological consensus over the Exodus is just beginning to reach the public. In 1999, an Israeli archeologist, Ze’ev Herzog of Tel Aviv University, set off a furor in Israel by writing in a popular magazine that stories of the patriarchs were myths and that neither the Exodus nor Joshua’s conquests ever occurred. In the hottest controversy today, Herzog also argued that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, described as grand and glorious in the Bible, was at best a small tribal kingdom.

In a new book this year, “The Bible Unearthed,” Israeli archeologist Israel Finklestein of Tel Aviv University and archeological journalist Neil Asher Silberman raised similar doubts and offered a new theory about the roots of the Exodus story. The authors argue that the story was written during the time of King Josia of Judah in the 7th century BC–600 years after the Exodus supposedly occurred in 1250 BC–as a political manifesto to unite Israelites against the rival Egyptian empire as both states sought to expand their territory.

Dever argued that the Exodus story was produced for theological reasons: to give an origin and history to a people and distinguish them from others by claiming a divine destiny.

Some scholars, of course, still maintain that the Exodus story is basically factual.

Bryant Wood, director of the Associates for Biblical Research in Maryland, argued that the evidence falls into place if the story is dated back to 1450 BC. He said that indications of destruction around that time at Hazor, Jericho and a site he is excavating that he believes is the biblical city of Ai support accounts of Joshua’s conquests.

He also cited the documented presence of “Asiatic” slaves in Egypt who could have been Israelites, and said they would not have left evidence of their wanderings because they were nomads with no material culture. But Wood said he can’t get his research published in serious archeological journals.

“There’s a definite anti-Bible bias,” Wood said.

The revisionist view, however, is not necessarily publicly popular.

Herzog, Finklestein and others have been attacked for everything from faulty logic to pro-Palestinian political agendas that undermine Israel’s land claims. Dever, a former Protestant minister who converted to Judaism 12 years ago, says he gets “hissed and booed” when he speaks about the lack of evidence for the Exodus, and regularly receives letters and calls offering prayers or telling him he’s headed for hell.

At Sinai Temple, Sunday’s sermon–and a follow-up discussion at Monday’s service–provoked tremendous, and varied, response. Many praised Wolpe for his courage and vision. “It was the best sermon possible, because it is preparing the young generation to understand all the truth about religion,” said Eddia Mirharooni, a Beverly Hills fashion designer.

A few said they were hurt–”I didn’t want to hear this,” one woman said–or even a bit angry. Others said the sermon did nothing to shake their faith that the Exodus story is true.

“Science can always be proven wrong,” said Kalanit Benji, a UCLA undergraduate in psychobiology.

Added Aman Massi, a 60-year-old Los Angeles businessman: “For sure it was true, 100%. If it were not true, how could we follow it for 3,300 years?”

But most congregants, along with secular Jews and several rabbis interviewed, said that whether the Exodus is historically true or not is almost beside the point. The power of the sweeping epic lies in its profound and timeless message about freedom, they say.

The story of liberation from bondage into a promised land has inspired the haunting spirituals of African American slaves, the emancipation and civil rights movements, Latin America’s liberation theology, peasant revolts in Germany, nationalist struggles in South Africa, the American Revolution, even Leninist politics, according to Michael Walzer in the book “Exodus and Revolution.”

Many of Wolpe’s congregants said the story of the Exodus has been personally true for them even if the details are not factual: when they fled the Nazis during World War II, for instance, or, more recently, the Islamic revolution in Iran. Daniel Navid Rastein, an Encino medical professional, said he has always regarded the story as a metaphor for a greater truth: “We all have our own Egypts–we are prisoners of something, either alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, overeating. We have to use [the story] as a way to free ourselves from difficulty and make ourselves a better person.”

Wolpe, Sinai Temple’s senior rabbi, said he decided to deliver the sermon to lead his congregation into a deeper understanding of their faith. On Sunday, he told his flock that questioning the Jewish people’s founding story could be justified for one reason alone: to honor the ancient rabbinical declaration that “You do not serve God if you do not seek truth.”

“I think faith ought not rest on splitting seas,” Wolpe said in an interview. “For a Jew, it should rest on the wonder of God’s world, the marvel of the human soul and the miracle of this small people’s survival through the millennia.”

Next year, the rabbi plans to teach a course on the Bible that he says will “pull no punches” in presenting the latest scholarship questioning the text’s historical basis.

But he and others say that Judaism has also traditionally been more open to nonliteral interpretations of the text than, say, some conservative Christian traditions.

“Among Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist Jews, there is a much greater willingness to see the Torah as an extended metaphor in which truth comes through story and law,” said Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles.

