Terrorist Acts Against A Caucasian Democracy

Pyra Zelensky against Russia at the UN: "Criminal and unjustified ...

President Zelenskyy called for the end of Veto Rights for Russia, because this right was granted to the Soviet Union – and not Russia! And, Russia is conducting hideous acts of Terrorism against a sovereign democratic nation – and should be expelled from the United Nations!

The UN approved of the first Gulf War because Iraq had invaded the sovereign nation of Kuwait. British, American, and French tanks decimated the Iraqi army – and freed the royal family of Kuwait so they could continue to reign in their kingdom – that still is not a democracy! Recently, THE RULERS objected to tweets by Americans in their kingdom that celebrated Gay Rights, which is the new litmus paper to see – if you have a democracy, and – if you are a Liberal WTF?

When Nazi Germany invaded Poland, the British landed a large army on European soil – that was soundly defeated. This led to the rescue of this army at Dunkirk. Britain prepared for an immediate invasion, but, was astonished it did not happen. There is speculation Hitler did not want to kill members of the White Race and he believed the Royal Family were basically White Imperial Racists, and would surrender – to their own kind. When they did not, the Battle of Britain began. Terrorist Bombing began. White British citizens were targeted. British fighter planes fought off wave after wave of Nazi Bombers. Then came the Nazi Rockets. This style of warfare is gong on – right now! Millions of Caucasian People live in fear of immediate death. How are our elected Senators and Congressmen responding – IN A REAL DEMOCRACY – where lessons in the liberation of Black Slaves are being banned in Florida.

Yesterday, Senator Chuck Schumer said the Senate will vote to approve the promotions of our Top Brass, that Tuberville refuses to promote, until the Democrats – made up of most of the black people in America – end their campaign of promoting Gay Rights in the Military. I suspect Senator Tuberville is a Born Again Confederate who believe President Lincoln waged a TERRORIST WAR against loyal Americans in the South. Lincoln and Northerners did not think WHITE CHRISTIANS owning slaves – was a good look! Is he among Red State Lawmakers who want to end the military aid to Ukraine? How did the U.S. respond to the Terrorist War Hitler waged against civilians – before we entered the war.

I am prepared to tackle the amazing truth, that India and Israel – back Putin – and are not officially objecting to his TERRORIST WAR against men, women, and children. But, let this sink in. Look at these videos and ask…..Are the nations of India and Israel – Democratic Nations? Putin, who is launching real attacks on the free world – is thrilled that Trump and his Republican Allies are destroying the two party system, American Justice, and Diplomacy – which encourages him to keep bombing innocent women and children!

I know it is a good idea to ask Tuberville and Governor DeSantis if they back the Kuwaitis?

“But Kuwait officials criticized the embassy for “supporting homosexuality” and demanded it didn’t happen again. “

How about asking Netanyahu, and top Rabbis if they support the shaming of Americans in our embassy? Did Israel send troops against The Evil Empire of Saddam/ No. How many Israeli soldiers lost their lives in both Gulf Wars?………four!. The leader of the ex-democracy of Israel is pressuring the Fake President to meet with him in the White House. Does this mean the Conservative Jews of Israel – who hate Gay Rights – recognize Biden as the legitimate President of the United States? Look at the face of Winston Churchill. If he were alive, what would he think of the leader of the January 6th. Insurrection?

Yesterday, the Republican Party – committed suicide by accusing Garland and the DOJ of going after Trump – by orders of Joe Biden. This lie goes with the lie, the Biden’s stole the election, and, Saddam was prepared to put anthrax in rockets and launch terrorist attacks on the free world.

John Presco

The nations of Israel and Kuwait have no diplomatic relations. Kuwait refuses entry to anyone with a passportissued by Israel or documenting travel to the State of Israel; Israel does not have formal entry or trade restrictions. During the wars between Arab nations and the State of Israel, Kuwaiti forces participated against the State of Israel.[1]


In March 2003 the United States government announced that “diplomacy has failed” and that it would proceed with a “coalition of the willing” to rid Iraq under Saddam Hussein of weapons of mass destruction the US and UK claimed it possessed. The 2003 invasion of Iraq began a few days later. Prior to this decision, there had been much diplomacy and debate amongst the members of the United Nations Security Council over how to deal with the situation. This article examines the positions of these states as they changed during 2002–2003.


Kuwait has summoned a top US diplomat in protest over tweets from the American embassy supporting LGBT rights, its foreign ministry says.

US officials there had posted a rainbow flag and message of solidarity from President Joe Biden for Pride month.

But Kuwait officials criticised the embassy for “supporting homosexuality” and demanded it didn’t happen again.

Rights for LGBT people are severely restricted in Kuwait and it is illegal there for men to be gay.

The death penalty is widespread in the Gulf region, particularly in Iran and Saudi Arabia. In March, Saudi Arabia executed 81 men in a single day, making it the largest known mass execution carried out in the kingdom’s modern history.

Kuwait introduced the death penalty in the mid-1960s and since then has executed dozens of people, mainly those convicted of murder or drug trafficking.


About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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