I Am the Go’el Redeemer

I beseech all Americans to cast out the servants of Slavery that use Jesus as their banner as they lead an army of invisible millionaires against the poor, the disenfranchised, the broken hearted. The slave masters of Satan are waging a war so that they may own your body, your mind, your soul, like they did in the good ol days! Real demons are trying to give new life to the old South. They are the walking, talking, dead!


Above is a photo of me up a tree with Dottie Witherspoon’s cat I rescued from a worshipper of Satan. In the attempt on my life my the Mafia, two thugs killed a little puppy and smeared its blood on the walls of the Manager’s appartment, thinking I lived there. I was acting manager of a appartment building on Beacon Hill in Boston where I took bootleggers and Killers to court. I won my case and was introduced to the Mayor who shook my hand, saying;

“It took a lot of guts to stand up to those people!”

Those so called men of God in South Carolina, are anointing this one and then that one – after forsaking Jesus and his mission! Do not be fooled – again!

Jon the Nazarite

About Royal Rosamond Press

I am an artist, a writer, and a theologian.
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