Among scholars, the case against the Exodus began crystallizing about 13 years ago. That’s when Finklestein, director of Tel Aviv University’s archeology institute, published the first English-language book detailing the results of intensive archeological surveys of what is believed to be the first Israelite settlements in the hilly regions of the West Bank.

The surveys, conducted during the 1970s and 1980s while Israel possessed what are now Palestinian territories, documented a lack of evidence for Joshua’s conquests in the 13th century BC and the indistinguishable nature of pottery, architecture, literary conventions and other cultural details between the Canaanites and the new settlers.

If there was no conquest, no evidence of a massive new settlement of an ethnically distinct people, scholars argue, then the case for a literal reading of Exodus all but collapses. The surveys’ final results were published three years ago.

The settlement research marked the turning point in archeological consensus on the issue, Dever said. It added to previous research that showed that Egypt’s voluminous ancient records contained not one mention of Israelites in the country, although one 1210 BC inscription did mention them in Canaan.

Kadesh Barnea in the east Sinai desert, where the Bible says the fleeing Israelites sojourned, was excavated twice in the 1950s and 1960s and produced no sign of settlement until three centuries after the Exodus was supposed to have occurred. The famous city of Jericho has been excavated several times and was found to have been abandoned during the 13th and 14th centuries BC.

Moreover, specialists in the Hebrew Bible say that the Exodus story is riddled with internal contradictions stemming from the fact that it was spliced together from two or three texts written at different times. One passage in Exodus, for instance, says that the bodies of the pharaoh’s charioteers were found on the shore, while the next verse says they sank to the bottom of the sea.

And some of the story’s features are mythic motifs found in other Near Eastern legends, said Ron Hendel, a professor of Hebrew Bible at UC Berkeley. Stories of babies found in baskets in the water by gods or royalty are common, he said, and half of the 10 plagues fall into a “formulaic genre of catastrophe” found in other Near Eastern texts.

Carol Meyers, a professor specializing in biblical studies and archeology at Duke University, said the ancients never intended their texts to be read literally. “People who try to find scientific explanations for the splitting of the Red Sea are missing the boat in understanding how ancient literature often mixed mythic ideas with historical recollections,” she said. “That wasn’t considered lying or deceit; it was a way to get ideas across.”

Virtually no scholar, for instance, accepts the biblical figure of 600,000 men fleeing Egypt, which would have meant there were a few million people, including women and children. The ancient desert at the time could not support so many nomads, scholars say, and the powerful Egyptian state kept tight security over the area, guarded by fortresses along the way.

Even Orthodox Jewish scholar Lawrence Schiffman said “you’d have to be a bit crazy” to accept that figure. He believes that the account in Joshua of a swift military campaign is less accurate than the Judges account of a gradual takeover of Canaan. But Schiffman, chairman of Hebrew and Judaic studies at New York University, still maintains that a significant number of Israelite slaves fled Egypt for Canaan.

“I’m not arguing that archeology proves the Exodus,” he said. “I’m arguing that archeology allows you, in ambiguity, to reach whatever conclusion you want to.”

Wood argued that the 600,000 figure was mistranslated and the real number amounted to a more plausible 20,000. He also said the early Israelite settlements and their similarity to Canaanite culture could be explained as the result of pastoralists with no material culture moving into a settled farming life and absorbing their neighbors’ pottery styles and other cultural forms.

The scholarly consensus seems to be that the story is a brilliant mix of myth, cultural memories and kernels of historical truth. Perhaps, muses Hendel, a small group of Semites who escaped from Egypt became the “intellectual vanguard of a new nation that called itself Israel,” stressing social justice and freedom.

Whatever the facts of the story, those core values have endured and inspired the world for more than three millenniums–and that, many say, is the point.

“What are the Egypts I need to free myself from? How does the story inspire me in some way to work for the freedom of all?” asked Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben of Kehillat Israel in Pacific Palisades. “These are the things that matter–not whether we built the pyramids.”

I Claim The BYU Jerusalem University

Posted on November 5, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

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Provided by Tripadvisor

At sunrise, I begin my virtual walk across the bridge that used to span from the Mount of Olives to The Temple Mount. At 3:30 A.M. November 5,2023, I read that the BYU Jerusalem Center was evacuated due to the invasion of Hamas . At sunrise I will begin my King’s Walk across the Golgotha Bridge that was built to Count The Jews as part of a ritual that resulted in King David counting the Jews – and incurring God’s Wrath. God gave David – a choice. He chose to allow the Angel of Death to kill thousands of citizens in Jerusalem. David was ritually scourged – punished by the people for HIS SIN! This ritual was stolen by the founders of Christianity, who also stole the teaching of John the Baptist. This is – MY DISCOVERY! I am the foremost Biblical Scholar in the World. For the reason the Mormon Biblical scholars FAILED to know what I know, I claim the BYU Jerusalem Center. Because I am the greatest Biblical Prophet and Biblical King in the World – I claim all that is the LDS Church!

