Montana James

Montana James

A Movie Told In Song


John Presco

Copyright 2023

Opening Scene: Arial shot of London.

Thirty seconds in ‘we hear On The Wings of a Dove’

The camera zooms in on the London hotel where James sits in the lounge reading a newspaper. The bellboy brings him a note. James opens it

“I want to come home, but, I can’t. Come and get me James!”

James jumps in his Austen Healy the doorman brought out of the garage, and speeds to the airport. More Aerial shot. Thirty seconds.

James lands in Montana and boards a train.

There are views of the wheels on the track, and James staring out the window. His total recall is being activated. He can hardly take the pain. He send out psychic feelers – messengers.

“Are you still there, Irene?” James whispers. The young woman across the isle buries her face in her book, mistaking James for a Talker, who might come and sit next to her.. If she only knew, what a stone cold killer he was. And how deeply in love he is.


Getting off in Whitefish, an old man and his grandson pick him up and take then to a small ranch. James put on the clothes they bought for him, opens a suitcase, and begins to arm himself with a variety of weapons. The fellow agents follow suit. James’ eyes bore deep into the young man who looked like he was a expert with guns. He wanted him to see why they were going to risk their lives. These are the few words spoken in this movie, if not the last words.;

“You risk your life, for God, for Country, and the Woman you can’t stop loving!”


I created this post in less than an hour. James Bond……is reborn. And, that is that!

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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