Ditched at the Ditch

I am convinced Bill Cornwell planned to throw me in the Grand Canyon, and my daughter was for that. Bill could not conceive a child and his father was a big Tea Party Insurrectionist who got into a family tree contest with me on Facebook – and lost. He met with my daughter’s mother and hatched a plot to get rid of me so they can have my grandson to themselves – and Rosamond’s Fame and Fortune! I told Heather she and Tyler were the happy ending of my autobiography. What if – I’m dead – not around to enjoy my happy ending – AND ALL THAT MONEY? These are not writers and artists. They are dumb-brute thugs, and Orcs! Liberals are gifted people. They are cheating the the Children of the Righteous Right with the help of minorities. I am the King of the Liberals in Bill’s violent mind. He races cars for a living, and never made a dime. His race car got in a wreck, and he has no money to fix it. I just put my daughter in my Will.

Bill spots people in the distance getting close to the edge where there is no railing and says;

“Let’s go over there!”

We go a hundred yards and I say;

“Let’s go home!”

Bill is furious! This is the first time I met this Thug-scum, and he is giving me his best riotous scowl that the world would soon see on the President of the United States when things don’t go his way.

Our family tree got even better! I am so thrilled the Devil the Cornwell’s worship – is going to prison!




 View of Grand Canyon at sunset
View of Grand Canyon at sunset

A family have been caught snapping photos right on the rim of the Grand Canyon, with only a couple of inches between them and a sheer drop thousands of feet to the canyon floor.


Rosamond Press

Capturing Beauty

My brother will forever be a coward in my eyes, because, he left me with all the hard questions to answer. The hardest question in our whole life, goes like this;

“If our father was such a evil son-0f-a-bitch, why did you marry the mother-fucker – mother?”

Our father ran from our home when Mark and I just turned twelve and thirteen. Rosemary had stabbed Vic between the eyes with a steak knife. She liberated us from our oppressor, the camp commandant. For a little while our beautiful mother paid attention to her two sons for the first time. Then, her drinking started, and, she brought our monster home almost every night, and butchered and castrated him into the Gunsmoke show, thru all the commercials, and into the Twilight Zone.

Life was better when he was home, putting his Lumpers through the hell he never went through. As…

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About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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