Jesus did not DIE FOR OUR SINS! Jesus RITUALLY DIED FOR DAVID’S SINS! Jesus wanted all the Jews to be without sin on regards to the census – so they would not die! On this day claim all the churches associated with Saint Francis – everywhere! Consider the battle in our Congress on emergency monies to be – given to the Jews – via our Census Taxation and Election System.

This morning is the first time I saw the architecture of the BYU University. I am – amazed! Here is The Bridge associated with the Order of the Cross and Red Star in the Czech Republic. I claim that order! The Tau Cross – is my cross. It now represents Golgotha – and the Great Crossing! The Truth – can now be restored! Here is the true root of the story of a ancestor of King David, returning to the town he was born in, Bethlehem (there was no Nazareth) to take part in The Golgotha Census. Jesus has dinner on the Mount of Olives – with his relatives – and reads from the Book of Ruth. There was no call by Herod to murder the first born. His son was going to count the first born in a complex manner involving the Laws of Moses – that Saul-Paul did away with – in order to divert money to his church – that was never the church of John and Jesus.

I am – The Truth!

John ‘The Nazarite’,counted%20in%20any%20numbering%20or%20census%20of%20Israel.

13 October 2023 – SALT LAKE CITY 

Featured Stories

BYU Jerusalem Center to Relocate Students and Faculty to Greece

Evacuation of 93 students, faculty and staff comes one week after the conflict in southern Israel began on October 7

The Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center.Photo courtesy of Timothy L. Taggrt, (c) IRI. All rights reserved.1 / 4

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The BYU Jerusalem Center announced Friday that it will relocate all students and faculty to Greece where studies will continue.

“The Jerusalem Center Fall 2023 Program is currently relocating to Greece,” center officials said in a security update on October 13. “In addition to the 93 students and faculty, faculty families and service couples will also relocate to Greece.”

The announcement comes in response to ongoing military conflict in the region. Since the attack in southern Israel on Saturday, October 7, the center has issued daily reports about the status of Jerusalem and the safety of students on the center’s campus.

The news of the relocation came one day after the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ issued a statement October 12 about the violence in the Middle East .

“We are devastated by the recent eruption of violence and loss of life in the Middle East,” the First Presidency stated. “Violence of this nature is abhorrent to us and is not in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is a gospel of peace. At such times, our hearts ache for all victims of this atrocity.

“As servants of God, we affirm that He calls upon all of us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and we pray for a peaceful resolution of all conflicts.”

The Jerusalem Center, operated by Church-sponsored Brigham Young University, opened in 1989.


Posted on April 10, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Ki Tisa: The Only One
Pro and Con 1299

I began The Lion of God in 1990 when I was filled with visions of a past life, and the Holy Spirit. I lived in a estate on the Mount of Olives and looked down on the temple. I saw people coming and going. I smelled the smoke of the scarifies.

Two hour ago (on Easter) I found this article about Golgatha known as Miphkad. I already own a theory that Jesus replicated a walk from the Mount of Olives to the temple, across the Kedron Valley. He was scourged along the way, he doing penitence for the sin of his kin counting the Jews. This sin was passed down to all David’s offspring. I sketched paintings for this ritual on large canvas. I did not know there was a bridge! I am the embodiment of King David, or, am of his linage. I wanted to be in Jerusalem today. I am there in spirit! I am….coming over! My sacrifice – is complete! I have been – redeemed!

I want – bagpipes!

John ‘The Nazarite’

Psalm 311Psalm 31 For the director of music. A psalm of David.1In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness.2Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.3Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.4Free me from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge.5Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O LORD,

16 David looked up and saw the angel of the Lord in the sky, holding his sword drawn and pointed at Jerusalem. Then David and the elders bowed facedown on the ground. They were wearing rough cloth to show their grief. 17 David said to God, “I am the one who sinned and did wrong. I gave the order for the people to be counted. These people only followed me like sheep. They did nothing wrong. Lord my God, please punish me and my family, but stop the terrible disease that is killing your people.”

What the Bible says about Miphkad
(From Forerunner Commentary)

Hebrews 13:11-12Where did Jesus Christ’s suffering take place? Not at the Praetorium, for they led him from there (Matthew 27:31). Nor did it occur at the Temple. While scholars debate over the location and even the translation of “Golgotha” (Matthew 27:33Mark 15:22John 19:17), the writer of Hebrews provides a solid clue as to where Jesus died:For the bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp. Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate. (Hebrews 13:11-12; emphasis ours.)God instructed the priests to kill the sin offerings at the Tabernacle, but He required them to burn the remains at a place “outside the camp” (Leviticus 4:12, 21), away from God’s presence. This distant altar became known as the miphkad (“the appointed place”) altar. At the time of the crucifixion, this altar stood on a slope of the Mount of Olives, east of the Temple Mount, separated from the Temple by the Brook Kidron. The name of the Temple’s eastern gate was, appropriately, the miphkad gate. When the priest performed a sin offering, he took the body of the sacrificed animal through the miphkad gate, over the bridge that spanned the Kidron Valley, and to the appointed place for burning and disposal.Hebrews 13:11-12 ties this “outside the camp” location with Christ’s crucifixion, being “outside the gate.” Additionally, Jesus was crucified where the centurion with Him could see the veil of the Temple torn in two (Luke 23:45-47), which, because of the Temple walls, was possible from only a few angles and elevations—such as the area near the miphkad altar on the Mount of Olives, outside the “camp” of Jerusalem.The miphkad gate and Kidron bridge had another significant purpose. History records that the gate and bridge were also used on the Day of Atonement (see Alfred Edersheim’s The Temple: Its Ministry and Service). By this eastern route, the “suitable man” led the azazel goat out of the Temple and into the wilderness after the priest had laid on its head all the iniquities, transgressions, and sins of the nation (see Leviticus 16:20-22).The centerpiece of the Day of Atonement ritual involved two goats as a sin offering (Leviticus 16:5). Consider how perfectly Jesus fulfilled the roles of both goats in this ceremony, as only He could. The Levitical high priest used the blood of the first goat to cleanse the sanctuary. The priest laid no sins on this goat; instead, he used its undefiled blood to cleanse and cover the incense altar and the Mercy Seat, which allowed rare access into the Holy of Holies (Leviticus 16:15-16, 18-19). As the fulfillment, Jesus courageously and single-mindedly gave His sinless blood as a cleansing and a covering, providing us access into the heavenly Holy of Holies (Hebrews 9:7, 12-14, 23-25).The azazel goat, the one used for “complete removal,” received the iniquities, transgressions, and sins of the nation on its head, and it bore them, being sent by the high priest and led outside the camp, out of God’s presence, as a representative of all the sins. In awe-inspiring fulfillment, the Father laid the iniquities of us all on Christ’s dignified and undeserving head (Isaiah 53:6). Jesus permitted Himself to be sent by the leaders and led by their agents in true meekness, subsuming His well-being to what the Father desired for all mankind, even cleansing with His words those who led Him, just as the “ready man” was cleansed (Leviticus 16:21, ESV).Jesus became a substitutionary sacrifice, for God “made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us” (II Corinthians 5:21). He became a curse on our behalf (Galatians 3:13) when they nailed Him to the tree. He, and He alone, bore our sins, iniquities, and transgressions (Isaiah 53:11-12Hebrews 9:28I Peter 2:24). He remained alive for torturous hours, bearing what belonged to us but permitted to be put on Himself, having been led outside the gate in perfect, divine meekness.

I Was Born to Render Revelations

Posted on July 31, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

Candidate For King David

Posted on December 26, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

Because Pope Francis asked for peace thru more dialogue, I John Presco am announcing I am a candidate for the Embodiment of King David. I have said I was a Republican Presidential Candidate, before, but, this time I am going to complete the requirements.

I will be providing much evidence that I am the most likely embodiment of King David. Not like citizen Trump, I know much about the Bible, and, have solved Biblical riddles.

I awoke to snow – and a message from God and the Pope….

“Forgive the Rougemont Knights Templars, and gather them around you!”

In ordinary usage, the Miphkad (Numbering) Altar on the Mount of Olives became known in New Testament times as “Golgotha” and it denoted a place where heads were counted in any numbering or census of Israel. All numberings involving the totality of the Israelite people would have required the place of the counting to be “without the camp” because certain individuals who were permanently or temporarily designated as ritualistically defiled could not come inside the Camp of Israel (Numbers 5: 1-4). This is why it was always necessary to have the official censuses outside the camp area. That way all individuals could be counted whether they were ritualistically defiled or not.

What the Bible says about Miphkad
(From Forerunner Commentary)

The Doomsday Clock Is Ticking

Posted on April 7, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

We are minutes away from WAR, that might be prevented. Around noon today I solved the riddle of King David and the ritual of Jesus in the Kedron Valley. To utter it, may light the fuse a catastrophic war with China. My Guardian Angel found the Doomsday Clock.

John ‘The Nazarite Judge After Absalom’

The Taiwan Strait is a “powder keg” that has the potential to trigger a world war, a military analyst said on Tuesday as a panel of experts gathered to discuss U.S. foreign policy from a Taiwanese perspective.

China At Sea | Rosamond Press

The Warlock of Windsor Castle | Rosamond Press

Taiwan Strait a ‘Powder Keg’ That Could Set Off World War, Military Expert Warns (

“Starish was zeroing in on a perceived VOID, when the grandfather clock that Prince Albert order to be made, and shipped from Germany, sounded MIDNIGHT.  She was about to pass this carved masterpiece, when from her perficial vision she caught the minute hand moving backwards. It stopped at 7:45, then headed back to stop at 3:00. Then it went backwards, twice, to stop at 5:15.  Immediately Miriam conjured up the word COMBINATION, then……LOCK! She deduced she had missed the first number. Opening the glass case, she beheld a coo-coo bird surrounded by alternating moons and suns. There was a small brass key inserted into the body of the bird that allowed her to turn it and point the tail at corresponding ticks on the clock. Starfish ears strained to get a clue from the ratchet sound as she turned the bird in a simple combination lock manner.

“Drats!” Mirriam said, knowing she had twelve hours to kill before 12:00 Noon struck. Then, a large urn caught her eye. It was given to Victoria by the Tzar of Russia. It depicted Catherine the Great opening up Russia to foreigners, and the resettling of the Volga Germans who are said to be in her German Family Tree. This was a part of Catherine’s coup against the Romanovs. Her grand design was to make Russia a part of Germany.

The House of Saxe-Coburg played a huge role. This is why Queen Victoria married Albert after being courted by Romanov Princes. She was afraid of a vast German Empire that would swallow England like a small fish. Albert’s family feared his family would be consumed. Victoria and Albert played a incredible game of intrigue that gave birth to the British and German Empires that established colonies to pay for this Cold War. Miriam and Victoria had a theory that this Cold War was turned into Russian Fairytales so the players moves behind the scenes would remain invisible. There was a new formula.

Starfish was assigning numbers to the people on the vase. She did not own Victoria’s great talent with genealogies, thus, names and dates. She went searching for a pattern, when the clock struck HIGH NOON. Looking up she saw the minute hand go 9:45.

Rising gently, Miriam crept to the clock, opened the glass, and turned the bird’s tail. When it landed on 9:45 there was a click, and a wood panel opened up next to the clock. The first thing Starfish saw was a small stainedglass window with a Tudor Rose. Under it was Victoria’s great desk. Taking three giant steps, Miriam, stopped in her tracks. On the desk was a small portrait of Munshi, Victoria’s personal secretary.

“Oh my God! Miriam whispered as she opened the ledger next to the portrait. Munshi was a disciple of a sect of Indian Mathematicians that some say created a new math. But, Miriams parents believed they descended from Jewish Kabalists and Scribes that counted the numerology of The Creation.

Miram felt faint when she read the name of Ramchundra who was a “naked eye” astronomer.

“Baba! Rabbi!” Starfish said, and bowed her head. Starfish was trying to master this form of astronomy because she and her parents associated it with the Ephod warn by the High Priests. It was sat on a table in the Holy of Holies, with a light inside. The jewels cast colored lights on the wall, that are the “starry objects” that were done away with by a wicked usurper king in his false reformation. The candidate King of the Jews was brought before these stars and put to a test that he had to pass before he was crowned King. But, he was more than a King. He was a Co-Creator…….The King of Heaven!

Setting The Clock of God

Posted on April 4, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

Was the Secret Name vital in setting the Clock of God? Spooky Noodles and I did a eighty minute show on this. We pulled the White Rabbit our of the hat. Jesus did not ESTABLISH “the year of our Lord” as he said he would – as far as WE know today. Why? We have Revelations which is all about TIMIMG. Christian teachers say no one can predict when the END TIME is going to occur. What if someone figures it out – and thus gets the final ticks moving? Mr. Noodles sent me this in a e-mail. Very profound. I wish the world heard our conversation. We talked about branding and Coke. The Trump Card is calling for evangelicals to boycott Coke and other companies that are protesting how the Christniks want to COUNT VOTES.

We talked about the Gregorian Calendar and how I was named after this Pope. My brother was named after Marcus Aurelius’, who WORE THE PURPLE. Rosemary scored the second highest I.Q. when she joined the WAVES. She spied on Russian broadcasts. She has given me riddles to solve since I was a boy. I believe she was a spook. Someone has put her photos on the Rosamond genealogy. I believe he was CIA. When I was sixteen I asked Rosemary what she was doing while sunbathing on Glendon.

“I’m teaching myself French so I can convert French electrical terms into English. I can’t believe no one has done this!”

She had gotten a job with a space firm. She was very cryptic with me. I always blew he her mind when I figured stuff out. Passover ends this evening. I was born On October 8, 1946 during a star-shower three days after the Day of Atonement. We are 180 degrees away from that date. I was born to die as God’s Scapegoat. That my mother who born me is demonized, and not given any bragging rights in regards to her famous daughter, is something I can not rectify, unless a attorney takes my case and sue Robert Brevoort Buck for Forty Million Dollars. But, that is a drop in the bucket in regards to the Great Cosmic Event I Am In Charge Of. This is to say no one will give me ANYTHING! My astrologer had to move up the time I was born fifteen minutes – or in theory I was not born! This is theory is being made manifest by my daughter – born on Rosemary’s birthday! I would settle for a LESSER position, but, YOU won’t let me!

I ALONE have figured out why Jesus turned over the money tables. He mixed the coins together on the ground because the Tryian shekel was a way of counting the Jews – the wrong way! There is no – right way! If he ordered all Jews NOT to pay the temple tax, then they would come for him – and kill him.


Tyrian shekel – Wikipedia

The Temple Institute of Jerusalem – Learn About the Temple Institute

Tyrian shekelstetradrachms, or tetradrachmas were coins of Tyre, which in the Roman Empire took on an unusual role as the medium of payment for the Temple tax in Jerusalem, and subsequently gained notoriety as a likely mode of payment for Judas Iscariot.

As stated in the Torah,“there will be no plague among them when they are counted!”  The half shekel donation is a guard against pestilence and pandemic!

In the latest standard, which was also the one used for the temple tax, the coins bore the likeness of the Phoenician god Melqart or Baal, accepted as the Olympian Herakles by the Greeks and derided as Beelzebub by Jews in the time of the Seleucids, wearing the laurel reflecting his role in the Tyrian games and the ancient Olympic Games.

“Jewish Passover coincides with Roman Easter this year(?) something which was supposed to be calendrically impossible with the Western calendric formulation as arranged by the church fathers, in order to distance one cult from another. Don’t know if the Muslims also have two divergent calendars to date their prominent religious holidays- and/or also a special algorithm to likewise distance their high holy day(s) from either the Jews or Christians. However- Chinese New Year in the USA… their year( ‘our’ year in San Francisco) differs in some tradition by 60-‘something’ years from China. Which is more correct? We we told the Chinatown Chinese kept the tradition uninterrupted from Antiquity. While the custom itself was illegal in China under the turmoil of revolution until just recently.


The dates are based on the Hebrew calendar, from the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nissan (or Nisan) through the 22nd day.

Note: What is often called Passover today has its origins in two ancient observances. Nissan 14 was the Passover as mentioned in the Torah; at this time, an offering to the Lord, the sacrifice of a lamb, was slaughtered during the afternoon and prepared. Nissan 15 (the new day starting at sundown) was the beginning of the seven-day Festival of Unleavened Bread. On this start of Nissan 15, the Passover lamb that had been sacrificed and prepared on Nissan 14 (that same afternoon) was eaten that night (now Nissan 15), along with unleavened bread. Over time, the Festival of Unleavened Bread commonly became known as “Passover” and is usually considered as starting at sundown between Nissan 14 and Nissan 15.

Passover 2021 will be celebrated from March 27 to April 4. The first Seder will be on March 27 after nightfall, and the second Seder will be on March 28 after nightfall.

Born Under a Shower of Stars

Posted on August 11, 2013by Royal Rosamond Press


I was born October 8, 1946 two minutes after the sun set. An amazing star-shower was suddenly visible. The nurses in the maternity ward bid my mother to come to the window and look, but, was too spent having just delivered me.

Rosemary said she had a vision while she was giving birth to me, she telling herself she must not forget it. She forgot.

Rosemary named me after John the Baptist because she believed I was born on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. I was born three days after Yom Kippur.

When my Astrologer began her five hour (recorded) reading of my chart, she began
with these words;

“Jon, I have never seen a chart like yours, never knew it was possible. It
begins where all charts in theory begin, on the exact cusp of Pisces and Aries..
For this reason I had to move up the time of your birth ten minutes, or in
theory, you were not born. As it is now, you barely escaped becoming a veritable
prisoner in this lifetime, that is, all the information you came here to share.”

I believe I was born to die, and when I did, my clock was readjusted so my information could be set free. My astrologer said I am of the great Scorpion Scholars of the Biblical Wilderness who sting themselves in order to induce a near-death experience and behold the Creator, if only for a little while.

I am King and Prophet of Prague and Jerusalem

Posted on November 4, 2023 by Royal Rosamond Press

Flag of Scotland
Cedar of Lebanon Tree Seeds–15 Count-One of the most majestic and beautiful tree - Tree Seeds
Conifer Trees with Hand-Carved Cedar Trunk - Canyon Creek Scenics

Last night I found myself on a wooden platform being lifted to the top of a great tree that I realize was a Cedar of Lebanon. I was to raise a flag denoting the New Kingdom that I am both the King and Prophet of. At the zenith, I am trying to see the flag, and what symbols are on it. Before I awoke, I planted what looked like a large WASP NEST at the top of the tree. This morning at 5:22 I wonder if it was the Mormon Beehive. Then I heard……

“And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey.”

Was John wearing the skin of a lion – after Samson the Nazarite – who ate honey from the carcass of a lion? Locusts are Manna that fed the multitude in…..The Wilderness! What is the name of the angel that appears to Samson’s mother – who has no name?

Last evening I read about Orson Hyde, and James Strang, who knew George Adam . These three Norman Man failed in their missionary work in the Holy Land. I almost became a Mormon, but could not swallow much of the teaching. However, I found much writing about John the Baptist. There is no time to REPAIR all the WRONG TEACHING concerning John and Jesus. We have – TO MOVE – now!

I am Elijah. I alone solved the riddle in the naming of John the Baptist. God has given me A BANNER. There is a Lion of Judah, a Beehive, and a Cedar of Lebanon on MY FLAG!

No Jewish scholar or rabbi studied John the Baptist who was a real historic Jew. Why? Joseph Smith wrote about John. The Mormon church has been trying to build a Temple in the Holy Land – but failed! Allow me – to show you the way! Answer me this riddle

21 Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zechariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the temple. 22 When he came out, he could not speak to them. They realized he had seen a vision in the temple, for he kept making signs to them but remained unable to speak.

  1. How did the people find out that something miraculous was going on? Who told them?.
  2. Why did Zachariah keep making hand-signs to the people? What business is it of theirs what goes on in the Holy of Holies?
  3. How did the people know he had a vision? Did her tell the people?

Allow me to say this……Zachariah has just emerged from the Holy of Holies! And now, you are in..


Zachariah is serving his course in the temple, and has gone into the Holy of Holies, where one of the Cherubim has spoken to him. A priest can not SPEAK in the Holy of Holies – but once a year – on the Day of Atonement where the High Priest whispers the Secret Name of God. The priests on the other side of the curtain are wondering what is taking Zachariah so long. When he emerges they SIGN to him, asking what has happened. He SIGNS back. I deduced these priests USED SIGN LANGUAGE! When these priests came to circumcizer John, and give him a name. they SIGNED to one another so their words would not corrupt the eight day old infant – who they expected TO SPEAK! I am the only Man of God who figured out JOHN SPOKE at eight days of age! This is THE HINGE PIN AND KEY to the major religions of the world. I am open to the LDS church titling me a prophet.

John The Nazarite King

Copyright 2023

“Mormons today are led to believe that their church alone has this true priesthood. Kimball added that “without this priesthood power, men are lost…There is no priesthood anywhere else today than in this restored [LDS] Church.” Fifteenth LDS President Gordon Hinckley added, “The priesthood is here. It has been conferred upon us. We act in that authority” (Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, p.473). Mormonism teaches that for churches to act without this authority is a grievous sin.”

John Speaks As Infant – Not Jesus!

Posted on March 11, 2012 by Royal Rosamond Press

The Koran has Jesus speaking the moment he is born. Why is there no mention of this miracle in the New Testament? There is, in the birth narrative of John the Baptist, but it has been altered and concealed. I have come to open your eyes, your ears, and your mouth to the Truth!

The Koran got it wrong! John was the second coming of Elijah preaching about the coming Judgement Day – that never came because John was beheaded.

Jon Presco

Coyright 2007

Interpreting Sacred Scripture across Faiths | The Getty Iris

In Judges 14, Samson kills a lion and leaves the body there. When he comes back to it, a swarm of bees has taken over and there is now honey there:

5 Samson went down to Timnah together with his father and mother. As they approached the vineyards of Timnah, suddenly a young lion came roaring toward him. 6 The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat. But he told neither his father nor his mother what he had done. 7 Then he went down and talked with the woman, and he liked her.

8 Some time later, when he went back to marry her, he turned aside to look at the lion’s carcass, and in it he saw a swarm of bees and some honey. 9 He scooped out the honey with his hands and ate as he went along. When he rejoined his parents, he gave them some, and they too ate it. But he did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the lion’s carcass.

Samson later uses this experience to create a riddle in 14:12:

12 “Let me tell you a riddle,” Samson said to them. “If you can give me the answer within the seven days of the feast, I will give you thirty linen garments and thirty sets of clothes. 13 If you can’t tell me the answer, you must give me thirty linen garments and thirty sets of clothes.”

“Tell us your riddle,” they said. “Let’s hear it.”

14 He replied,

“Out of the eater, something to eat;
out of the strong, something sweet.”


Posted on June 24, 2022 by Royal Rosamond Press

I believe the New Zion will be where the new LDS Temple is going to be built, a mile or more away from where I live. The Mormons built their cosmology on DNA and Family Trees. Deseret lies next to the Louisiana Purchase. I can now SEE all of what I saw in part. I have been called MAD by all who bonded with me. I kept a record of my Fantastic Quest! I can Baptize by the river.

State of Deseret – Wikipedia

Priesthood Restored or Retrofit?

By Lane Thuet


On May 15, 1829, Mormon history records that John the Baptist gave the Aaronic Priesthood to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Later, the apostles Peter, James and John gave them the Melchizedek priesthood. With these priesthoods restored, Smith could officiate the affairs of God’s kingdom with full authority. Mormons are taught that this authority had been lost soon after the original apostles died. During its absence, no one on earth had the proper authority to administer ordinances such as baptism, communion, or even marriage. LDS Prophet Spencer Kimball remarked, “Presumptuous and blasphemous are they who purport to baptize, bless, marry, or perform other sacraments in the name of the Lord while in fact lacking his specific authorization” (Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p.494).

Mormons today are led to believe that their church alone has this true priesthood. Kimball added that “without this priesthood power, men are lost…There is no priesthood anywhere else today than in this restored [LDS] Church.” Fifteenth LDS President Gordon Hinckley added, “The priesthood is here. It has been conferred upon us. We act in that authority” (Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, p.473). Mormonism teaches that for churches to act without this authority is a grievous sin.

Because of its necessary authority, this priesthood had to have been restored in order to properly organize the LDS Church. That means the restoration must have happened before April 6, 1830 – the Mormon Church’s official date of organization.

Significantly, no Mormons seem to have known about the priesthood in the earliest years of the Church. It should have been one of the foremost topics of teaching. Instead, there is no mention of any priesthood found in the histories, diaries, or writings of church members until several years after it had already been established. David Whitmer, one of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon, said,

“I never heard that an Angel had ordained Joseph and Oliver to the Aaronic Priesthood until the year 1834[,] [183]5. or [183]6—in Ohio.… I do not believe that John the Baptist ever ordained Joseph and Oliver…” (Early Mormon Documents, 5:137).

City of Prague

Party seeks to restore monarchy


DECEMBER 19, 2007



But, because the Habsburg dynasty was for decades demonized by local republicans, “it’s understandable that this dynasty isn’t the right one at the moment,” Srb says.

“Elias is a forerunner to prepare the way, and the spirit and power of Elijah is to come after, holding the keys of power, building the Temple to the capstone, placing the seals of the Melchizedek Priesthood upon the house of Israel, and making all things ready; then Messiah comes to His Temple, which is last of all. … Elijah was to come and prepare the way and build up the kingdom before the coming of the great day of the Lord.”10

“The world is reserved unto burning in the last days. He shall send Elijah the prophet, and he shall reveal the covenants of the fathers in relation to the children, and the covenants of the children in relation to the fathers.”1

The Rise of The Two Witnesses

Posted on January 22, 2021 by Royal Rosamond Press

With the light apparition in my painting ‘The Guardians of The Voice’ I have been led to look at the Two Witnesses in Revelations who may have been the men in white at Jesus’ tomb. Owning a near-death experience, I will go into a realm few can follow.

Seer John

The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses

In the previous article we saw God’s two anointed witnesses: the Word of God and the Spirit of God, be totally disrespected by the spirit of hypocrisy. This type of total disrespect will kill the ability of any true conviction upon sinners. Consequently sinners will have no fear to become religious hypocrites who call themselves “Christian”.

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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